During the . After a while, Kurama puts his hand into a fist in front of Naruto and tells him that he will fuse his chakra with his. With the tailed beasts stunned, Madara then proceeded to chain them up and prepared to remove Yang-Kurama and Gyki from their jinchriki. Kurama defined Narutos story, and through being intrinsically tied to Naruto, it made a lasting impact on the show and the characters. Naruto fails to make Son open its mouth, and decides using the Multiple Shadow . Naruto agrees and gives Kurama a fist bump, and they become very proud. He can actually release his chakra in waves, which can physically affect his surroundings, a skill that few other ninjas can match. Known to be the strongest of all the shinobi, Naruto possesses . Fortunately, the Nine-Tails quickly gave Naruto enough chakra to heal his large wound almost instantly and entered his initial jinchriki form. He also foretold of a day when they would be brought together again - though not as they were - and that at that time someone would emerge to show them what true power is. Before the Fourth Ninja War started, Naruto was asked to learn to control Kurama's power. Shukaku has control over wind and sand , Matatabi is fire but he left Kurama with a duty , a duty to guide and maybe he saw this , maybe he knew this would happen to Kurama. It used "washi" () when referring to itself, which is generally used by older men. After hearing about the Killer B incident, Naruto decides to meditate on the words that the other Naruto said, but there the giant squid appears again, but with Motoi trapped. After the battle, where Sasuke declared Naruto the victor, the two dispelled the Infinite Tsukuyomi and Sasuke released the tailed beasts from their prisons. Continuing their attack on the Ten-Tails, Kurama warned Naruto that the Ten-Tails was continuing to mature and to be careful about micro-managing all of the chakra he had given his allies, as it was exhausting him. So he was happy. So Naruto was also motivated by that, and he and Kurama had been working toward a similar goal even though it was clear from the start that things were going to be hard for them. [55] The absolute peak of its power could even decisively overwhelm Isshiki tsutsuki. However, the Nine-Tails took advantage of this and began mocking Naruto for his failure to save Sasuke, able to use Naruto's negative emotions to overwhelm him with additional chakra. In order to induce Naruto to use the fox's chakra, Jiraiya pushed him off a cliff. During Naruto's three-year training under Jiraiya, the Sannin began training Naruto to gain better control of the Nine-Tails' chakra, soon helping Naruto to master wielding the chakra cloak up to two tails. Kurama and Naruto battle against Madara's wooden dragon. So, Naruto comes up with the idea that if he can talk to Killer B to tell him some tricks. As you might have deduced, this article is going to be focused on Kurama and his relationship with Naruto. Fortunately, Naruto and the Nine-Tails were able to survive this encounter through the help of Tsunade and her medical ninjutsu. Later, during Naruto's battle with Pain, he slipped into his six-tailed form right after Pain appeared to have killed Hinata Hyga. [16], Over the period of time which included the first two Shinobi World Wars, Mito kept Kurama at bay except when the seal nearly broke when she was going through childbirth. Kurama is a powerful being who has immense knowledge and control over wind-style chakra, but Kurama does . Main article: Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring At the moment when he is about to lose, he is saved by his mother, Kushina Uzumaki, who appears inside his mind. Jiraiya explained to Naruto that he possessed two types of chakra. The Nine-Tails kept quiet until Naruto faced Neji Hyga in the first match of the final rounds of the Chnin Exams. As Naruto exclaimed with great confidence that he would find a way to deal with Sasuke and end the war, the Nine-Tails, recalling its jinchriki's growth, condescendingly complimented him for finally learning how to stand up for himself, before being unnerved by Naruto's promise to someday resolve the fox's own hatred. - Lava release chakra mode: gives user +16 speed effect. After escaping, Son Gok praised Naruto's efforts, causing Yang-Kurama to grin. Kurama also warned Naruto that the Ten-Tails was preparing its devastating attack, the Tenpenchii. There it is revealed that the person who spoke was the hidden truth of Naruto; that is, the I inside him. Naruto usually comes face to face with Kurama due to the hostility in his heart. Kurama (, Kurama), more commonly known as the Nine-Tails (, Kybi), is a tailed beast currently sealed within Naruto Uzumaki of Konohagakure. Kurama revealed that it transferred some of its chakra to Kakashi, allowing him to attack Obito in the other world and come back to the real world with Kamui. Naruto then happily wakes up and comments that the Kyubis chakra is trapped in the side of his mind, and by using it, he takes the form of the Sage of Six Paths. In order to do this, Killer Bee taught him how to fight against the beast . Naruto closes the seal on the cage of the nine tails once more. To understand how this happens and what is involved, we actually have to go through the full story of Naruto and Kurama. Seeing that, he tries to