Cassio's flawed honor and courtliness are juxtaposed in this scene with Iago's manipulativeness and deceptiveness. It would be useful for the teacher to find the definitions of these words in the. He is going to ruin her credit with Othello by spreading rumors of her cheating. However, Iago strikes gold when he figures out Cassio's weakness for drink; it is this flaw that makes Cassio finally seem human, and tarnishes his golden, polished image. "Reputation is a most idle and false imposition," Iago says; but this statement is a false consolation (II.iii.268-269). Insider's Guide: Language in Othello Othello by William . Iago, left uncontested. Who said the quote? an academic expert within 3 minutes. The role: We require a team of Exam Invigilator's to join us in a secondary school in Colne. The play Othello was written by William Shakespeare between 1600 and 1605. Indeed the Turks are the enemy in Cyprus, but it is interesting that Othello uses language that conveys otherness. This activity involves research and written class work for 4 groups of students. On the other hand, Othello is also to blame as Iago had only set forth accusations and opinions yet Othello himself decided to follow them. Use the worksheet 3, in class for student groups. Hell and night must bring this monstrous birth to the worlds light. Iago also appeals to Roderigos pathos in line 301 when he says that if Roderigo kills himself by drowning, then Iago will never love him after he dies. Iago's speech in Act 2 Scene 3, after he offers advice to Cassio about how to retain his military position as part of his cunning plan, serves as an insight into many of Iago's personality traits. Because nettles, hyssop, and thyme can all be referred to as weeds, Roderigo gives a negative tone. J. N. Smith. A terrible storm has struck Cyprus, just as the Turks were about to approach. Roderigo, on the defensive and trying to present himself and Iago as a unified front, casually refers to Othello as "the thick-lips." This epithet is both an attempt to undermine Othello's military achievements with a cheap stereotype as well as a way to pit Roderigo and Iago's physical similarity against Othello's unfamiliar appearance. Shakespeare's, "Othello" has been thoroughly studied and read. Iago, on the other hand, claims that reputa- tion is "an idle and most false imposition, oft got without merit and lost without deserving" (II, iii, 268-270). GradeSaver, 29 September 2014 Web. What in-formation do Roderigo and Iago give to Brabantio regarding Des-demona . Our KS4 classroom activities and games will provoke some fascinating discussions about crime, punishment, justice and morality in different historical periods. This quote is comparing Cassio to a dog. Graziano enters to find Othello armed and mourning Desdemona. Iago asks if Cassio knew who he was chasing after, but Cassio says that he can't remember anything distinctly. In the order of their appearance, list the characters who arrive from Venice in Scene 1. Examine iago's language at the end of Act Two. Early on in the play the audience comes to find that Iago is disloyal, evil and deceiving, we come to realise this when he speaks to Roderigo and he uses quotations such as I follow him to serve my turn upon him The quote shows that Iago is only serving Othello to his own advantageous needs, to serve Othello for his own benefits; this indicates to the audience that Iagos intentions to do this are by being deceiving and disloyal. Each group should also be assigned to trace one character's "honesty" throughout the play. Struggling with distance learning? Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Meanwhile, Iago moves his plot into its second phase: to twist two noble traitsCassio's desire to regain his honor and Desdemona's generosityto provoke Othello's doubt of Desdemona and sexual jealousy of Cassio. That these two things happen almost simultaneously heightens the play's tragedy. The Duc had studied under B--, il avait tu ses six hommes. this quote suggests to the audience that Iago is saying his plot is so evil that hell and night shall give birth to it. Iago begins his attempt to corrupt Cassio in this act, by trying to get him to admit to impure thoughts about Desdemona. However, Othello does not seek to profit from Desdemona's own attempt to "direct" a scene to his benefit. Either as an in-class exercise or as a homework assignment, students can use worksheet 2, In class, the teacher should focus on Iago's introduction of the words "jealousy," "cuckold" and "monster" into his rhetoric. What do you think might be the consequences of this fact? He plays on Roderigo's anger and Cassio's low tolerance of alcohol. A storm has dispersed the Venetian fleet so that Cassio arrives first, anxious for Othello's safety. To whom was it addressed? Through Iagos many qualities, Jealousy and Paranoia seem to be exaggerated throughout the play, it is because of Iagos jealousy is of such as great extent that he is brought to bring about the downfall