[69] He also took under his own protection the two orphans of Count Don Diego Cavaniglia, or Troiano and Nicolina, as he had also protected Diego himself, who was very soon orphaned of a father. Don Ferrante with his virtues left a Kingdom that he had led to greater greatness, perhaps more than any other sovereign who would have governed it, for which many famous writers mentioned him in their famous writings. Ferdinand II (Aragonese: Ferrando; Catalan: Ferran; Basque: Errando; Spanish: Fernando; 10 March 1452 - 23 January 1516) was the king of Aragon from 1479 until his death in 1516. Its foreign and diplomatic policy aimed at assuming the task of regulating the events of the peninsula in order not to disturb the political balance given by the Treaty of Lodi, to affirm the hegemony of the Kingdom of Naples over the other Italian states and to tighten through its diplomats and marriages of his numerous legitimate and natural children, a dense network of alliances and relationships with Italian and foreign sovereigns, earned him the fame and the nickname of Judge of Italy, in addition to being recognized as a generous patron. In the end, however, having been seen the executioner with a gold chain that belonged to the prince of Bisignano, the rumor spread that they had been slaughtered, closed in some sacks and thrown into the sea on a night of great storm. With a law of 1466 he allowed farmers to freely dispose of their products, releasing them from the obligation of having to sell the food to the local lord at the price he set. In order to arrange a good future for Ferdinand, King Alfonso had . When Marino's attempt to lead Ferrante to a more sheltered place failed, citing as an excuse not to be seen by the French camped on the Rocca di Teano, the two began to talk and an altercation arose. His coming was so effective that he made his enemies wary of attacking him.[12][29]. Bayezid, eager to have it in his hands, petitioned the Grand Master and the knights to give it to him in exchange for one hundred thousand scudi, but the quibbles sent him first to France and then to Rome to the papal court first to Pope Sixtus IV and then to Pope Innocent VIII. [4] At that time it possessed the most powerful navy in the western part of the Mediterranean.[9]. All this was confirmed by the bull of Pius II, on November 2, 1458. Now turned a little in me, leaving aside the tears, I advise Your Holiness that the day before he passed from this life, my Father ordered me that before anything else I should prefer the grace and esteem of Your Holiness. When he imprisoned Marino Marzano for having betrayed him in the conspiracy of the barons, Ferrante, moved by tenderness towards his family, took care of them himself and particularly of his niece Camilla, who was educated at his court. All this took place with the complicity of Pope Sixtus IV, who did not look favorably on Venetian expansionism in the Aegean.[34]. He made arrangements with Mohammed II, who was happy to find an ally against Venice. Ferdinand was born in Naples, Kingdom of Naples on 7 September 1496, the son of Alfonso II of Naples and Ippolita Maria Sforza. With heroism they resisted their pressure, so they paid with blood thinking that martyrdom and faith were the most precious thing.[25][43]. When he came to power he had to face many problems: Charles, Prince of Viana, incited the Neapolitans to acclaim him king, the barons pushed King John of the Crown of Aragon to conquer the kingdom, and after the latter's refusal they resorted to John of Anjou, son of Ren, who claimed the kingdom of Naples and the Pope demanded moreover that the kingdom be devolved to his Holy See. 140 - King Ferdinand's woes (1458 - 1492) After the death of Alphonse the Magnanimous, his illigitimate son, Ferdinand, has quite a time managing to hold on to the kingdom of Naples what with revolting Barons, meddling popes and even an Ottoman invasion! Once the undertaking was over, the Pope renewed his request for censuses obtained with greater diligence than before. Ferdinand II of Naples (26 August 1469-7 September 1496) was King of Naples from 23 January 1495 to 7 September 1496, succeeding Alfonso II of Naples and preceding Frederick of Naples. He was the son of Alfonso II of Naples and the grandson of Ferrante I of Naples. He is eventually tortured to death by King Charles VIII, who blamed him for the plague that swept Naples, and his body is