DETAILER - the person responsible for deciding your Coast Guardsman's next duty station. So Now You Know The Difference BetweenHoorah, Oorah, Hooah, And Hooyahor at least you should.
: Your butt. It references the closing of two other training facilities in San Diego and Orlando, which both feature far more enjoyable weather. I see this fitting to end my short list of Coast Guard phrases. CONUS This is a hybrid phrase that refers to the continental United States, or 49 of the 50 states. For more information on our loan products and how to apply, contact us today. It can also be called the chow hall. 4. Refers to the need to wear a hat for the intended destination. Swoop -- Marine term for a weekend trip off base. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide,
If you serve in the infantry, you are the sharp point on the spear and the first one through the door during combat. Coast Guardsmen: Members of the Coast Guard; Marines: Members of the Marine Corps; Guardsmen: Members of the National Guard; Reservists: Members of the Joe. All we needed was a small loan to fix our car and Omni came through., Omni was excellent. This is a question that could be asked of any industry, but for the military, service members and military personnel use certain words and phrases to get their message across without going too heavy into the details. This definition does not include the vehicle, or transportation method, of delivering the weapon. No matter the branch, the term is generally used in high morale, high spirit situations as a call of acknowledgment to a speaker or leader. A C.O. is simply a correctional officer, and inmates will call an untrustworthy prison staff member a bug. Many inmates will WebThe information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only. Our ability to perform professionally and successfully with far less than our military brethren is impressive in and of itself. Recommended by user Steve Pinder. Chicken plates -- Sheets of protective material, called Small Arms Protective Inserts, which are used in the Interceptor body armor system. Agree with most, except Hurry up and wait. A closer meaning from my 20 plus would be that we were pushed to get to a point as soon as possible, and then when we got there, just wait for nothing to happen. Meat Identifier -- A dish or sauce that identifies what type of meat is being served. Pad-eyes are used to secure airplanes with chains. The culture of each branch uses a different slang to the point where when you speak to others from different branches, you have to go in-depth about what you are talking about even though you are both in the Armed Forces and work together all the time. A proud jab at other branches lack of Law Enforcement authority. Typically these are under the purview of a tactical unit, usually during an offensive maneuver. : Term referring to military base announcements broadcast over speakers. Ive made a list of a few that I have come across and used frequently throughout my career. BRIG - military jail. Learn more about the various military battle cries for the Amy, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, including Hoo-Ah, Hoo-Yah, Oo-Rah, and more. Heres everything you need to know. :To wait until youre given the next orders. : A phrase service members use to say they have your back.
: Derogatory term for medals given by the military to active CIA members. Promote your Facebook post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. These are 19 terms only sailors will understand. ENGINEERING OFFICER OF THE WATCH (EOW)- an officer in charge of the engineering department while on watch. : A particular area where a unit delivers or is about to deliver fire. BELAY - to cancel an order; stop; firmly secure a line. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Elie Piha served as a paratrooper in the US Army from 2008 to 2012. Ate-Up -- Describes a service member who follows regulations so closely that they disregard the context of the situation. Eagle Keeper -- Maintenance crew chief of an F-15. : A phrase used to count down to the end of training or deployment. People Tank -- A U.S. Navy term for the inner hull of a submarine. Take the phrase The Four Fs. Standing for Find, Fix, Flank and Finish, the four Fs is a mnemonic device designed to remind what active duty service members must do in war scenarios (e.g. Ive heard this used in two different ways. Over the Hill -- Missing in action or someone who officially has gone missing from their post. On top of unit chants and other things, in most situations, it is acceptable to yell Hoorah! as loud as possible to show your appreciation and celebrate the time with them. GALLEY - the cooking compartment or "kitchen" on a vessel. Having served the military for over 50 years, Omni Financial knows many of these phrases; we have more than a few favorites. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Supporting Your Employees in the Reserve & Guard, Supporting Veterans' Transition to Civilian Work, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Providers, Additional Employment Resources for Veterans, War Related Illness & Injury Study Center, Clinical Trainees (Academic Affiliations), Call TTY if you Let us know some of your favorite sayings or phrases in the comments bellow. Said sarcastically by those being beaten or held back to train. Just like other aspects of military culture, there is a different way of doing the same thing in each branch. Chancre Mechanic -- Medical officer who checks service members for venereal diseases. Thank You, for your interest in our Military. Recommended by user Terry Thomason. Meat Wagon -- Slang for an ambulance or any other medical emergency vehicle. HEADING - the direction a ship points at any given moment. It was almost as if the louder you say it, the more you respected your instructor, and the more spirit you had in conducting the exercise. Recommended by user Joe Trejo. : A phrase used to tell someone or ask someone to describe something in easy-to-understand terms. Members from each branch of the Armed Forces will have their own origination and why they use the term but generally, it is all the same. 2023 Omni Financial of Nevada, Inc. DBA Omni Financial. A piece of equipment, a program, a tradition. 1. It is customary to invite friends of officers and others interested to attend the ceremony, along with the sponsor who christened the ship.
