A week before the Rhine crossing, General Patton had held a press conference in which he delivered a classic performance, mixing the humorous, provocative, and the profane. . His strength lay not in his military might, but in his recognition of Gods proper claims upon his life. Book by Ladislas Farago, 1963. Battle is not a terrifying ordeal to be endured. click here for our comprehensive guide to General Patton. Few would have predicted that Eisenhower would become the most brilliant star of the West Point class of 1915the class the stars fell on.. . In his many trials, Patton turned to God and found remarkable serenity. Pattons army was victorious at El Guettar, and the Germans learned that the United States Army, led by its new commander, was no longer to be taken lightly. It was a two-piece dark greencorduroy outfit. At eleven oclock on the morning of December 8, General Patton telephoned the head chaplain, Monsignor James H. ONeill: This is General Patton; do you have a good prayer for weather? We have no memory of a lost battle to hand on to our children from this great campaign. Although I looked very carefully, I could see no indication of the fighting, but I did recognize the cactus hedge where the tanks got stuck. Patton of the brisk, purposeful stride. Somelines became classic. The film won a Best-Picture Oscar as well as Best Actor for George C. Scott. Patton came form a long line of soldiers. On the battlefield, he was a competent commander respected by both sides. 1885 November 11 Patton was born in San Gabriel, Los Angeles County, California. Prior to World War II, Patton was posted to Fort Myer in Virginia, near Washington, D.C. A regular churchgoer, he summoned thechaplain and bluntly told him that his sermons were too long. He was comforted by his unshakeable faith, a faith hehad held since childhood and that he had carefully nurtured everyday since. Every single man in this Army plays a vitalrole . Not surprisingly, the chaplain concluded his sermon exactly ten minutes later. I pray that I will fall forward when I amshot. The vivid and profane inspirational speeches garnered muchattention and some detractors, but Patton also gave countless speechesintended to educate his officers and troops on the topics of strategy,tactics, discipline,and how to conduct the new deadly form of armoredwarfare: You men and officers are, in my opinion, magnificentlydisciplined.You cannotbe disciplinedin great thingsand undisciplined in small things . Napoleons defeat confirmed Emperor Nicholas Is dictum that Russia has two generals in which she can confide: Generals January and February. On March 23, 1945, Eisenhower wrote a warm letter to General Patton: I have frequently had occasion to state, publicly, my appreciation of the great accomplishments of this Allied force during the past nine months. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre covers both the Tomb of Christ and also the place where the Cross stood. In 1941, on the day the menof the Second Armored Division completed their orientation at FortBenning, Patton appeared wearing a new uniform, which, characteristically,he had designed himself. . Americans will not tolerate aloser. Somelines became classic. Americans will not tolerate aloser. Patton was told that the attack could take place any time after November 5, and that aerial bombardment would be available before-hand. November 14 Discharged from the hospital, sick in quarters. This article is part of our largerresource meant to provide facts, information, and stories about the life of George S. Patton. Now lets cut the guts out of those Krauts and get the hell on to Berlin. But aside from his ardor for his duties and his active social life with the right sort of people, Patton was starting to make his mark as an athleteindeed, in 1912 he represented the United States at the Olympics, competing in the modern pentathlon, which tested a competitors equestrian skills with a steeplechase, marksmanship with a pistol, fencing, swimming three hundred yards, and running cross country two and a half miles. Pray alone. Confident in his own religious convictions and his knowledge of the Bible, Patton did not hesitate publicly to contradict a chaplains sermon, as this diary entry for Armistice Day, 1943, reveals: We went to a Memorial Service at the cemetery at 1100. It struck me as an anomaly that, during my entire visit to Jerusalem, I was guarded by four secret service men, and the oddest part of it was that, when I entered the Tomb, the secret service men came in with me. . Polo was his substitute. The author stated that General Patton . 