The simplest would be to assume that the two used the same number of teeth (i.e. I don't know that they made any electric clocks, but they may have licensed their name to be put on clocks made by other manufacturers. It sounds like not enough power is getting to the pendulum. This would be the counter-clockwise direction. Please tell me which way to turn the arbor. Best regards, one end winds the clock and the other end (small end) adjust for speed. I've adjusted the nut below the bob, even shortening it/raising the bob as much as possible. The Adams Brown TimeTrax 185 timer is a relatively low cost device that listens to the escapement of the clock and reads the clock's beat rate on a display. The clock has a weight that falls down slowly, and the pendulum's swing controls the speed of the weight's fall. My clock is so slow that it is1-2 minutes after the hour by the time it gets done bonging! On the rim of the wheel you will see a bunch of circles. In order to get our cannon pinion and hour wheel to rotate about the same point, we need to make sure that the radius of the cannon pinion plus the minute wheel is the same as the radius of the minute pinion plus the hour wheel. Pendulum doesn't have enough swing: Most mantel clock pendulums need to have at least 2 degrees of swing on each side of the at rest position. How can I get it to run correctly? Heres a great video demonstration of their workings: In early weight-drive clocks, a verge and foliot escapement regulated the rate at which the gear train ran. Despite the clock not performing its best Im still glad to have this treasure. This is done by hand. Is there an easy fix for this? Siliconized Grout for Tile. The heart of the clock is the Timekeeping train (sometimes referred to as the Going train). However that adjustment lever or wheel would be clearly visible from the back. I straightened that as well. Takeaway. It converts the power provided by the Power train into a precise rotation of the minute hand. The Dead-Beat escapement is so named because the escape wheel stands perfectly still while the pallet is engaged it moves forward only, with no recoil. The anchor for a verge is simply a wire with two flags attached to it that act as pallets. Then suspend your pendulum over the edge of the table so that the length of the pendulum is about 2 feet. For all other clocks the beat rate is related to the pendulum length, which vary according to case design and dimensions. Regulation in a pendulum clock is pereformed bythe pendulum. The main problem with it is that it runs too slow. A pendulum with a fixed centre of gravity will continue to swing at the same rate if no friction is applied. Watch on. (NOTE: The clock is level, as I have a small level and it shows that the clock is perfectly level). I found an anniversary clock in a thrift store that needed a new suspension spring. If we were to use a 2:1 ratio, the results are even better: c = M/2(c+M) = (m+H) => H = (3M/2)-m(M*H)/(c*m) = 12 => H = 6mWhich leaves us with:M = 14m/3. What is Pyrography? In either case, a rachet will again be used to permit the weight being pulled back up. Ingraham often had a small thumb wheel located between the 12 and center of the dial. It sounds to me like your clock needs some professional attention. Ive stripped down and cleaned the movement and re-oiled all the pivot holes. Thus, I haven't the slightest idea as to why it won't work. The last and simplest of the trains is the motion train. There are two important design considerations for the power train: the amount of power provided, and how long will run before exhausting the power. Now pull the weight back about a foot and let your pendulum start swinging. I recomend the book "The 400-Day Repair Guide" by Charles Terwilliger. Most of the time the rack is held up by a lever, but when the lever is moved, the rack falls until the tail hits the snail. If we assume a 1:1 ratio between the minute wheel and cannon pinion, we can simplify as follows: c = M(c+M) = (m+H) => H = 2M-m(M*H)/(c*m) = 12 => H = 12mWhich leaves us with:M = 13m/2. I have a carriage clock with no easily found markings for a name anywhere. = 2.72 beats per second = 0.368 seconds per beat Method #2: Ratios using practical length. Beat - The Tick . If the rack tail falls to the narrowest part of the snail shell cam, the rack drops a long ways (twelve teeth) and the clock strikes twelve times. tick . The table below is a list of rates of some clocks expressed in beats per hour (BPH) and beats per minute (BPM). Don't change anything other than push. The friction is the bend in the spring at the top of the pendulum, the light touch on the crutch fork on each swing and air resistance. Calculator BPM and Pendulum Length Teeth in Movement: Wheel Teeth Pinion Leaves # of Wheels in Drive Train: Many modern clocks use a variation of the recoil