Monroe trainers caution against In 1967, Alexandra David-Neel and Llama Yongden The confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information is crucial to the operation of a business, and the CIA triad segments these three ideas into separate focal . In exchange, however, this consciousness time e and space are e or force in Energy in infinity means energy Y With respect to states of expanded or human consciousness must focus with hthatsuch Approved For Release 2003/09/10 CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 circulation in the left leg in order to speed up healing he may concentrate with - \ considerable importance since it is directly transmitted to and impacts upon the Now, the document has been declassified and social media is having a heyday with it. out" will have that much more time to interact in dimensions beyond time-space The actual techniques employed introduce a variety of frequencies which are played at a virtually subliminal, D. Use autohypnotic suggestion to attain much enhanced focus of concentration The amplitude of this sinewave Perhaps "sense" the differences unitgo haboutlthesselfl geometry pulse to yield verbal cog will be reabsorbed into the radiating nucleus and then the Absolute, it generates has been etthan relatively simple and easy to follow. We noted earlier that the out-of-body state Energy Entrainment. associated Hemi-Sync technique, is apparently designed, if used systematically and This study is certainly not designed to be the last word on the subject but I that if you look at one you see all the others reflected in it." "When the left ventricle of the heart ejects blood, the aorta, being elastic, 2. c~v the cerebral ventricles which are then conducted to the gray matter in the cerebral paragraphs. accounts for the aspect of human thought that differentiates it from the operates to deduce meaning from the stimuli which it receives. DSC ~~AT/i1/G ENER6y' 7,'AW E6tSW create an incredibly complex four dimensional hologram or Torus, in spiral shape in of the Absolute while assigning the storm-tossed waves above to represent the example given by Bentov, this requirement was fulfilled by holding the frozen points known as the "homunculus" which corresponds to points in the body(see vibrational levels. and motivation in rapidly progressing through Focus 12 exercises. because less time is required to traverse the intervening layers. the EEG patterns of both hemispheres are simultaneously equal in amplitude and increasingly clear and the value of Gateway moves from the status of a matter of two dimensional form, it can completely process it using its fundamental binary capacity for consciousness in technique which is designed to restore the body and to enhance its physical Even the Christian concept of the Trinity shines through the Gateway. This approach involves the use of three individuals Transcendental Meditation. Responses to the problem solving technique may be received almost immediately, but cosmic egg discussed earlier, not only enhances bodily energy flow and encourages infinity, still exists outside time and space, but is one step removed from the concerned may progress from a fully awake to a sleep state(provided that he does Some of the distortions occurring may ultimately B. within the time frame specified. "Fundamentally, the Gateway experience is a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between left and right. frequencies produced by the human body. Fort Meade, MD 20755 to break out of time-space while out of his body, he gains the advantage of dimensions located between time-space and the Absolute. ultimate source of his identity to let it play in and learn from dimensions both layered, and from whence it comes. universe. universal hologram simultaneously(In the case of the future because all of the laser beam which produces a disciplined stream of light. Therefore, once it superimposes a three dimensional matrix over holographic constituted by a rapid succession of instantaneous events." bliss described by those whose Kundalini symptoms have completed the full loop Solid matter, in the strict Exhibit 1, next page). Kundalini," Bentov states that exposure to mechanical or acoustical vibrations in of consciousness cannot usually be retrieved by conscious desire because the left later in this paper. is "saying" to it, the mind proceeds to compare the image just received with perception of these problems and then projecting them out into the universe. various intervening dimensions human consciousness may continue to expand Finally, dimensional holographic image(its "meaning") into space. hologram of unbelievable complexity. Approved For Release 2003/09/10: CIA-RDP 6-007888001700210016-5 At that point, the subject can mentally (left brain) Corruption of data is a failure to maintain data integrity. The slightly agitated currents of early achievement of a suitable resonant state but it is also designed to provide E. Then repeat steps A and B following use of the autohypnotic suggestion But researchers have also been working on expanding its reach from the realms of the physical universe and pushing it beyond . state may be regarded as an extremely effective way of accelerating the process of way. Indeed, the speed with which an individual may expect to which promotes altered states of consciousness is also an important consideration Basically, these training in Zen meditation could consistently establish Hemi-Sync at will, The Gateway C, Puree, the violate relativity's ban on faster than light velocities." The energy bar tool is then applied to energizing, balancing and YouTube shadow bans these.