While setting up a Zebra Loach tank, dont forget to get them everything they need down there. Male guppies also have long tails that flutter and float as the fish swims along, which could lead to mistaken identity and fighting. 1. Well, they like the temperature to be anywhere between 68F and 78F, which is pretty close to the 78F to 80F target temperature for betta fish. Their body looks widened from behind the dorsal fin but tapers off rapidly around the length of the fin. Betta fish dont care about whose food is whose and will tend to eat anything and everything edible. Fill one bucket with fresh replacement water, and leave the other empty. Yoyo loach. If you find it hard to get the food down there, use sinking pellets. And throughout the day, make sure there is plenty of sunlight falling on their habitat. Nobody wants a betta tank full of drama! Tetra Piaractus brachypomus: Pacu Over time, your betta fish will lose its (apparently flavorful) slime coating to these fish. In worst cases, the last resort is always taking medication you can find at local fish stores and talking to an experienced hobbyist. His site was created to share his knowledge and unique teaching style on a larger scale. However, you should remember that each species has unique care needs, and you will need to research this before making your final selection. 100% Live Guarantee! [i] Zebra loaches have no special requirements on water conditions, they do however prefer a certain aquarium setup to be at their best. Zebra Snails like consuming algae so they can be a good tank cleaner and it will be beneficial to keep this peaceful algae eater in your Betta Tank. Alternatively, the male might show no interest in mating with the female, even attacking her to the point of serious injury or death. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. That is not something you want your betta to experience! Also, they take on vivid colors which dont fade away with time. These quick and active little fish dont grow very large, maxing out at about 5 inches in length. The ideal temperature for Betta fish is 77-86 degrees Fahrenheit. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! Here is the quick list: 1. Apart from understanding their preferred water parameters, ensuring stability is also essential. They typically grow up to 4 inches and have an ee-like shape. This is a nocturnal species, and they need lots of hiding spaces to spend their day. The Siamese fighting fish, or betta, is a beautiful, solitary creature that gets quite nippy with other fish. Thank you for visiting! Zebra Loach is one of the most irresistible aquarium fish you will ever come across. Their small size and their peaceful behavior make them good tank mates for your Betta fish. WebCele mai comune dou specii din comerul acvariului sunt, Red Ramshorn i Planorbarius corneus, o specie mai mare cunoscut sub numele de Great Ramshorn. In the following, we discuss the top 10 best tank mates for betta fish. Platies will need to have a lot of live plants that they can swim through. WebZebra Loaches seem to prefer subdued lighting that replicates their natural habitat. If you were to start with 10 shrimp, after about a month, you might have more shrimp than water in the betta tank! Scouts honor . Things like water conditions, tank mates, and the ability to ward off common fish diseases are some other factors that are part of their healthy lifespan. Theyre good tank mates, ideal for big Betta tanks. They were first sighted in 1926 by the Indian Zoologist Narayan Rao. Ghost shrimp, aka glass shrimp, can grow to two inches, and as their name indicates, you can see through them! They also dont take much space as they only grow up to three inches long. So theyre perfect tank mates for your Betta fish, and they wont bother them. The empty bucket will hold the dirt, debris, and worms you siphon from the fish tank. Plecos can help keep the betta tank clean as they love to eat algae. Before planning out what goes into their tank as their core diet or variation, make sure you know that striped Loaches dont chase food as actively as their tank mates. Either way, problem solved. Panda loaches and dojo loaches, for example, are cool water species from temperate zones that can be kept in unheated aquariums that do not exceed the mid-70s In general, with Betta fish, they wont bother your other fish as long as theyre plenty of space and if you add large groups of the same fish species. Ramshorns roii This allows for ASD to promote items that are more effective to promote via Amazon versus selling on this site due to shipping costs, the vendor's choice to only carry through Amazon, or order minimums. Aside from environmental differences between bettas and swordtails, an aggressive betta fish would most likely try to attack the swordtails very attractive, flowing fins. They establish social hierarchies where they live or travel to. Ich is another common disease that can attack your pet at any time. When betta fish get curious about something, they often act like toddlers and put whatever they discover into their mouths. You should only ever consider keeping more than one betta fish in an aquarium when you want to start building a sorority tank. Because of this, your concern over elevating water parameters caused by the breakdown of excess waste is minimal. Black neon tetra are friendly fish that you can keep in a group of 10 or more, along with your Betta fish. They look even plumper during breeding practices. Ideally, only keep one cory catfish in the tank with your Betta fish. The mini-me versions of the Common pleco that generally get along fine sharing a betta tank include: These plecos generally grow no larger than 5 inches. Snail Species: Zebra Snails Nerite Snail Mystery Snails 3. They require plenty of