Occupation He yelledat the two men to get down. Origin Once it was done, Banning killedForbes by stabbing him in the head. Family Banning toldForbes to leave the babysitter alone. After Banning got the pistol, he asked Jacobs what do the terrorists want. General Clegg said he's got the toughest guys in the world and that they needed to know how to get in the bunker. Banning then gave Connor his own badge as he told him that he's a honorary Secret Service agent now. Roma, who took Mike's spot as head of the Presidential Detail, introduced Banning to Agent Jones. Two weeks after the events of London, Leah eventually gave birth to Banning's daughter, Lynne, named after Jacobs. Debut novelist Chelsea Banning, 33, went viral on Twitter after sharing that only two people came to her . Banning and Asher ran for it and entered the emptied streets, taking down a squadof terrorists who hadinvaded the London Underground. Kang masterminded the 2004 bombing of the British Embassy in Seoul and smuggled uranium enrichment technology into North Korea from Pakistan. As he was quietly looking in the wall, he found Connor, who had hidden there during the attack. Eventually, Mike killed Jennings and the crisis ended. Then, he gotaccess to the computer and Banning usedhis thumbprint on the USB scanner to access the computer and disabledthe surveillance cameras so the terrorists wouldn't find him and Connor easily. A pleased Trumbull then authorized Banning to get President Asher out. Children He movedaway from the chopper and went to the hole on it. However, Mike quickly escaped after killing all of his assailants in the SUV and made it crash into the tree. He toldConnor it's was a false alarm and told himto continue his climb. Monroe gave him the deactivation code step-by-step. As Banning, along with Roma and O'Neil, droveConnor in their vehicle, he remindedConnor to put his seat belt on. You go first" and disabledthe radio before continuing down the hallways. Friends/Allies Trumbull explained that Cerberus was a highly-classified military protocol; a three-prong fail-safe device that self-destructed any U.S. nuclear missiles in flight. The young adult best-seller "The Hate U Give" was one of the top 10 most challenged books of 2020. Banning states that maybe he can't atone for his disgrace, but informedhim that he might want to take a headcount and that Connor is out of the White House. Banning saw a nearby knife and took it with his left hand before stabbing it into Kang's head, killing the terrorist mastermind and proving true to his words earlier, as well as avenging all those killed during his attack. Authors of banned books say the efforts to contest their books have never been more organized before. Banning askedJacobs about Connor. Unfortunately, after the war, his father abandoned him and his mother when he was young and went off the grid. Kang tauntedthat he knows about his failure to save Margaret and that he wouldfail to save the President, stating that failure seemed to be the habit with Banning these days. Banning says that they have to continue on, but Forbes was acting strange for the moment and when he mentioned Kang's name, the surprised and suspicious Banning asked Forbes how did he know the leader's name. Clay Banning Then, he saw a weapons control laptop. Banning briefly looked at his body somberly. Trumbull explainedthat Cerberus is a highly-classified military protocol; athree-prong fail-safe device that can self-destructany U.S. nuclear missiles in flight. Despite the terrorist's fighting prowess, Banning soon overpowered him and bashed his head with the robust statue of Abraham Lincoln, killing the terrorist. However, the President forgave all of his mistakes and still recommended Mike for the position as Secret Service Director, in which he accepted. Michael Jameson Banning Alias (es) Mike Big Top Echelon Four Oscar Zulu 309 Mr. Banning Origin Has Fallen franchise Occupation Army Ranger (formerly) Secret Service: Agent (formerly) Director Powers/Skills Military training High intelligence Weaponry and knives expertise Hand-to-hand combat Great physical strength Expert Leadership Hobby Daughter:Lynne Banning (with Leah) He then reminded Connor climbing the shaft is like doing the chimney climb just like how Banning taught Connor in the Rose Garden wall. Then, Banning and the other Secret Service agents departed Camp David with the President and First Lady, as Connor went with him, as well as Agents Roma and O'Neil. Kacen Callender. Army Ranger (formerly)Secret Service:AgentDirector Banning angrily told them to abort the mission, but in vain. He was talking to his wife, Leah, after he missed the 4th of July celebration with her. Protect the First Lady Margaret Asher (succeeded until her death)Protect President Asher and his son Connor (succeeded)Protect President Trumbull (succeeded) As they fight each other, Kang was provento be a skilled martial-artist. In 2019, Mike served Vice President turned President Allan Trumbull after Asher's presidency ended. Tupac: Resurrection, 1971-1996 (2003) by Tupac Shakur. After a few tense moments, Jacobs told Banning that Connor's out of the building safely, much to his relief. Monroe checkedthe background onKang. When the terrorists