Electronic Commerce International

Physician Payment Protection

HIPPA Compliance Made Easier

ECI is the simplest way for your medical practice to have HIPPA Compliant credit card processing

Stop worrying about HIPAA required credit card data security.

  • Protect your practice and your patient’s credit card data
  • Every transaction is encrypted and tokenized for dual-layer protection
  • PCI Compliant: Cloud-based credit card system & POS – no onsite cardholder data storage needed
  • Added bonus – the Clover Mini is antimicrobial
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ECI’s Physician Payment Protection Makes Your Credit Card Payments HIPPA Compliant


Lower Cost Payment Processing

Save money for a healthier bottom line

Personal Customer Service

You are not just a number with ECI

Peace of Mind

Sleep well knowing your patients’ cardholder data is secure

ECI’s Physician Payment Protection platform is designed to make every credit card transaction HIPPA compliant.

Contact us at (888) 404-7500 for a free demo!

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