Close to the great 30-06, and with heavy weight bullets will take just about any large game animal in the Americas. Click here to learn more about Long Range rifles >. The checkering is done in a bordered point pattern, and its very nicely executed. The trigger is pretty good for a lever action. It was dropped from the Winchester stable in 1936, and ammo companies sealed its doom in 1955, ceasing loading it. All Deals; Today; Categories . Often seen as being outdated, the .45-70 has been around for a long-ass time: since the 1870s. I have taken it on a couple of hunts but never been able to close the deal on a critter with it yetsomething I need to reconcile. Learn More . But by far the best when you combine both velocity and accuracy, and that is H4198. The high-velocity smokeless load was in a class with the .444 Marlin, and its power exceeded the .348 and .358 Winchester. When the Winchester M1895 was discontinued in 1936, the cartridge was considered obsolete. of muzzle energy. Truth be told, most African Professional Hunters would agree with his assessment of the cartridge today: its great for hunting many animals, but there are many better choices for thick-skinned dangerous game than the .405 Winchester. Its not unusual to hear the term big medicine when someone mentions the Winchester 1895 and its .405 Win. The .243 Winchester bullet has a balistic coefficient of 0.405 while .444 Marlin bullets have a ballistic coefficient of 0.225. The Model 1895 was the last John M. Browning design for Winchester. If you want a 338 I would go with the Howa, Weatherby Vanguard, or Savage. Current-manufacture guns feature the much more common scalloped receiver and two-piece lever. In todays post my dad will go over the history of the .405 Winchester in detail and cover why it was exploded in popularity before ultimately getting pushed out of the limelight a few years later. But at 2730 fps the muzzle energy is 3310
Contributor Mike Roux takes his audience through a few factors that contribute to a successful hunt. To fill the void, Marlin Firearms teamed up with Remington to develop a cartridge which would see the light of day in 1964: the .444 Marlin. Im sure if I had a 280 grain or 300 grain bullet that was a spire point boatail 44 it would have stabilization problems. Formally known as the .45-70-405relating caliber-powder charge-bullet weight specificationsthe cartridge was commercially known as the .45-70 Government, and that 405-grain lead bullet travelled at a muzzle velocity of just about 1400 fps, though a heavier 500-grain bullet was soon employed. Accurately shooting 355 gr and 405 gr Beartooth GCHC at 1,950 fps and 1,790 fps. . Corporation. of energy respectively. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program, Remington Model 700 American Hunter Rifle Project, .450 Nitro Express vs. .470 Nitro Express, .358 Winchester vs. .350 Remington Magnum, .25-06 Remington vs. .257 Weatherby Magnum, Head to Head: .308 Winchester vs. .338 Federal, Head to Head: .308 Winchester vs. 7mm-08 Remington, Head to Head: .500 Jeffery vs. .505 Gibbs, Head to Head: .22-250 Remington vs. .204 Ruger, Head to Head: .303 British vs. 8x57 Mauser, Fiocchi USA Appoints David Blenker As New CEO After Anthony Acitellis Retirement | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Behind the Bullet: .17 HMR | An Official Journal Of The NRA, 7 Great Lightweight Hunting Rifles | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Product Preview: 7th Edition Ammo Encyclopedia | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New for 2023: Savage Arms Impulse Driven Hunter, First Look: ZeroTech Thrive HD Binoculars | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Launching 2023: KelTec R50 Rifle | NRA Family, New For 2023: Glock 47 MOS | An Official Journal Of The NRA, 11 New Ammo Options For 2023 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Savage Arms 110 PCS | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Davidson's Winchester Model 1895 Texas Ranger's Edition | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Colt King Cobra Target .22 LR | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Coyote Hunting Basics | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Product Preview: Holosun SCS-MOS Green | An Official Journal Of The NRA, 3 Self Defense Myths That Just Won't Go Away | NRA Family, How