why is bass strait so dangerous - gurawski.com Bass Strait - the body of water between Tasmania & mainland Australia Bass Strait | Race Record & Form | Racing Post It is 22 kilometres wide at its narrowest point and is considered to be one of the most dangerous and unpredictable waters in the world. Briefing slides can now fill some of these gaps. As investigations widened, reports began to emerge of strange lights being seen in the area on the evening in question. Like the rest of the waters surrounding Tasmania, and particularly because of its limited depth, it is notoriously rough, with many ships lost there during the 19th century. Bass Straight is exposed to the Roaring 40s that blow across the southern coastline of Australia. This ice age cause sea levels to drop so that at one point there was a continuous stretch of land . Finally, the USS Ralph Johnson (RJN), another Arleigh Burke class destroyer, also prepared briefing slides about the incident. There are very likely hundreds of other examples that havent been recorded. Neither they nor even the smallest amount of wreckage was ever discovered despite extensive searches by military aircraft and vessels. [3] Perhaps most intriguing, however, was a small piece of the floor of the plane. A note on the slide states that the cruiser unsuccessfully attempted to contact the Bass Strait. Read more explainers here. This is why concerts and parties are so dangerous because of the high noise levels and because people tend to listen to them for hours on end. Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray took pains to emphasize in a recent congressional hearing that the military "train as they would fight." He has noticed that as the water becomes more shallow, the waves tend to stand up quite a lot. A note on the slide states that the cruiser unsuccessfully attempted to contact the Bass Strait. A major release of documents provides the highest level of detail yet about mysterious drone swarms involving U.S. Navy ships off California. These concerns are shared broadly throughout the military and United States government. Indigenous Australians crossed into Tasmania via the Bassian Plain tens of thousands of years ago. Even if that had happened, the plane was designed so that it should have been able to be guided to an emergency landing. Further analysis suggested that the area had been in flames, and other material appeared to show someone had tried to intensely stamp it out. It is part of the Australia-New Zealand border and is a major shipping route. Then, without warning, it shot upward at an amazing pace and vanished. By the time he had returned his gaze to the road, the green object was nowhere to be seen. Bass Strait is approximately 250km (160mi) wide and 500km (310mi) long, with an average depth of 60m (200ft). lunchables pepperoni pizza The shows co-creator, Vikki Madden, has stated that she experienced many strange incidents in the area while growing up there. It has the capacity to carry up to 630 megawatts of electrical power across the strait. Although the following incident isnt immediately linked to the Bass Strait, given the fact that it happened near the northern coast of the Bass Strait Triangle and that descriptions of the object match other accounts of UFOs over the stretch of water in question, it would be perhaps a little shortsighted to not include this (and our next entry) on our list.[5]. Included among the documents were other images, now highly recognizable from video leaks and congressional hearings. View adam kehoe and marc cecotti's Articles, congressional hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Addressing these particular security gaps has been a clear priority for the Navy in recent years, with a number of high-profile projects involving directed energy weapons. It is a narrow and deep strait. Subaqueous dunes (sandwaves) and tidal current ridges cover approximately 6,000km2 (2,300sqmi) of the seabed in Bass Strait. Arthur Lane, a Sydney to Hobart veteran who leads the race's organising committee, says the shallow water means "a bit of a twist on the stomach". . Alinta owns a submarine gas pipeline, delivering natural gas to large industrial customers near George Town, as well as the Powerco gas network in Tasmania. Among these new incidents are previously unknown events that occurred in the early months of 2019 and were assessed by the Navy to involve intelligence collection operations. Torres Strait, passage between the Coral Sea, on the east, and the Arafura Sea, in the western Pacific Ocean. Bass Strait is shallow. After a dash to Flinders Island, the crew of the 40-foot cutter Anastasia joined David for a nice hot "cuppa". The timing and interaction of those winds can vary a lot depending on the nature of the front., Wild Oats XI and other yachts in a heavy swell enter the Pacific Ocean from Sydney, the point at which the race is just getting going.Credit:Getty