shut the power down in the White House, Banning realizedthat the surveillance feed is still operational and headedfor the control room. Then, with Connor, he went over the number of emergency exits in the West Wing, the number of feet from the Oval Office to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) elevator and the number of the security cameras that recorded audio. Mike then went to the White House to meet Trumbull in the Oval Office, where he finally disclosed his aliments and offered his resignation after feeling guilty over his failure to protect Trumbull. September 16, 1970 While eluding the commandos in the hallways, Banning quietly got into the Lincoln bedroom. The second part of the story, "Maus II" was the No. After that tragedy, he was demoted to the desk job in the Treasury Department and had since been a troubled workaholic. Indiana Senate Republicans on Tueday passed controversial the Senate Bill 12, which seeks to create rules around "materials harmful to minors" in Indiana public schools. Banning briefly looked at his body somberly. Banning took cover behind the trees, getting progressively closer to the White House. Jacobs quickly told Banning that it's Shift-3. Three top U.S. government officials hadthe partial output ofthe codes to activate Cerberus; President Asher, Secretary of Defense Ruth McMillan and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Joe Hoenig, all of whom were held hostage in the bunker. He asked Forbes if he was okay to stay back and watch the fort. As Banning reachedthe roof access of the White House, he slowly peekedin and sawno one there at the moment. As the terrorist blocked him in, Banning uses the scoped Heckler & Koch MP5A3 to shoot that terrorist's feet and quickly finished him off before heading to the roof as the Hydra 6 annihilated the SEAL team. He tookthem to another roomand tiedthem to the chair. Amazon is banning books and films they don't like. Banning, fed up with Kang and quietly distressed that Kang mentioning Leah, just finished the conversation, saying that let each other play a game of "f*ck off. According to Jennings, Mike brought a car for their army cook Moe. Hobby Mike laterjoined the Army, where he became a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment, an elite special operations force. Type of Hero Michael Jameson Banning Kang then tauntedBanning again, asking about Leah and he knows about her too. Due to his heroic efforts of saving America and the President from certain death situations by deadly terrorists, Mike is considered to be one of America's greatest heroes. Then, Banning saidthat there wouldbe notelevised executions, no helicopter and no more negotiating with him. Banning told them that they wouldland in Somerset House and they woulddrive by motorcade to St. Paul's Cathedral. Then, Banning and the other Secret Service agents departedCamp David with the President and First Lady, as Connor wentwith him, as well as agents Roma and O'Neil. 1 bestseller in the . Apleased Trumbull then authorizedBanning toget President Asher out. When Monroe said the word "Hash tag", Banning was confused as he didn't know what it is. Banning toldthem to speak in English. After Kang shot President Asher in the abdomen when trying to get Kang's gun away from him, Banning rushed towards and managed to have Kang lose his pistol. Banning realized that General Clegg is planning to infiltrate the White House by having an infiltration team to go into the roof. At some point, he met his commanding officer, Wade Jennings, and the duo formed a friendship while serving in 3rd Ranger Battalion together. Then Banning toldConnor to stay close to him. As Mike was being escorted, he sees Connor hugging his father outside the ambulance and felt relieved to see that as he was escorted by troops to the ambulance. Banning unhappily goes to the roof as fast as possible. Then, he tossedthe soft ball at his computer screen, bored. Banning has been compared by some film critics as being rather similar to the protagonist Jack Bauer on the TV show. He asked Connor if he was alright and Connor nodded. George M. Johnson. He then married Leah, a nurse working at an unspecified hospital in Washington, D.C. Banning has a mother-in-law named Doris, who became a grandmother to his daughter, Lynne, born at the end of the incident in London. As President Asher knocked Kang's last henchman,Yu, off him and triedto confront Kang, Banning ran towards the hallwaynear the concrete wall and slid down to his knees to grab Yu's weaponaway from him as Yu tried to use the wall to sprang a surprise attack. To protest this most un-American of activities, I like to read one of the books that the narrow . Banning tookConnor to the sub-basement storage area and headedfor the ventilation shaft that leads to the White House grounds. As they set down on the doorway near the state's dining room, Forbes asked Banning if the president's okay. Portrayal Has Fallen franchise After learning the leader's name is Kang Yeonsak, the head of the Koreans for United Freedom, a North Korean paramilitary organization and Kanghad40 commandos breached the front gate and hehad28 men left, he informs the Pentagon of the information. He told them that the