I understand the opportunity to elect former spouse coverage within 1 year of divorce. Please do not worry you are covered! Thank you. Speak with a qualified military divorce attorney if you havequestions about military divorce. What if neither knew they had to change the sbp annuity to former spouse? Is there someplace I can download something or a place to ask for a copy of the award letters that I could receive in a timely way? A surviving spouse or child may receive a special lump-sum death payment of $255 if they meet certain requirements. He made a SBP election when we got married 19 years ago. The family member may be a the only eligible child of the service member (elected in lieu of child coverage), or it may be the adult non-dependent child, parent, step-parent, sibling, grandchild, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle or cousin. As a smart friend says, Life insurance is for when the insured doesnt live as long as youd hope. I read that my wifes SBP will now be taxed at the estate tax rate of 37% Is this true? Spouse-and-Child (ren) 4. Thank you very much Kate. If it was supposed to be deducted as they said in the letter then that should surely be automatic (after all deductions usually are). She can apply to find out if it happened. Thank you! How do I continue to provide SBP for my spouse, or does she lose that benefit despite these years of payments. I have a new wife, would it be worth it to transfer to her and get up to date? My question is since my retirement is totally non taxable will my spouse have to pay income tax on her SBP benefit ? Your monthly pension is reduced by 10%. They will receive full benefits if you die before reaching 70 years and 360 payments and will not owe any additional for that coverage. His father (KIA) was in the Army. The most important thing to know is that (with few exceptions) all aspects of the SBP decision are made when the service member retires. Finally made calls and thats when I learned that there would be back payments that needed to be calculated. While it may seem on the surface that SBP serves you no purpose, there may be some reasons why thats not 100% true. However, if this subsequent marriage ends in death or divorce, SBP payments start up again. She had not had one of these cases before and decided to take it on. What can I do? I am unaware of any suicide-related qualifications for Survivor Benefit Plan payments. Let me know what you decide and what you learn. My wife passed away two years ago. Please keep me updated! Or is it just the military running it? All my kids are over 18. You can not start your SBP at this time. We were surprised that taxes withheld were very low; enough to require her to pay a penalty for underpayment. Insurable Interest Spouse: A spouse named as beneficiary must be married to the Service member on their date of NOE. In addition to its relatively modest cost, SBP provides an attractive income stream because it is inflation-adjusted each year and it continues until the death of the beneficiary. It allows for an extra payment each month that fills in some (or all) of amount that it is offset. It can be paid out of his VA disability compensation, he just has to authorize it. section 3702 regarding SBP payment of any claim not received within 6 years from the date it accrues basically a claim for Arrears of Pay. I realize that this is an uncomfortable thing to say, but I probably will not have the opportunity to chat with you again. An incapacitated or disabled child is defined as a child who is incapable of self-support because of a physical or mental disability that existed before the 18th birthday or which was incurred before age 22 while the child was pursuing a full-time course of study. Lourdes, I am unaware of any way to circumvent the requirements that SBP election be made within one year of marriage. I have two questions: Hi Kate! The 10% they withheld is that the amount you instructed them (on your W-4 form) to withhold, or did they select to withhold that amount on their own? Itand also applies retroactively to retirees who were previously unable to transfer their benefits after their ex-spouse died. There are several reasons why you might want to continue having SBP coverage even if your husband is 100% disabled, including the Special Survivors Indemnity Allowance (SSIA), if the SBP benefit is larger than the DIC benefit, etc. For survivors to receive DIC, the death must be related to a service-related injury or disease, or the retiree must have been receiving that VA compensation with a totally disabled rating for at least 10 years prior to the death. Im not sure he knew to do that. It is possible that you might be able to make a claim for the SBP benefits she should have received between his death and her death. Also keep in mind that life insurance vs. SBP is not an either-or question, nor is it an all-or-nothing question. My husband has an ex-wife and their divorce decree states he must select her as her SBP beneficiary. 2. Since he is not longer eligible for benefits, what happens to the money I paid into the plan for 15 years? Hi! Every situation is different. I wrote an entire post about the SBP-DIC offset here: Understanding The SBP-DIC Offset. My husband passed away back in December2017 and learned he did not elect to take out SBP when he retired in 1993. You say you were not paid the right amount of SBP. If you click on an advertisement or link, I may be compensated. I cannot find anything online in MyPay to download and print. Since she is getting part of his military retirement she gets her own RAS from DFAS, correct? I have met several folks who didnt meet the one year deadline and were unable to cover their spouse. Assistant General Counsel for Garnishment Operations. I am unaware of any such provision in the SBP rules. Let me help you keep up-to-date on your military pay and benefits! What does this mean and how is determined? Subscribe now for my newsy emails, which come about once every two weeks. DM, comparing term life insurance to SBP is like comparing an apple to a hamburger. The Comprehensive Military Retirement Checklist, additional amounts for dependent children or special circumstances. Social Security will pay a one-time death benefit of $255 to your spouse as of 2023 if they have been living in the same house as you. Received a letter from DFAS this last week informing me that from the period 09/01/2006 to 12/29/2011 back pay would not be eligible. 