placed in his father's gruesome "Last S. He then rode, accompanied with great magnificence by the baronage and the people towards the seven offices of the Kingdom, then returned to Castel Nuovo. [34], On 5 December 1479 Lorenzo the Magnificent embarked on Neapolitan ships in Pisa to reach Naples. On 15 June 1488 he placed the first stone of them behind the Carmelo monastery, where a tower was built, called Torre Spinelli, which took its name from the architect who had erected it, Francesco Spinelli. The agreement between the Prince of Salerno and the King overturned the war in favor of Ferrante, because it opened the way for him to reconquer Calabria, since the lands of the Prince of Salerno from San Severino to Calabria belonged to him or to the Count of Capaccio or to the Count of Lauria and to other followers of his lineage. All souls were filled with immense jubilation when suddenly they were arrested and destined with the others to last torture. In fact, the use of cannons following the discovery of gunpowder required wide and low circular towers to cushion the impact of cannonballs, equipped with ramps or slides that allowed the pieces to be moved from one tower to the other. After trials and other solemnities, they were condemned to the deprivation of all honors Titles, Dignity, Offices, Cavalry, Feuds, nobility and were condemned to be beheaded. The main men-at-arms of his army remained in the power of the enemy, who, entering prisoners in Rome, adorned the triumph of the victor. The Prince of Bisignano , in order to give the other barons time to arm themselves, began to make a peace treaty with Ferrante who apparently seemed very willing to accept, but in reality he had no intention of giving him anything. He was gifted with great courage and remarkable political ability. The De Dominicihe says that the pillars were placed by him, the ceiling was renovated and the ornaments of the chapel were completed, but in the biography of the del Donzello, contained in his work, he also attributes to them the direction of some works. Marino was subsequently imprisoned by Ferrante, who had already taken possession of all his fiefdom. She was mourned by everyone and her body was taken to the church of San Pietro Martire, where her sepulcher can still be seen today. The Prince of Taranto who was in Bari went as far as Bitonto to meet the duke and took him to Bari, where he was received with a royal apparatus. King Ferrante after long years of widowhood in 1477 married his cousin Joanna, daughter of his uncle King John II of Aragon.[12][32]. By order of Ferrante, as a lasting warning, the splendid bronze door of the Castel Nuovo, called La Vittoriosa, was cast in bronze, through the artillery removed by the enemies, with the representation of the king's triumph in the conspiracy of the barons, the work of Guglielmo Dello Monaco, a Parisian who had served Alfonso as a manufacturer of cannons, clocks and bells. [12][56], The barons, although reassured by the Pope and the King of Spain and Sicily, knew Alfonso's cruelty and Ferrante's lack of faith towards them, remaining greatly afflicted by them. Subsequently, in 1485, Alfonso, son of King Ferrante and then Duke of Calabria, transformed the keep of Ferrante into a castle. King Ferrante, who for the past war of Otranto found himself tired and impoverished, did not dare to enter the war, but in the end also pushed by the will of the Duke of Calabria, resolved to help his son-in-law and daughter, with the aim also of preventing the Venetians and the Pope from increasing their territories. more need, given that the Duke of Anjou was exhausted by the war, but that they had been sent only because the Pope demanded that the Duchy of Sora, the county of Arpino and that of Celano having once been the territory of the Church, they were returned to him. [2][3][4][5][6], He issued various social laws that in fact undermined the excessive power of the Barons, favoring small artisans and peasants. The cardinal blessed the new sovereign with a pontifical blessing and proclaimed him King of Naples. Ferdinand I of Naples should not be confused with Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies, a later king of Naples. The Pope then urged Charles VIII to invade the kingdom, however Ferrante with a new treaty averted the threat. Thus was born the superb Aragonese castle of Brindisi. He also appears as a character in the novel " The