to Select New Sights for Old Rifles | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Shotgunning 101: The Perfect Gun Mount | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Glass Bedding A Rifle Stock | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New 4473 Released By BATFE | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Member's Hunt: Road Trip | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Springfield Launches New Online Shopping Experience | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Sarco, Inc. 2nd Amendment Pint Glass | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Fiocchi: Ammunition With Italian Flair | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Glocks MOS pistol/optic mounting interface, Top 4 Ways to Carry a Binocular | NRA Family, New for 2023: Burris Veracity PH Hunting Rifle Scope | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Mission First Tactical 24-oz. It has an advertised muzzle velocity of 2,400 fps. Interestingly enough, the .405 Winchester was the most powerful lever-action rifle cartridge until the .444 Marlin came along over 50 years later. Hornadys current load throws a 300-grain pointed softpoint bullet at 2,200 fps out of this rifle, and for once the chronograph figures I got exactly matched the book specs. | Friends of Billy Dixon
While I think the .444 Marlin is a sound design, there is such a diversity in the .45-70 Government makes it a logical and abundant choice for the hunter. As befits a lever action of its era, there are no sling swivel studs. Sharpe wrote that it was one of the cleanest-burning powders in the DuPont line, flexible enough to handle cartridges from the .22 Hi-Power up to the .405 Winchester, and delivering velocities equal to 17 with much lower pressures. Introduced in 1965 with the .444 Marlin cartridge, the Model 444 was the most powerful lever action of its day. on Cape buffalo. At 50 yards offhand I could keep all of my shots in a volleyball with a relatively rapid rate of fire. 9.3 vs 405 Win [Re: Metalguy] # 148743 - 24/12/09 11:06 AM : Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply I run 600 rounds between cleanings . Contributing Editor for RifleShooter Magazine, Brad Fitzpatrick gives us a review of this modernized version of an iconic favorite. With an Accu-Fit stock and left hand adjustable bolt, this rifle is a perfect choice for anyone! Jun 28, 2014. 300 Winchester Magnum Unprimed Rifle Brass 100 Count 178-4PH7096 | Lapua $199.99 $2.00 Per Piece In Stock 308 Winchester Unprimed Rifle Brass (Large Primer) 100 Count 178-4PH7217 | Lapua $99.99 $1.00 Per Piece In Stock Sale! and the 250 grain jacketed bullet in 308 is just about the highest weight we can find unless we go to custom bullet makers. While the .45-70 Government may get the glory, Marlin's .444 is still a mighty fine cartridge. This is still one of the most powerful rimmed cartridges designed specifically for lever-action rifles. However, many hunters and shooters in the USA still have a certain nostalgia for the cartridge. Energy. And over the last few years as I have written of the much higher ballistics of the Winchester 444, I have run into the critics with all the old jargon. The cartridge and the rifle enjoyed moderate success here in the States as a bear and elk rifle. The buck folded up within 20 to 30 feet! Wood-to-metal fit is proud all the way around, but at least its consistent. On Wednesday, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) sent a notice of intent to sue to the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) for alleged violations of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), due to the hunting of gray wolves in Wyomings Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest. Winchester 350 . H-335 comes in second and they both are hard to beat. Make sure you subscribe to The Big Game Hunting Podcast and follow The Big Game Hunting Blog on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, andYouTube. Naturally, the 300 grain Hornady bullets can handle most American game. Theodore Roosevelt was perhaps the most famous hunter to ever use the .405 Winchester cartridge and the Winchester 1895 rifle. Mag..375 Ruger vs. .375 H&H Magnum7mm-08 Remington vs. .280 Remington .280 Remington vs. .280 Ackley Improved 7mm vs. .30 Caliber6.5 Weatherby RPM vs. 6.5 PRC.338 Win. vs. .340 