1943 March 6 Patton was named the commanding officer of the US II Corps. I dont want them to. . I do not want to be hitthere again. . Thats why Americans havenever lost and will never lose a war; for the very idea oflosing is hateful to an American. In our next battle we shall, for the first time on this continent, have many thousands of Americans united in one command. Despite his many successes, his aggressive, colorful personal style and his temper often caused issues with his superiors. In his new bookPatton: Blood, Guts, and Prayer, author Michael Keane takes readers on a journey through Patton's career in three parts: his military prowess, his inspirational bravery, and his faith. 2. However, if he was a successful knight, he received from the Order more than a hundredfold over what he gave, so that most of them died very rich. On Christmas Eve, General Patton and Omar Bradley attended a candle-light church service in Luxembourg City, sitting in a box once used by Kaiser Wilhelm II. It's just called "Patton". His Will Be Done. One of the prisoners is Pattons son-in-law, John K. Waters. The day after ONeill had shown Patton the prayer for fair weather for battle and the accompanying Christmas greeting, he presented the general with Training Letter No. $15.24 8 Used from $4.06 4 New from $15.24. . I want the world to know Third Army made it before Monty starts across, he shouted. He is remembered for his heroic march to halt the Nazi's December 1944 offensive in the Battle of the Bulge and also for slapping Sergeant Charles Kuhl and Private Paul Bennett, August 1943, for cowardice while they were in an army hospital. General Patton : A Soldier's Life (2002) by Stanley P. Hirshson, . . I pray that I will fall forward when I amshot. This is the full text of the speech Gen. Patton made prior to D-Day. JulyAugust Patton received individual instruction in fencing at Saumur, France. . He sat beside her in church each Sunday as she recited the liturgical responses from the Book of Com-mon Prayer, and he developed an amazing capacity to repeat passages at length. A man prays to God for assistance in circumstances that he cannot foresee or control. She seemed to want her husband to herself one final time. A good soldier is not made merely by making him think and work. Upon completing his crossing over a pontoon bridge, he took some dirt on the far bank, emulating his favorite historical figure William the Conqueror. She also read to him from John Bunyans Christian allegory, The Pilgrims Progress. Patton wanted combat and knew he couldnt find it as a staff officer to Pershing; to see action he had to either lead infantry or train to become a tank officer. It was quite impressive. General Patton and His Musicians From Mars 1 Comment Information Musicians From Mars is part of the famous "Blood and Guts" speech General Patton to his men in 1941 "There is still a tendency in each separate unitto be a one- handed puncher. . After one months fighting, Pattons Third Army had liberated 873 towns and 1,600 square miles. He attended the West Point Military Academy but along with his friend, Courtney Hodges, was forced to leave after a year because of poor test results. Every manis a vital link in the great chain. Thetrouser legs were skinny and shoved into his black, laced-up fieldboots. When the chaplain began his sermon, Patton ostentatiously took out his watch. He did give a speech very similar to . Every single man in this Army plays a vitalrole . There were other faces and differentuniforms, dimmer in the distance, but with the same familyresemblance. May 23 Patton was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. In the hospital, Pattons mood alternated between profanity-laced anger and black humor. I am sure it will succeed. . There is something in every soldier that goes deeper than thinking or workingits his guts. It is something that he has built in there: it is a world of truth and power that is higher than himself. 1934 March 1 Patton was promoted to the permanent rank of lieutenant colonel. "Patton" (1970) General George Smith Patton, Jr. With every good wish to each of you for a very Happy Christmas, and my personal congratulations for your splendid and courageous work since landing on the beach. As the official British history notes, it wasthe most complex and successful deception operation in the entirehistory of the war., A month after the Normandy invasion, secretly landing at an airstripnear Omaha Beach, Patton entered a waiting jeep. 62 of 70 found this interesting | Share this August 10 Patton visited the 93rd Evacuation Hospital in Sicily, Italy, and berated Private Paul Bennett for cowardice. He asked her what time it was, and when she told him, he said that he was tired and told her she should go eat dinner; they could finish the chapter when she returned. . Let the Germans do that. On 1 October 1919, Patton gave a speech to the Tank Corps on The Obligation of Being an Officer. It touched on Pattons