Duchess of Milan" by Michael Ennis (1992), as well as in comics: On 29 September 1465 Ferrante founded the famous Order of the Ermine, which was awarded to the same sovereign, his son Alfonso, his nephew Ferrandino and many other important personalities, such as Ercole I d'Este, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Ludovico il Moro, Federico from Montefeltro and Charles I of Burgundy. The leaders and authors of this conspiracy were Francesco Coppola, Count of Sarno and Antonello Petrucci secretary of the King. At the behest of the king, on 26 July 1438 the governor de Corella, the bishop Borgia and the young Ferrante, with their entourage of young Catalan gentlemen, set sail from Barcelona for Italy. At the start of the Italian Wars in 1495, Alfonso abdicated in favor of his son, Ferdinand, when a French army led by Charles VIII threatened Naples. On the throne he was succeeded by his son Alfonso II of Naples, who in turn abdicated very soon in favor of his own son Ferrandino due to the much feared invasion of Charles VIII of France, who in 1494 fell to Italy . The Prince of Taranto seeing the situation degenerate because of the king, who was reaching him to conquer it, asked him for peace. [13], His death, unfortunately fatal, led to ruin not only his progeny and the kingdom, but showered him of innumerable evils throughout the Italy.[12][63]. This culture also showed more accessible outside of court, spreading the ' literacy among the nobility and encouraging the growth of a popular literature that finds its best example in the Rookie of Masuccio Salerno.[62]. The end of the rebellion of the barons was followed by twenty years of internal peace which allowed Ferrante to strengthen the state and increase its wealth. During the factory, many alms and a conspicuous donation from the King were received. Nor is the increase and promotion of the fine arts and cultural life less innovative. Meanwhile Sixtus had died and his successor, Pope Innocent VIII, after having lifted the excommunication of the Venetians that Sisto had given him, wanted to re-establish the payment of the census in the kingdom of Naples. Indeed, Ferdinand had a novel way of dealing with his enemies. Ferdinand I (also known as Ferrante) was the illegitimate son of Alfonso V of Aragon and was the king of Naples from 1458 to 1494. Furthermore, Ferrante established in Naples the first musical school in Italy and one of the first in Europe, which involved the major musicians of the time such as: Bernhard Hykaert, the aforementioned Tinctoris, Guglielmo Guarnier and Franchino Gaffurio, who from 1475 to 1478 covered the position of Master of the Chapel of the Royal Palace. The Duke John was received by the Prince of Rossano and immediately pushed his army to the port of Naples, invading a large part of Terra di Lavoro. The Bedroom of Ferdinand II and Queen Maria Theresa no longer corresponds to the 1799 inventory, because the room was burned and rebuilt after the death of Ferdinand II of Bourbon, the penultimate King of Naples (May 22, 1859), believed to have died of infectious disease, but most likely as a result of poisoning. The king himself granted statutes to state-owned cities and ratified those granted by the barons, favoring the growth of an urban aristocracy as a counterweight to the feudal nobility.[14]. Faced with a huge supply of money and a proposal of ultimate prosperity and wealth, anyone would be able to be seduced; so it was not for the Saint. Ferdinand II (c. 1137 - 22 January 1188), was a member of the Castilian cadet branch of the House of Ivrea and King of Len and Galicia from 1157 until his death. This tenacious man maintained physical health and mental clarity until the end of his life; his sturdy and muscular body withered in old age and his thick dark hair, cut short in the prime of life, became long and white, but only a few serious illnesses are remembered of him.[62]. Ferrante's alliances rested mainly on the Sforza of Milan and the Este of Modena and Ferrara. To compensate for the tender age of the prince, who was also very young, he gave him as companions the Count of Fondi, Maddaloni and Marigliano , and also sent another army to Apulia, led by his son Duke of Sant'Angelo Francis, to control those lands.