Some have claimed that the nephilim, or the "sons of God", both mentioned in Genesis 6:2-4, were aliens. Proyas and Stuart Hazeldine rewrote the draft for production,[7] which began on March 25, 2008 in Melbourne, Australia. Edit, The aliens are known as Nordics as seen in European UFO sightings. Even if you think all discussion of aliens is ridiculous, it's fun to let the mind roam over the implications. In retrospect, Ebert's sanguine support of the Nicolas Cage sci-fi thriller, which also included ranking it "among the best science-fiction films I've seen" and including it in his 2009 year-end top ten list, is a lot less baffling than it seemed at the time, when "Knowing" was getting widely panned by critics. It met with mixed reviews, with praise for the acting performances, visual style and atmosphere, but criticism over some implausibilities and the ending. Evil Aliens - DEMONS are trying to take over the universe. If this is a genre clue about how things will end, there are far more blatant signs. Strangers are also capable of shapeshifting, covering up their energy forms with Human-like disguises, which can emit bright lights from their mouths and teleport. I don't dislike Nic Cage at all, but the plot just seemed like a jumbled mess. The skeptical and hysterical Diana loads Caleb and Abby into her car and flees for the caves. Through careful rewatching and a little extrapolation, here are the answers to the biggest questions from the ending of the Knowing movie. When the time capsule is dug up, Caleb is handed Lucindas coded messages. Generally, angels are depicted as beautiful, pale-skinned humans with wings, wearing white robes, carrying a harp, and sporting a halo. Knowing: The aliens combine this with Energy Beings. The connection is clearly drawn for us with the picture of Ezekiel's Wheel in Lucinda's abandoned house. The Non-Human Element & the Plans for a Fake Alien Invasion. 1999: Nicolas Cage plays MIT professor of astrophysics and widower John Koestler (cf. The Strangers are a mysterious alien race of hyper advanced beings that sought to save certain Humans from Earth's impending destruction. After investigating the school closet in which Lucinda had her episode, John noticed that what Lucinda wrote was another set of coordinates which led back to her mobile home, and suggests that there is some refuge from the impending disaster. Dianas death exactly at midnight on the day Lucinda predicted is a clue to Johns fate. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Bioluminescent Given the immaterial characteristics attributed to God, it is understood that the last . Koestler becomes the Cassandra figure from Greek mythology; like her, no one will believe his prophesies. That might have been what convinced him to save the rabbits. This is a wild extension of a common view that the 'sons of God' who married the "daughters of men" were fallen angels. Other names 1 - Angels were created by God. With the aliens refusing to take John, it seems as though they specifically want children to rebuild humanity. Its knowledge could save countless lives, including Koestlers wife but it ends up under the ground for 40 years [releasing its curse is another horror movie mechanism, btw along with dark-haired, creepy little girls]. The powerful and rich and famous of this world give him their allegiance. Psalm 19:1-2 declares: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. and possibly with the 50 years of advanced knowledge of the world ending, the human race could develop a way to prevent it. Therefore, the gospel message on other worlds is alien to them and might begin, "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. The Whisper people are actually aliens who sent the numbers as a message. On-screen conversations about determinism and the afterlife are further clues about Koestlers fate; theyre also the films key themes. They could also be considered Hyperversal aliens from a previous Universe cycle whose lack of a physical form and supreme knowledge are most notable. It can be speculated that Abby had a striking resemblance to Lucinda and perhaps this is to show that somehow Lucinda was "saved" in the form of Abby. It's also no wonder that, earlier on, he engages in what Ebert calls "a cerebral debate at MIT about whether the universe is deterministic or random." In 2001, novelist Ryne Douglas Pearson approached producers Todd Black and Jason Blumenthal with his idea for a film, where a time capsule from the 1950s is opened revealing fulfilled prophecies, of which the last one ended with 'EE' "everyone else". Translucent rib, spine, and vein-like structures can also be seen within their torsos and heads, with other bone-like structures visible in their hands and legs. Abigail (for which Abby is a nickname) in the Bible is the wife of King David and daughter of Jesseand Jesus' descent is traced from King David and "Jesse's Seed".Finally, it seems to be the filmmakers' intent to link the story to the biblical end times prophecies (and therefore to angels, whatever they may be) with the last scene, in which John Koestler returns to his father, a pastor, and to faith in biblical prophecy and an afterlife. The site's consensus: "Knowing has some interesting ideas and a couple good scenes, but it's weighted down by its absurd plot and over-seriousness". Bipedal Diana suggests that she take Caleb and Abby to a set of underground caves as shelter and attempts to do