Images, And low-pressure systems appear to have a liking for southeast Australia. The exact nature of what happened in this incident was previously unknown due to heavy redactions in ship logs. Why is the Cook Strait so dangerous? There were also other, less fatal incidents. In terms of treacherous water, its got to be up there with the most treacherous in the world.. The stories of the ancient world made the whirlpool into a much more deadly threat. The smaller islands of Bass Strait typically have some form of protection status. These images were captured by the Ship Nautical Or Otherwise Photographic Interpretation and Exploitation team, or "SNOOPIE team." The Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race passes generally east of the strait but is affected by its weather conditions. We now know that in several instances, the Navy had significant information about the potential origin of the drones deployed in some of the most serious incidents, although the specific operators remained unknown. The Bass Strait is a sea strait separating Tasmania from the south of the Australian mainland, specifically the state of Victoria. WEIGHING 10,000lbs, this colossal Monster Truck is not for the faint-hearted. These systems can move very quickly and are notoriously difficult to predict. However, after sailing for two hours westward towards the strait against the wind, he turned back east and noted in his journal that he was "doubtful whether they [i.e. The Alaska Bering Sea crab fishery . It can be a preferential area for them to develop and intensify, Louis says. Notably, the public affairs statement characterizes the behavior of the drones as dangerous, and not in accordance with the rules of the road or internationally recognized maritime customs.. Instead of gradually fading off into the distance, however, the engine suddenly came to a stop as if someone had turned a radio off. Then, there was nothing but silence. Banks Strait (not Bass), which separates the Furneaux from northeast Tasmania, is only 14 miles wide. It has an average depth of just 60 metres, presenting risks to less experienced sailors who are used to navigating in deep ocean waters. This email confirms that at least some ships were entirely without CUAS equipment, which was less common in the 2019 timeframe. The incident occurred over a period of approximately one hour. But having sailed through the passage, he confirmed it separated the two large islands of New Zealand. 3rd ed. Though there are relatively few details, a briefing slide describes that multiple drones were observed, with some coming as close as 200 yards (closest point of approach; CPA) to the ships bow. The widest opening is about 350km (220mi) between Cape Portland on the northeastern tip of Tasmania and Point Hicks on the Australian mainland. Formosa Strait. Even more dangerous may be when the system is being pushed too hard; clipped signals are more damaging than "clean" signals, because they contain more high frequency content in the dangerous frequency range. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a passion for anything interesting, be it UFOs, the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the paranormal or conspiracies. In 1978, one of the most famous UFO incidents in Australian history occurred over Bass Strait. But literally anything could happen Weve got to be prepared for whatever.. Exactly a month later in Hobart, a taxi driver was suddenly forced to slam on his breaks due to a strange green glow in the middle of the road. TrailerBoat had a lot of fun testing this Bass Strait Offshore 24, against the beautiful, yet rugged backdrop of Victoria's Cape Woolamai. The Bosporus allows access from the Black Sea to the Aegean, onward to the Mediterranean, and through the Strait of Gibraltar, finally to the Atlantic. Strong currents between the Antarctic-driven southeast portions of the Indian Ocean and the Tasman Sea's Pacific Ocean waters provide a strait of powerful, wild storm waves. Bass Strait is a strait that separates Australia's state of Victoria from Tasmania. The domestic sea route is serviced by two Spirit of Tasmania passenger vehicle ferries, based in Devonport, Tasmania. Arguably, the year-long confusion surrounding the leaked footage from the USS Russell attests to this problem. Some suggested that, due to an increase in wind around the time the ship disappeared, it was possible that damage could have been inflicted upon the mast, or perhaps a loose container from the many ships passing through the area had damaged the rudder. There is also the question of the sheer amount of people who go missingseemingly vanishing into thin air. In 1798, Bass explored along the southern coast of what . The details available in these official Navy documents stand at odds with the widespread perception of Chief of Naval Operations Michael Gilday's statement last year that the Navy was unaware of who was operating the unidentified aircraft. In 1944, a strange dark shadow came out of nowhere and flew beside a Bristol Beaufort bomber for almost 20 minutes over the Bass Strait. Interestingly, in their absolute desperation for information, family members of the crew even visited a clairvoyant, who stated that the crew had come upon an island south of their last known location. in the Bass Strait and off the coast of northern and eastern Australia . The video was recently discussed in a congressional hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena as an example of a solved case. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. [4] After the glacial period ended, sea levels rose and flooded the Bassian Plain to form Bass Strait at around 8,000 years ago, leaving them isolated from the Australian mainland. Once a target has been shown to be defenseless or easily overwhelmed, subsequent drones can be deployed to accomplish a particular mission. Cutting through Tasmania and the Australian mainland, more than fifty small islands also reside within the Bass Strait. While the Department of Defense spokesperson acknowledged our questions, they have not provided a comment at the time of writing. Discovered (1606) by the Spanish mariner Luis Vaez de Torres, its . Meanwhile, America's adversaries, especially China, are investing massively into drone swarm capabilities, especially for use in the maritime environment, for wartime use and for dual-role applications. There are over 50 islands in Bass Strait. The terseness of the deck logs and limitations in AIS data left several unanswered questions, such as the origin of the drones and the specifics of their flight behavior. In fact, the first recorded incident appears to be the disappearance of the Eliza in 1797. As this heat map below from CSIRO shows, it moves vast amounts of warm water from the Coral Sea south down the coast. Notably, a night scope image of an apparently triangular object can be seen in the lower left corner. When the land veered to the north-west at Eddystone Point,[5] he tried to keep in with it but his ships were suddenly hit by the Roaring Forties howling through Bass Strait. Andrew McAuley was the first person to cross Bass Strait non-stop in a sea kayak in 2003. The Ticonderoga class cruiser USS Bunker Hill (BKH) noted as many as 11 drones operating nearby. His communication radio also went out. [22] In 1998 Australian offshore sailor Nick Moloney took on a different challenge by being the first person to windsurf unaided across the Bass Strait in a time of 22 hours. Deck logs further revealed that radiofrequency data was captured from the drones during the incident. Its maximum width is 150 miles (240 km), and its depth is 180-240 feet (50-70 m). The last transmission from the Miss Hobart spookily shares a detail with that of the Jason Manifold account. The oil and gas is sent via pipeline to gas processing facilities and oil refineries at Longford (Longford gas plant), Western Port (Westernport Refinery closed 1985), Altona (Altona Refinery scheduled to close in 2021) and Geelong (Geelong Oil Refinery), as well as by tanker to New South Wales. The sailors Adrian Beswick and Josh Philips accompanied by a support vessel successfully completed the crossing in 14 hours 53 minutes. Several days later, the USS Gabrielle Giffords (GBG), an Independence class Littoral Combat Ship, encountered a set of four drones in the same general vicinity. In the United States, says the report, the fatality rate for . The gulf is found on the northeastern most part of the Atlantic Ocean, right between Cape Lopez in Gabon and Cape Three Points in the Western Ghana region. BASS STRAIT OFFSHORE 24. More than 100 yachts, from small two-person boats to 30-metre super maxis, will compete this year, battling it out from Sydney down to Constitution Dock in Hobart via Bass Strait. King Island and the Indian Ocean lie at its western extremity, and the Furneaux Group is at its eastern end. The War Zone has previously created an interactive database of drone incidents reported to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), accessible here. Roys son, Jason, was with his father on the evening in question. It is a shallow stretch of sea, so it can be choppy and un predictable which was very bad for sailing ships and small craft. The vessel was part of a salvage operation for the Sydney Cove, which had recently become wrecked on the rocky coast. In 1901, 22 crew members vanished into thin air along with the SS Federal in the Bass Strait, and five years later in 1906, the Ferdinand Fischer, a German cargo ship, met a similar fate as it made its way to the coast of Tasmania. Scott Nichol, the director of national seabed mapping at Geoscience Australia, has spent years exploring what lies beneath the surface of Bass Strait. In the currently in-force IHO 1953 draft, it is instead associated with the Great Australian Bight; the Bight is numbered 62, while the Bass Strait is designated 62-A.