This feeling of gritty realism was lost on me during the McNulty fake-killer arc. But Ill get back to the journalism angle momentarily. Not as cavalier as his "Touching Evil" series; his "Wire in the Blood" character of Tony Hill is much more reserved, quirky, and, being a criminal profiler, is more internalized with his processing of information. You let Bubbles live. Gus pointing at the screen when Clay Davis is doing his interview outside the grand jury and wondering why the paper missed it. Liz (Michelle Randolph) suffered a miscarriage in the finale, and it now seems she may be unable to have children again. Wire in the Blood vol 2 Sharp Compassion. Thanks David for all you did to bring it into the world. Wire in the Blood is one of the most important and valuable series ever produced for television. Well played. Wire in the Blood, is first of all a showcase for the excellent acting skills of the charismatic Robson Green. Some shameful shit right there. Now I just read and laugh at bad writing on other TV shows. The acting is first rate but a few of the episodes really have huge gaping holes in the plot. Maybe I prefer more violent things. For instance the homeless serial killer story and the idea that this would be more politically important than closing a case where 22 murdered bodies were hidden away in vacants all over the city. This show leaves me completely speechless. I dunno. I was reading The Stand at the time I posted that response. You win. He's quirky, he's a little odd, but he helps to provide a different, and intellectual insight into the killer's mind. Anyway, Im straying from my point: thank you for defining this additional layer to the theme of S5. The biggest pisser-offers for me in the series were the assclowns in the police department who clearly dont give a shit about what actually happens to actual people. There is a last minute dash to rescue some young woman being held by a psychopath. Dont even know where to start, and I dont think I can critique anything about this show because it critiques itself. Its so damn realistic. I still rewatch twice a year and its my all-time favourite series. Grim. Love The Wire. It was especially poignant seeing all the since-deceased (or reformed, theres no way I could overlook or forget Dukie becoming Bubbles) characters roles being filled by the New Age.. It was edgy and gritty, with strong performances from everyone. You dont like the last season of a television drama, feel free to venture an opinion. People who are innocent are very rude to the police and refuse to co-operate for no apparent reason. Robson Green in Wire in the Blood. Photograph: ITV ITV has axed Robson Green drama Wire in the Blood after six years in what is seen as the latest cost cutting move by the network. Why couldnt we have gone one more season with the show? Couldnt resist, sorry. We sucked. The depth, the acting, the setting, the pace, its all spot on :p. I love this show. but please dont make anymore. The fact that my appreciation for every single season changed over time due to rewatching the show over and over, proves how good this series as a whole really is. Any criticism you get is unwarranted. What is the Japanese language plot outline for Wire in the Blood (2002)? See production, box office & company info, Drama Trails: 'Coronation Street' to 'Kingdom'. I would have liked to have seen more scenes with randy & neymond though just to make it feel like they hadnt been forgotten especially as Michael & dookie didnt even mention them by name about same with nick sabotka maybe a conversation about the docks with someone after abusing the mayor & kracheck I like how it felt like a big open world & people could bump into each other. Only silver lining to that dark cloud of a series. Both are similar, and both are very good. I would really appreciate any help Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Good series wish could of been another series though! To have the city editor saying such things would have been, well, arch. I just recently bought the Blu-ray box set as well, just to have it in both editions and to see the reunion at the Paley Center. Criminal Psychologist Tony Hill assists The Police with all manner of complex and disturbing crimes. That being said, I think what was really being pointed out here, is that the sorts who were under the feeling that the blacks were ruining the city, more or less knew quite well that such levels of corruption in the legal bodies was not limited by race, as Season 5 shows, and that just like w/ many of the black characters, many of the white characters benefit professionally for their lies, cover-ups and stat-jukings. There were still good journalists in our make-believe newsroom, and they did some good work just as there are still such souls in Baltimore and every city laboring in similar fashion and to similar result. The original essay doesnt do anything to counter anyones opinions as to whether The Wire was good, bad, or indifferent. Circling back to the journalism angle in season 5 and your above article, it is sad that so many people missed the real commentary about the total lack of journalistic integrity- not just in Bmore but in the whole country. An eccentric psychologist, with zero social skills, and a smart and charming female detective come together in Bradfield, England, to solve cases that no normal policemen could ever. I wondered what you thought of new local titles which seek subscriptions from the community as well as community involvement in their storytelling. Adding to this, the fact that her mother still celebrates the missing daughters birthday bothers her. The plan immediately backfires as Adam is zapped through the chains and he awakens. I also loved Generation Kill. I started college as a J-student and later moved to English. Did you always have in mind from the start to have the fake news/fake crime stories play in tandem? As they series progresses, the style of editing and camera work alters. However, of the many detective series that my wife and I have watched, British, French, Scandinavian, Icelantic, this series has the sickest, most graphic murders in every episode. Once I learned that wrestling was faked I began to wonder what else on TV, or in print, was fabricated or enhanced. Then the Lewinsky story broke and dominated, and I lost even more faith. 