so without telling John. Despite the clear alien technology at the end, the creepy "visitors" might still be thought of as angels (or, better, as aliens that could be mistaken for angels). The answer came to me without hesitation, He has to be in control. Caleb and Abby are taken away to a distant planet, while John and Everyone Else the EE mentioned in the alien code are left to a fiery annihilation. In addition, John's son Caleb also shares his name with a biblical figure. They're a little bit like angels. The 2009 sci-fi thriller ends with an unforgettable twist, but it leaves a few questions unanswered. In this sense, the film reflects on our responses to mass disaster. The 9/11 disaster is the first number pattern Koestler spots in the alien code (its also right inside the circular stain from where he accidentally places his glass). The Pentagon established the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force last August to look into observations of unknown flying aircrafts. 8. Inevitably, there are innumerable different ways to interpret the aliens, their means of communication, the solar flare, and the new planet, such that no one explanation can be "correct." The Mayans considered this a historic event, as the previous world (the third attempt, by that stage) was written off as a failure by their gods after its 13th b'ak'tun. [16], Proyas used a Red One 4K digital camera. The scenographic rain led to the usage of a new gel for the flames so the fire would not be put out, and semi-permanent make-up to make them last the long shooting hours. Production was financially backed by Summit Entertainment. Its a heart-breaking choice, one the film stokes with the repetition of their promise to stay together forever. What happens when the battery from Caleb's hearing aid goes out. The whisper people in the film are apparently supposed to represent Nordic aliens, which are described as looking the most human and have the most connotations in relation with human religion and mythology.The craft in which the whisper people take the children closely matches Ezekiel's vision of a chariot made of many angels. Sometimes theres no comfort or meaning in it. They took children because they wanted a fresh start. Meanwhile, the ark, along with others, deposits Caleb and Abby in another world resembling an earthly paradise and departs. The film, conceived and co-written by Ryne Douglas Pearson, was originally attached to a number of directors under Columbia Pictures, but it was placed in turnaround and eventually picked up by Escape Artists. There is also a History Channel show called Ancient Aliens which goes in depth with this theory. By Gene W Strasser Jul 29, 2022 3:46 PM EDT. Is it strictly fiction? Rabbits, god-damn rabbits. Finally, Koestler gives up Caleb to save the boys life. [36], On November 25, 2009, Global Findability filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Summit Entertainment and Escape Artists in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, claiming that a geospatial entity object code was used in the film Knowing which infringed Patent .mw-parser-output .citation{word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}US 7107286 Integrated information processing system for geospatial media. [9], The film is set primarily in the town of Lexington with some scenes set in the nearby cities of Cambridge and Boston. The emerging one world government has planned on faking an alien invasion for over a century. In the film's shocking ending, he entrusts the care of his son to strange alien figures, sending him out among the stars before Earth is consumed by a deadly solar flare. Edit, It's hard to say. After closer examination from his father John Koestler, he discovers the future predicting nature of the paper. [3] Presumably, aliens are born and produce offspring because, you know, biological. This isn't directly addressed by the film, but the rabbits are seen arriving safely on the alien planet with the children in Knowing's final moments. The online Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained has this to say about Guardian Angels:. The Strangers' ships were seen leaving at the end, but it remains possible that some Strangers remained on the planet to provide guidance to the growing children, unless Human adults were also evacuated off-screen. Angel ([? The ark, along with many other arks, leave the planet. Edit, Not necessarily. The aliens send a messenger ahead of doomsday; so does the Bible; As they return to their ship, the aliens transform into glowing, winged creatures - i.e., angels. Knowing grossed $186.5 million at the worldwide box office, plus $27.7 million with home video sales, against an average production budget of $50 million. The 1974 UFO Crash in Coyame, Mexico. [19] Beltrami released the soundtrack as a CD with 22 tracks. The beings, acting as extraterrestrial angels, are leading children to safety on interstellar arks. So while angels are technically extraterrestrials in that they do not come from Earth, they are not EBEs, or aliens in the traditional sense of the word. But what ancient man perceived as Gods descending from the heavens were actually aliens who helped teach man to build and evolve into the dominant species on the planet. Some people even think that guardian angels are . The following day, Lucinda engraves the remaining numbers into a closet door with her fingernails. Most of the kids oblige with