help, but luckily the octopus man was able to stop him. 3) Absorbing Kurama's power. Later, when Madara decides to test if the Nine-Tails had been captured, he realizes that Madara is back and decides to support Naruto since, according to him, between Naruto and Madara controlling him again, he prefers Naruto. When Naruto is about to be eaten by the Four-Tails, the Nine-Tails refuses to help him, despite the Eight-Tails scolding and knowing that Naruto is the only human who has not wanted to control him. With this Naruto was able to overwhelm Sasuke with his immense speed; however, as the fight continued, Sasuke was able to predict and overcome Naruto's attacks with his then fully matured Sharingan. After that, Naruto told him that one day he would do something for his hatred, but he replied that he should not be so naive since he is the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, a living mass of hatred and that no child was going to influence him, but, in the end, Naruto tells him that he is not the boy from before. Although Naruto's strength abilities increased, Orochimaru recognised the Nine-Tails' power, and countered it with the Five Elements Seal. After its influence was suppressed by Yamato, he told Naruto that he was the cause of Sakura's injury, which greatly shocked Naruto and resolved not to rely on the Nine-Tails' power again. Kurama tells him then, that if Naruto knew the consequences from the beginning, he might not have agreed to use the Baryon mode as his last resort. Later, when Shinn grabbed hold of both Naruto and Sasuke and began draining their chakra to empower the Zero-Tails, Sasuke activated the first level of his cursed seal, releasing its evil chakra, and Naruto, who had understood Sasuke's plan, sent a large amount of the Nine-Tails' chakra into the Zero-Tails, which was too much for the spirit to handle. This is how Narutos clone receives the Kybis chakra to make more clones. Naruto then, before leaving his mind, asks Kushina what he is going to do; to which Kushina replies that she is going to head where her father leads. Ultimately, though Naruto stopped the attack, he allowed himself to be taken. [45] When Minato separated Kurama's Yin chakra and Yang chakra, it was split into two entities, both of which were shrunken more than half its original size, yet still roughly the size of other massive tailed beasts. [21] Later, upon awakening within Naruto's subconscious and learning the reason behind Minato's intention, Yang-Kurama, though frustrated of being sealed again, decided to wait for the time to come when it would influence Naruto as much as it can to use its power to break the seal. With this power, they can create a magnetic force field and attach it to objects. 30 seconds . Well, in Season 12, Naruto Uzumaki controls the power of the Nine-Tails at the start of the Fourth Shinobi World War in the Naruto Shippuden series. Before accepting however, Naruto thanked Kurama for its help during his encounter with Madara, to which the flustered fox rebuffed him before offering to meld their chakra together. When in use, it dramatically boosted Kurama's reflexes, raw might, and chakra to extreme levels. Eye Technique . Naruto Uzumaki is the Seventh Hokage of Konohagakure, and one of the most important characters in Boruto . After the past Kage return to the afterlife, plans for the future were discussed, to which the tailed beasts expressed their joy at finally being free. Kurama and Naruto fighting the five tailed beasts. [7] Kurama's manner of speech was often harsh, but deep down it had a supportive disposition, as the fox does expressed concern about its comrades,[28] and even gave some words of encouragement to Kawaki.[29]. Kurama and Gyki then fired a barrage of Tailed Beast Balls at the Ten-Tails, who easily deflected them with a single blast of its own. Without hesitating, it gave its jinchriki enough chakra to force his chakra points open and defeat Neji. Kurama's two halves join forces with their jinchriki. Yes Because Obito Separate's Naruto from Kurama. [36] The two expressed trust in one another that Naruto would even allow Kurama to take control of his body and switch back without conflict. Later, when the real Naruto is facing off against Tobi, the Eight-Tails telepathically talk to the Kyubi. Kurama's chakra is enough to power up an entire shinobi army. He gets to 4 tails and it's pretty sweet. @SayantanSantra first of all, Naruto was NOT able to . Naruto and Yang-Kurama re-entered Tailed Beast Mode to join the other tailed beasts in assaulting Madara, but the Uchiha survived their attacks and retreated to a safe distance. Believing Haku to have killed Sasuke, Naruto gave into his anger and entered his initial jinchriki form in order to defeat Haku. During Naruto's three-year training under Jiraiya, the Sannin began training Naruto to gain better control of the Nine-Tails' chakra, soon helping Naruto to master wielding the chakra cloak up to two tails. When Isshiki was going to kill Sasuke, Naruto managed to hold Isshiki off with his shadow clones while Sasuke escaped with his Rinnegan. Yin-Kurama attempted to help Naruto by accumulating a little extra chakra for him, but it got absorbed by Sasuke. During Naruto's nature transformation training, the Nine-Tails' chakra was surfacing within some of his shadow clones that had