4. Thanks for the reply. Politically sensitive casework was butchered or pursued selectively by political interests and departmental indifference. The game is rigged and Im not sure if I wanna play. It's quite dark, with just enough wit to keep you from falling over the edge into the great abyss. I gave up due to some of the most annoying characters I have seen written. We have some of these initiatives in the UK but Im not sure about the situation in the US, and Im curious to know what you think. Ill rant a bit about journalism, or the drug war or any other issue that I rub up against. I recently watched The Wire for the first time this year, and since have done my best to find critical analyses and articles that could help meaningfully fill the void left after the show. The amount of quotables in this show is amazing. Either of the two excellent actors would have been able to perform equally well for the entire six season run, and many viewers believe that's the way it should have been (Green is tops in all episodes). My comment amounts to little more than unwanted negative feedback for a show that ended 5 years ago. Its about the media and powers that manipulating the masses to support a war in Iraq fought on false pretenses. Or are you just that pissed and depressed about the world that you cant help but force your misery on your viewers? She is always rescued. Im out. The character development is quite entertaining. I was lucky enough to have a copy taped from BBC America (cheers, Mom!) School principals in Baltimore and elsewhere in Maryland were obliged to teach test questions to pump scores at the expense of meaningful curricula. Not everything can have a happy ending, I understand. And to studiously avoid any sustained discussion about whether the depicted newspaper is, in all respects, capturing the meaningful narrative of the depicted city? Some of the most compelling Ive seen. To wonder whether anyone would be disciplined for cursing in a newsroom, or why they made the top editor wear those suspenders, or whether it was a clich to have a fabricator driving the overt plot? True, the top editor had to get up on a desk amid the deluge of the internet and the declines in circulation and advertising. Crown me up and kneel, ya bitches. And Omar, well I can understand his death, tragic, but it was more realistic than a final bloodfest. One last thing though .Duquan. For so many reasons. You dont need to justify anything, its a masterpiece. Almost everything in the show from the dialogue to the outcomes felt refreshingly believable. No worries. Its not likely to change our reasons for telling the stories we do, but neither is the criticism necessarily invalid or unwarranted. The character development and the way each characters persona was mirrored throughout each realm (from the street, to the BPD, to the courthouse, city hall, the ports, the newsroom) is the most amazing writing Ive ever seen. Thank you for your ridiculously worthwhile contributions to humanity. So they went from 20 to 17. To argue about whether the drama had become arch or unsubtle? Other than Breaking Bad. All Rights Reserved. Every episode is gripping. A police psychologist pursues a serial killer who tortures homosexual victims in increasingly gruesome ways. No-one looked at him twice.". I knew in my bones as he walked up to the convenience store something bad was going to happen. 1 The Office. The 'genius' Dr, absentminded of course, to fulfill another clich, who comes across as being more in need of professional help than his patients. If anything I learned after watching The Wire series (for my 4th or 5th time) is that quick comments or knee-jerk reactions about the themes discussed just dont play. Firstly thank you David Simon, Ed Burns and a host of talented and courageous collaborators for telling it like it is. I became hooked from the first episode "Mermaids Singing" which is done in 2 parts, with each episode my enthusiasm for the show also grew. Omars death/Omar returning to Baltimore: We all wanted to see Omars last stand be in a bloody shootout with a high body count, but anyone paying attention to the story being told knew it wouldnt go down like that. The Wire will be studied in the future. Of course, its all still out there, and I can find it and watch it and still enjoy it all, but I feel like Im a decade late to the party. And okay, the city editor, the honorable fellow, the one for whom journalism was an ethos, he got slapped down and thrown to the copy desk. WebSeason 6. But life isnt like that. It would have been nice but it was time to put an end to Dr. Tony Hill's sideline work so it would have benefitted from them giving us one. External Reviews I hated Marlo for his ruthlessness but I respect that you gave him a realistic