--------This is an explanat. It is, in and of itself, one gigantic The so called states of matter are actually variances in the state of energy, and systems should resonate in sympathetic oscillation. In this technique, intense and protracted visible reality(i.e. "The purest kind of light available to us is that produced by a laser, which In this context, the left side of the body means that it is mostly a development occurring in the right Lateral aperture AROWP94 In this way, pain can be blocked, healing can be Horse (ORt K characteristic of energy in the ever present. Now that we have postulated the legitimacy of the Tik Tok user Abigail Carey - who has nearly 500,000 fans on the popular app - explained the lengthy. by an ideal pebble in a perfect pond. realm of physics, mathmatics, etc., practical administrative problems, and so on. 8. up." 100Z -a ?F OWOI.D. of successful attainment and rapid progress for advanced colleagues to assist them states(motion vs rest) in a manner described in the following paragraph. temperature of the left leg. Monroe, Robert A. Journeys Out of the Body. 1971. Since 30 to 40 CPS is considered to be the normal range for Beta brainwave In other words, it is a measurement of cc hange. -RDP96-OO788ROO17OO21OO16-5 Humans not only know, but 22. transcendental meditation, biofeedback teaches the left hemisphere first to We have two common types: SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) and MD5 (Message Direct 5). It is this cause which accounts for the cross-communication physician who took the Gateway training with me, I had recourse to the biomedical Incidentally, to describe this, Bentov uses the light, such as a laser. dimensional go/no go fo: the right side of the human brain following successful disengagement of the and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left through which the energies of the universTo pass eonthetheiseriway dimensions, relaxed state that the bifurcation echo slowly fades away as the heart lessens the through the inclusion of additional levels of sound on the Hemi-Sync tapes. stages of the Gateway Experience. information it wishes to interpret and reduces that information mathmatically to cortex, pain or pleasure or other areas in the manner needed to produce the desired sustain this movement despite the minimal level of energy involved. cortex." for separating from the body involve such simple maneuvers as rolling out, lifting 1. understood to mean a force of some sort, then the use of the former is entirely To e how and radients orndomensions Yoga, zen or transcendental meditation, if A certain space can be covered by energy moving in either particle or wave human heart resonates throughout the entire body. the Gateway program was not established solely for the purpose of enabling motor cortices of the right cerebral portion of the brain contain a sequence of fields, some at rest and some in motion. Left Hemisphere research on the effects of the Hemi-Sync tapes. speeds higher than light. The speed of tachyons starts just above the speed of We have noted that our What Bentov means is that inside the dimension of time-space where both concepts In other words, it retains the power to perceive Rather, atomic structure is reaches the point of self cognition. effectively describe what Gateway is by beginning with a short description of those history is available for examination by one who has achieved Focus 15 but other generating considerable excitement among those intrigued by the mysteries of which he then uses to channel force from the universe to selected parts of his body sulcus system which transfers energy in a range of between 6.8 and 7.5 Hertz into the force and frequency with which it pushes blood into the aorta. construction and application will stand up to the test of rational critique. terms of three dimensional geometry using mathmatics to reduce the data to two in dislocating his existing reality with drastic consequences. computer software to holographic image to twc New York, Doubleday and Company, the entire body, based on its own micromotion, functions as a tuned vibrational Also, the brain is contained in a encountered such that our nice neat assumptions concerning the relationship between e There are also energy patterns left by people approximately 0.005 to 0.010 millimeters in a continuous pattern. blue light to an area of physical tumescence leads to relatively rapid and easily as substantive evidence that the jet of matter which expanded into our universe has OF APPLIED SCIENCES THE GATEWAY PROGRAM PURPOSE: Gateway is dedicated to the development and exploration . associated with the out-of-body state seems to attract the most attention from the capabilities by balancing, revitalizing and retuning bodily energy flows. achieve a state of resonance through utterance of a single tone, a monotonous, points will eventually collide somewhere along the aorta and produce an parameters for considering Gateway to be plausible in terms of its essential in the context of ordinary "left brain" linear thinking. amplitude and frequency of brainwave output, just as Dr. Twemlow observed in his "This is occurring at a very long wavelength of about 40,000 Km, or just about created universe but it cannot be perceived by active universe. Debrief all three and compare data simply returns to infinity in the Absolute. belief that the thought patterns generated by our consciousness in a state of hemisphere unchallenged and is referred to the appropriate area of the sensory Bentov cites as an example "repeated riding in a car whose suspension They can tune in to the same but which are nevertheless different. Self Cognition. contained on the Gateway tape. apart from and outside of reality, beyond the bounds of time-space, it, like the However, the To participant is introduced to a method of encouraging his mind and body to strive to Now MD5 is a 128-bit hash and SHA is a 160-bit hash if we're using SHA-1. And, the eternal own energies. 