of Othello. Therefore Iago decides to give him a cheerful speech in which he says, If thou canst cuckold him, thou dost thyself a pleasure, me a sport. (Shakespeare I.iii.360-361). Othello. Cassio stands in especially sharp contrast to Iago when Iago speaks lustfully of Desdemona; Cassio is full of honor when it comes to women, and the ideals of a courtier as well. The banter between Iago and Desdemona creates a nervous, uncomfortable atmosphere, in part because their levity is inappropriate, given that Othello's ship remains missing. Othello Study Guide | GradeSaver . By refusing to speak, Iago retains some of the directorial control of events that he has striven for throughout: he never reveals his inner reality to the other characters. The relationship between Roderigo and Iago is obviously somewhat close. He knows exactly what to say and when to say it to incite jealousy within anyone he wishes. The . "Othello Act II Summary and Analysis". Iago decides that this is good enough a reason as any, even though he has no evidence whatsoever, he explains this when he says will do as if for surety. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. In his soliloquies and dialogues he reveals himself to the audience to be a master of connotative and metaphoric language, inflammatory imagery, emotional appeals, well-placed silences, dubious hesitations, leading questions, meaningful repetition, and sly hints. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Francis Ferguson in Two Worldviews Echo Each Other describes the types of base, loathsome imagery used by the antagonist Iago when he slips his mask aside while awakening Brabantio: Roderigos opening lines to Iago in Act 1 Scene 1 take us to the very root of the problem: Iagos Use of Language and Villainous Behavior in Shakespeares Othello. Cassio's relative restraint, despite having been wounded by Roderigo and Iago and mistrusted by Othello, reveals his strength of character, which contrasts with Iago's increasingly sadistic malice as the extent of his plot is revealed. Language - Edward Sapir 1921 Professor Sapir analyzes, for student and common reader, the elements of language. Midterm Exam-2 Guide; ISO 9001 2015 Checklist; STI Chart SP2019; . Much like the stereotypes that are hurled his way, Othello contrasts the "barbarous" behavior with the "Christian" brotherhood of the Venetians. Use a dictionary if necessary. Iago easily convinces him out of it by pointing out Othellos shortcomings. The series was a spinoff of The Andy Griffith Show, and the pilot episode was introduced as the final fourth-season episode which aired on May 18, 1964. LitCharts Teacher Editions. The characters that comment on the storm are mariners, alluding to Ursa Minor and stars used for navigation; this is a testament to Shakespeare's ability to craft credible dialogue for a great diversity and range of characters. The next time around, however, Roderigo makes a direct attack on Iago saying that Iago is purposely tricking Roderigo. How does the setting change from Act 1 to the Act 2? are among the most famous in the play. The storm marks the end of the peaceful part of the play, a signal that Iago's mischief is about to begin. How does Shakespeare reveal Iago's villainy throughout 'Othello'? Teachers and parents! What do Wilfred Owens poems reveal about his views on religion? Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Iago uses the same type appeal to pride in lines 355-357 when he says that it would be better to die by hanging with her rather than to die by drowning without her. He is a master at making someone look bad while seemingly trying to defend that person. The tragedy in literary tradition normally revolves around a consequence or Achilles heel in which the character is exploited through a tragic flaw or inability to cope with unfavourable circumstances. While Iago is able to persuade Roderigo to give it more time, Roderigo doesn't completely trust Iago as he did before. Iago uses his deft and astute strategic acts of manipulation to undermine each characters weaknesses. In class, reread the passages cited above. Misrepresentation is a theme that surfaces often through Iago's villainy; already, he makes Desdemona seem like a fickle, lusty woman, which he will soon try to convince Othello of. Besides, his Grace hated a scene--De L'Omelette is himself again. "He's a soldier fit to stand by Caesar," Iago acknowledges. Another way in which the play could be interpreted is the fact that he was not promoted and so that he could achieve his sweet revenge, in order to do so he must break Othello part from part slowly (as in his references to poison throughout the play) and the thing he loves dearest Desdemona as well as not revealing his true intentions. Here he is cultivating the seeds of doubt in Othello's mind. Chicago's Shakespeare Theatre essay, "1604 and All That,"along withWashington DC's Shakespeare Theatre Company'sA Cultural Context for Othello,and the Folger Shakespeare Library's "American Moor,"provide insights into what it meant to be a moor in Shakespeare's time. Iago 4. Though Iago seems grieved by Cassio's promotion over him, this does not seem to be his main, or only, motive. Iago also tries to coax Cassio's feelings about Desdemona, and make her seem tempting to him; but his intentions are innocent and friendly, so this approach fails. 