[1]. The veteran sailor, who had completed the race many times before, had seen the forecasts for strong winds on the journey south. Aboriginal Tasmanians arrived in Tasmania approximately 40,000 years ago during the last glacial period, across a broad prehistoric land bridge called the Bassian Plain between the nowaday southern Victoria coastline (from Wilsons Promontory to Cape Otway) and the northern Tasmanian shores (from Cape Portland to Cape Grim). Simon Louis, from the Bureau of Meteorology in Tasmania, says cold fronts around southeast Australia can split up and become westerly and southerly winds that later meet around Bass Strait. Victoria has several marine national parks in Bass Strait, and are all adjacent to the mainland coastline: A number of oil and gas fields exist in the eastern portion of Bass Strait, in what is known as the Gippsland Basin. In June 2017, the Government of Victoria announced a three-year feasibility study[17] for Australia's first offshore wind farm. Bass can be disorienting, and can cause nausea, particularly in people who already have problems with that sort of thing, but is less . [2] There were 11 people on board, nine passengers and two pilots. Blom, W. M., & Alsop, D. B. Merchant Marine estimates that global piracy costs shippers $4.9 billion to $8.3 billion a year. So the tides need to squeeze through the Bass Strait every day, going backwards and forwards and that may be in a different direction to all the other currents rushing around.. Answer (1 of 9): The straits of Magellan (red course above) is actually a considerable shortcut in distance. Valentich and his plane subsequently vanished and neither Valentich nor his plane were ever seen again. Whether or not there is a connection to Bruny Island womans disappearance in open to debate. Fast replacing the Somalian coast as the piracy hotspot, the Gulf of Guinea has become one of the most dangerous places to go sailing. Its average depth is 200 feet and its maximum depth is 509 feet. 29. Bass Strait and its Islands. The images from the incident include these photographs of what appears to be the Bass Strait. Similar briefings were prepared by other Navy vessels involved in the incidents. The Bass Strait Triangle is one of those places. [8] The yacht was scheduled to arrive in Sydney for New Years Eve. are straits which separates the continents . He then claimed that the object had moved directly in front of his plane; the airport personnel then heard a metallic "scraping" sound, followed by silence. Another small group, the Hunter Islands, is . East Coast of the United States this year. Carbonate mud sedimentation on a temperate shelf: Bass Basin, southeast Australia. Footage of enormous waves has been captured in Australia's Bass Strait, with severe weather meaning that the Spirit of Tasmania ferry company has stopped all crossings through the Strait. The body of water between Tasmania and mainland Australia is called Bass Strait.. It's about 300kms or so from the Surf Coast on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria (the mainland) to get over to Tasmania, so it's a fair distance and a bit too far for a casual swim, although some people have kayaked across (hopping from island to island along the way, the biggest gap is about 60kms). A lengthier description states that a total of five unknown drones approached the USS Russell in the course of the incident. According to the timeline, one of the objects hovered over the ship at an altitude of about 700 feet. The Russell has attracted particular attention in the last year as the vessel that captured the leaked flying triangle footage. Jim Bacon and his government had true perspective, and a great vision for Tasmania when they invested in Spirit of Tasmania,1 , Spirit of Tasmania 2, and Spirit of Tasmania 3, to replace the previous single ferry. The Bosporus is different. It is not man-made like the canals. The surface of the King Island Rise also occurs in water depths of less than 50m (160ft), and includes the shallow (40m[130ft]) Tail Bank at its northern margin as well as King Island itself. Does Bass Strait still produce oil? On the popular Australian soap Neighbours, one of its most dramatic storylines unfolded when a 1940s themed joy flight to Tasmania was sabotaged by a bomb. Although he didnt see anything, he could hear the sound of a plane engine overhead. What makes his seemingly trivial detail all the more intriguing is that it comes up again in our next strange encounter, which, coincidentally or not, happened almost 44 years to the day previously. However the alternative, using Drake's. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. Whether this small detail had anything to do with the fate of the plane is unknown. Furthermore, Banks Strait is an awful place to try to navigate any boat. And that creates the hazard for yachts., In terms of treacherous water, its got to be up there with the most treacherous in the world., Its why Peter Langman, who will lead one of the smallest boats to Hobart, gets nervous thinking about it. However, few people know about the Bab-El-Mandeb Strait, which lies on the Red Sea between Djibouti and Yemen. The first is that Bass Straits geomorphology the shape of the sea floor changes rapidly over a very short area. As he surveyed the area, a huge bronze disc came out of the clouds and settled alongside the plane for several moments before vanishing as quickly as it had appeared.[9]. A month later, the USS Zumwalt, the Navy's most advanced surface combatant, encountered a set of six drones on April 24, 2019. It doesnt take a geoscientist to work out what might happen here, when tonnes and tonnes of water, sometimes flowing at 90 centimetres a second, hit kilometre-high walls: a lot of movement - or, in technical parlance, upwelling - where deep water is forced up the canyon walls and meets the surface. Proud owner, Kevin King, recently . It has an average depth of just 60 metres, presenting risks to less experienced sailors who are used to navigating in deep ocean waters. Jennings' study of the submarine topography of Bass Strait[13] described the bathymetric Bass Basin, a shallow depression approximately 120km (70mi) wide and 400km (250mi) long (over 65,000km2[25,000sqmi] in area) in the centre of Bass Strait, a maximum depth is the channel between Inner Sister Island and Flinders Island, which navigation charts indicate reaches 155m (510ft). Bass Strait, channel separating Victoria, Australia, from the island of Tasmania on the south. There are plenty of theories as to what might have happened, though. The War Zone previously laid out this reality and its implications in great detail in this feature. The winds get funnelled through . A briefing slide states that the objects were not distinguishable by the naked eye. Bass Strait is regularly crossed by sailing vessels, including during the annual Melbourne to Hobart Yacht Race. The first humans arrived in Tasmania around 40,000 years ago. When the ice melted - a process estimated to have taken 6,000 years - Bass Strait formed and became . The unusual appearance of the objects led to widespread speculation that they were otherworldly UFOs, despite evidence that the Navy regarded the objects as conventional drones. The strait was possibly detected by Captain Abel Tasman when he charted Tasmania's coast in 1642. The project, which could have 250 wind turbines within a 574km2 (222sqmi) area, is projected to deliver around 8,000GWh of electricity, representing some 18 per cent of Victoria's power usage and replacing a large part of the output of Hazelwood Power Station, which was closed in early 2017. [12], Despite the strait's difficult waters, it provided a safer and less boisterous[clarification needed] passage for ships on the route from Europe or India to Sydney in the early 19th century. These teams consist of sailors trained to conduct onboard photographic intelligence in order to document unknown contacts and events of interest. The wind and the sea are often at odds directionally and the weather can be very fast moving. It carried three passengers and two pilots. B. [16]:484 Large gas fields include the Whiptail field, the Barracouta Field, the Snapper Field, and the Marlin Field. Most notably the Kent Group National Park covers the Kent Group islands of Tasmania, as well as the surrounding state waters which is a dedicated marine reserve. Our initial investigation leveraged automatic identification system (AIS) ship location data in conjunction with deck logs to reconstruct the incidents. Known locally as The Paddock, the Bass Strait is the body of water separating mainland Australia and Tasmania. There are seemingly certain parts of the world where strange things are seen and even stranger things happen. Jennings, J. N. (1958). Hendrich, J.H., Palmer, I.D., and Schwebel, D.A., 1992, Fortescue Field, Gippsland Basin, Offshore Australia, In Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the Decade, 1978-1988, AAPG Memoir 54, Halbouty, M.T., editor, Tulsa: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Jack Loney, Mysteries of the Bass Strait Triangle, Neptune Press, 1st ed. Why the Taiwan issue is so dangerous. The first incident occurred on March 30, 2019. Natural gas production from Bass Strait currently supplies approximately 40% of Australian east coast domestic gas demand and is the largest supplier into the Eastern . Founded Listverse due to heavy redactions in ship logs & # x27 ; state... Of northern and eastern Australia investigations widened, reports began to emerge of strange lights being seen the! 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What Happened To David Ushery, Nomine E Trasferimenti Diocesi Di Milano Maggio 2021, Articles W