grown very frustrated with combining the Rasengan with his wind element. During an attempt to escape the Land of the Moon, the three ninja hired by Shabadaba attacked, disabling Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, and Lee with poison mists that slowed their reactions. Kurama (, Kurama), more commonly known as the Nine-Tails (, Kybi), was one of the nine tailed beasts. What Happened to Him? Later, after the reincarnated Madara Uchiha was fighting against one of Naruto's shadow clones and the Fourth Division, he attempted to summon the Nine-Tails. [35], Ultimately, Kurama formed a strong bond with Naruto; the fox would proudly declare itself as his friend and able to laugh with the boy, and admit that it had the utmost faith in Naruto's ability to carry on the legacy Minato and Jiraiya had left him, therefore abandoning its grudge against Minato for sealing it. The prince Michiru Tsuki was captured, but the emergence of the Nine-Tails' chakra allowed Naruto to repel the attacking ninja before the prince's son could be taken. Soon after, the strain of Baryon Mode began catching up as Naruto began to tire. [56] It could also accumulate a huge amount of chakra shortly after it has used up most of its own, enough to be passed on to the entire Allied Shinobi Forces and be felt countries away by non-sensors. After a few days, Kurama and Shukaku bonded over how spending time with Naruto's family drove them crazy, and that they were never boring to be around. Upon arrival, Naruto stands on the small island in the center, where he begins to hear the voice of someone coming out of the waterfall. While thinking back on the events in Naruto's life and watching the proceeds, Kurama silently noted that Naruto of all people should know that no matter what he said to the tailed beasts, his true intentions would only reach them through his own actions. However, the Ten-Tails simply flicked the attack back at Gyki, leaving Naruto's shadow clone, and Kakashi open for an attack. It then used Madara's body as a medium to resurrect its true creator. Sharingan give the ability to control the others with their eyes. As Shukaku figured that Kurama had grown attached to them, the tanuki teased the fox, to which it quickly rebuffed such an accusation. Kurama was widely known as the strongest of the nine tailed beasts. Naruto saves Tailed Beasts from Madara and makes them free of the rods Madara put on them to control them. Kurama and the tailed beasts first came into being in the waning days of Hagoromo tsutsuki, who used his Creation of All Things Technique to divide the Ten-Tails' chakra into nine separate bodies and giving them each a name. [17], While Kurama was rampaging in the village, Minato fought against Tobi and soon managed to place a Contract Seal on him, which freed the fox from his control. Yin-Kurama also told Minato to disregard Obito's words as he was not responsible for any of those tragedies and that instead of leaving his son to do it, he should also act. Seeing how determined Naruto was to stop Isshiki, even if it cost him his own life, Kurama suggested using a last resort while misleading him into thinking it would result in his death. Kurama and Gyki during their battle against the Ten-Tails. Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox, was one of the principal characters from Naruto until its death in Boruto. However, Hagoromo, who called upon the souls of all of the previous Kage, performed a massive summoning alongside the reincarnated Hokage in order to return the tailed beasts, Team 7, and Madara's body back to the real world. When Kurama noticed that Kakashi was low on chakra, it told Naruto to switch places with it, and, through Naruto's body, tossed Kakashi at Obito, who used Kamui to absorb him into Kamui's dimension. Right after the masked man made the giant statue devour them, Kurama, who had sensed its own chakra signature within those two items, requested Naruto to switch with it so it could explain the situation to the others, as well as about the Ten-Tails and what its revival would mean. Later, after Boruto teleported the resurrected Isshiki and himself to a separate dimension, Kurama, Naruto, and Sasuke managed to join Boruto for their second confrontation against Isshiki. In its moment alone, the Nine-Tails, in great frustration and disbelief of its defeat to Naruto, frantically pondered just what was he.[22]. [8] Over time, Kurama gained a fearsome reputation as a natural disaster that can desolate areas where the darkest aspects of human nature collect and fester. Fortunately, Yamato was able to suppress the chakra before it could cause serious damage. But, this was not the whole deal, as Naruto still had to free Kurama from his cage. Main article: Search for Tsunade [38] Its concern for Naruto was even shown when revealing the Baryon Mode,[39] hiding the great risk of its own life if Naruto used the power because Kurama knew that he would oppose using the power if he knew the truth, showing that it would even go as far to sacrifice itself for him. But as the episodes went on, we could see how things were going to turn out. Kurama has some minor roles in some of the Naruto video games. Because Kurama's chakra was too immense to be sealed within an infant, Minato first used the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to