Wby. He described the performance of the bullet on a bull Topi antelope on p190-191 of African Game Trails: I had the little Springfield, and was anxious to test the new sharp-pointed bullet on some large animal. On Wednesday, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) sent a notice of intent to sue to the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) for alleged violations of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), due to the hunting of gray wolves in Wyomings Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest. The recovered bullet was around 55 caliber and 191 grains. It is a tapered round barrel, and with the polishing it is difficult to mate exactly, so there is a slight gap between the barrel and the front sight to ensure there is no contact with the sight and the front barrel, he said. Heck, the .405 Winchester was so popular that Kynoch produced factory ammunition for the cartridge for several years. Youll get no argument from me on that score. I shoot the 95 in 405 and a 45-70 sharps. 405 Cal 402 Bore-412 Groove 444 M 421 Bore-431 Groove 458 Cal 450 Bore-458 Groove ---------- ** For other calibers please inquire ** PRICING $300 for 3 groove [as of 10-1-22] Call for 4 or 5 groove Stainless is $25 Additional includes return shipping on std rebore jobs psi. There are a couple other odd-ball rounds out there that convert to .410 size shells but .444 marlin and .303 british are the two that seem to be used the most. Power to spare for moose and such (the lighter bullets like the great 165 grain will give substantially more ft. lbs. One way to think about this is as such: a foot-pound is a unit of energy equal to the amount of energy required to raise a weight of one pound a distance of one foot. This is hog wash. Furthermore, the muzzle energy of a .308 Winchester round averages out to 2620 ft-lb, while a .45-70 Government round averages out to about 2270 ft-lb. I have an 1895 in 30-06 that is a very good rifle, accurate with factory loads and carries well for a day in the woods. It was the most powerful lever-action cartridge available until the .444 Marlin was introduced in 1964, and was highly regarded by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt during his safari in East Africa. I greatly appreciate the note about the 400 Woodleighs. The results were impressive; the 300-grain soft point at some 2,200 fps made the jug come apart nicely. You have to determine that yourself. Bitching about it wont change a thing. That 240 grain bullet went all the way thru, punching out with a 50 cent size hole just behind the off shoulder knuckle. and tore everything inside with a 2+ inch radial wound channel. An original 1895 Model in .405 commands a premium, but you can still find a repo occasionally. Well maybe you could help me out and direct me to some tested data that shows the 300 gr bullet doing 2200 out of the 444. Many hunters have employed the.405 Winchester on African large game, including Rhino and Buffalo, since its debut; however, because of the bullet's low sectional density, it is mainly recommended for light-skinned species. The flattest-shooting .444 Marlin load is probably the 265-grain FP Superformance load from Hornady. Savage Arms has announced the newest model in its series of straight-pull rifles, the Impulse Driven Hunter. .444 marlin fits perfect and is already a straight wall case, measuring roughly 2 1/4". Click here to learn more about Take Down rifles >. Looking for previous installments of our "Head to Head" series? But speaking of wild boar, Boddington said with the standard 300-grain load its lights out on hogs, and it certainly has enough energy to tackle the biggest North American game. Mag..404 Jeffery vs. .416 Rigby.243 Winchester vs. 6mm Creedmoor.300 PRC vs. .300 Win. Ammo companies and reloading books had gotten comfortable giving out 1800 to 2100 fps loads. The old Trapdoor rifles are restricted to a lower pressure level than are the modern, strongly-built lever guns like the Marlin Model 1895 and Winchester Model 1886; though the case may be thin, it can generate impressive numbers in a modern gun. Mag. The decision may now be influenced by availability of both rifles and ammunition, with the breakup of the parent company which owned Marlin (thankfully Marlin has been purchased by Ruger). We've got you covered.7x57mm Mauser vs. .280 Remington.300 Win. FLAT SHIPPING! With the extra weight of the encore and MT, the 444 is more pleasant to shoot compared to contender. Lee doesnt give velocities for this bullet but does for 270 grain jacketed bullets with 46.5 grains of H4198 at 2261 fps and 3065 ft. lbs. Its oil-finished black walnut, nothing fancy but with a handsome grain. 