escapement, where instead of a solid anchor a bent strip of metal is used. I have tried removing the pendulum and rotating the little flywheel to the top and to the bottom as far as the thread will allow but neither extreme seems to make much difference. Now you can hang the weight on the pulley and wind the clock by rotating the handle clockwise. Your email address will not be published. Torsion clocks operate at a very low beat rate. The farther the weights are from the center, the slower the escape wheel, and thus the clock, moves. If you start with a pendulum shaft about 30% longer than the perfect length, you can move the bob up and down and change its weight until you find the spot at which the pendulum beats the time you want. The Rhythm clocks that I am familiar with are quartz clocks, but quartz clocks generally weren't affordable in the 1960';s and early 1970's. I am trying to slow down a smith clock with balance wheel. 2. I have a very old mantle clock that seems to be running too fast. You can try This in turn releases the train of wheel in a step-by-step movement. I am sure it can. pendulum, body suspended from a fixed point so that it can swing back and forth under the influence of gravity. These are very visually interesting escapements, and so are most often used in fancy skeleton clocks. Any motion or accelerations will affect the motion of the . I have a Hamilton (on its face) mantel clock from the 1949s that is electrical movement. I'm now out of adjustment and out of ideas! The turn of the center wheel takes an hour, which is 60 minutes of 60 seconds each, so to convert our pendulum periods per center wheel turn into per second, we take 3480.49 / (60 * 60), which is about 0.966803 pendulum periods per second. Your clock likely needs cleaning, and there may be some serious wear that needs to be addressed. The tang of a small file works well. Cut some teeth in the disks, so that they will engage each other! I have let it run out each time before I wind it and adjust the speed. Then, the pallets catch another tooth on the opposite side and let it escape. I was hopeful it had done the trick, it was a small device for the extention attached to the pendulum at the top end. tick . Last night, my best friend told me that he and his friend were planning to buy a JB Stamp Barrel Head Clock that he could install in his art studio for better appearance, and he asked if I had any thoughts on what would be the best option to consider. It is "started" by "winding" a small stem protruding from rear of clock by using two fingers and turning it. Additionally, we need to select the gears such that the hour wheel and cannon pinion pivot around the same point this is where things get tricky. I have been working on an old ElectroMechanical that should is a 60 beats per minute and checked the required length, 39.14 in of the pendulum and found the length to be much longer, 43". These wheels are attached to slender rods calledpivots, which ride in holes drilled in the clock plates. Since we will make all of the gears using the same Module (we want them to mesh smoothly, after all), we can use the following equation: WhereMandHare the number of teeth in the minute and hour wheel, andcandmare the number of teeth in the cannon and minute pinion. Pendulums are used to regulate the movement of clocks because the interval of time for each complete oscillation, called the period, is constant. Bring your mantel clock into your local clock repair shop and they should be able to help you. I put a small file upside down in a vise so the tang is pointing up. Any suggestions? I don't know of a good way of identifying unmarked clocks. If the center wheel is marking hours (as it normally is), our clock will run for a day and a half on one winding. The rack also has a projection called a tail. With your thumb, stop the balance wheel from turning. The result is a shallow swing of the pendulum. My dad has been trying to figure out how to fix the time on our Grandfather Clock that has been with our family for generations. Clock repair shops usually stock a wide variety of keys in the most common sizes. Thanks. I want to call someone to come look at it so hopefully, we can repair it. The verge escapement was the first discovered, and was used in the earliest clocks. My favorite part of this article is that balance wheels could be an alternative to pendulums, they handle the time of clock. Enjoy the Fourth of July. per 24 hrs. Often this results in a smaller swing which doesn't take as much time as it should so the clock speeds up. I use a Time Trax model 180 which is available at You also may remove the pendulum and move the crutch with your finger to the left or right until the proper tick tock is reached. With a bit of math, you can show that the relative speeds of the two disks is proportional to their radii This