2. There are several variables that apply to your specific situation and impact the amount you receive. 2. Finally made calls and thats when I learned that there would be back payments that needed to be calculated. Im a former spouse was married with the retiree for 17 yrs.on our divorce decree stated that Im elected for SBP which I enrolled right away been paying it until retiree passed away last Jan.6,2019 I already sent my claim they received(DFAS) on Feb.1,2019 I had been calling them and they said they reuqusted to expedited it but also still under review. Thank you for this excellent information. blessings While Im not overly optimistic, your best bet would be to contact DFAS directly. Multiple children will share the total benefit if Children Only coverage is selected, or if Spouse/Former Spouse and Children coverage is selected and the Spouse/Former Spouse stops receiving benefits due to death or remarriage. I am the current spouse and began receiving the survivor annuity. He finally was awarded 100% service conneted disability. Will SBP payments be subtracted from her monthly payment until it is paid in full? How many children do you have, and how old are they? Wow, Sherry, you have a lot of different issues going on here: the first wife, the unpaid SBP bill, and the possibility of withdrawing. Yes, they are both food, but otherwise they not similar. Just curious did DFAS ever request repayment of your moms SBP since DIC gave back pay? There is one regular opportunity to cancel your SBP coverage after retirement. Im not sure he knew to do that. The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) is a program through which the Department of Defense provides monthly, cost-of-living-adjusted income to eligible survivors of Soldiers who die on Active Duty in the line of duty, including Reserve Soldiers and National Guard Soldiers who die on Federal Active . If not, what other sources of income do you see for them? Which means you have NO LEGAL RECOURSE should DFAS dig in their heels. It pays your eligible survivors an inflation-adjusted monthly income. Your email address will not be published. Premiums for child coverage are based upon the age of the retiree, the age of the youngest child at the time of retirement, and the age of the spouse/former spouse, if combination coverage is selected. I look forward to your comments and questions. We cover a little bit of everything. My mother is still alive but DFAS says that the word spouse is in the contract and because she is divorced from him and not his spouse she is not entitled to the SBP. he will turn 70 in a few month and has paid pretty close to the 360 month requirement but he not in good health. I also have my 2019 IRS 1099 form. My youngest attends college full time and will turn 22 in 2 months(december). Any estate worth more than $1 million is subject to estate taxes. Im guessing that I will still be making this payment in my early 90s. Tax has already been paid on the $8000 so I will have to make an adjustment to this years taxes. Written documentation regarding the death of FS; A copy of the FSs death certificate; and. Regardless of whether they took SBP or not, the families I know who are happy with their SBP decision are the ones who both understood the program thoroughly, and made the decision together about how it did or did not meet their familys needs. Hi Roger that is great news did she have to hire an attorney to get her SBP benefits? Ive had lots of folks ask me what happens if they die before reaching 70 years or making 360 payments. (Full retirement age for survivor benefits differs from . In my opinion, the attorney you hired should have made sure that you understood the SBP-DIC offset before even taking your case. You have had a service-connected disability rated by the VA as totally disabling for 10 or more continuous years. Im looking up some information and it might take a little time. The. I am 70. My husband is 68, and has been collecting Va disability benefits since he was disabled in 2005. So, am I understanding that if we apply for SBP benefits it will automatically be deducted out of his monthly disability payment? If I do enroll her in the first week when will her SBP coverage commence? It would stop if/when your spouse dies. 2 0 obj Jeff, are you asking about repaying that deficit now or how that deficit will impact annuity payments made to your survivors? My spouse and I are separating and as part of the agreement we are working through I wanted to ensure that her share of retired pay was retained. The portion of your late spouse's Social Security that you can collect rises from 71.5 percent if you file at 60 (or during your 50s if you are disabled) to 100 percent at your full retirement age. Child (ren) Only 3. Think about an insurance policy like this, if your preretirement income was $50,000/yr, than thats only 8 years of replacement income but not including housing/medical benefits. How was I to know cancer would catch up with her and she would die before me?". However, I am not a lawyer, nor do I know of every unusual interpretation of the law. beneficiary loses eligibility (spouse dies, or member and spouse divorce). I understand that you mean well, but trying to convince people to sign up for SBP