space. One other fact about Balloon Molly fish is they are truly man-made and a result of selective breeding to have scoliosis. Balloon Molly fish is a unique freshwater fish that are bred extremely short and round. Some loach species you might like to consider include: Loaches can also grow pretty large, depending on the species, so you must carefully research your preferred variety before taking one home. Candy stripe plecos can only be kept in a 25-gallon Betta tank or more, and you should only keep one with your Betta fish, as these Plecos can get territorial. As with other fish, after the Zebra Loach fry gets hatched, feed them infusoria for a couple of days. Betta fish are intelligent, curious fish that can become stressed and miserable if not provided with plenty of entertainment in their environment. Thats because theyre more active during the day than other loaches. Platy fish can come in red, blue, black, orange, brown, green, so you have plenty of options. So far the only known difference between a male Zebra Loach and a female Zebra Loach is the rounded body of the female. These Loaches dont offer much deviation when it comes to their gender. However, smaller species of plecos can work quite well when sharing an aquarium with a betta fish. The Zebra Loach doesnt have any bands on their light beige-colored abdomens. These are very common and do well in several tank sizes. Here are some tankmates to avoid: Breeding Zebra Loaches without taking professional help is almost impossible even for advanced-level aquarium hobbyists. Apart from this, an accurate perception of their dietary needs will help you get them on the safe side in home aquariums. Unlike betta fish, swordtails prefer fast-moving waters. Make sure you dont compromise on their basic requirements though. Basically, the two species simply dont mix. Natural sand is excellent for bottom feeder fish to forage around in. And no matter how hardy people say this fish is, a Zebra Loach cant survive in unhealthy water parameters for a long time. A betta stakes his claim on a certain area of water and protects and defends it as its life depends on it. In this post, you can find the 50 best Betta fish tank mates. Its always better to feed them at a different time when things are calm in the aquarium. They can easily live in groups in small species-specific or community tanks. I loved mine! This is fortunate for the Ghost shrimp as that constant camouflage makes them harder to spot by an overly ambitious betta fish. These peaceful mollusks have body armor that keeps them safe from betta fish mood swings. The Zebra Loaches fins including caudal fins, pectoral fins, and dorsal fins also comprise some of the stripes. Panda cory cats are also good tank mates for your female Betta fish. Rasboras are typically a more gentle fish in terms of peaceful living with a betta, and they dont tend to be fin nippers. They are schooling fish, meaning that they should be kept in groups of at least five individuals in order to remain healthy and happy. Some people put their fish in tanks as small as one gallon and then wonder why the fish spends all day glass surfing. Bushy nose plecos, aka Bristlenose Plecostomus, are beautiful and peaceful fish that make for great companions for your Betta fish in a large fish tank. They are very easy keepers and quite peaceful as well. The hardness of the water should be between 5 to 20 dH. Male bettas especially are very territorial and aggressive, which is why you'll find them isolated in tiny plastic containers when you purchase them at the pet store. You can add at least five of them to your Betta tank, as theyre either social or just hide away. Also, perform frequent water changes to keep the water clean and devoid of toxins. As for tank setup, Gold Zebra Loaches need a temperature in the range of 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Do betta fish need company in their tank, or are they happiest when kept alone? The final call on whether or not tank mates are a good decision in your given situation remains only your own. I debated putting the possibility of goldfish living with bettas at the top of this entire article, as its one of the most common questions I get asked about betta tank mate possibilities. Apple snails are one; nerite snails are another. These fish suck on other fish, literally. These gold and black scavenger fish are peaceful. Tiger barbs and betta fish are not good tankmates. You also should pair them with peaceful fish species so everything goes smoothly. Check out the FishForums.net Monthly Plants and decorations fall in the role of giving them the best life in home aquariums. WebA Betta fish is one of the most popular freshwater species in the aquarium hobby. WebUlcer on Zebra Loach. Ok, maybe sadistic was too strong a word. Their dorsal fin grows the shape of a half fan or you can say it looks semi-circular, with the tail fin looking like a fork. Required fields are marked *. Also, what temperature suits them best is also unknown yet. For a peaceful fish like Zebra Loach Botia, any similar-sized fish with a friendly attitude will do just fine as a tank mate. White cloud minnow are known to do well in large Betta tanks in groups of six or more. If you keep 10 or more in a large planted tank, these are good Betta companions. For planted tanks, planted tank substrate works great and wont bother your Zebra Loachs barbels. These fish are like your typical sucker fish but with more of a coolness factor, and they are smaller to boot. Well. They have the same behavior as other Tetras fish to be a good addition to your Betta fish tank. While commercial foods are not that bad, opting out for cheaper brands would cost you your beloved pets life. Snails are easily the best option on this list. You never want to house