The largest was the French Maginot Line, a system of mammoth, self-contained forts stretching from Switzerland to the vicinity of the Belgian frontier near Montmdy. While most of the giant underground fortresses of the Maginot Line were abandoned or destroyed, you can visit a few of them, still in working order. The main construction was largely completed by 1939, at the cost of around 3 billion French francs (around 3.9 billion in today's U.S. dollars worth). However, he noted that the French failed to use the line as the basis for an offensive. Instead of worrying that her own daughter has been burned by the hot berries, she pushes Pecola down into the pie juice. By referring to the floor as hers, Mrs. Breedlove reveals her desire to be a part of and take some ownership over the white family's home. Nevertheless, Maxime Weygand signed the surrender instrument and the army was ordered out of their fortifications to be taken to POW camps. High-voltage Transmission Lines, initially above-ground but then buried, and connected to the civil power grid, provided electric power to the many fortifications and fortresses. She has renounced her own black family for the family of her white employer. While the accommodations weren't luxurious, the barracks and mess halls were a tremendous improvement over the mud, freezing cold and disease of WWI trenches. Without the natural defensive barrier provided by the Rhine River, French generals argued that France needed a new defensive barrier made of concrete and steel to replace it. In contrast, the propaganda about the line made it appear far greater a construction than it was; illustrations showed multiple storeys of interwoven passages and even underground rail yards and cinemas. The fortifications were built as a result of experiences from the . If the animal eats the meat and behaves strangely, her wish will be granted. France quickly extended the Maginot Line along the Franco-Belgian border, but not to the standard of the rest of the line. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Curiously, Cholly's hatred is directed at Darlene. Renews March 8, 2023 [42], Marc Romanych and Martin Rupp highlight that "poor decisions and missed opportunities" plagued the line and point to its purpose of conserving manpower: "about 20 percent of [France's] field divisions remained inactive along the Maginot Line". This reassured allied civilians. When the bigger plan went to crap, the Maginot Line went along with it.". Frieda and Claudia walk to the lakefront houses, in a beautiful neighborhood with a park that is for white children only. She then tells the girls that they can wait with her until Pecola is back, offering them pop to drink while they wait. Built between 1930 and 1940, it was one of the world's most impressive forts, yet it proved to be almost . Petrol-engined armoured locomotives pulled supply trains along these narrow-gauge lines. Both static and mobile artillery units were assigned to defend the Maginot Line. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Gros Ouvrages: These fortresses were the most important fortifications on the Maginot Line, having the sturdiest construction and the heaviest artillery. The Maginot Line was a series of fortifications built by France between 1929-34 and subsequently enhanced until 1939. And like any trench, it belonged to the . Frieda is more knowledgeable about the adult world and sometimes braver than Claudia. The ninth of eleven children, as a child she is all but ignored by her family. I seem to recall you are new to the game. A co-worker and friend of Chollys during his boyhood. On the balcony above the door, Marie (the Maginot Line) is having a drink of root-beer. The Maginot Line Two score and six years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand, delivered a speech that would forever mark how America viewed race relations. Music Producer, Rapper, Gamer, Artist , Just trying to make it through this thing called LIFE!! With the advent of French nuclear weapons in the early 1960s, the line became an expensive anachronism. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% On 15 June, infantry divisions of the German 7th Army attacked across the Rhine River in Operation "Small Bear", penetrating the defences deep and capturing the cities of Colmar and Strasbourg. The serpent, constructed over a period of 11 years at a cost of some seven billion prewar francs, was France's last, best hope to avert another German invasion, another devastating war. 10. for a customized plan. 20% [18] The French assumption was always that Germany would not go to war without conscription, which would allow the German Army to take advantage of the Reich's numerical superiority. A defensive strategy based on the Maginot Line was an excellent way of demonstrating to Britain that France was not an aggressive power and would only go to war in the event of German aggression, a situation that would make it more likely that Britain would enter the war on France's side.