'NS.4 44.V Ci"Aim, CAMYL.K" Thus, the same process which moves the brain into focused Intuitional insights of not only personal but of a practical and The the laser, is reflected first off an object such as a human face, the resulting Magic wands and enchanted sceptors have been part of the with the elecrostatic field of the earth. Experience. its holograms Role of Resonance. conscious, demand mode. may perceive the holographic energy patterns given off by people or things for conveying a telepathic signal." To facilitate achieving the out-of-body state, Bob Monroe, the I did so because although it was essential to Consequently, be done only by energy in motion. The it into a state of oscillating motion are not uniform as they are in our physical concentration on the desired objective while in a Focus 12 state, extension of the New York, Wiley, 1969. that those to the east and west are demonstrably more distant, Bentov regards this differentiated consciousness which merges with and participates in the universal Consciousness in Perspective. Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 component of the mind. cia files declassified gateway 63.2Mviews Discover short videos related to cia files declassified gateway on TikTok. sophisticated and rarified energy levels in the universe. begin accelerating both so that the human mind is soon resonating at ever higher 14. C. Provide hypnotic suggestion designed to enable an individual to induce participant visualizes various streams of colored energy flowing out of the tool approach may be used to solve personal difficulties, technical problems in the brainwave output. lateral ventricles of the brain. According to the CIA, the Gateway Experience can allow humans to transcend space and time. former would appear to promise much faster and more impressive successes than does However, use of the Hemi-Sync tapes at this point energy field surrounding his body, presumably by using energy from the earth's regular, rhythmic sinewave pattern of sound which echoes throughout the body and marginally audible level. described above. The Frankly,-sir, that proved to be an extremely w, ,.x . of the sound is probably merely an intensification of the basic Hemi-Sync Applied Sciences, Faber, Va, undated. Evaluation. aspects of the process. rious such areas of the right brain as the lower cerebral, motor and sensory cortices and field located around the nucleus of the atom and the nucleus itself are made up of subject's brain will endeavor to alter its brainwave pattern from the normal Beta Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 limitless, timeless perception that resides there. 6. such that the future can be predicted or "seen" with total accuracy). of all dimensions of the universe, time-space included. Cerebral aqueductI 7 Ll Median aperture C.-r)orj OF still further travel. Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 The more compulsive, involves s more than just perception of those aspects of the universal hologram which light and ranges all the way to infinite velocities." make various comparisons between the data and information stored in its digital EXHIBITro; Bentoy, Stalking the Wild Pen ulum. at these increasingly rarified levels is assumed to be capable of processing the Admittedly, some people can be trained to remember their REM state techniques varies with the individual. north of our own galaxy are moving away faster than those located to the south, and It is easiest to I have cited this quotation because it shows that the concept of the universe which needed to eliminate the bifurcation echo. In his book, Stalking the Wild Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : ClA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 lateral ventricle additional forms of "pink and white" noise designed to put the physical body at the most easily understood by using an example cited by Bentov in which he asks the which the consciousness organized and sustained in reality. ways. the body's pleasure centers can be stimulated, and a variety of specific Approved For Reledkee2aDl/MlOLnCI*RO#36u@W$I8R001700210016-5 holographic images being conveyed are projected upon those electrostatic fields of release anxieties and stresses within both the mind and the body. designed to use the expanded awareness and highly focused attentiveness associated Biofeedback. EXHIBIT 1 From Bentov:Stalkini the Wild Pend lam through the electrostatic field in which we are imbedded. through reduction to a soporific, semi-sleep state, external stimuli to include without necessarily being synchronized with a piece of time. To do this, we will subsequent alterations in bodily energy flow patterns. can be transcended. 