terrorists were looking for him and tells everyone to use him. He liftedConnor to the shaft and Connor beganhis climb to the top of the shaft. He quickly escorted Connor out of the living quarters before the terrorists in the Lincoln Bedroom can see them. Then, he tossed the soft ball at his computer screen, bored. However, a militant group working for arms dealer and terrorist mastermind Aamir Barkawi assassinated five world leaders and tried to kill President Asher live via internet, but Mike thwarted the live murder and rescued the president. Though Asher attempted to save the unconscious Margaret, he was pulled from the car by Banning when it was about to fall off the bridge. He aslo reluctantly informed Banning that a Cerberus code has been entered. The plane fired at the streets and killed many Secret Service agents and civilians. Date of birth Kang unhappily orderedhis computer expert, Lim, to disable thevideo call, but Banning saidthat he isn't shutting him down and is here to say. This time around, the franchise has decided to expand Mike Banning's. Kang YeonsakDave ForbesAamir BarkawiKamran BarkawiSultan MansoorMartin KirbyWade Jennings Throughout the events, he hid a fact that he was suffering from migraines and insomnia, as well as the recurring back pain, likely due to events in the White House Siege and the London Siege. Mike Banning Jacobs said that they don't get in there once the blast doors closed, to the point that it's even hardened against the pulse of a nuclear blast. Banning pickedup the radio from one of the terrorists he shot, and this connectedhim to Kamran Barkawi who revealedthat he had coordinated the attackson London. Banning sarcastically saidthat it is funny. He told Connor it's just a false alarm and told him to continue his climb. Banning saidthat maybe he owns them for giving him a chance to make up for that today. Though Asher attempted to save the unconscious Margaret, he was pulled from the car by Banning when it was about to fall off the bridge. Then Banning told Connor to stay close to him. As Connor was climbing up, Banning informed Jacobs he's coming up. Banning tells her he's just checking in. Then Banning saidhe has to go and only said that paperwork is starting piling up, unwillingto worry Leah about his current situation. NPR's Michel Martin talks with Richard Price, author of the Adventures In Censorship blog, about trends in censorship and book banning. Then, he sawan FN M240D machine gun hidden in the garbage truck and triedto warn the agents to go back inside,but the majority of the agents were killed by the machine gun fire, as Banning watched in horror. He checked in with the Pentagon. By dawn, Banning tookthe wounded President Asher out of the White House. After a brief fight, Banning managed to get behind Yu and brokehis neck, killing Yu. She also says to General Clegg that there is used to be some old tunnels, but they were sealed up years ago. After noticing the footsteps of the commandos, he sneaked into the hidden tunnels behind the Lincoln Bedroom walls. As they stood, Banning then fought Forbes. Although he slashed the terrorist's leg after blocking one of his kicks and again slashed his right arm, Kang pushed Banning to the concrete wall and he made the agent lose the knife during the struggle. Jacobs asked if the commando's alive and Banning only replied, "Ask me a serious question." He had never been photographed or identified by any Western intelligence agency before - in fact, nobody thought to look for him inside the South Korean government. Connor was relieved to see Banning. On his next mission, which Banning decides to make as his last, he was assigned to protectPresident Asher and Jacobs as they traveledto Londonto attend theBritish Prime Minister's funeral. General Clegg saidhe's got the toughest guys in the world and that they needed to know how to get in thebunker. Forbes then tells Kang that he got Banning and that everything is clear. Banning killedthe terrorist he used as a human shield as he watches as the Hydra 6 rose up and started firing on the helicopters. He also reluctantlyinformedBanning that a Cerberus code has been entered. 12 contemporary books by Black authors that are banned for writing about race, sexuality, and police brutality. Book banning, a form of censorship, occurs when private individuals, government officials, or organizations remove books from libraries, school reading lists, or bookstore shelves because they object to their content, ideas, or themes.Those advocating a ban complain typically that the book in question contains graphic violence, expresses disrespect for parents and family, is sexually explicit . Beyond 12-year-old Tamir and 14-year-old Emmett, she said, it also applies to Michael Brown, Trayvon . The plane fired at the streets and killed many Secret Service agents and civilians. As Jacobs was leaving, Banning thanked her for the support. After Banning finished unscrewing the vent grate, Connor asked if he was coming with him. Banned Books Week is a celebration of books challenged or banned from the public. As they fight each other, Kang was proven to be a skilled martial-artist. Jacobs quickly toldBanning that it's Shift-3. Three years after the White House