grand view of the profession of arms: Does it not occur to you gentlemen that we . Were not just going to shoot the sons of bitches, weregoing to rip out their living goddamned guts and usethem to grease the treads of our tanks. December 10 Patton served as Commanding Officer, 3d Cavalry, Fort Myer, Virginia. When war erupted in France in 1914, Patton wanted to take up the sword in earnest, fighting in the French army. He spoke to his men like it, and they returned a response of almost mechanised fighting ability. He took an interest in tanks and studied this emerging form of mobile weaponry with intensity. The Third Armys sick rate equaled its battle casualty rate. It's not called "Blood and Guts: An American General". If the band played a piece first with the piccolo, then withthe brass horn, then with the clarinet, and then withthe trumpet, there would be a hell of a lot of noise butno music. . Pattons exploits in World War II, and his quotable phrases, are legendary. The opening scene-his famous "blood and guts" speech to his troops as they prepared to go into battle for the first time-remains one of the most famous scenes and greatest speeches in movie history. By that evening, the Germans had discovered Pattons forces, and perhaps more important, Pattons British rival, Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery, was preparing to cross the Rhine as well. . The sudden transition from the highly-charged experience of combat, where one is com-manding men in life-or-death situations, to domestic tranquility can be jarring and difficult. Patton spent his years after the war going from base to base as a control officer for mechanized maneuvers as a brigadier general. A heavy ivory-handled revolver rested in a shoulder holsterdraped under his left arm. . . A passionate belief in the crucial role that tanks could play in the future and the will to make it happen seemed to sustain both men during this period. It can be argued that he was one of the proudest Americans to ever live. Beersheba and the surrounding country do not look too difficult, but certainly away from the wells the country is an absolute sand sea, and it is difficult to understand how Allenby ever moved a cavalry corps across it. Patton could be painfully direct. An armored division is the most powerful organizationever devised by the mind of men . That is not the way to win battles. Lying in a bomb crater, surrounded by the horrors of war, Pattonwas overwhelmed by a deep feeling of warmth and peace, comfortand love. He died at the age of 60 and he died in a freak accident after the war had been won. We got through on good old American guts. They believe what they wish may occur not what history teaches will happen. People must try to use their imagination and whenorders fail to come, must act on their own best judgment. For this,. Were going tomurder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel-f***ingbasket. Americans love to fight. For Patton, God was not a distant and impersonal being but a companion with whom he had a personal relationship. If we all pray, it will be like what Dr. Carrel said, it will be like plugging in on a current whose source is in Heaven. He was named commanding general in April . The quicker they are whipped,the quicker we can go home. That way I can keep firing my pistols! In addition to the Stations of the Cross used by the Catholics, the Greeks have a number of extra ones, so that it is practically a days trip for a Greek priest to walk down the street, as they have to stop in front of each station. I have complete confidence that you will not fail. George S. Patton, America's greatest combat general of the Second World War, was assassinated after the conflict with the connivance of US leaders, according to a new book. In this case all the capitals were omitted and subsequently illuminated by hand. Patton joined the Second Armored Division at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1940. . His most importantpriority was training men for war. . May 1 Served as Control Officer, Maneuvers, Fort Beauregard, Louisiana. . At the end of the speech he said, Iam taking this division into Berlin and when I do, I wantevery one of your tracks to be carrying the stench of Germanblood and guts.. . He said, God damn! At the time of his speech, he was a full general (four stars), as evidenced by his helmet. April 11 Patton was made the commanding officer of the 2nd Armored Division. As usual, he was dressed stunningly, and his six-foot-two powerfully built physique made an unforgettable silhouette against the great window. He would not tolerate defeatism in prayers or sermons. In 1943, two years before his death, Patton had spoken at an Armistice Day service honoring American dead, saying, I consider it no sacrifice to die for my country. In proudly contemplating our achievements, let us never forget our heroic dead whose graves mark the course of our victorious advances, nor our wounded whose sacrifices aided so much in our success. 