is called the gear ratio. I don't know of any new rotors being produced. Formula: BPM = (141120 L P) where, BPM is beats per minute L P is the pendulum length Hamilton was a major American producer of high end watches. Your key should slide easily onto the arbor, but not so loose that either the key or the corners of the winding arbor can be damaged when you turn the key. A primary weight is lifted with a counter-weight as a store of energy. The shaft is made of a material that does not bend, stretch, or change in dimension with temperature. Any advise on how to fix it? tock). Time it for 30 or 60 seconds and count how many times it . Gently push the pendulum leader slightly past the point of resistance. I'll share this with him so he can finally adjust it. For this reason, the pallets are hardened and polished, and in the finest clocks cases may even be made of jewels. If the first explanation is true, then your clock is running properly; if the second explanation is true, you probably need to take you clock in to be serviced. My friend said her brother mentioned a way to stop it the clock gaining time and I found my way to your site. The far end of the cannon shaft is filed square to fit the minute hand bushing. For lyre pendulums, the center of mass is above the center of the bob. Any thoughts on why my clock is still running slow? haha! The motion train is unusual in that it is mounted on the outside of the clock plates, and so the wheels are not supported on long pivots like the other trains. These clocks usually only have one winding arbor or weight. If it is uneven (tock . Dead-Beat escapements keep very accurate time, but are extremely fussy and difficult to make. The app uses a microphone to capture the audible ticks of the clocks escapement and pendulum, and then determines the beats per minute and the rate of error in seconds per day fast or. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. As the escape wheel revolves, the pallets catch a tooth on one side and let it escape. Around 10 minutes in 5 hours with the bobs turned all the way in. Warning: the hands are often very light and bend easily. Be aware that the stated sizes of the keys and the size you measure on the arbor may be slightly different, so you may need to order more than one key to get one that fits. But it runs slow. Some mechanical clocks (usually cuckoos) don't have an adjustment nut: the bob slides up and down the pendulum rod and is held in place by friction. (think of a circle centered at the pendulum suspension post). A test run reveals that the clock gains 57 minutes in 11 hrs. I just purchased a vintage wall clock, wind up with a pendulum. Note that the first pinion and last wheel do not show up in the equation they do not have any bearing on the gear ratio, since they do not mesh with another gear. If we throw pinions into the mix, things get even more interesting. It has a couple of major disadvantages, though: it is not a particularly good timekeeper, and the fact that it requires a contrate wheel makes the mechanical linkage of the escape wheel somewhat complicated. Since disk B is smaller than disk A, this means that disk B will have to rotate faster than disk A. ClockMaster is a clock timing software, in many ways similar to a watch timegrapher, but specifically designed to work with mechanical pendulum clocks. You may optionally configure it for Beats Per Second (BPS) or Beats Per Hour (BPH). to detect when the pendulum breaks the beam, then displaying the beats per min real time would be possible. Clocks often advertised for Calumet baking powder, This is a beat rate of the Office Calendar No 2 reported by others. i ALREADY TRIED TO MOVE THAT. Yet, when I turn the nob on the backside to turn the minute hand forward, the chimes ring out but the clock refuses to work. (Daisy bell song) Heres a detailed explanation of how mechanical pendulum clocks work. If you are lucky, the bushing on the back side of the hand will have six flat sides like a hex nut. Clocks which use this type of train are called 8-day clocks, and the extra wheel is typically called the8-day wheel. I use an Atomic Clock to check all my clocks time keeping. There is another way, its called setting the beat rate. If it doesn't work, I guess we'll just have to call a clock repair service. The adjustment nut is a large nut at the bottom of the pendulum just below the large disk or weight called the bob. Introducing the World's Most Precise Clock by Jrme Lodewyck. . The pendulum swings back and forth, and the clock uses the pendulum's swing to keep accurate time. Lets get back to the original gear diagram, again shown below. Any advice or instruction on how to put this adjustment nut back? There are people who rebuild rotors. 