is wrong. If my retired spouse dies before age 70 and 360 months havent been paid in SBP, am I still eligible to receive it? Ill let you know what I find out. I would assume over 24 years since my husbands death, I have received more SBP payments than SBP premiums we paid from 1982-1994 (retirement to death). worked for 30 years in the Marine. So, if he withdraws next year, does he have to contact his first wife in order to do that? I never signed any waiver giving up my SBP and would have never agree for him to do that also since I was always a stay at home wife raising our son. Thanks. The benefit is not split between the spouse and child(ren), and there are not multiple benefits going to multiple children. In particular, life insurance/survivor benefits and renting a house. A surviving spouse can collect 100 percent of the late spouse's benefit if the survivor has reached full retirement age, but the amount will be lower if the deceased spouse claimed benefits before he or she reached full retirement age. If you choose to replace SBP with life insurance, be sure to have a plan for how those insurance proceeds will be invested in a way that deals with how quickly inflation can erode the purchasing power of a dollar, and also a plan for how your beneficiaries can be assured of not out-living the proceeds from the insurance policy. He was married to another lady when he originally elected to take SBP, although he says he felt forced to do it by his officers at that time without proper explanation of what it was all about. You can learn more about this program at https://www.va.gov/opa/persona/dependent_survivor.asp. Kate, Im glad you are happy with your decision not to purchase SBP, but please do not counsel others without all the facts.. If the coverage is required by the divorce settlement, then the spouse must provide DFAS with a copy of the court order. Because DIC benefits are non-taxable, the net income is higher than if just SBP were received. My child is the beneficiary, when my child turns 18 and not in college do I get to stop paying SBP payments? Thank You Kate, Very clearly stated. Are there any Benefits for adult children since the spouse died before him? Thatnew interpretation affected situations in which SBP was awarded to an ex-spouse as part of adivorce settlement. Unless he is disabled, or youre paying for him as an insurable interest, your son is no longer eligible for SBP payments. Although I am eligible to participate in SBP as member of the uniformed services, does my nonmilitary spouse have any say in the election process? Gabriel, there are a couple of things going on here, but regardless he wont have wasted his money paying for SBP. . SBP charges were never deducted from his pay. SBP is not the right tool for every situation. She did not send the within that 1 year timeline. I dont know of anyone who has dealt with this situation. Have I a leg to stand on at all? Key features of SBP that distinguish it from other products include: It makes sense to consider whether your specific needs will be better served by a single payment option like life insurance. If the beneficiary isnt going to want that job, how will they find and supervise the right financial advisors. If so what is your advise for me because I dont think I will be able to meet the 360 payments base on my current age of 62. We all know of older folks who sacrifice their own comfort because they are afraid of running out of money. 2-Spouse & Child(ren): Under this election, the Whoever briefed you from casualty affairs should have automatically had you sign the forms for SBP and DIC and had you make your election after explaining the benefits accordingly. Did you file your divorce decree with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)? There are additional costs for children. I will throw in a small note here about investments. Me, I wouldnt sleep well at night with a lump sum of money and the responsibility to make it last and to ensure that its value isnt eroded by inflation. FERS - To elect a full 50% survivor annuity for your spouse your annuity will be decreased by 10%. You are absolutely correct that term life insurance is often much less expensive than SBP, but they are very different products. Other issues related to the death of a FS, such as what can happen to a FS's Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) can be found by clicking here. I am currently at 90% from the VA and have my payments sent to DFAS from my VA offset. Ms. Horrell, though I appreciate your consideration in my matter, I frankly would have thought it better if you had stopped yourself after the first sentence and left your personal comments out of the issue. The child category includes not only natural children, adopted children, and step-children, but also may include grandchildren and foster children who meet certain eligibility criteria. I am sure the person who sold him on the VGLI didnt explain how the premium would go up dramatically as he got older. With regard to the new wife, if you have been married less than a year, it might be worth getting caught up with the payments (if they will let you) and adding coverage for her. Thank You for your input. If it was not paid to you automatically when it was determined that your SBP would be offset by DIC, then Im thinking the next step would be to contact DFAS through one of these methods. Accredited Financial Counselor, Navy spouse, and mom of four. But that was it. But thats just me. The benefit amount is based on the amount of retirement pay that you choose to cover anywhere from $300 to the full amount of retirement pay. Kate does not represent the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, or any government agency. It takes less than 3 years of SBP benefits to recoup every cent that is paid into SBP even if the service member paid in the