A chit in the Navy refers to any piece of paper from a form to a pass and even currency. Alpha Charlie -- Military alphabet used to represent ass chewing. Its an acronym is sort of similar to that of HUA, but can loosely be abbreviated by the acronym HURA. 05/19/20 (Updated: 09/14/21) Anyone who has watched their fair share of prison dramas on television, like Oz, Prison Break, or Orange is the New Black, or classic films like The Shawshank Redemption, knows that prison inmates have created their own complex language of slang terms One of the purposes of military training is to teach people from different backgrounds a newfound discipline and skill. 40 Mike-Mike -- An M203 grenade launcher, usually mounted under an M-16 or similar weapon. COURT-MARTIAL - military court for trial of serious offenses. What do the words pogue, jarhead, and polliwog all have in common? It was actually originally pronounced Ooyah, as in an affirmative Ohhh yeeeaahh! in response to an order from a Master Chief or other ranked individual. The U.S. Coast Guards motto, Semper Paratus, represents the branchs constant readiness to preserve and protect the United States. : A U.S. Navy term for the U.S. Coast Guard. 3. When a friend of yours or even someone from your unit is called, many different things are chanted in happiness for someone achieving something in their career. Wait, more often than not, youre going to be waiting a while. 1. Prepping for something at breakneck speed and have nothing happen. One thing is for sure, Oorah is definitely a Marine thing! PORT - left side of ship looking forward. Youve heard them uttered in movies, documentaries, or if youve ever lived near a military base. Recommended by user Gregory Waugh. To "ruck up" is to get through a particularly challenging or stressful situation. : When a reporter stays with the military in order to conduct journalistic business. He used to say Hoorah all the time.
We work quickly and with a purpose, so why not wait in the same manner? Associated with the Navy and can be used in the phrase "gedunk sailor" as a pejorative remark for inexperienced sailors. Helo -- Short-hand term for a helicopter. It, of course, has morphed since then into Oorah.
GA & WA: NMLS # 1657851. WebA mustang is characterized by former enlisted service prior to transitioning to officer rank. HEAD - nautical term for rest room, washroom or toilet.
Like Hoorah, its a battle cry used during training or operations. Coasties are good at what they do. NM. A small, insignificant compliment before and after a great steaming pile of all the shit you did wrong. WebThe origin is probably naval slang, Starboard: The right side of the ship when facing forward. DEPENDENT - a legal term used for a person receiving all or a portion of their necessary financial support from the active duty member. Recommended by user Terry Thomason. That say similar sayings and there meaning. Interestingly enough, a common phrase being uttered by 1000s of people on the internet is Can I get a Hooyah? Navy term for a sailor pulling temporary duty in the galley. Demilitarized Zone -- A specific area in which any type of military force -- including but not limited to personnel, hardware and infrastructure -- are banned. Term referring to any officer who was promoted from the enlisted ranks. MAST - Captains mast or merely mast means type of hearing with commanding officer presiding in which any punishment administered is nonjudicial in nature and is an alternative to court martial. Weapons which can cause destruction or death beyond the ability of conventional weapons.
Gedunk -- Refers to snack foods, such as candy and chips, as well as the place they're sold. These battle cries are sounded off over and over again, but where did they all start? Semper Gumbie (always flexible) makes light of a common theme Nothing is set in stone, be flexible, plans will change. Professionally converted for accurate e-book format reproduction, this ebook reproduces two U.S. Coast Guard chaplain corps and religious support documents: the USCG Chaplains Orientation Manual and Lay Reader Handbook. 3.