3. The pendulum of this mid-century beauty is made of the alloy invar, selected for its exceptionally low coefficient of thermal expansion. document.write(year) A more likely explaination is the following: Sometimes mechanical clocks speed up as wear in the movement becomes more serious. Did you ever figure it out? Telechron invented a self starting clock in the mid thirties and most other manufacturers followed suite shortly thereafter. I tried screwing it back on but could not do it. If the plates are good quality brass (2 mm or more thick) with a nice balance wheel platform on top it is likely French. Thanks! The main wheel of the . At the other end of the Timekeeping train is the escapement. An improper adjustment in the escapement (the distance a tooth drops off the entrance pallet should be the same as the distance a tooth drops off the exit pallet (dead beat escapements are trickier: you must also make sure that the tooth contacting a pallet lands on the locking surface and not on the impulse surface that transmits power to the pendulum); A suspension spring that is too stiff (not usually a problem). In weight driven clocks, the weight chain will either be wrapped around a barrel similar to the one used by the spring-driven clock, or run over astar gearthat engages the links in the chain. Once you have established the approximate position of the bob, you can cut the shaft and thread it for arating nutto allow fine adjustment. Moving the fork down will make it faster. Clock makers method for Mechanical Clock Pendulum Lengths. Tip: You can get close to 1 minute by positioning the wheel approximately 3 cm (approximately 1.18 in.) I cannot make it chime, Its been wound up Power trains can be as simple as single gear connected directly to the power source, or a complex series of gears. i HAVE CHECKED THIS CLOCK AT LEAST 20 OR 30 TIMES AND CANNOT FIND ANYTHING WHERE i CAN SET THE sLOW OR FAST THERE IS NO SCREW TO TURN OR ANYTHING AS i CAN SEE. The only other thing I adjusted was the screw/nut coming out of the bottom of the bob. Even though I have the + and - adjustment set all the way to -, it still runs fast. The actual outside diameter (OD) of the gear is larger than the PCD by a small amount. In these clocks, the number of rotations of the barrel is determined by the following formula: WhereLis the maximum length the weight can drop, anddis the diameter of the barrel. Best regards, These clocks keep time by counting the number of swings of the pendulum. It was crooked, angling to the right a smidge. It's ticking sound, similar to. Turn your iPhone into a precise train count sensor with an unbelievable 0.001 milliseconds (1s) accuracy!! Sorry, I think I mise this. Method #3: Using the Time Trax machine. Pinions ride on the same pivot as the wheel, so therefore they turn at the same speed as the wheel. . the bird sounds like a rooster with a cold, can this be remedied???? A pendulum clock is composed of several mechanical components that work in harmony to tell accurate time. I have a similarly issue to John L in this string. If you are near Sedro-Woolley feel free to bring it by during regular business hours. I have worked in the electronics field for over 40 years. Having some vintage-looking items would definitely help with that. In this blog I answer commonly asked questions about how to care for your clock. The oscillator circuit uses an old 20KHz quartz crystal, but other low frequency crystals can be used. You probably have a clock with a "floating balance". It is the original to the clock. For example, if you are using a module 1.0 cutter, a 48 tooth wheel would have a PCD of 48 mm. It is theoretically possible to work the other direction to start with the length of the pendulum and calculate the BPH rate it would need to swing at to keep time, however in practice this is difficult, as the critical dimension is from the top of the suspension spring to the center of mass of the pendulum. The table below is a list of rates of some clocks expressed in beats per hour (BPH) and beats per minute (BPM). Always try to grasp the hands close the the brass bushing, and try to avoid bending the hands. like so many beats to an hour etc.? Even greater control is possible by moving the foliot weights. 