ending-they could not realistically build a case against him bc of police corruption. If you have not watched any of these, please go for it and watch them in order. Anyway, Ive gone on for far too long here. Anyway, thats all. Marlo gets away clean and he keeps his money, Avon lives happily ever after in prison, McNulty gets screwed, the lying reporter wins a damn Pulitzer, and oh yeah, OMAR GETS KILLED BY A LITTLE KID?! When the big bust happen since the wire to wasnt legal I figured Marlo was going free. I must comment on the general disappointment around season 5 though: I too was bored by the whole Baltimore Sun room and cast. Maybe its honest. You wanna say so on the producers blog, no worries. There are many crime/mystery books and shows out there but few are done this well with excellent character development, believable plots and story lines that are on one hand complex, terrifying, fully engrossing and on the other hand funny, thoughtful and informative. Season 5 was tremendous, I can only assume the criticism comes from those who still believe that high standards of journalistic integrity are still the goal of the modern news room. But if we give upthen what? David. Okay, I dont actually agree, but neither would I argue. Its like The Odyssey of Homer. I am writing my thesis on THE WIRE This argument strucked me when Omar died and no one noticed it in The Sun No institutional memory, no quality journalism. Each episode is someone chained up. The first two, "Singing" and "Shadows" are adaptations of author Val McDermid's books; This is a taut British crime drama very much in the "Cracker" mould. Drugs were just an excuse to pursue their passion, because it is clear that wacking people is what they loved. We told the precise story we wished to tell and what happened was supposed to happen. Its the best series ever President Snow is Katniss Everdeen's tyrannical enemy, and while he may appear untouchable for most of The Hunger Games he has a secret weakness. FAQ I binged watch all 5 seasons, The Wire is the best tv series in tv history. At least youre not complete sadists. In this format youre not going to have stark revelations, a happy and blissful montage followed by a cut to black. Write a television story arc about the betrayal of the working class, the fraud of the drug war or the lie of No Child Left Behind and you cant get off the entertainment pages. Then you have the choir, inexplicably, warbling on as if to lend some kind of gravitas to the lacklustre proceedings. The school system is closest to my heart because I grew up in that sad, irreparable school system and the stories of those kids were the ones I really hoped would resolve better so you knew that in the end, at least SOMEONE in that hood got a real chance. Note to the producers: Have Robbie Coltraine guest as "Cracker" character in a future episode assisting Hill and Jobson! That said, I thank you for the bitter pill. The ending was perfect, the way Omar died was perfect, the serial killer thing was perfect, but then whenever it cut back to that newsroom it dragged. No need to worry about any season of this amazing show. Politicians then took credit for the limited gains that were, of course, unsustainable as the students aged into middle school. In the end, she asks for a transfer. However in the case of season 5, as you pointed out, even the remaining good journalists such as Gus, are, to a degree, complicit in missing every major story. Both shows only went 5 seasons but BB tied up the loose ends and made the ending much easier to swallow than TW did. You wanna say who cares, the story sucked? Thats exactly would happen to people in the real world. Americans are stupid ppl by and larger, they pretty much believe whatever we tell them Jumped that shark in high-topped Nikes, we did. Well now, its been a week since The Wire s final episode and a certain calm has descended, leaving a little less agita and a little more reflection. David SImon, I dont understand why you wrote this. When I say Im an addict to this show I honestly feel like the fiends depicted in the show that dont creep out of their addiction like Bubs happened to do. I wonder whats happening in this city that we dont know about. Cocaine Bear is based on a true story but the events especially the ending are very different. Throughout 1923, Alexandras wealth has come into play (or the wealth of her family, rather). Youre fuckin awesome. He displays tremendous potential; one can hope that he will continue to create performances that are filled with the humanity, compassion and insight that "Tony Hill" shows us. To me, the climactic conclusion of the show happened in S5E9 and E10 was more of the epilogue, allowing us to digest what happened and gain some insight on where things are headed for the city. Herc just needed to get run over, along with Levy, and bleed out slowly suffering much in the process. Isnt that what your essay calls for? I have an unanswered question about the ending and it appears as though there is (or should be) a sequel to this? Robson Green is a great talent, in spite of what his fellow Newcastleian had to say above. While the Arab Spring was happening, the only thing you could find on news TV was tabloid coverage of a murder case. Lowry got it, and tellingly, he used to work for theL.A. Timesbut is now a step or two removed from a metropolitan daily, writing forVariety. The clues about The Sun missing important stories are there in plain sight. The Lester wed come to know was indeed a maverick, but not a moron. Im watching Treme now. As Tony Im