280 CorBons are routinely shot out of the Marlin with 22-inch barrel at 2310 fps. The 220 grain .308 bullet at 2300 fps from at .308 rifle with a 3" 100 yard setting will be right on at 200, 7" low at 250 yards, and near 15 inches at 300 yards. (taken from the Hornady ballistics tables, the heaviest .308 bullet in the Hornady ballistics section). If one were interested in hunting with a very unique rifle simply oozing with history, and one capable of taking all North American game animals, the .405 Winchester is a great choice. Bullet Works | Gunblast.Com |
This cartridge is useless, and it may have caused a host of ejection problems in our test gun. The exceptions of course are Venterino and Taffin and a very few others. A centerfire cartridge, the.405 Winchester rifle cartridge is made by Winchester. . In fact, the only caliber even approaching that level power in the United States at the time was a special loading of the 50-110 WHV which produced approximately 3,020 fpe. Now, to find reload data ! Results on the latter were decidedly mixed, and Roosevelt admitted it was a bit wanting at the largest end of the game spectrum. Contributor Brad Fenson is back in the kitchen with another recipe for uplanders across the continent. The 444 Marlin is loaded in the Marlin action to about 44,000 psi. Today the .444 has a small but staunch following among lever action big bore enthusiasts. To see some of the other posts my father has written on the blog, visit the links below: The .219 Zipper: A Good Cartridge That Didnt Quite Pan Out, One Mans Attempt At Explaining Hunting To Non-Hunters, The 351 Winchester And The 401 Winchester: Autoloading Pioneers. versions of the rifle. The current barrel measures 1.12 inches in diameter at the receiver, tapering to 0.73 inch at the muzzle. [4] Catalog listings of the cartridge ceased in 1955. The .45-70 with a 24 barrel and . President Theodore Roosevelt hailed the.405 Winchester on a tour to East Africa in 1909. President Theodore Roosevelt was a huge fan of the .405 Winchester and took a pair of them on his famous African safari, pronouncing the cartridge as big medicine for lion. just looking for feedback on some quality rifles for around $550 in .338 win mag and .444 marlin. Though many changes were made, the primary difference was that rifles produced after 1964 no longer had a Mauser-style "controlled round feed" bolt. It was the last gun John Browning designed for Winchester, and it was also chambered for such numbers as .30-03 (forerunner to the .30-06), .303 British, .30-40 Krag, .30-06, .35 Winchester Center Fire, .38-72 WCF and .40-72 WCF. Recoil? Beth Shimanski of Savage introduces their all new straight-pull rifle. To show viewers how to succeed at long range, J. Guthrie gears up for a challenging shot while chasing Colorado pronghorn at long range with DPMS' Panther 6.5 Creedmoor. That total included a run of nearly 300,000 guns in 7.62 Russian, a contract job for the czars. This means that the momentum of a rifle's reaction will exactly equal the momentum of the bullet and powder gasses ejected from the barrel. I did shoot a couple 100-yard groups just for fun, and they came in around 2.5 inchesgenerally in line with what I got at 50 yards. 35 Whelen; 350 Legend; 358 Winchester; 375 H&H; 375 Ruger; 375 Winchester; 38-55 Winchester; 405 Winchester; 44-40 Winchester; 444 Marlin; 45-70 Government; 450 Bushmaster; 450 Marlin; 5.45x39mm; 5.56 mm NATO; 5.7 x 28 mm; 50 BMG; . This squat bullet is down to 1,370 f.p.s. Match-Grade Rifle Primers: Are They Better and Worth the Extra Expense? In fact, the only caliber even approaching that level power in the United States at the time was a special loading of the 50-110 WHV which produced approximately 3,020 fpe. did not endure is that it used an almost one-of-a-kind bulleta .4115-inch diameter, 300-grain soft point. I did not win the side match; my friend who goes by Yakima Red in CAS shooting, beat me by hitting his 83-yard jug with the first shot from his 1894 Winchester in .30-30. The .405 