6) be the pendulum, B be the position from which the bob is let go, and P be its position at some period during its swing. Voila! It is held in place on the center wheel pivot by a friction spring, which allows the shaft to turn without moving the center wheel (handy for setting the clock). Change the items in the yellow boxes and see the Results below. Move the small wheel up and down the pendulum until you find a position where the pointer goes around the dial in approximately 60 seconds. I appreciate the tip you shared about sliding the bob up or down to make your cuckoo clock move again. It's no doubt a common run-of-the-mill mantel clock which were popular back in the day. The pinion is another gear, much smaller in diameter than the wheel, and with far fewer teeth. Think of the sound of a metronome that produces regular clicks or beats per minute. Pendulums in modern clocks consist of a weighted disk called abob, mounted on the end of a shaft. The app uses microphone to measure BPH. Setup Pendulum Wall Clock: Choose the proper size wood screw (typically a #8, 10 or 12) to fit the hanger at the top back of the clock, and long enough to go securely through the wall into a stud. Where do you measure the length from and to what point? Thank you sir. Apparently a second movement was also used with a slightly different beat rate. I've adjusted the pendulum bob down to its lowest setting which has helped but not cured the problem entirely. My guess is that you have this type of striking mechanism and that for some reason, the lever that holds the rack up isnt releasing the rack to fall, and so each time the clock only strikes once. The curved part of the pallet is called the locking face or the dead face. If the curve of the locking face is made correctly, the escape wheel rides against the curved face for most of the swing of the pendulum and only moves once the tooth slips off of the locking face onto the flat angled impulse face that gives a short push to the pendulum. This shaft is attached to a flat spring which is mounted to the movements back plate. If they are held together tight enough so they will not slip there will be a lot of friction, which means more power will be required to drive the gears. If instead of slowing down the clock is gaining even more time per day, turn the wheel in the opposite direction. Clockworks are made up of a collection of gears (calledwheelsin clock parlance) that convert the power of a wound spring or weight into a uniform motion. 2023 Minnesota Clocks & Watches, Making an Antique Clock Useful Timekeeping Adjustment. We also know that we need a 12:1 gear ratio, so we can also define the following equation: Youll note we have 4 variables, but only 2 equations. I think I'll bring it in. This is a more involved way and usually just done by clock makers. A mantel clock with a Westminster chime I was told' the sound of which I hadn't heard since my pre-teen years! The short answer is, "you need to bring your clock in for professional service." It's been leveled so that it has a good tick tock, although every once in awhile a tick sounds like a tock, though it's still an even beat. ), What Is Silicone Grout? Instead, once an hour a pin on one of the wheels catches the tail of the hammer and strikes a bell or gong. Another possibility is that the clock is supposed to count the hours, but something is wrong. In a weight-driven clock we have considerably more leeway. The spring is wound-up as a store of energy. Often I wind up at the bottom nuts to further up Bob but it still few mins behinds. If the gears are not held together very tightly, they will slip. How do Wind-up (Spring-Driven) Clocks Work? The point is to positively identify a movement, know its beats-per-hour and theoretical pendulum length in order to "time out" a clock more efficiently. It is a Kundo anniversary clock made in the 1950s. . However, with this calculation of determining the needed change in pendulum length it is really only important to measure the estimated center of gravity in exactly the same way each time. You probably need to have your clock serviced. The time alway correctly at all the time but Pendulum Bob seem rusty & dirty so I decided to cleaning pendulum Bob and it look like brand new and shine silver then I put it back but it often stopped and often 5 mins behind the time. The rack looks kind of like part of a gear (say a fourth). Look at the American Watchmaker's - Clockmaker's Institute website for their "Find a Professional" page. Another possibility is that the clock was made by Hammond. The pendulum length as tested was 19 cm. iPhone Screenshots. I will have another look at the problem. Do you set the slow or fast on the round piece with teeth on the top of the balance wheel II've tried to move the piece on top of the balance wheel to the left buit that doesn't seem to wor it is still running to fast over night it gains 45 minutes. Time and i found my way to turn the arbor the opposite direction clock.... Escapements, and with far fewer teeth pallets catch a tooth on the speed... Two used the same number of teeth ( i.e, wind up with a with... You are using a module 1.0 cutter, a 48 tooth wheel pendulum clock beats per minute clearly! Were popular back in the most common sizes a weight-driven clock we have more! Per second ( BPS ) or beats per second ( BPS ) or beats per (. The rim of the gear is larger than the PCD by a small amount movements... ( 1s ) accuracy! cannon shaft is filed square to fit the hand. 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