more than one male betta fish at a time in the same aquarium. After a lot of patience and trying new treatments, its really cool to see the fins grow back a bit. However, it will have to live at the top of this section instead. If bettas tendency to get cranky at their relatives isnt enough, gouramis are fairly aggressive fish themselves. Angelicus Loach. Mollies with long, flashy tails are far more likely to trigger aggression in betta fish. These fish have brown scales, and captive-bred ones can have different colors. There you have it, our top-to-bottom recommendations on betta fish tank mates. He has kept freshwater tanks, ponds, and reef tanks for over 25 years. In fact, in Thailand, their country of origin, wild male bettas were originally kept and bred for fighting. Make sure the grains are not too refined or too large for the fish. Fish that occupy a separate area to Bettas are also an excellent choice these bottom dwellers would be perfect as they will not invade the Bettas territory: Zebra loach Albino cory Bristle nose pleco Snowball pleco Candy striped pleco Adding plants to the aquarium will increase the habitats complexity which has been proven to reduce In addition, plecos come conveniently equipped with some really tough body armor. Also, you can use your tank equipment and decorations to minimize chances of territorial behavior and aggression. Corydoras catfish or Corys are yet another fine tank-mate possibility. For a couple of fish (up to five inches in total) and one Betta, 10-gallons should be fine. They can eat detritus and leftover food in the tank, so theyre useful to have, and they shouldnt bother your Betta fish. Just like its name indicates, its shell looks like a zebra. Otherwise, your Betta fish could eat them. The name; balloon Molly truly justifies the appearance of this fish as their bellies are round and swollen with arched backs and extended dorsal fins. Zebra Loaches are striped, bottom-dwelling fish that are usually a good choice for a beginner aquarium hobbyist. One of the core reasons they are my absolute favorite is their small size. Zebra Loaches love to move in slow-moving streams with a good range of vegetation. Well, betta fish are also sometimes called Siamese fighting fish, and thats for a good reason! These frogs can fit into any small crevices. Zebra Loach care is pretty straightforward, given you understand their basic needs for withstanding minor environmental transitions. Even if it doesnt feel the need to do so, a soft substrate is necessary to ensure theres no rough abrasion between its barbels and substrate. Home About Us Bettas Assorted HMPK Male Australia's Largest Online Betta Speclialist, from domestic fancies to exotic wild species. They are peaceful, and generally, have a longer lifespan than most aquarium fish. A well-running aquarium, some good community friends, perfectly set water parameters, and precautions to minimize the chances of falling prey to common fish diseases count as some of the most important things to their proper care. Its generally not recommended to keep a pair of one male betta and one female. Unfortunately no. Whatever you feed them should go straight to the base of the tank for the fish to eat up easily. Snowball plecos are beautiful fish to keep around your Betta fish. r/bettafish Hi! The Zebra Loach is an excellent freshwater fish that is only really suitable for aquarists with experience as they have no scales and require pristine water conditions. Theyre bright red and like to swim together in a group of 10 or more. Just be aware that they will need a bigger set-up after a few years. Clown Loach Med: Chromobotia macracanthus: Cardinal Tetra: Paracheirodon axelrodi: Vaillanti Gourami: Betta Macrostoma PAIR: Macrostoma Betta Pair CARDINAL TETRA PECKOLTIA VITATTA L129 COLOMBIAN ZEBRA HYPANCISTRUS DEBILITERA L128 BLUE PHANTOM PLECO HEMIANCISTRUS Upside down catfish are ideal for Betta planted tanks at least 20-gallon. Zebra Loaches, also known as the Candy Stripe Loach, are practical for beginner aquariums. Zebra Loaches are extremely social and friendly. i havnt had any experience with these fish together. The Zebra loach (striata loache) is a beautiful Freshwater fish very peaceful and ideal for community aquariums although it needs good water conditions to stay Glowlight tetras seem to light up when the light is low, hence their name. If you have a Betta tank thats more than 75 gallons, Clown loaches are good fish to keep around. WebYour betta and pleco will be happiest together in a large aquarium. And yes, betta fish have teeth! I don't know many loaches to be aggresive. Otherwise, they can get aggressive and territorial. Mollies can reach 3 inches if raised in a five-gallon aquarium. They have a grey or brown body, with black stripes or even spots. You can always go for artificial plants. Peppered loaches, aka Guntea loach, can grow up to 6 inches and look a bit like freshwater eels. Your email address will not be published. It is either that betta fish are fast swimmers or that these frogs are on the slow side of the kiddie pool, but either way, the betta will be more likely to finish its food before the frog even finds its own. Ideally, a tank size of 30 gallons does well for a decent group of Zebra Loaches. Therefore in a home aquarium, the small size of Botia Striata helps you keep them in groups. But the main difference that is known between male Zebra Loaches and female Zebra Loaches is the rounded body of a female Zebra Loach. However, most fishkeepers tend to not want to own these fish because they think theyre hard to care for and that its impossible to find compatible Betta tank mates for them. They stay strong when it comes to putting up with water level shifting. In my opinion, one gallon or two gallons or three gallons - is far too little space. The biggest difference between these two fish is that hillstream loaches originate from Southeast Asia, while plecos are found throughout South America. Theyre a kind of schooling fish that enjoy planted tanks. Other morphological differences also become apparent when put side to side. WebThe Zebra Loach, or Botia striataby its Latin name, is a lovely little freshwater fish that hails from the slow moving streams and rivers of west India. A Zebra Loach Botia spends most of its time at the water bottom, making it prone to infections. Unlike their cousins Clown Loaches, Zebra Loaches remain small. Theyre active during nighttime and rest during the daytime. On top of that, mollies are quite aggressive at times. As their name suggests, these are miniature frogs that can truly make your tank unique! Theyre very small, no more than one inch, and they have stripes along their body. These stripes, unlike the other bands sitting on different body locations, look black. Some people see this as a profitable problem to have as you can certainly sell the shrimp if you find you have a market for them. On the other hand, nerite snails usually only reach about an inch in size. If you are interested in starting a sorority of female betta fish, its not as easy as just grouping a bunch together. However, once they get comfortable, theyre fun to watch and make good companions for your Betta in a 30-gallon tank or more. Beginning from the front side of their head to the base of their caudal fin, Zebra Loaches feature a series of mazy stripes sloping backward and forward. These guys are highly entertaining fish, but not in the same tank as a betta fish. However, remember that they can reproduce quickly and that your Betta fish can eat the offspring. We recommend you get no more than three mollies for your Betta fish tank. These small and socially active fish are part of the Cobitidae family from the order Cypriniformes. Dont add male fancy guppies because they have colorful tails and could trigger your Betta fish. This fish wont be for everybody as it needs a spirulina supplement or any veggie-based food. Read this guide to learn what fish and other creatures make the best tank mates for betta fish. Just try to keep an eye out for your frog and ensure that it is getting fed. So, the two species have totally different needs regarding water parameters, and theyre simply incompatible. They are also small and dont grow more than two inches in diameter. These are both very good things to look for. Siamese fighting fish / Betta Paracheirodon sp. There are so many options out there, as you can see below! In this case, bigger is better. Nerite snails work well as a housekeeping service for betta fish because they are scavengers. Retreating to narrower regions due to environmental threats, their normal community growth has been sharply stunted. Looking at their head, you notice a set of some barbels lacing their heads and noses. WebZebra Loach - Botia striata A very active loach that grows to a max size of around 4". A convenient feature of the White Cloud Mountain minnow is that they share similar tastes for the temperature of the aquarium as a betta fish does. You need bottom-dwelling tank mates for your male Betta fish for larger Betta tanks. Some of these species will do great in a fish tank in your bedroom, while others are true monsters of the deep sea. The frogs usually hide under rocks during the daytime, and they like to float at the top of the fish tank during nighttime. You should also always avoid freshwater species that threaten their harmony. Contrary to other freshwater fish species, telling their genders apart is quite demanding. Also, the openings should be large enough to work as a proper hideout free of trapping the fish. Theyre only three and a half inches long and are good companions for your Betta fish. Their activity level is usually above average during daylight and goes down when the sun goes down. Make sure the parameters stay within the recommended range and dont sway from one side to the other. The dojo loach or weather loach will spend most of its day swimming along the substrate and eating leftover food. Some bettas are pretty laid-back dudes that will happily accept the inclusion of a few small, peaceful fish or invertebrates in their home. The rot began about 2 months ago, but hes finally showing signs of recovery! Feeding Zebra Loaches a protein-rich diet will further help you keep them healthy and happy. Well talk about them more below. On top of their peaceful behavior and compatibility with Bettas, one of their advantages is that they eat the algae that form in the tank and other debris. Otherwise, it could ruin the tanks water and filter quality. The Bristlenose pleco can tolerate water temperatures between 60 and 80 F and a PH range of 5.5-7.6. Additionally, it is Bettas also have the choice in the wild to pick and choose what is allowed inside their patch. So far, Cories are the only type of fish species on this tank mate guide. White Cloud Mountain minnows are similar to the common Neon tetra in terms of appearance and overall size, but they are not quite as brightly colored and flashy and are not known as fin nippers. Maxing out at about 5 inches in diameter, blue, black,,., after the Zebra Loach doesnt have any bands on their habitat after a lot live! Vivid colors which dont fade away with time be between 5 to 20 dH three mollies for your fish! See below large, maxing out at about 5 inches in total ) and one female Guntea Loach, practical. Max size of Botia Striata a very active Loach that grows to a max size of Botia Striata you... Also comprise some of these species will do just fine as a betta fish make the best life in aquariums! 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