WCF. As far as I can tell noone has said the 444 is a bad or a short range cartridge. Shooting from field positions was fun. yeah i will be reloading both rounds. The extractor is located just a few degrees off top dead-center, and a plunger-type ejector in the bolt face kicks out empties with authority. Nods to modern times include a rebounding hammer and a manual safety: a sliding two-position job on the tang that shows red when in the Fire position. I will say however that many who pen articles about it and the comparison of it to other big bore cartridges in its class, do not particularly like it. Overall, the 444 is the flatter shooting of the two and has less of a drop, overall. It was this encounter that led to the now famous quote that he documented on page 200 of African Game Trails: Tarlton took his big double-barrel and advised me to take mine, as the sun had just set and it was likely to be close work; but I shook my head, for the Winchester 405 is, at least for me personally, the medicine gun for lions. [5] Lee states with 57 grains under the 200 grain jacketed bullet and 41300 cup the velocity is 2730 fps. Id seen photos of the 1895, and I wasnt sure what to make of its looks, but now that one has been sitting in the rack in the office for a couple weeks, Ive really fallen for it. Bryce M. Towsley This cartridge has the potential to be the best deer hunting ammo . I wondered about that, so I reached out to Rafe Nielsen, marketing director at Winchester. T. Riekers Sporting Agency & Gun Works | Steve's
vs. .300 Wby. The .405 also outdoes Hornadys 265-grain LeverEvolution load in the .444 Marlin at 3,180 ft.-lbs., but the .444 Marlin Superformance (3,389 ft.-lbs.) With an MSRP of $1,459 and an approximate street price of $1,190. Can Coolers | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Find More Great NRA Publications Perfect For Every Interest, Discover Everything That The NRA Has To Offer. Shop rifles for hunting small game and varmint up to 50 lbs including rabbit, possum, squirrel and raccoon. 444 Marlin VS 45-70 Trajectory. And cast would give even higher velocity. In essence the rimmed .444 Marlin is an elongated .44 Magnum (the case length is 2.225 inches, with an overall length of 2.550 inches), as it uses the same .429-inch diameter bullets as the classic revolver cartridge, albeit at a much higher velocity. The nearly straight-walled .444 Marlin case requires a three-die set for reloading just as with a traditional sixgun cartridge case. . The heaviest variant of the .444 Marlin Ammo is loaded with 300-grain, which can travel at the velocity of 2,000 feet per second while producing an energy level of 2,665 ft.lbf. I had taken it with me to compete in a side match at our local CAS shoot Saturday. The Big Game Hunting Blog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,,,, and other Amazon stores worldwide. What is your level? It features a buckhorn rear sight with a stepped, sliding elevator underneath for adjusting elevation. Say 4x4, I got to wondering if you were able to 405 your elk or not? Your choice of sites is up to you, but if shots are 100 yards or less the red dot is a good choice. 6.5mm (.264 dia.) Breaking my own rule about testing everything I read in gun articles before I believe it. Interestingly enough, the .405 Winchester was the most powerful lever-action rifle cartridge until the .444 Marlin came along over 50 years later. Mag. If you range-confirm your drop and do the math, you can still hit your targetand with the .405 you can be sure youll be delivering sufficient power. Winchester Model 94. Ironically, while .405 is a bigger number than .404, the Jeffery takes a .423-inch bullet. South Coast Mass. Exceptions of course are Venterino and Taffin and a very few others 265-grain FP Superformance load from.. Set for reloading just as with a traditional sixgun cartridge case case, measuring roughly 1/4... Companies and reloading books had gotten comfortable giving out 1800 to 2100 fps loads bore enthusiasts receiver, tapering 0.73... With the extra Expense cartridge ceased in 1955 large game animal in the kitchen with another for! Go with the extra Expense contributing Editor for RifleShooter Magazine, Brad Fitzpatrick gives us a review this. 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Long-Ass time: since the 1870s their all new straight-pull rifle, are...