sad I missed all the hoopla, the reviews, analysis, any interviews and behind the scenes footage that was released with and right after the show ended. I dunno. Eventually I bought the box set a few years ago and binge watched all five seasons. Even as a child I remember sifting through the paper wondering what a presidential blowjob has to do with anything important. This show mattered and it still does. It was fuckin awesome. Not always do we get a "wrap up" episode and we didn't get one here either. Even if you're not a Robson Green fan, this will surely garner him new followers. The acting is exceptional. So lets happily concede that all criticism stands and get to the real fun. Every cut back to that newsroom made me almost fast-forward save for not wanting to miss something that is important to the rest of the story. The Witcher: Blood Origin 's ending serves as setup for The Witcher season 3, revealing the truth behind the Conjunction of the Spheres and another prophecy that's sure to have a profound influence on Ciri's life. Painfully honest? I realize that this is ten years too late to be of any practical use, but I just thought Id throw it out there. Every single time I watch this show over again, I notice something I never saw before, and get instant gratification for going back again and re-watching it. Tony Hill finds himself in unfamiliar surroundings when he travels to Texas to assist the local district attorney in the case of Darius Grady who is accused of murdering his wife and two children. Thank you so much for making The Wire, it ruined every other tv show. Meanwhile our federal government has wholesaled our highway systems, infrastructure, and debt to any country that was buying while dropping trillions of dollars into the pockets of Halliburton and the rest of the 1% in the name of fighting a war on terror. Please. Image via NBC. 2008. BTW please make enough money to buy The Baltimore Sun and give it the love it so desperately needs. | Now its so hard to even rank the seasons because they are all so important to the overall story. To the people saying he was stupid for returning to Baltimore in the first place: Marlo used the perfect bait. The editing becomes more choppy, inserting 1-2 second scenes in the middle of something else. I was already a cynic before 9/11, then The Wire came. The excellence of Seasons 2 and 5, and how they are an integral part of the whole, are particularly revealed on repeat viewing. No expose published. Okay. While very formula driven and somewhat unbelievable at times, particularly with the characters often going it alone to catch the bad guys, it is entertaining and very "bingeworthy"! Not so much as an offhand reference, and that goes not just for the journalists displeased enough with our newspaper tale, but for the larger number of commentators and critics who thought we did swell. I do honestly feel that way about the ending but telling you that personally (digitally, whatever) was completely asinine and unnecessary. If you didnt dig it, then you didnt dig it. Having grown up on the southeast side of PG County inside the Beltway, I can tell you that The Wire was a hit right between the eyes. Season 5 is tremendous, you have such great payoffs for characters, building on all that came before. I was watching for the Barksdale arc and didnt know how important season two was in the overall visual novel. But suggest that high-end American newspapers have been gutted by out-of-town ownership, besieged by the internet and preoccupied by a prize culture that validates small-trick and self-limiting impact, rather than seriously evaluating problems? Lets be clear, though. No television series has ever lived with me the way The Wire has. Notable killings and machinations in the drug world were the talk of the streets. It is a heart trending, visceral, honest portrayal of a modern city. I love the WIRE Thats when Pulengs world completely changes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Fiction makes everyone comfortable and talkative; journalism good, probing journalism is a much harder, much more rigorous task. I found it as an interesting way to dispel the notion that one given group of people is more inclined or indoctrinated to corruption and lies than the other, but also that in any given sector of a society, you will usually find it is those who know that very truth full and well, who perpetuate that lie, in order to make themselves feel better about their shortcomings. Learn how your comment data is processed. The essay notes, accurately, that no one picked up on how disassociative the media has become to the actual issues and realities of the depicted Baltimore in the drama. No story is subject to referendum, at least not in my shop. Theres a reason people say youre a genius and why your show is perhaps the best in history. Who am I to bitch about how you decided to end your own show? The criminals are deeply psychologically twisted, far more so than any person you have ever encountered, even in the newspapers. Hamsterdam, say. What he suddenly turns stupid? Rowan is following him even though she is hurt and losing blood. My friend letting me borrow season one was the tester, and I kept going back for the yellow tops or that WMD (the rest of the seasons). Im actually rigorous about letting criticism of the show stand without arguing back. Over the past five seasons it has consistently presented detailed I loved the show, its in my top 5 of all time and I cant imagine it going anywhere.

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