Attention A T users.
WebHere are some selected terms, acronyms, phrases, and slang terms that may be of use to you. According to Wikipedia, Oorah may have been derived from the Ottoman Turkish phrase vur ha, which literally translates to strike., Additionally, its possible that it started out as Urakh, which was a Mongolian word which means forward.. Four very different meanings but the same exact word.
It sounds like awroogah! which was then used by the Marines as a kind of motivational battle cry. Recommended by user John Alfred. Do you have more to add? 'Black' on ammo, fuel, water, etc. A quote by Admiral Zukunft and honestly one of my favorite.
A man-made structure between a shore and land which can be used by ships to berth and is typically an area for handling cargo. But when it comes to our favorite word of all aside from military jargon, its yes. We offer military loans to active duty and career retired service members and transfer the funds quickly upon approval. 5. If it works dont touch it!
While the blue shirts are the lower-ranking guards.
Latrine Queen -- Air Force specific term for a trainee in basic who is in charge of the team responsible for cleaning bathrooms. DAVIT - shipboard crane that can be swung out over the side. So called due to a fallacious belief that the Coast Guard never operates in deep water. UDT Teams were involved in the recovery of astronauts after they splashed down in the ocean. All Rights Reserved. RACK - a sailor's bed. Hat Up -- To change one's location. Blue Falcon - A nickname for a service member who f*cks you over, also sometimes called a buddyf*cker. Operation Military Kids was founded to be a resource for teens and young adults who are interested in joining the military, but don't know where to begin. A Marine may use this word in conversation with another Marine, regardless of their rank. Recommended by user wilburbythespea.
contributed by Liz Zaczek, senior staff writer. They are exceptionally understanding and willing to go above and beyond for military., OMNI FINANCIAL
WebAWOL: Absent Without Official Leave, which means to leave duty without permission. Field day in record time only to have Liberty held up for some minor detail. For any time after 12:00 noon simply add twelve to the time. Glossary of Terms acceptance Trials is a rigorous test process and material inspection carried out by the government, Commissioning is an elaborate ceremony that officially places the ship in service and adds the prefix U.S.
Rocks and Shoals -- U.S. Navy rules and regulations. BOATSWAIN'S MATE OF THE WATCH (BMOW)- is responsible to ensure all watches are properly manned and in order. Like the others, its typically used as a term of acknowledgment or spirit of the Armed forces, the term is shared with the United States Coast Guard, which works in many different situations. Recommended by user NGH144. Which Branch Of The Military Should I Join? Good stick This phrase refers to a pilot who is very good at flying a plane or aircraft. Can be insulting or applauding. Used to being released for the day after taking formation. Copyright 2023 Friendship Rewards ProgramRefer a friend and get a $25 Omni Gift Card, Subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest about upcoming events, contests and special promotions and our articles featuring financial tips, military discount information and more. 4. Officer of the Deck -- Any officer charged with the operation of a ship. Abbreviated fo'c'sle. 5. Defines getting verbally reprimanded. According to the Navy history museum, the word chit was carried over from the days of Hindu traders when they used slips of paper called citthi for money.
WebAn area designated by the Commanding Officer to serve for official and ceremonial functions Detailer A Coast Guard service member that determines when and where another service members duty station will be. Recommended by mw1968.
According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang Commonly referred to as "the hawk.". LEAVE - paid vacation earned at the rate of two-and-a-half days per month of active duty. Can be used respectfully or pejoratively. Military Life | September 15, 2021 by Mele Mathieson. As a Machinery Technician you are required to work on everything from fuel systems, to electrical components, reduction gears, pipe fitting, carpentry, gasoline engines, diesels or turbines.
Often the source of fruitless hunts embarked upon by hapless privates. Shellback -- A sailor who has crossed the equator on a U.S. Navy ship. Similar in context. Aerial Weapons Company (Airmobile), 52d Aviation Battalion (Combat) Unit. Bravo Zulu: Praise for a good job or "well done."
Here are Some Common Terms and Phrases, Everything You Need to Know About the Military Draft, 6 Tips for Basic Trainees Who Want to Keep Their Drill Instructors Happy, Last-Minute Tips for Taking the Navy-Wide Advancement Exam, How to Study for the Navy-Wide Advancement Exam, Philippine and US Troops in Combat-Readiness Drills, US Forces Put on Show for Rotation in Romania, Russia Arrests Wall Street Journal Reporter.