Siege, Banning and Asher went for a presidential run. Kang bombed the British Embassy in Seoul in 2004, and funneled uranium enrichment technology from Pyongyang through Pakistan. Then he continues on to the White House hallways. But the other man detonatedthe bomb and destroyedthe fence. The third entry in the Fallen movie series, Angel Has Fallen, continues to pluck up household names to add to its canon. After his military service, in February 2009, Banning became a Secret Service agent, where he would serve as the leader of the Protection Detail for President Benjamin Asher. As he went to hide behind one of the trees, a terrorists spotted him and fired at him - but Banning killedthe gunman. While the President was on comatose due to injuries sustained from the attack, Mike was placed under arrest by FBI agent Helen Thompson as she and her people had uncovered substantial evidence of his hair and DNA stored in the discarded cargo van used to carry out the massacre. 4 films. Married He then served Allan Trumbull when his administration started. Banning asked if she was okay, Leah says that she's alright and that she had to stay in the hospital longer than she thought. After the war, his father abandoned him and his mother when he was young and went off the grid. As President Asher knocked Kang's last henchman, Yu, off him and tried to confront Kang, Banning ran towards the hallway near the concrete wall and slid down to his knees to grab Yu's weapon away from him as Yu tried to use the wall to sprang a surprise attack. Brown Girl . Credit: Elham Numan/Xtra Review titles, descriptions & prices listed below. He eventually deduced that Jennings was responsible for framing him. Blue bunker. Enemies Then, he got access to the computer and Banning used his thumbprint on the USB scanner to access the computer and disabled the surveillance cameras so the terrorists wouldn't find him and Connor easily. Banning informed the Speaker that they cannot give Kang and his men what they want and he had dealt with these type of men before. Banning killed the terrorist he used as a human shield as he watches as the Hydra 6 rose up and started firing on the helicopters. Banning's review as an employee of the Secret Service by director, Sympathy letter from Lynne Jacobs regarding Banning's failed protection of, Banning's carry-on valuables as seen in the first film, Banning escort President Asher to Marine One, Banning ready to strike a terrorist stronghold in London, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot AUDIENCE Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot BLOCKBUSTER Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot TIE Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot DAYS Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot WANTED Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot SUMMER Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot LETTERS Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Angel Has Fallen (2019 Movie) Official TV Spot SAVE Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman. Newspapers including Cleveland's Plain Dealer . During these three years, Leah became pregnant with his first child. 2013 Battles/wars Nationality At the security room, Banning disabledthe communications in the bunker and spoketo Kang on the video call. Then, First Lady Margaret Asher came up and asked Mike whether she should wear the long or the short earrings. Nickname(s) General Clegg ordered Banning to stand down, stating that they need to put him out of here before they lost another hostage, since Vice President Charlie Rodriguez has been executed by Kang. After that, Mike wentto Benjamin and Margaret's son, Connor, who was playing Uncharted 3. Other family If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Banning can be known as a one-man army because he is the only person who can rescue the President and get out of danger effectively. After Kang shot President Asher in the abdomen when trying to get Kang's gun away from him, Banning rushedtowards and managed to have Kang lose his pistol. As Banning took the terrorist's pistol, he found a picture of Connor, realizing that they were looking for him. As Banning tookthe terrorist's pistol, he founda picture of Connor, realizing that they were looking for him. As Banning made it to the White House, he sawthe White House damaged by the AC-130 mini-guns and numerous bodyguards were killed. Banning told Trumbull that they need to know what they are going to walk into and warned him not to launch anything until he did some reconnaissance. Trumbull told Banning he's got 30 minutes to do something to flush out the terrorists. Mike unmasked and recognized one of the assailants as Bruno who took part in the training exercise at the beginning of the film. Banning toldthe boy that he hadto go and get his dad. Once he patched himself up, Banning went back to work. Banning toldTrumbull that they need to know what they are going to walk into and warnedhim not to launch anything until he did some reconnaissance. Banning immediately killedeight terrorists before he, Asher and Jacobs were forced into a car chase to escape fromLondon, which hadnow become a death trap. Jacobs saidthat they don't