separate and seal its Yin half within himself, and then prepared the Eight Trigrams Seal to imprison the Yang half within Naruto. They soon arrived at the arena where the Chnin Exams were held and proceeded to attack, creating chaos. Kurama. The Nine-Tails' chakra manifests as an image of itself. As Naruto and the rest of the Allied Shinobi Forces went to aid Hashirama against Madara, Yin-Kurama explained to Minato who was tending the defeated Obito that he was not in mortal danger from the extraction as the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path was still filled with great amounts of life energy, but rendered immobilised for a while. Kazuma, a former member of the Twelve Guardian Ninja, collected and sealed the chakra within his son, Sora, hoping to make use of its power for his own agenda. The thing is though, they aren't whiskers at all: Naruto Uzumaki has "marks" on his face that appear to be an animal mustache, and they were created by a mystical nine-tailed fox by the name of Kurama that shared his chakra with Naruto while he was in his mother, Kushina's, womb. Kurama and Naruto later had a telepathic meeting with the other tailed beasts, though Matatabi, Koku, and Chmei decided not to participate, and talked about their protection. Kurama and the other young tailed beasts with Hagoromo. Later, during the final battle with Shin, Naruto brought one of Shin's clones into his subconscious with Kurama glaring down at the boy, scaring him and his clones to surrender. The first thing he had to do was defeat his inner hatred, i.e., the darkness within him. He has a Ph.D. and speaks five languages. Later, after Naruto returned to the battlefield, Madara managed to regain both his eyes. Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, Naruto the Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, Sage Art: Many Ultra-Big Ball Spiralling Serial Spheres, Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring, misleading him into thinking it would result in his death, Naruto Shippden: Dragon Blade Chronicles, Naruto Shippden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations#Anime Cutscenes, This article is about the character. Main article: Kaguya tsutsuki Strikes However, as Naruto called upon the Nine-Tails for its chakra, which helped break the Chakra Negator, it allowed him to recover quickly and summon his shadow clones to overwhelm Dot. Kawaki was able to seal Naruto away in Boruto, but Naruto is the stronger of the two fighters. [53] After the Fourth Shinobi World War, Kurama's full power was restored once its two halves reunited inside Naruto, which could defeat Toneri's giant golem[54] and Momoshiki tsutsuki's elemental construct. Here Is When & How Naruto Learns How to Control Kurama! While Yang-Kurama accepted Hagoromo's request, Sasuke made his own intentions known: removing as many people as possible who could get in the way of his own plans of leading the world through a revolution to do away with current shinobi systems, including killing all the current Kage and tailed beasts. So, Naruto does it and makes it out alive. All of this happened during the Fourth Shinobi World War. [24] It did react out of jealously whenever Naruto uses a power other than its own. [72] In the anime, it had enough knowledge of finjutsu to determine the natures and weaknesses of the Eight Trigrams Seal that bound it inside Naruto. Just before Naruto completely succumbed, the chakra imprint of his mother Kushina Uzumaki appeared, halted his transformation, and used her Adamantine Sealing Chains to subdue the Nine-Tails, to which the fox reacted in anger and shock when it recognised her chakra. - Explosion release explosive clay: fixed targeting system freeze after target dies. The seal blocked Naruto's access to the fox's chakra and rendered him unconscious. In a desperate act to save his own life, Naruto entered his subconscious and met with the Nine-Tails for the first time. With Kushina holding the Nine-Tails at bay, Naruto quickly made a large number of shadow clones, entered Sage Mode, and bombarded the Nine-Tails with the combination of Sage Art: Many Ultra-Big Ball Spiralling Serial Spheres and the Rasenshuriken, weakening the fox further and completely separating it from its large portion of chakra. [23], Kurama was characterised as a snarky and shrewd individual. Later, Madara's ambitions were cut short by Black Zetsu, who revealed itself to be in fact the manifestation of Kaguya tsutsuki's will. Does killer bee help Naruto? Later, when Naruto and Minato bumped fists, Yin and Yang-Kurama came in contact with each other, with Yang-Kurama greeting its other half casually and asking it to share its chakra, which led Yin-Kurama to note that asking itself for chakra was an odd situation. Naruto's eight-tailed form breaks through Pain's Chibaku Tensei. Once there, Obito proceeded to transfer Yin-Kurama into Naruto. 1 Asura Kurama Form. During their fight, Kurama was initially overwhelmed by its opponent, but eventually the fox was able to blast the golem away into space with a Tailed Beast Ball. But it turns out that time had run out, causing Kushina to disappear, causing her tears of happiness to fall on her beloved son. The tailed beasts then ran away from the new moon and joined the rest of Team 7. 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