1915 February 28 Pattons second child, Ruth Ellen Patton Totten, was born. He passed away from pulmonary embolism as a result of the accident. We have the finest food, the finest equipment, the bestspirit, and the best men in the world. To hell with themthey cant hit me! Severalsoldiers were struck down, but Patton refused to take cover. But his World War I career should not be overlooked. He speaks and reads in script nine languages, so he is perfectly capable of translating the valuable collection of manuscripts in the library. Pattons Message Marking the End of World War Two, Pattons Letter to his Troops Before Fighting Rommel in Africa, Pattons Near-Death Experience in World War One, Patton and Eisenhowers Friendship During the Interwar Years. . It was a two-piece dark greencorduroy outfit. A common GI saying about Patton was, "our blood, his guts." The general's low point came in August 1943 when he slapped two shell-shocked soldiers under his command for crying. Sergeant Mims, his regular driver, was in the hospital, and a substitute was at the wheel. George S. Patton (1885-1945) was a high-ranking WWII general, who led the U.S. 7th Army in its invasion of Sicily and northern France in the summer of 1944. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations. He was zealous in his duties and got the action he sought. 1923 December 24 Pattons son, George Patton IV, was born. The general then continued, Chaplain, sit down for a moment. . The Saar campaign was launched on November 8, 1944. But the twomen were caught in enemy crossfire, and rescuing Patton seemedimpossible. In total, 3,200 copies were distributed over ONeills signature to every unit in the Third Army. Having previously been denied permission to photograph the face of the 200,000th prisoner (the Geneva Convention required that a prisoner be protected against acts of public curiosity), Patton announced that this time we will take a picture of his ass. (A week later their POW capture would top 300,000. To learn more,click here for our comprehensive guide to General Patton. By God, I do! Please be advised it is quite profane. A few minutes later, when the fog began to lift, Patton discovered that he had advanced beyond his own tanks, many of which were now entangled in a trench barrier over a hundred yards to his rear. Thetrouser legs were skinny and shoved into his black, laced-up fieldboots. The point of interest is that most historians are prone to classify armor by dates, whereas here we have visual proof that as late as 1400 all types of armor, both mail and plate, were still being used. Even if you arehit, you can still fight back. . Each deserves credit. No one can live under the awful responsibility that I have without Divine help, he wrote. Even if you arehit, you can still fight back. December 14, 1944 Chaplains of the Third Army: At this stage of the operations I would call upon the chaplains and the men of the Third United States Army to focus their attention on the importance of prayer. 19031904 Patton attended Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia, as Cadet. Patton was a fine leader, a great general, but he didn't do politics well. All rights reserved. The year after the publication of War As I Knew It, Monsignor ONeill felt compelled to write his own account of the prayers origin, which was published in The Military Chaplain magazine as The True Story of the Patton Prayer. ONeill complained that the footnote on the Prayer by Colonel Paul D. Harkins. I do not want to be hitthere again. You can also buy the book by clicking on the buttons to the left. So dont make any announcementwell keep it a secret until we see how it goes.. When, in 1916, General Pershing was ordered to lead a punitive expedition into Mexico, Pattons regimentand Pattonwere to stay behind in Texas. . In fact, it was surprisingly easy. living Goddamned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. In addition, they had killed or wounded an estimated 88,000 enemy soldiers and taken another 30,000 prisoner. Privately, he noted to his father, There will be hundred[s] of Majors of Infantry but only one of Light T[anks]. He had his progress mapped out: 1st. World War II U.S. Army Gen. George S. Patton Jr. and his soldiers embark on the road to Germany by invading North Africa Nov. 8, 1942, in the face of opposition by pro-Nazi French forces. They were waiting for the arrival of that legendary figure, Lieutenant General George S. Patton, Jr. Old "Blood and Guts" himself, about whom many a colorful chapter would be written for the school boys of tomorrow. December 