[12][53]. July 16, 2015. Ferrante managed to lay the foundations for the formation of an embryo of a modern state thanks to the creation of new political institutions such as the Collateral Council and the consolidation of financial structures such as the Regia Camera della Sommaria. Il Pontano succeeded Beccadelli as rector of the renowned Academy of Naples founded by his predecessor (one of the very first academies founded in Europe, the first of the Kingdom of Naples and the oldest in Italystill existing), of which he was the main representative and which was later named after him, whose most illustrious students were: Sannazaro, Antonio Flaminio, Cardinal Sadoleto, Giano Anisio, Giovanni Cotta, Andrea Sabatini, Andrea Matteo III Acquaviva and many others. A strong emotional bond soon developed between father and son, as Alfonso appreciated the young man's acute intelligence and courage, while Ferrante showed complete reverence for his parent. [12][61] Encouraged by Ludovico Sforza, in 1493 the French king Charles VIII, heir to the Angevin pretenders of Naples, was preparing to invade Italy for the conquest of the Kingdom and Ferrante understood that he was facing the greatest danger he had ever faced. After the Bull of Investiture, two more were sent: in the first the Pontiff advised Ferrante to send him a Cardinal Legate for the coronation and in the second he revoked the Bull. It replaced the obsolete Angevin curtain with a structure more responsive to the new defensive needs, deriving from the introduction of artillery . Ferrante, then, exploited the weak point of the Sforza power represented by Genoa, fomenting the rebellion of the capital, where in 1476 there were riots and riots to the cry "long live the king of Naples and long live freedom".[34]. [4], He was responsible for a first expansion of the walls of Naples, which was followed by a second one in 1499 . Having noted it, he took it, promising after the victory to return everything; and with that silver he immediately had that coin called "Li Coronati di S. Angelo" struck, which benefited him a lot in this war. Maria (1440 - 1460), wife of Antonio Todeschini Piccolomini, Duke of Amalfi; Giovanna ( - 1475 ca. Among the conditions of the treaty was that the King recognized the Roman Church, paying him the usual income, as well as the chinea, and stopped harassing the barons. Inanto the gratitude that bound him to the Skanderbeg was not silent in Ferrante's heart and, wanting to give him a sign, he gave him to his own and perpetual heritage Trani, Siponto and San Giovanni Rotondo, a city in Puglia and therefore opposite the Albania. While trying to suppress the first revolts in Apulia and Abruzzo, Ferrante received the notice that the Duke John with twenty-two galleys and four large ships had appeared in the marina di Sessa, between the mouth of the Garigliano and the Volturno. [13], Following the death of his uncle Peter, in April 1439 Ferrante was appointed lieutenant general of the kingdom. The King sent Frederick who was received by the Prince and the Barons, who greeted him with signs of esteem. Ferrante was also very attached to music, for which he showed real enthusiasm. These united barons decided to urge King John of Aragon to come and conquer the kingdom that belonged to him by legitimate succession after the death of his brother Alfonso V; but King John refused. Ferdinand (1751-1825), son of Charles III of Spain, was king of Naples as Ferdinand IV from 1759 to 1806, and king of the Two Sicilies as Ferdinand I from 1816 to 1825. In addition to the King, the Florentines and Ludovico Sforza, regent of the Duchy of Milan for his nephew Gian Galeazzo Maria Sforza took up arms to help Ferrara, with the resolution that the Florentines and the King harass the Pope and Ludovico troubled the borders of the Venetians, so than that Republic, having to defend the borders in many points harassed Ferrara with less impetus. The prince of Salerno then went with Roberto Orsini to conquer it. On the other hand, the Barons, seeing the dissatisfaction of the Pope, thought of having recourse to him to be supported. The historian Ernesto Pontieri comments: "Ferrante, found in the league with Florence a bulwark against the enemy forces of his dynasty, which, as is well known, were the treacherous and riotous baronage inside and foreign suitors outside. [12][29], Alfonso, Duke of Calabria, Ferrante's eldest son, who was less than 14 years old, was sent by his father under the protection of Luca Sanseverino to subdue Calabria. 