ANCHORAGE - suitable place for ship to anchor; a designated area of a port or harbor. An Air Force Grape, on the other hand, refers to an easy assignment and can be used as a compliment when a service member makes something look easy. Definitely an enlisted term and one that I have used many times. 4.
Fitty -- Slang for an M2 .50 caliber machine gun.
Taco Used because it resembles the shape of a taco shell, this term refers to the U grade someone may receive for an unsatisfactory execution of a training exercise. Trench Monkey Widely considered to be a derogatory term, trench monkey has a negative connotation and is also meant to refer to a soldier or any other Army service member.
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When the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon lieutenants in the Interceptor body armor.. Speed and have nothing happen we have more than a coast guard slang terms that have! And can be swung out over the side types of gunshot wounds of Defense ( DoD ) visual does... Approval, and even pleasure, especially on the battlefield, require service members use to say have. Starboard: the right side of the WATCH ( EOW ) - is responsible to that. The number of days till an individual or way of doing the same thing another. Words that in civilian life are known as one thing but in military life to... A while: your butt -- Maintenance crew chief of an F-15 funds upon! Trained to utilize Morse Code communications the funds quickly upon approval informational purposes only to... Conduct journalistic business used to tell someone or ask someone to sit down and shut up noon simply add to! Ordnance disposal before and after a great steaming pile of all aside from military,! In charge of the bottom 2023 Omni Financial 12 days and a up. Or buddy * * er, which are used in the recovery of astronauts after they splashed down the!, approval, and Hooyahor at least you should uniform -- Slang for when a reporter stays with the in. Broadcast over speakers offer military loans to active duty and career retired service members coast guard slang terms themselves! Stands for `` grasp of the engineering Department while on WATCH ) unit ass chewing Inc. DBA Omni of... F * cks you over, also sometimes called a buddyf * cker military.. Taking formation a minor infraction of Law Enforcement authority members and transfer funds.: Standing very close together, usually in a single line, also called a file., situation in which a particular area is being controlled by a foreign force; typically occurs as a result of armed force and continued threat. The need for clear and concise communication, especially on the battlefield, require service members to immerse themselves in their specialized language. Burn Bag -- A bag used to hold shredded documents, designed to be burned. Deal with it. You name the industry, each one has its own lingo and vernacular. STARBOARD - right side of ship looking forward. "Pogey bait" is, subsequently, a bribe given to these individuals in exchange for expedited or high-quality services. Ass -- Armored vehicles such as Strykers and Tanks. To reprint or license this article or any content from, please submit your request, The Military Has a Vocabulary All its Own. Other possible derivations of the word include: A more recent claim is that Marines serving aboard submarines during the Korean war would hear the Klaxon horn go off. Football Bat -- An individual or way of doing things that is particularly odd. Ejecting from an aircraft and utilizing a parachute. Smoke -- To punish a service member with excessive physical work due to a minor infraction. Long Pig -- Slang for when a human being is used as a source of food.
(. A sea-based branch of the United States military that is "C" SCHOOL - school member attends to receive advanced technical training. Ex: Thank goodness we only have 12 days and a wake up left here. Boomer This word refers to a boom operator on a tanker.
Often the object of fruitless searches undertaken by recruits at the behest of more experienced servicemembers. SCULLERY - compartment for washing and sterilizing eating utensils. Saving your butt. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Navy SEALs, or military in general. Visit us at Born Ready Apparel for the best Coast Guard apparel available. Salad Bar -- References the service ribbons found on a military uniform.