entire 30 years before reaching-paid up status, and that assumes that there is no cost of living adjustment in that entire time. Can you give me any advice on what to do? I think they are extremely understaffed these days. What is DFAS currently saying about the situation? Thank you for your time. Second, survivors who are affected by the SBP-DIC offset are eligible for a $310 month allowance called the Special Survivors Indemnity Allowance (SSIA). When I received the return of SBP premiums they withheld about 10%. I used to say it was absolutely right for everyone, and then I started working with some families who had enough other resources to make SBP unnecessary. My husband retired from USAF and was receiving his retirement pay. I read on the DFAS website that, in the event of direct deposit payments( I dont feel is classed as a deduction as they said) being missed , that the missed payments must be deducted from the total annuity, upon the annuitants claim therefore reducing the annuity amount by the amount of missed payments. And this all happened a long time ago. If she dies after he retires (and before he dies), can he then name me as his beneficiary in her place? The request for the change originally came from defense officials, said Dustin Walker, spokesman for the Senate Armed Services Committee. View on Amazon Military Guide to Financial Independence Pat, Im sorry to hear that this has turned out this way. I know people who have received benefits when their spouse died within the first year after retirement. This nice lady was not bitter and still talks of fondly of her military memories. Might get further with IRS. I am concerned about problems he might encounter after my death if taxes are to be collected since he is not a US citizen and does not have a SSN. Will it stop automatically? Coverage for active duty service members is automatic and does not require any action or payments. I have appealed that decision of DFAS denial back in January of 2019 and still waiting to see what happens. NOTE: Your spouse will receive 55% of $40,000 for CSRS annuitants when you die and a FERS spouse . Thats an awful way to live but so is actually running out of money. When I buy food, it isnt a loss, its trading money for a goods or service. Thank you so much for your help. Spouse/Former Spouse: This is the primary category of SBP coverage, and may also include coverage for a former spouse. Wait, so are you saying she paid in for 25 years and isnt going to see any of that? Premiums are taken by reducing retired pay, so they don't count as income. She knew nothing about a refund and that refund could result in a large irs tax penalty! Coverage continues until they are 18, or 22 if a full-time student. Whether or not it is unfair isnt particularly interesting to me, because it is what it is, and it has always been this way. Good luck to you! RCSBP Benefit Amount RCSBP pays designated annuitants 55 percent of your retired pay. Thank you for your response. Ann, this is beyond my level of knowledge, but here are my thoughts: Former spouse SBP coverage wasnt even an option until 1982, so it wouldnt have been included in their divorce. SBP provides inflation-adjusted, lifetime coverage. https://www.dfas.mil/retiredmilitary/survivors/Understanding-SBP-DIC-SSIA. My question is how can the military do that after he gave 30 years of service as retired as an E9 Master Chief in the Navy and get away with it? Im sorry that your father did not understand that when he made the choice to enroll in SBP. My USAF father passed away and my mother started receiving his SBP benefits. Per this webpage http://militarypay.defense.gov/Benefits/Survivor-Benefit-Program/Stopping-SBP/, After retirement, insurable interest coverage may be changed to cover a newly acquired spouse and/or child within one year of the first marriage, birth, or adoption. And, honestly, it seems to make sense to me. The new law allows: A military retiree who was married at the time of an ex-spouse's death, or who later remarries, to elect to provide SBP coverage to his or her current spouse. Did your husband inform DFAS of his divorce and elect to continue former spouse coverage on his ex-wife. Why is he not paying the SBP premiums as required? Thank you! In the meantime, you can make arrangements for your SBP premiums to be made from your VA pay using Form 2891 or you can make payments directly to the VA using the address listed on this webpage. SBP coverage would then be the only coverage. My husband died in 1994 and I have been receiving SBP since then. Its a little complicated, but you cant make a proper decision about SBP unless you understand this offset. Be aware that there are many regulations about SBP, including former spouse coverage, disabled child coverage, and insurable interest coverage. Certain time limits and other conditions apply. Since I am claiming him as a dependent on taxes do I also include the 1099-R information on my tax return or should I also do a separate return under his social? I am a retiree and I have been making monthly SBP premium payments for Spouse/Child coverage since my retirement. The SBP cost factors displayed are based on spouse-only coverage. Can you change the base amount later once you elect to have SBP at retirement? This topic is dear to my heart, and I love to help people understand it better. I thought that the SBP can not be cancelled without the spouses signature. Thanks. I elected full SBP (55%) for my wife on retirement. The issue of military pay for surviving spouses (widows or widowers) is confusing and a little challenging. You understood the SBP-DIC offset before even taking your case required by the settlement... Had a service-connected disability rated by the divorce settlement, then the spouse must provide DFAS with a qualified divorce! 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