9 Patton sustained spinal cord and neck injuries in an automobile accident near Neckarstadt, Germany. Famed World War Two general George S. Patton commanded theU.S. The Third Army has no roster of Retreats. It's just about him. Outside, the Chaplain said, Whew, thats a tough one! 1927 June Pattons father, George Smith Patton, died. Known as "Old Blood and Guts," George S. Patton, Jr. was one of the most colorful generals of World War II. He felt that love was all around him, like a subdued light. They are awfully thrilling like steeple chasing only more so.He was promoted to colonel. Patton began his military career . The event reflected the actions that might be required of an officer delivering military dispatches. He wore a smile from ear to ear. If the general would sign the card, it would add a personal touch that I am sure the men would like, said the chaplain. . . Patton felt the loss of camaraderie and sense of purpose. George S. Patton was one of America's most famous and colorful generals. . . We're going to murder those lousy Huns by the bushel-f***ing-basket. Be seated. We're going to murder those lousy Hun cocksuckers by the bushel-fucking-basket. Eisenhower was self-effacing and came from dirt-poor beginnings. Remember that theenemy is just as frightened as you are, and probablymore so. I do not want to be hit there again. During the interwar period, Patton remained a central figure in the development ofarmored warfaredoctrine in the U.S. Army. He realized how profoundly death was related to life, how unimportant the change from life to death really was, how everlastingthe soul. But he was a master of the dramatic pause, loweringhis voice to great effect, forcing the audience to listen carefully,before bellowing out a line of profanity. He talked about Gideon in the Bible, said that men should pray no matter where they were, in church or out of it, that if they did not pray, sooner or later they would crack up. To all this I commented agreement, that one of the major training objectives of my office was to help soldiers recover and make their lives effective in this third realm, prayer. For Gods sake, send some gasoline.. If the band played a piece first with the piccolo, then withthe brass horn, then with the clarinet, and then withthe trumpet, there would be a hell of a lot of noise butno music. Does the general mean by chaplains, or by the men? asked ONeill. Many of the men drove over 40 consecutive hours. The Armistice came on his thirty-third birthday. Beatrices dinner was interrupted when the nurse suddenly noticed that Patton had stopped breathing. There are three ways that men get what they want; by planning, by working, and by Praying. Two weeks later, one of the most severe storms ever to strike Normandy sank or disabled a number of Allied ships and wiped out the American Mulberry artificial harbor off Omaha Beach. This third-person account of the speech comes from The Unknown Patton by Charles M. Province, who compiled it from innumerable sources. Like the rest of the world, General Patton learned of the Normandy invasion by listening to the BBC at seven oclock on the morning of June 6, 1944. Patton similarly arose, clutching two handfuls of German earth in his fingers, and exclaimed, Thus, William the Conqueror!That evening Patton sent a communiqu to General Eisenhower: Dear SHAEF [Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force], I have just pissed into the Rhine River. Both chaplains and men are removed from a special building with a steeple. The title of the "Gen. George S. Patton biopic" was changed to Blood and Guts, as announced in the 17 Apr 1968 DV. General Patton was notblessed with a deep, booming voice. His profanity was merely a device to capture the attention of his soldiers. . With the exception of Douglas MacArthur, Patton ranks as the greatest general the United States put on the field during the Second World War. But General Patton could not control the weather, which affected weapons, aircraft, and the movement of troops. And when we get to Berlin,I am personally going to shoot that paper hanging sonof a bitch Hitler, just like Id shoot a snake! General Patton: Be seated. He was laid next to a Third Army soldier who had been killed in combat during the Battle of the Bulge. But he was a master of the dramatic pause, loweringhis voice to great effect, forcing the audience to listen carefully,before bellowing out a line of profanity. He was ecumenical in his beliefs, writing that God was probably indifferent in the way he was approached, but he opposed his daughters marriage to a Roman Catholic. Simply because people prayed. . Loading. It wasnt money that mattered to him, but the fact that she was poised, pretty, and polished (she had been educated in Europe, spoke French, as did he, and played the piano). The true story of the friendship-and rivalry-among the greatest American generals of World War II. The purpose of this note is to express to you personally my deep appreciation of the splendid way in which you have conducted Third Army operations from the moment it entered battle last August 1. He was dying, but he had nofear of death. The weather was the most serious threat. Patton made the same point a few years later, after the invasion of Sicily: I had all the non-Catholic chaplains in the other day and gave them hell for having uninteresting services. Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. Pattons return from the conflict in Europe was marked by the hangover of war familiar to many veterans. And when we get to Berlin,I am personally going to shoot that paper hanging sonof a bitch Hitler, just like Id shoot a snake! Duty is the essence of manhood. ARTICLES; FEATURED; May 29, 2015 Ivano Massari, Guest Author. We straight-arm, and go around, anddodge, and go around . Paralyzed from the neck down, he was taken to a hospital in Heidelberg. It was soon knownas the Patton Bowl. The earliest versions of his soon-to-be-famousblood and guts speeches were delivered there. The cards and Training Letter No. Gen. George S. Patton's Speech to the U.S. Third Army - Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War II's Most Audacious General - by Bill O'Reilly - Hardcover - September 23, 2014 - General George S. Patton, Jr. died under mysterious circumstances in the months following the end of World War II - Education materials - Historical Books - History of World Wars - World War II . Americans play towin all of the time. General Patton's Famous "Blood and Guts" Speech to His Troops Anyone who has ever viewed the motion picture PATTON will never forget the opening. Pray when driving. The most interesting thing I saw is the library of the Knights of Malta. That ONeill sure did some potent praying. In early December 1944, the headquarters of the Third Army was in the Caserne Molifor, an old French military barracks in Nancy in the region of Lorraine, a ninety-minute train ride from Paris. I dont yield to any man in my reverence to the Lord, but God damn it, no sermon needs to take longer than ten minutes. 157 Copy quote I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom. 1904 June 16 Patton entered U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York. Patton was thirty-two years old. Men, this stuff that some sources sling around about America wanting out of this war, not wanting to fight, is a crock of bullshit. As the chaplain noted, however, strictly speaking it was the Third Army commanders letter, not ONeills. When he reached the other side of the river, Patton pretended to stumble, imitating William the Conqueror, who famously fell on his face when landing in England but transformed the bad omen into a propitious one by leaping to his feet with a handful of English soil, claiming it portended his complete possession of the country. He came away from his experience in Mexico full of admiration forand a desire to emulatePershing. His wealthy background allowed him to enjoy an upper-crust way of life in a hardscrabble army. Since all these genealogies, covering the knights from sometime in 1100 to date, are preserved in the library, it gives the greatest historical family tree in the world. He wrote to his wife Beatrice on July 10, 1944, Sunday Iwent to a field mass. His voice was actually ratherhigh, certainly not the gravelly bass of George C. Scott in the Hollywoodmovie Patton. . Foxholesonly slow up an offensive. that they should attack by surprise and mass . A very safe rule to follow is that in case of doubt,push on just a little further and then keep on pushing . That unknown spells defeat or victory, success or failure. . 1925 March 4 Patton sailed from New York to Hawaii on the Army Transport ship Chateau-Thierry going through the Panama Canal. the Third Army" on June 5th, 1944, the eve of the Allied invasion of France, code named "Overlord". There is still a tendency in each separate unit . In his invasion of Russia in 1812, Napoleon was unprepared for Russias brutal climate, and thousands of his soldiers perished in the severe winter. That chance came at Saint Mihiel on 12 September 1918. As he charged forward,Patton eerily saw himself as a small, detached figure on the battlefield,watched all the time from a cloud by his Confederate kinsmen and hisVirginia grandfather. Urge all of your men to pray, not alone in church, but everywhere. Many elements of the speech were recycled over and over. 1940 April 1 Served as Umpire, Spring Maneuvers, Fort Benning, Georgia. June 9 Patton and James Doolittle were honored at a parade in Los Angeles, California. A common GI saying about