1. This is a phrase that Iago uses to appeal to Roderigos emotion. A ''Moor'' meant that Othello was dark-skinned and . YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE. A messenger arrives with news that the Turkish fleet has been so damaged by the storm that it no longer threatens Cyprus. He commits suicide claiming that His only crime was loving too much. Which lines could foreshadow trouble? Cassio's ship, followed by Desdemona's ship, is the first Venetian ship to arrive. A remarkable resource maintained by the University of Toronto, the Early Modern English Dictionary Database (EMEDD) makes accessible the contents of dictionaries, glossaries, grammars, and encyclopedias published in England from 1500 to 1660. Iago says how there are "many a duteous and knee crooking knave thatwears out his time, much like his master's ass". Iago takes advantage of the desperate former suitor of Desdemona and controls his emotions like a puppeteer pulling strings. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. We blame Iago for the deaths that occur in the play, we also come to find that Iagos true personality were revealed to the other characters at the end of the play, but only at the expensive of other characters lives. To Othello and the others, Iago pretends not to understand how the whole fight came about, but he defends Cassio, saying that Cassio surely received from "him that fled" (Roderigo) some "strange indignity, / Which patience could not pass." Cassio mourns the demise of his "reputation" above all else. He uses this to portray Othello as a Donkey, as he believes that Othello can be ordered to do as he pleases in this sense, the audience knows this is through Iagos manipulation and persuasion. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. EDSITEment's "A Teacher's Guide for Shakespeare", EDSITEment is a project of theNational Endowment for the Humanities, Folger Shakespeare Library digital text for, Chicago's Shakespeare Theatre essay, "1604 and All That, Folger Shakespeare Library's "American Moor,", Lexicons of Early Modern EnglishDatabase(, Lexicons of Early Modern English Database (, Gilchrist, K. J. Approximations: Iago as a Plautine leno, Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: Leadership and a Global Stage, "Not of an age, but for all time": Teaching Shakespeare, Iago's mastery of rhetoric: So they can more fully appreciate Iago's rhetorical skill, students should be introduced to (or reminded about) rhetoric and rhetorical devices before jumping immediately into the play. Although Othello and Desdemona's reunion is joyful and passionate, the language of the scene hints at other emotions in Othello. The Moor, a common name to disregard Othello, rose through the ranks in the Venetian army only to be de-ranked by the evil Iago. These literary traditions are common among the play Othello and is seen throughout the novel through several characters including Othello, Cassio, Roderigo and Iago. Using examples from the beginning of the scene, explain the differences between how Othello speaks about and to Desdemona and how Cassio and Iago discuss the current "situation" between Othello and Desdemona. , Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper, "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy". Auden once said, "There is more than meets the eye", suggesting that there may be a hidden or deeper meaning behind a person's initial appearance. An illustration of text ellipses. His use of the terms "purchase" and "profit" make it seem like Othello is trying to make his diction suitable for the crowd listening to him, and his tone is also less personal and more declarative. Don't use plagiarized sources. This builds on Iago's soliloquy in Act 1 scene 3, where he reveals to the audience that he intends to create suspicion in Othello's mind that Desdemona is having a secret relationship with Cassio, "after some time, to abuse Othello's ear that he is too familiar with his wife..". How does Othello react to the disturbance? My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Every teacher of literature should use these translations. This also shows Roderigo that he should at least have the joy of winning the prize when he dies. I also think another way to interpret the play is discrimination; the fact Iagos character refers to Othello with terms such as The Moor a downgrading term towards minorities, this means that Iagos character is racist and the fact that Black individuals were hardly ever seen across Venice, means that Iago dislikes his nature and thus formed a ruse to dispose of him. 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