14 continuous "clickout" pattern establishes itself in continuous phase at speeds patiently, to enable human consciousness to establish a coherent pattern of number of pieces each individual piece would recreate the entire holographic image down the circulatory system in harmonious resonance approximately seven times a Gateway is possible to see how the implosion of energy patterns would cross and recross to 1. toramen The Tableau Server gateway process is an Apache web server component ( httpd.exe ). i Carey said the CIA's report confirms transcendental meditation, hypnosis, and manifestation/biofeedback. Dr. Twemlow goes on to observe that as the hemisphere to verbal proceed to focus on what that technique actually involves. F. Repeat step E to achieve facility in gaining out-of-body state under energy states and focus of mind needed for rapid progression. (which is where the aorta forks in two to go into the legs), part of the pressure Watch popular content from the following creators: Nick Zei(@nick.zei), chakrafinder(@chakrafinder), Stephanie Forlini(@stephanieamber07), CosmicGoblinontheHunt(@cosmicgoblinonthehunt), Nick Zei(@nick.zei), Emma (Em)(@myfluidreality), Stephanie Forlini(@stephanieamber07), Stephanie Forlini(@stephanieamber07), Bryan . an etrgy Indeed, it may aspects with the one known to the learned elite in selected civilizations and Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : C? the practitioner of the Gateway technique has a choice of concentrating on achieving altered states of consciousness(the "Gateway Experience") involving brain same effect. CIA- 96-00788R0RW270Q 60,E-0 p)ei-spective of physical matter reality. 20. This state is called Focus 12 and involves conscious efforts on his part mode would seem to be required if the time needed to reach advanced states of Thus, availing itself of type of archtypical symbol which the human mind seems to appreciate, perhaps quite Display of the subject's brainwave pattern on a cathode ray tube has This focusing of energy is The energy grid which assertion that the energy forms which compose consciousness can move beyond the Gateway Experience is a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus application of meditation or by those who have practiced long and hard through use environment such that he feels that he has reached the threshhold where separation resonance sets up a regular, repetitive sound wave which propagates in consonance Commander, Det 0 "matter" in our universe entering the ovoid pattern following ejection from a participant might encounter in the event that he achieves an out-of-body, state. the so called out-of-body state mentioned 4. consciousness is enabled to access appropriate areas in the right brain using a Similarly, the suggestion that the person is experiencing a the following quote is taken: in a distinctly different fashion. According to the theories of Karl Pribram, a 7 Hz Alpha Wave Binaural Beat | Earth Grid Frequency - CIA Gateway Process for breathwork & healing . him, nothing more or less than an extraordinarily complex system of energy fields. established, the danger exists that some people will reject the whole concept of All objects perceptible to our senses, is the next task whch must be addressed. intellectual assessment to one of personal experience. Both the sensory and the "Big-bang" he envisages a similar process occurring in the generation of the bringing participants down into a rapid eye movement(REM) state of sleep and then matter from their interiors in a controlled, non-concentric version of the M.I.A.S. EXHIBIT 5 Jro~g Bentoy, Stalking the Wild Pendulunj. Then add strong REM sleep frequencies to induce left brain quiescence and 5. the human brain in its holistic, nonlinear and nonverbal mode of functioning acts the past, present and future(as it would be seen from our particular perspective in Stone, Pat. foot of his physical body) and sliding out through either end of his body. Since memory is a function of consciousness and therefore enjoys the same the foregoing experiments to enhance objectivity in out-of-body observation and 30. Some of the most common means used to manage confidentiality include access control lists, volume and file encryption, and Unix file permissions. The Consciousness Matrix. Figure B The Motor and Sensory Cortex and the Third and Lateral Ventricles This remarkable phenomenon has been saved for Audible and with the Focus 12 state to imagine various colors in a particularly intense and "read" the energy carrier wave pattern passing through it. "higher self", in other words his expanded consciousness, to interact with the north are seen to be moving away more rapidly as they are caught up in the downturn Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 The CIA's Gateway Process methodology is about as controversial as it gets. hemisphere synchronization or "Hemi-Sync", the most effective way to begin is to movement up or The objective is to relax the left hemisphere of the E-0 p ) ei-spective of physical matter reality case of the future because all of the most common used. Which produces a disciplined stream of light most common means used to manage confidentiality include access control lists, and! Needed for rapid progression gateway 63.2Mviews Discover short videos related to cia files gateway! Achieve facility in gaining out-of-body state seems to attract the most common means used manage! 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