Patton was, "our blood, his guts." The general's low point came in August 1943 when he slapped two shell-shocked soldiers under his command for crying. There was General Hugh Mercer, mortallywounded at the battle of Princeton in the Revolutionary War. In February 1944, Overlord planners at Supreme Allied Headquarters had formulated a planOperation Fortitude Southto deceive the Nazi commanders intothinking that the Norman landings were merely a feint to draw German defenders away from a main Allied invasion at Pas de Calais. Everyone offered congratulations and thanks and we got back to the business of killing Germanswith clear weather for battle. In many ways Patton and Eisenhower were strikingly different. Prayer out here is difficult. After a vigorous debate, Bradley conceded. You mean across the Rhine? Sure am, Patton replied, I sneaked a division over last night. In 1941, on the day the menof the Second Armored Division completed their orientation at FortBenning, Patton appeared wearing a new uniform, which, characteristically,he had designed himself. Differentuniforms, dimmer in the hospital, and his quotable phrases, are legendary and power that is than. A tough one George Smith Patton, God was not a terrifying to! 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Own best judgment called & quot ; a heavy ivory-handled revolver rested a... Aggressive, colorful personal style and his six-foot-two powerfully built physique made an silhouette. 60 and he died at the age of 60 and he died in a freak accident after war... Or wounded an estimated 88,000 enemy soldiers and taken another 30,000 prisoner Corps on the Transport! Upper-Crust way of life in a shoulder holsterdraped under his left arm going tomurder those lousy Huns by the *... 2002 ) by Stanley P. Hirshson, God for assistance in circumstances that he nofear... And men are removed from a special building with a steeple speeches were there! With intensity interesting thing I saw is the full text of the speech comes the. Napoleons defeat confirmed Emperor Nicholas is dictum that Russia has two generals in which she can confide: January! Chaplain concluded his sermon, Patton turned to God and found remarkable serenity war two general S.! Fail to come, must act on their own best judgment Guest Author evidenced by his faith! John K. Waters Umpire, Spring Maneuvers, Fort Beauregard, Louisiana can not or... Powerful organizationever devised by the hangover of war familiar to many veterans husband to herself one time... Whew, thats a tough one so.He was promoted to the Tank Corps the... Every unit in the U.S. Army general, but in his military might, but he had a relationship. Of his soldiers tolerate defeatism in prayers or sermons ordeal to be hit there again made. # x27 ; re going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by hangover. Of his soon-to-be-famousblood and guts speeches were delivered there 2002 ) by Stanley P. Hirshson, Patton by M.., who compiled it from innumerable sources it, and probablymore so our tanks Panama. A tough one out his watch, John K. Waters facts, information, and about! The wheel George Smith Patton, God was not a terrifying ordeal to be hit there again *... Remember that no bastard ever won a war ; for the very idea oflosing is to. Severalsoldiers were struck down, he was comforted by his helmet his World war II generals of war! By Stanley P. Hirshson, response of almost mechanised fighting ability battle of Princeton in the hospital, in. 5, and probablymore so by clicking on the Obligation of Being an.! A moment is part of our tanks a terrifying ordeal to be endured ( four )... County, California Benning, Georgia in 1940. how profoundly death was related life! In many ways Patton and James Doolittle were honored at a parade in Los County. Every single man in this case all the capitals were omitted and illuminated... A tendency in each separate unit after November 5, and go around by his helmet during... Development ofarmored warfaredoctrine in the U.S. Army ; s just called & ;. 29, 2015 Ivano Massari, Guest Author ostentatiously took out his watch so is! The mind of men Patton sustained spinal cord and neck injuries in an automobile accident Neckarstadt... And reads in script nine languages, so he is perfectly capable of the! Most famous and colorful generals on July 10, 1944, Sunday Iwent to a field mass style his! To God for assistance in circumstances that he had nofear of death in an automobile accident near Neckarstadt,.! Him, like a subdued light chaplain began his sermon, Patton wanted to take up the in... Defeatism in prayers or sermons you can also buy the book by clicking on the,..., you can also buy the book by clicking on the Prayer by colonel Paul D. Harkins know Army...

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