1.9 Last years. Ferdinand I, Italian Ferrante or Ferdinando, (born 1423, Valencia, Spaindied Jan. 25, 1494), king of Naples from 1458. Although the Kingdom of Naples was ruled by Ferrante, locally the effective power was the prerogative of the noble families according to what was the feudal system. His father was old and senile, leaving himself as the effective ruler of Naples. Ferdinando I re di Napoli: Directed by Gianni Franciolini. King John claimed that the money should be taken from the treasury that Alfonso had left to the kingdom of Naples and the ambassadors agreed to give it to him in ten years. Ferdinand II, (born June 26, 1467, Naples [Italy]died Oct. 5, 1496, Naples), prince of Capua, duke of Calabria, and king of Naples (1495-96), who recovered his kingdom from French occupation. King Ferrante, although a very prudent prince, for the great affection he bore to the Duke Don Alfonso, for his old age and for the love and caresses of his new bride, was disheartened by low affections, and seeing that he trusted a lot in the value of duke gave him almost all the reins of the government. He was king of Naples from 1458 to 1494. Due to his excellent knowledge of languages and law, King Ferrante also ordered him to draw up an Italian translation of the articles of the Order of the Golden Fleece (Articuli et ordinatione of the Order of the Golden Fleece). He was a very passionate man, he had an almost pathological attraction towards young women[68] and, despite the numerous lovers and concubines, he loved very much his wife Isabella di Chiaramonte, a woman of exceptional virtues, whose death greatly afflicted him. [12][63], Ferrante was very graceful in reasoning, shrewd, modest, patient to suffer things of his contrary genius, ready and grateful in giving an audience, resolute in negotiations and very right simulator. When they had to be signed, since the prince of Salerno and many barons resided in Salerno , the prince of Bisignano asked the king to send Don Frederick to Salerno for greater safety.and sign them in his name. A theological-dogmatic pamphlet is attributed to him: This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 00:56. Meanwhile, Alfonso Duke of Calabria, having discovered the conspiracy, suddenly took possession of the County of Nola and conquered Nola, incarcerating the two children and the Count's wife, then leading them to the prisons of Castel Nuovo in Naples. Therefore, Ferrante brought with him Coreglia himself and Giovanni Ventimiglia, Count of Montesarchio, who, with a past as a man of arms, over the years, was among the advisors of Ferrante, while Marino was accompanied by two leaders of the time: Deifobo dell'Anguillara, who at the head of an army had in previously forced Ferrante's troops to retreat from Venafro to Calvi, and Giacomo da Montagano, known in the chronicles as a very dangerous and ready-handed man, who had dropped into Terra di Lavoro on Christmas Eve to join the army of John of Anjou. [12][48], Since both John Duke of Anjou and Ren his father had died, the Pontiff pushed Charles VIII of France to send Ren Duke of Lorraine to conquer the kingdom of Naples, of which he would have invested him, as long as he was always faithful to the Holy Church. This event was then represented in the first, top left, of the six bas-reliefs impressed on the bronze door after the Arc de Triomphe in Castel Nuovo. In the spring of 1464 John of Anjou, having seen himself isolated and defeated, left with two galleys for Provence. In the meantime Ferrante tried, through tricks and deceptions, to bring the conspiring barons to his side. his daughter Beatrice (1457-1508), Queen of Hungary and Bohemia. As the husband of Queen Isabella I of Castile, he was also the king of Castile from 1475 to 1504 (as Ferdinand V).He reigned jointly with Isabella over a dynastically unified Spain; together they are known as the . [73] Likewise in the first one on the right is represented the King who valiantly puts the conspirators to flight with the verses: "HOS REX MARTIPOTENS ANIMOSIOR HECTORE CLARO / SENSIT VT INSIDIAS ENSE MICANTE FVGAT". Pope Pius then died, with the same condition he gave the Duchy of Sora to Leonardo della Rovere, nephew of Pope Sixtus . On the way an accident happened to one of the wheels of the carriage, which caused them to stop at . [41], Warned not to be deceived in the election of the site, Francis prophesied that this place would be the most important and populated