robots and rockets but one child Lucinda becomes obsessed with writing a creepy number code. Then, there are also references to other Biblical passages, which suggest a more pick-'n'-mix approach to Christian mythology: John's separation from his son Caleb calls to mind the Matthew verse "Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left," and the bringing of the kids to the new, Eden-like planet could be interpreted as a Rapture, following the Revelation-like reception of the beings' whispers. Proyas explained the goal, "I did that specifically to not let the artifice of visual effects and all the cuts and stuff we can do, get in the way of the emotion of the scene. In 1959, a Lexington, Massachusetts elementary school celebrates its opening with a competition in which students draw what they believe will happen in the future. The first one is our atmosphere, the second heaven is outer space, and the third one is God's dwelling place. The aliens are the fallen angels and demons are the disembodied spirits of their nephilim offspring. The two run through a field towards a large white mysterious tree (implied to be the tree of life). The Bible indicates that angels were created at the same time the earth was formed, even before human life was created. LC Making it into a 14th b'ak'tun was to be considered an additional sign that the universe was "correct", and would be cause for a great celebration, similar to 20th century celebrations of the Millennium. Fate can be known in advance (i.e., Lucindas code) but that fate is inescapable. The estimated gross for global domestic video sales is US$27.6 million. Job 38:7 tells us that when our world was created, "the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy.". "Knowing Film Locations." So why is the ending such a headscratcher? Lucinda is the other Cassandra character no one believes. April 9, 2012. This is one of the most common story resolutions, yet Knowing subverts any expectations of a happy ending. Then the alien stuff just came from out of nowhere and just seemed so ridiculous. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 77568230. John (Nicolas Cage) figures out that the last number isn't 33, it's "EE" meaning "Everyone Else." As he realises that a huge solar flare is about to destroy the planet, he follows clues left by Diana (Rose Byrne)'s mother to the location of her mobile . Aren't children too young to take care of themselves? The Strangers took Caleb and Abby to the hidden shelter near Lucinda's home with John witnessing as the Strangers shift from their human forms into their true form and take Caleb and Abby into their ship which, along with various other Stranger ships housing human children, took them to a distant planet to continue humanity's existence. Quote: In the Old Testament, Caleb and Joshua were among the Israelites who left Egypt for Canaan with Moses. Like everything else, this ending is rife with ambiguity. Is the tree at the end supposed to be the tree of knowledge or the tree of life? What is the deal with the dream Caleb had of the deer burning? Koestler doesnt believe in heaven either, a position that puts him at odds with Caleb more of that below. Maybe the whisper people chose some specific children who would be great at working together. John discovers that Lucinda's numbers are dates, death tolls, and geographical coordinates of major disasters over the past fifty years (including the Oklahoma City bombing, the September 11 attacks, and Hurricane Katrina), and three have yet to happen. Angels surround us all the time figuratively if not literally especially during the holidays. However, it was shot in Australia, where director Proyas resides. Human-like 1972s The Poseidon Adventure makes a meal of it even making its saviour a priest but youll see the pattern everywhere from Deep Impact to Greenland. The time traveler doesn't believe humans will win the first "interdimensional war" and says people can "rent" superpowers. Niall Gray is a features writer for Screen Rant covering just about every film- or TV-related topic he's loosed upon. This, coupled with the movie's earlier incorporation of Ezekiel's chariot vision in an engraving, raises the possibility that the whole thing is inspired by the Book of Ezekiel, and that the aliens are not aliens, but angels. Strangers use large, rather unconventional spacecraft that somewhat resemble several dark wheels, all turning around glowing central orbs, with many spike or petal-like structures floating around the wheels, giving a loose resemblance to a biblically-accurate angel, described as wheels within wheels with many wings. If he needs to communicate with the aliens, of course, this isn't a problem since it's all telepathic. They are known to save species from extinction by evacuating at least their children when their planet is on the brink of destruction, along with certain animals, but any reasons for continuing a species' existence outside of generosity and general care for the welfare of said species are unknown. So,this wanky belief is not original,padre! At first thats Koestlers wife. [37][38][39][40] The case was dismissed on January 10, 2011. Arthur Koestler and The Roots of Coincidence, scenes from the attack on the Twin Towers, Allegretto from Beethovens Symphony No.7 in A major, Passengers (2016) explained: fairy tales in space, Symbolism in The Birds (1963): story as sexual landscape, Beverly Hills Cop (1984) explained: from zero to hero, Its a Wonderful Life (1946): a very modern malady, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: the knowledge trap, Knock at the Cabin: apocalypse now? Adults would just go to the new planet and try to recreate what they had on earth. Unfortunately, this approach is abandoned as Koestler pursues the disasters, and the film eventually moves into a mystical approach". [42], Steve Biodrowski of Cinefantastique refers to the film's approach as disappointingly "pseudo-scientific". By Chris Murphy. The "morning stars" are angels, whereas "the sons of God" are the leaders of other worlds. Whether you read "Knowing" as a movie about angels mistaken for aliens or aliens mistaken for angels, one thing is for sure: The movie gets, and incorporates, much of the existential appeal of . Diana later died when her vehicle was later broadsided by a truck. Almost nothing is known of Stranger society. 'Sons of God' (Hebrew bene elohim) is clearly used of angels in Job 38:7. 2 Kings 6: Elisha and the army of angels. Knowing Ending Explained: The Biggest Questions Answered, Lord Of War True Story: Who Nicolas Cage's Character Is Based On, Nic Cages Dracula Can Outdo His Vampire Method Acting, Kick-Ass Finally Gave Nicolas Cage The Superhero Movie He Deserved. published 30 March 2018. Status The following morning, John decides to be with his family when the flare strikes and drives through a chaotic Boston to his parents' house, where he reconciles with his estranged father. The first time is when he thinks about his dead wife as the film begins. The Bible tells us, "Do not show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it" (Hebrews 13:2). Telepathic Alan Bean, 85, is one of only 12 people to have taken "one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind" on the moon. The beings who have been whispering into Caleb's (Chandler Canterbury) and Abby's (Lara Robinson) ears finally reveal themselves as a more evolved alien race, who have been landing space arks all over Earth to save a select few humans and animals from the imminent destruction of the planet. This is the inside joke of the film. Revelation 9:1-12 describes a locust type creature which stings with its tail and has a poison . Caleb and Abby inherit an unspoilt, Eden-like world. [24] Metacritic gave the film a score of 41% based on 27 reviews, indicating "mixed or average reviews". Edit, Presumably, they were a separate code of events for the new world. Leviticus 19:34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.. Deuteronomy 10:18,19 He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the . Knowing this, the Strangers came to Earth sometime in the mid-20th century, seeking out any who could hear their telepathic voice to evacuate to another world. He walked with God for 300 years after the birth of Methuselah, given that honor above all other humans. Instead, by trying to provide answers, Knowing created an unsatisfactory kind of ambiguity, one that was a product of bad storytelling rather than deliberately creating mystique. With Knowing's apocalyptic climax mirroring the Book of Revelation, as well as the various other biblical similarities, it's hardly a stretch to think humanity's saviors could just as likely be angels. Or, it may have had a purpose similar to Noah's Ark, with the child refugees of Earth taking with them two animals from various species in order to save and repopulate not just humanity, but the Earth's animal species, as well. Here's a look at what that ending really means. The end game: An imminent solar flare is about to destroy the planet. It's also entirely possible the aliens don't simply leave the children there to fend for themselves, it's possible they stay in the skies and observe and then come down to the planet or the "new Earth" to teach the kids how to build and how to survive. The project was picked up by the production company Escape Artists, and the script was rewritten by Stiles White and Juliet Snowden. John Koestler is a skeptic going through a religious awakening: He rummages the Lucinda Embry numbers as a believer does a sacred text, equally convinced that they speak to a larger truth, and he doesn't have to understand all of it to believe. . [43], Erin McCarthy of Popular Mechanics calls attention to the film's confusion of numerology, the occult's study of how numbers like dates of birth influence human affairs, with the ability of science to describe the world mathematically to make predictions about things like weather or create technology like cell phones. During the search, Caleb and Abby, who were left asleep in the car, have an encounter with the beings who are the source of the whispers. Caleb is called "my servant" by God, an honor previously reserved only for Moses. Knowing wasn't a film that required a happy ending, and it suffered from the studio's efforts to shoehorn one in. An old tradition says that guardian angels are appointed to children at the time of their birth. In the occult Saturn Is the dark sun and prison planet" of the fallen angels CERN . Later in the week, I was blind-sided by the negative reaction. Homeworld As Diana and Abby prepare to take refuge in nearby caves, John goes to the school and finds the door on which Lucinda engraved the final numbers and identifies them as coordinates of a place where he believes they may find salvation from the solar flare. 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