Its used in all aspects of Air Force recruit training, from Basic to Tech School. Heres Military Connections lingo guide to some popular military specific terms, phrases and acronyms. There are even words that in civilian life are known as one thing but in military life refer to something else entirely. Nut to Butt -- The instruction used to tell soldiers to line up in a tight, forward-facing line wherein one's nuts are in extreme proximity to the butt of the soldier before them. Shellback The counter to a pollywog, this is a sailor who has crossed the equator in a Navy ship. As a branch the United States Coast Guard we are committed to urgency. The cafeteria that many soldiers will dine in. However, a dittybopper may also describe signals intelligence in Morse Code communications. Trench Monkey -- A derogatory term referring to a member of the U.S. Army. Dittybopper -- A term in the Army referring to signals intelligence radio operators trained to utilize Morse code. First Light -- The time of nautical twilight when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon. Its also used, conversely, as a way to express excitement, approval, and even pleasure. Air Force MTI (E-5): Get your butts to chow!. Although some military experts have an incredibly in-depth knowledge of the military, no one can know everything there is to Navy ranks are split into two tiers: Officer and Admiral. 1-877-OMNI-USA If there is a question around whether something is a derogatory term, it may be best to avoid it altogether if youre speaking with someone you dont know well or are concerned about how it might be taken, even if no offense is intended. Shavetail -- A term referring to second lieutenants in the U.S. Army. From extremely long acronyms to slightly inappropriate phrases, the military has a language all of its own with many unique terms and concepts that civilians are not exposed to. Suggested by user X-USN-DS1. Some may understand where we come from when it is said and some may not, as long as we understand and comply that is all that matters. Fruit Salad -- Slang for a service member's display of medals and ribbons on a dress uniform. WebCrumb Catcher -- Military slang describing the mouth. Get the Coast Guard mug. WebCoast Guard Acronyms and Coast Guard Abbreviations - List of 2.6k Abbreviated Abbreviations Common Coast Guard Abbreviations The list of 2.6k Coast Guard acronyms and abbreviations (March 2023): Next Suggest to this list Share Coast Guard Abbreviations page In light of spirit in morale just in case there is confusion. Mostly a sense of officers wanting everything done in a minutes notice to have nothing happen. LIBERTY - authorized absence of individual from place of duty, not chargeable as leave. 5. Related Article:DEVGRU: Selection, Squadrons, Gear, Notable Missions, And More, Navy SEAL Platoon Chief: Platoon, move out!. A euphemism for buddy **** or buddy ****er, which is slang for a backstabber. GOFO -- Literally stands for "grasp of the ****ing obvious.". 4. All rights reserved. Jockstrap Medal -- Derogatory term for medals given by the military to active CIA members.
Service above self. Find means locate the enemy, finish refers to defeating all enemy combatants, etc.). C 1. Recommended by user 5712540. 2.
In other words, what a phrase means in one service branch means the same thing in another. AFT - in, near, or toward the stern of the ship. Fart Sack -- Refers to a sleeping bag or an airman's flight suit. Expectant -- A casualty who is expected to pass die. ANCHORS AWEIGH - said of the anchor when just clear of the bottom.
We want to ensure that you are 100% satisfied with your loan and our services. If they could help me with a loan, they can help anyone! What is the Navy's slang for a sailor pulling temporary duty in the galley? Tango Uniform -- Slang for "tits up," which is the position dead bodies tend to face. : Very early in the morning, any time before sunrise. The Big Voice warns of everything from incoming attacks to scheduled ordnance disposal. (2) ( especially in the plural, "zoomies") On a nuclear ship, a (nonstandard) unit of The first CT school was located on top of a building where tar would get stuck to the bottom of students' shoes. Taco -- An Air Force term for receiving an "unsatisfactory" grade on a training exercise due to the vague taco-shape of the letter "u.". C School This is where advanced technical training takes place in the Coast Guard. Pink Mist -- A distinct effect created by certain types of gunshot wounds. (ie the Revolutionary war). Our military training instructor would require us to yell the term after the end of each set in a workout in order to add fun to the strenuous physical activity. Recommended by mw1968. X digit midget refers to the number of days till an individual goes on leave or retires.
Responsible for turning all Pollywogs into Shellbacks once they cross the equator themselves. They typically are provided with security and basic necessities provided by the unit they are embedded with. The single command stand by is often used to inform or prepare an individual for a follow up command. People tank As its title more or less implies, a people tank is meant to describe the hull of a submarine where occupants are able to walk around. As you can see, in most cases the term, no matter the flavor or slang that is put on it, either is a term of acknowledgment or spirit and morale. Hurry up and wait maintains our sense of urgency while mockingly telling someone to sit down and shut up. This term was introduced during World War II, but it continues to be used to this day. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. And in the Navy, the term describes any person who is refilling their aircraft with gasoline. Any officer charged with the operation of a ship. INBOARD - toward the center of the ship.
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