center not only in Naples, but in the whole Kingdom. France and the Duchy of Milan unsuccessfully tried to thwart the alliance, potentially very dangerous for their Mediterranean interests. Jacopo Piccinino, who commanded the allied army, observing the discomfort of her, demanded and obtained a truce and because foresaw an unhappy end, he decided not to maintain the truce. Shortly before his death, not believing that his time had really come, he had his hair and jaws accommodated, which seemed to be falling, but, suddenly feeling faint, trembling said to the children and grandchildren who were around him these words: "My children, be blessed "; and turning to a crucifix he said:""Deus, propitius esto mihi peccatori (God, forgive my sins)", and immediately died. He claimed that payment was excessive even for the Kingdom encompassing both Naples and Sicily, and that since Sicily was ruled by his uncle, King John of Aragon, Ferrante and Naples should not pay the entire amount. In the 20112013 Canadian television series, In the 20132015 British-American fantasy series, In the 20162019 Anglo-Italian television series, A collection of letters in Latin was published under his name in 1585 with the title. Meanwhile, Pope Sixtus upon the requisition of King Ferrante excommunicated and banned the Venetians for disturbing the peace of Italy. [79] The new fortification was to include seven towers, four of which joined to form a quadrilateral, and the remaining three aligned along the moat to the Mar Piccolo. Having reported this message to the king, it was decided that the two should meet in a small church located in the place called Torricella near Teano on 29 May 1460 and it was set as a condition that each could bring two companions. [12] While the Duke of Calabria was staying in his camp for the Tuscan enterprise against the Florentines, Alfonso negotiated peace and signed a league with the Republic of Venice and Siena. [38], Don Ferrante then completely overturned his policy, starting to secretly support the rebels of the Papal States, such as Niccol Vitelli who fought the pontiff for the possession of Citt di Castello. [12][35], The death of Pope Paul on July 26, 1471, and the succession of Pope Sixtus IV, former Cardinal Francesco della Rovere, ended all discords. In 1806 Naples, King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies is frowned upon by the people, especially the comic theatrical Pulcinella, who continually delivers hard sermons, earning a reputation among the Neapolitans. of Callixtus III made against the King.[12][21]. At the same time the Duke of Milan sent a new aid, with which he managed to reconquer many lands in Abruzzo. When Ferrante returned to Naples, the inhabitants welcomed him with lively cheers and renewed the sacrament of fidelity. This school founded by Ferrante was very important for the development of music in Italy but above all it determined the foundations of the nascent Neapolitan Music School. Calixtus had notices posted in various places in the kingdom, where it was reported that upon Alfonso's death, the Kingdom of Naples had devolved to the Papal state. [12][57] Moving, however, was the speech and farewell that the Count of Sarno pronounced to his children from the top of the gallows. Thus was born the Aragonese castle of the city, and in 1491 the triangular -shaped ravelin between the Torre della Bandiera and the San Cristofalo tower was added on the side facing the Great Sea. On the other hand, King Ferrante, having understood the intention of the barons, immediately sent Turco Cicinello and Antonio d'Alessandro to Spain.To pray John not to lack love for his nephew the king, since he could say that the Kingdom of Naples was more his than the kingdoms of the Crown of Aragon. Imprisoned by Ferrante, who was received by the bull of Pius II, on 5 December Lorenzo. King. [ 12 ] [ 29 ] requisition of King Ferrante excommunicated and banned Venetians! Peace of Italy of this conspiracy were Francesco Coppola, Count of Sarno Antonello... The Duchy of Milan sent a new aid, with which he to... Needs, deriving from the introduction of artillery to him: this page was last edited on February... For Ferdinand, King Alfonso had isolated and defeated, left with Two for! Ally against Venice find an ally against Venice to music, for which he showed real enthusiasm alms and conspicuous... 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