[28]. Frieda's parents believe her without question, and their reaction is to protect their daughter. She is tall and impressive, and she carries a hickory stick. It took nine years, from 1929 to 1938, to build the Maginot Line. In the wake of that catastrophic war, the French government vowed to protect its vulnerable northeast border with Germany from any future attacks. The serpent is the largest remaining artifact from World War II. Read an in-depth analysis of Claudia MacTeer. Indeed, Belgium feared it would be sacrificed in the event of another German invasion. The Schoenenbourg Maginot Line fort (Ouvrage Schoenenbourg) was the largest of the Maginot Line forts, a series of forts built in the 1920s and 30s by the French government to deter invasion from Germany. Look up his videos for some good strategy. They merely waited for a chance to launch a counterattack. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. In Did you have a question about the first chapter of Bluest Eye. This let the French concentrate their best armies and their mechanized troops in the open . [27] For economic reasons, the success of the strategy of la guerre de longue dure would at the very least require Britain to maintain a benevolent neutrality, preferably to enter the war as an ally as British sea power could protect French imports while depriving Germany of hers. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Dont have an account? The MacTeers boarder, who has a reputation for being a steady worker and a quiet man. These GFM cloches were sometimes used to emplace machine guns or observation periscopes. The family of Elihue Whitcomb displays a kind of mixed-race person who lives in colonial societymore fortunate than pureblooded natives, they are still ultimately powerless, allowed to occupy only the most meaningless government positions, allowed to be educated but never to rule. Contact us You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. "Why the Massive Maginot Line Failed to Stop Hitler" At a conference in London in 1924 to settle the Franco-German crisis caused by the Ruhrkampf, the British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald successfully pressed the French Premier douard Herriot to make concessions to Germany. It is also possible that Miss Mary Mack comes from the slang meaning of mack for a "pimp" or "flirting," dating back to the late 1800s. The line, which was supposed to be fully extended further towards the west to avoid such an occurrence, was finally scaled back in response to demands from Belgium. You can view our. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 Maureen is light-skinned and wealthy. But modern historians are increasingly making a bold claim: It wasn't the Maginot Line that failed, it was diplomacy and French armored tactics. Frieda and Claudia are confused about what ruined means and worry that Frieda will become fat like the Maginot Line. Just six weeks after Hitler began his land invasion of the country, France surrendered to Germany. His desire to poison the animal stems solely from his own hatred of the beast, and his racial self-loathing prevents him from offering any sound counsel to Pecola. This section opens with a long description of his character and ancestry. Not according to Robert Kirchubel, a military historian with the FORCES Initiative at Purdue University. They nerfed breaking through the line to the nth degree honestly. [26], About 55 percent of overseas imports arrived in France via the Channel ports of Calais, Le Havre, Cherbourg, Boulogne, Dieppe, Saint-Malo and Dunkirk. Subscribe now. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% When Cholly is in his early teens, Great Aunt Jimmy becomes sick, and an old seer-like black woman named M'Dear warns her that to get better she must drink nothing but pot liquor. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. The two begin to have sex, but are interrupted by two white hunters, who shine a light on them and, snickering, tell Cholly to finish up. She finds meaning not in her own family but in romantic movies and in her work caring for a well-to-do white family. The white family's home stands in stark contrast to the home the Breedloves live in. Instant PDF downloads. Nobody is home when they arrive at the Breedloves' storefront apartment. "Bluest Eye Spring Summary and Analysis". (one code per order). Consequently, the Germans invaded through the Low Countries in 1940, passing it to the north. She lies in an empty lot ruminating and then heads home. Although we are told that Cholly has no sense of fatherhood because he never knew his own parents (a statement which emphasizes social forces rather than Cholly's choices), we are also told repeatedly that Cholly is dangerously free. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. ", Frieda notices a deep-dish berry cobbler, and Pecola goes to see if the cobbler is still hot. The original construction did not cover the area ultimately chosen by the Germans for their first challenge, which was through the Ardennes in 1940, a plan known as Fall Gelb (Case Yellow), due to the neutrality of Belgium. In 1939 U.S. Army officer Kenneth Nichols visited the Metz sector, where he was impressed by the formidable formations which he thought the Germans would have to outflank by driving through Belgium. Claudia wonders, almost enviously, how being touched in this way feels, but Frieda rejects this questionwhat is important is not how she feels but what has been done to her and how her parents react. Miss Marie is overweight and kind, China is skinny and sarcastic, and Poland is taciturn. They associate being "ruined" with the prostitutes, as they sense it has something to do with distasteful sexual interactions like the one Frieda experienced, and assume because Miss Marie is fat, she must be ruined. 5. Pauline learns to love the soft blonde hair of her employers' child and despise the thicker black curls of her own daughter. What does it communicate about the Breedlove household? But it was too late to reorganize the entire French military in a matter of months. The heavy fortifications were designed to block the most direct line of attack into France and avoid repeating what happened in WWI, when the German forces occupied large swaths of the strategically important Alsace-Lorraine region. The lies about traveling with the prostitutes points to her desire to escape her abusive home and see the world. The girls walk all the way to the rich part of town where Mrs. Breedlove works. This was impossible elsewhere as the other parts of the line were located in civilian areas.[10]. Petits ouvrages: These small fortresses reinforced the line of infantry bunkers. . The Question and Answer section for Bluest Eye is a great She finds Frieda upstairs crying. The location of this attack, chosen because of the location of the Maginot Line, was through the Belgian Ardennes Forest (sector 4), which is off the map to the left of Maginot Line sector 6 (as marked). She invites the girls upstairs for a soda, but Frieda tells her that they are not allowed to visit her because she is "ruined." Her jealousy shows her inability to conceptualize the trauma incurred during such an experience. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Check out the Hackenberg Maginot Fort, now a military museum offering tours, and the Schoenenbourg Fort. During the German offensive Operation Nordwind in January 1945, Maginot Line casemates and fortifications were utilised by Allied forces, especially in the Bas-Rhin department in Grand Est, and some German units had been supplemented with flamethrower tanks in anticipation of this possibility. This preoccupation takes on a sinister edge, as we know that the Breedlove family tree ceases to branch out in a normal manner when Cholly rapes his own daughter. The Maginot Line laughs and throws her root-beer bottle at them. And her own daughter matters less than this little white girl, as seen in her assurances to the little girl that she needn't trouble herself over the identity of the three black children. The Maginot Line was impervious . This section is arguably the most successful part of the novel. Pauline has had a lame foot since age twothe narrator opens by saying that to find out how her dreams died, one should look either to her lame foot (as Pauline does) or to her lost front tooth. Infantry Reserve Shelters: These were found from 5001,000m (1,6003,300ft) behind the principal line of resistance. But this may not be a fair characterization. The first girl that Cholly likes. Want 100 or more? The way the content is organized, These women are the local prostitutes in Loraine, Ohio. You'll also receive an email with the link. In discussion with General Brousseau, the commander of the Metz sector and other officers, the general outlined the French problem in extending the line to the sea in that placing the line along the Belgian-German border required the agreement of Belgium, but putting the line along the French-Belgian border relinquished Belgium to the Germans. The girl is the daughter of the family that employs Breedlove as a servant. Read an in-depth analysis of Pauline Breedlove. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. The largest of these structures, Fort Douaumont, was captured by the Germans in 1915 and triggered the infamous Battle of Verdun, the longest and bloodiest battle of WWI, claiming 400,000 French casualties and 350,000 German losses. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. These are large reinforced buried concrete bunkers, equipped with armoured turrets containing high-precision optics, connected with the other fortifications by field telephone and wireless transmitters (known in French by the acronym T.S.F., Tlgraphie Sans Fil). The Maginot Line tells them Pecola is at her mother's workplace, explaining that Mrs. . 14. This section presents a powerful contrast between the MacTeers and the Breedloves. Frieda likewise demonstrates her love for her father by hitting Rosemary. Dave Roos Then another neighbor, Miss Dunion, came in and suggested that they take Frieda to the doctor because she might be ruined, a fear that now makes Frieda weep. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. He is a pedophile who loves to touch little girls. The Maginot Line allowed France to defend its border with Germany with second-rate fortress troops. The elephant in the rhyme is said to be a reference to the original Republicans, party of Abraham Lincoln and abolitionism, jumping the fence, or crossing the Mason-Dixon Line, to help free the slaves. They find the house and see Pecola sitting on the stoop outside. [20] The drop in the birth rate during and after the war, resulting in a national shortage of young men, created an "echo" effect on the generation that provided the French conscript army in the mid-1930s. Battles on the Western front were little effected by the Line. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Read more about sexual initiation as a theme. [23], The Maginot Line was intended to block the main German blow if it should come via eastern France and divert it through Belgium, where French forces would meet and stop the Germans. The Maginot Line by Bryan J. Dickerson,, Military installations established in 1930, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from February 2011, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Articles with Czech-language sources (cs), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mostly intact, through the preservation of the French Government, To save manpower (France counted 39 million inhabitants, Germany 70 million), To cover the mobilisation of the French Army. For the girls, the beauty of the homes likewise signifies their worth and the worth of the people who live in them. The Maginot Lines nickname comes from the bulky defensive fortifications built before World War II to protect the border of France from Germany. A middle-class Black woman who, though she keeps house flawlessly and diligently cares for the physical appearances of herself and her family (including her husband, Louis, and her son, Junior), is essentially cold. Pecola, not knowing that the meat is poisoned, brings it to the dog. The elderly woman who raises Cholly. On your tree as germany there is a focus that takes 28 days called around the maginot. The events by the riverbed are important: note that Cholly's hatred is not directed at the white hunters, but at Darlene. He goes on to live a life of alcoholism, marries Pauline but refuses to be faithful to her, and, we are told in an offhand manner, murders three white men. An advancing German army would first be spotted by camouflaged observation points hugging the German border. The Maginot Line (French: Ligne Maginot, IPA:[li maino]), named after the French Minister of War Andr Maginot, is a line of concrete fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations built by France in the 1930s to deter invasion by Germany and force them to move around the fortifications. Kaufmann and H.W. The reinforced concrete of the forts was thicker than any theretofore used, the disappearing guns bigger and more heavily . The white neighborhood in which Mrs. Breedlove works is beautiful and well kept, demonstrating the connection between race and class. As an ally of France, they got advice on the Maginot design and applied it to Czechoslovak border fortifications. [18] Given that Germany had engaged in covert rearmament with the co-operation of the Soviet Union starting in 1921 (a fact that had become public knowledge in 1926) and that every German government had gone out of its way to insist on the moral invalidity of Versailles, claiming it was based upon the so-called Kriegsschuldlge ("War guilt lie") that Germany started the war in 1914, the French had little faith that the Germans would willingly allow the Rhineland's demilitarised status to continue forever, and believed that at some time in the future, Germany would rearm in violation of Versailles, reintroduce conscription and remilitarise the Rhineland. Pauline's narrative is very conversational, using the diction, grammar, and rhythm of oral Black-American English. after World War 1, the French had built a line of concrete bunkers and fortifications called.. Battle of Britain. They say they aren't allowed to be around her. You'll also receive an email with the link. By the end of the novel, through Pecola's experience, the MacTeer sisters will have a much better understanding of ruin. He lives in Macon, Georgia, and is short, balding, and mean. The protagonist of the novel, an eleven-year-old Black girl who believes that she is ugly and that having blue eyes would make her beautiful. Furious, Mrs. Breedlove sends the girls away and comforts the little white girl, who has begun to cry. The Maginot Line: Actually a Good Idea. Her love she saves for the Fishers' daughter, while she becomes quick-tempered and abusive with her own children. Over time, she begins to devote all of her energy to taking care of the Fishers' home, and neglects her own home. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Struggling with distance learning? Observation Posts were located on hills that provided a good view of the surrounding area. However, the French line was weak near the Ardennes Forest. Spring arrives, and Claudia associates this event with being whipped with a switch instead of a strap. The messages the girls hear about white superiority do not come only from the white media or light-skinned blacks like Geraldine. She lies to Claudia and Frieda, claiming that the prostitutes give her pretty dresses and shoes, take her to the movies, and that China is going to take her to Cleveland to see the square and Poland is going to take her to Chicago to see the Loop. The design of the casemates is similar to the ones found in the southern part of the Maginot Line, and photographs of them are often confused with Maginot forts. Her family, looking for a better life, migrates from Alabama to Kentucky while she is a girl. $24.99 The kitchen is spotless, with white porcelain and white woodwork. Keep in mind, says Kirchubel, that the French didn't believe that the Maginot Line alone could win another war with Germany. The Maginot Line named after Andre Maginot, the defense minister who initiated its construction was intended to act as a deterrent, as well as protect the vulnerable 200-mile border from . [9], Full-time Maginot Line troops were accommodated in barracks built close to the fortresses. Knowing he can't grant her wish, he tells her that it will be granted if she brings some meat to the dog on the porch outside. | Contact us Sadly, Maureen uses what they admire against them, she even taunts Picola with Bluest Eye study guide contains a biography of Toni Morrison, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. for a group? Artillery was coordinated with protective measures to ensure that one fort could support the next in line by bombarding it directly without harm. A white, comparatively wealthy girl who lives next door to the MacTeers. Free trial is available to new customers only. They had found that the question of the cou- [19] Part of the rationale for the Maginot Line stemmed from the severe French losses during the First World War and their effect on the French population. Feester: To worsen, especially due to lack of attention. Pauline, in turn, humanizes the horse, and understands that by looking into the animal's eyes one can see that its feelings are as real as those of a human being. The dog devours the meat and dies almost immediately, and Pecola flees in terror. Miss Marie: Miss Marie is one of the prostitutes who live in the same building as the Breedlove family. The thick-walled forts and casemates of the Maginot Line withstood direct hits from German bombers as they were designed to do, but the real action happened far away from that solid line of defense. Here the Line ran east-west, around the villages of Rittershoffen and Hatten, south of Wissembourg. Telephone Network: This system connected every fortification in the Maginot Line, including bunkers, infantry and artillery fortresses, observation posts and shelters. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Soaphead Church, whose real name is Elihue Whitcomb, is a man of mixed race from the Caribbean. All are Anglophiles who try to expunge any trace of the African in themselves. After a humiliating defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, the French built a ring of 19 heavily fortified military bases around the ancient city of Verdun in northeastern France near the borders with Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium. Cloches are non-retractable turrets. The enemy's position would be communicated to a cluster of 78 fire control stations that coordinated the French defense from hilltop outposts. At the same time, that willingness to interact with the little girl based on a nickname may suggest that Mrs. Breedlove shares a level of love for the young girl that she withholds from her own daughter, who is not allowed to call her mother by a nickname. Claudia's assumption that sexual interaction always feels good suggests an innocence that Frieda no longer has. When the little white girl asks Mrs. Breedlove who the black girls were, Mrs. Breedlove assures her that she doesn't need to know: "Hush. Dunion. When she touches it, the cobbler falls off the counter and onto the floor, blueberry juice splattering everywhere. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Borey, Eddie. He rents from an old woman with a nasty, aging dog named Bob. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Pauline points out the hypocrisy of the woman, who says she's thinking of Pauline's future but won't give her the small sum she needs to pay the gas man. [37] In support, Roth commented that the French strategy envisioned one of two possibilities by advancing into Belgium: "either there would be a decisive battle in which France might win, or, more likely, a front would develop and stabilise". Beyond that, the French were well aware of the contribution of Britain and its dominions to the victory of 1918. Complete your free account to request a guide. [35] The idea was shelved. Pecola and the MacTeers leave the house in shame, laundry bag in tow, and as they leave they can hear Mrs. Breedlove fussing over the little white girl, who is crying. Worth of the forts was thicker than any theretofore used, the disappearing guns bigger more. Believe that the French defense from hilltop outposts between 1929-34 and subsequently enhanced until 1939 blueberry juice splattering everywhere he! 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