get in there once the blast doors closed and it's nuclear-hardened. Banning sawa nearby knife and tookit with his left hand beforestabbingit into Kang's head, killing the terrorist mastermind and proving true to his words earlier, as well as avenging all those killed during his attack. Then, a bus exploded and destroyed a nearby police car, causing everyone around it to panic; Banning saw two Korean men coming too close to the front fence. Then, he saw a shadow of one of the terrorists coming in the storage area. When the terrorists shut the power down in the White House, Banning realized that the surveillance feed is still operational and headed for the control room. He asked Forbes if he was okay to stay back and watch the fort. Banning persuaded them to tell him what it was. Then he tauntedthat he wouldsend photos of his body to the press, because he knows Kang likes that kind of stuff before endingthecalland locking out Kang's video access andheadedout to the bunker where Kang wouldleave. Then, he arrived at the Treasury Department. While the President was on comatose due to injuries sustained from the attack, Mike was placed under arrest by FBI agent Helen Thompson as she and her team had uncovered substantial evidence of his hair and DNA stored in the discarded cargo van used to carry out the massacre. 18 months later, on July 5, 2013, Mike was still haunted by his failure to save the First Lady. He served in the protection detail ofPresident Benjamin Asher until the tragic death of his wife in 2011, which Mike witnessed, saving the President Asher's in the process. Banning responded by saying what took him so long. He then served Allan Trumbull when his administration started. However, Mike quickly escaped after killing all of his assailants in the SUV and made it crash into the tree. After Roma and the others left (since they had to meet up the South Korean delegation in the White House, including South Korean Prime Minister Lee Tae-Woo), Banning told Jacobs that he wanted to return to the Presidential Detail because he's unhappy with the desk job at the Treasury Department. The car plummeted to the frozen river below, killing Margaret, Diaz and another agent on impact. When the countdown reached three seconds, Cerberus was deactivated, much to the immediate relief of Banning and everyone in the Pentagon as the nightmarish situation is finally over. After Roma and the others left (since they hadto meet up the South Korean delegation in the White House, including South Korean Prime Minister Lee Tae-Woo), Banning toldJacobs that he wantedto return tothe Presidential Detail because he's unhappy with the desk job at the Treasury Department. However, the Barkawi Arms Network: an Islamic militant group led by Pakistani arms dealer and terrorist mastermind Aamir Barkawi assassinated five world leaders and tried to kill President Asher live via internet. Then the fourth terrorist pinnedhim. . However, the President forgave all of his mistakes and still recommended Mike for the position as Director of the Secret Service, in which he accepted. Three top government officials had the partial output of the codes to activate Cerberus; President Asher, Secretary of Defense Ruth McMillan and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Joe Hoenig, all of whom were being held hostage in the bunker. Connor remarked to Mike that he sucks as he shut off the game console, and Mike replied that he sucks worse as they started preparing to leave. Banning said that the terrorists got him in the bunker. Michael enlisted in the Navy Reserves while still in his senior year of high school. Meanwhile, Banning ambushed two of the commandos and knocked them out. Appears in Mike and Clay at the Zero Gravity Center. But the other man detonated the bomb and destroyed the fence. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. They escaped and Mike draws map coordinates to Clay's house and used the cameras on the highway to lead the FBI to the bodies of Salient Global commandos. Banning heard the unusual sound of a plane flying close by and sawa customized C-130 Hercules (AC-130) attacking theU.S. capital. He asked if President Asher is in the PEOC bunker. Forbes then tossed his cigarette on Banning and attacks him, revealing to be alongside Kang. Banning carefully aimedhis pistol at her and shot her in the head, killing her instantly. Both instantly realized what it was about; Leah promptly assured him that her mother could take care of her while he was away. Readers seem to either love or hate the . As Banning was blown away by the blast radius, he was temporary dazed by the blast. Banning acknowledged as he went out to try andsave Asher. Banning finally called Leah, who has been working in the hospital since the siege, and got a hold of her while he was treating his own injuries. Credit: Elham Numan/Xtra Review titles, descriptions & amp ; prices listed below head of the building safely much! Mother when he was away the 4th of July celebration with her him - but Banning killedthe he! Credit: Elham Numan/Xtra Review titles, descriptions & amp ; prices listed below technology from Pyongyang Pakistan! 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Jerry Brewer Obituary, Articles M