[A/N 2: This is an AU; details will show up in the narrative.] Since the canon and most AU fics i've read just either 'let it go' or 'they end in jail' for the trio after everything they did to taylor, i find it incredibly disappointing. And all the Wards make a TERRIBLE first meeting with Pisces. Lyndraen was old, and not long for this world, but she had a single egg, nearly ready to hatch. As part of a writing experiment that turned into a narrative. I wouldn't be surprised if in five or ten chapters Emma starts to realize Taylor's acting a lot like Sophia used to act. A Midsummer Night's ??? In a locker on Earth Bet, the future always changes irreparably, for better or for worse. But. Taylor breaks Armsmaster's jaw in three places and gives him a concussion, and only some quick talking by Miss Militia keeps things from getting worse. In Brockton Bay a forgotten side character's trigger event ends with him linked to the Celestial Forge rather than his intended shard. 09 - of Outrageous Fortune, A Midsummer Night's ??? In Essence of Silver and Steel, Taylor accidentally kills Sophia. In Who Needs Enemies, Endbringer-controller Taylor kills Sophia on accident with Leviathan's help. You've got a few doubled up words and phrases here and there which are probably formatting errors. When to Spell Out Numbers in Writing (Guide + Examples) | Scribendi, System Administrator (Worm) (AltPower!Taylor), Victoria The Scholar (Worm AU Entity SI/ Victoria Alt-Power), Taylor Can Handle It! But things only get more complicated when Taylor triggers and Sam has to figure out what kind of hero's they're going to be. Probably around ten chapters, varying lengths. Aren't the rest of the Wards having their lives endangered by not filling them in on the situation between SS and Taylor? The universe is never going to be the same again. Especially if there is the thing that a trigger event knocks out all other capes in the immediate area. You are using an out of date browser. Dying, dying sucks a lot. Tattletale knew that following Coil's death, Shadow Stalker would go after them. It's decent, and I've definitely read worse, but I do have a few issues. Now let's just hope it doesn't go on hiatus like the one about the Curio Shop. Press J to jump to the feed. Perks and items form the Celestial Forge (pastebin.com/35AJD9Lj) are selected randomly based on progress through the story. "Plenty of plusesplusses - health care, income, support, help with branding - though honestly, I don't see how they could market me as anything other than a dragon. Usually, Paths are relatively simple affairs, of three to four words. Taylor was discovered earlier than usual. It's pretty angsty though. When it turns out that her tranq gun was loaded with a potentially deadly neurotoxin and that several of the people who she shot are dead as a result, the rest of the Undersiders decide to catch her and turn her in themselves to keep Sophia's recklessness from getting them charged with Felony Murder. Pest Controller: Much like Taylor gains Lung's shard and powers, he gained the ones she got in canon.He calls himself Inago, and controls vast swarms of insects and other vermin. Later she nearly kills Glory Girl by phasing a knife into her chest, yet stubbornly sticks to her naive belief that she's an undercover Hero who will be eventually regarded again as an upstanding citizen. I can see so many ways for this to go wrong. She looked forward to the part of her World Issues class where they discussed capes "since the start of the semester". How long can she keep the lie going? There was no rhyme or reason to her wanderings, just a random, meandering path, eating when she needed to, sleeping when she had no other choice. Please consider turning it on! They turned that last corner and came up the pair sitting there, making light conversation. So Emma gets a fairly generic low-Brute/combat-Thinker power (maybe Triumph but hasn't accessed voice power?) while Madison gets a wide-range Tinker shard. Really happy that this gets its own thread. Now that she's back home she just wants her life to go back to normal. The Raven, a DC crossover, with Taylor as Raven and Sophia as Huntress. Taylor has no powers, but scams her way into the Wards anyway. Firebird has Taylor being hostile to the Protectorate trying to press gang her. It doesn't share any of the blind spots of PtV. Worm Spoilers (Parahumans) Ward Spoilers (Parahumans) this fic is brought to you by the ggst ost; . Oblivious to what was going on around her, Taylor dreamed And you are? asked the man the police officer had escorted her to. Some of them were still grayedgreyed out, though. Hrm. Yeah, gotta agree with Geoul on the Lisa thing, that interaction just seemed really out of place. Barnes Household. Under the hood of her robes, Taylor could see a teenaged face, freckles, curly brown hair, brown eyes, and an extremely bored look on that face. Or so she thinks. Just feels like there was part of the chapter missing where Taylor worked through that issue and decided that it wasn't the PRT's fault or something. if you haven't guessed by the title, it's planning on being a Taylor X Sophia relationship story. YES YES YES!! if you haven't guessed by the title, it's planning on being a Taylor X Sophia relationship story. Sort of headscratchy as to why the wards are all shrugs ol with "this person has been personally physically and mentally attacking me for years". "The best place for anything truly destructive would be out in the ship's graveyard,". A slow drive past the Hebert house revealed very little to his eyes, but his scanners had detected some anomalies: Some wind damage to the trees around the house, even though there had been no more than a gentle breeze during the night. Expect errors, both grammatical and lore-wise. What it had done, though, had kindled a spark in her heart. ", Danny looked horrified. As the sister of Taylor Hebert and daughter of Danny Hebert, she's often dealing with their very stubborn personalities. Especially as Tattletale lives long enough to be found by Taylor (her friend in another life), who sees her as the frightened fellow teen she really is and promises to both inform Grues sister and make sure Stalker is brought to justice. Sort of headscratchy as to why the wards are all shrugs with "this person has been personally physically and mentally attacking me for years". When Emma and Madison, with Sophia's help, decide to escalate their tormenting of Taylor to a whole new level, things are going to get interesting. Played straight when Armsmaster leads an unsanctioned operation along with Clockblocker and Miss Militia to bring Taylor to the PRT in civilian guise. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. What it had done, though, had kindled a spark in her heart. While it initially seems like Taylor did that unintentionally, it turns out Dragon did it and no one was told otherwise. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In I Am Skitter, Taylor messes with Emma and Sophia psychologically. "Your kidding, right? I'm not very hopeful. Even leaving all of that out, they were about to turn in Sophia and skip town, which would have made everyone's lives easier but that got cut short. Sophia, in the later parts of the story, starts getting hit again and again with unfortunate circumstances, though a good portion of them are either her fault or an attempt by Coil to make her a disposable asset. I like this option. After using and abusing both of them, this ends up biting him in the ass when his . Coil unfortunately happened to want tighter control over his tools as well. ", MP3.1415Player, CmptrWz, DerekM, RHJunior, Taliserian, A Midsummer Night's ??? Even if she's learned not to expect any better from Winslow. Hmmm. Landing in detention the first week of her sophomore year of high school was not how Taylor had been hoping for things to go. (Worm/Dragon Ball-influenced AU, r63!Taylor). Also completed. This was amazing, still is, and I want more. Taylor's head was fucking killing her nearly as much as the wounds in her chest were, to top it off the drugs they'd given her were if nothing else distracting more than anything. T-rated, though individual chapters may have additional warnings on them, as necessary. She pushed Sophia down into the grass, startling her quite a bit, and then used her left hand to hold her body up while using the right hand to properly guide Sophia's head. She says this while thinking about how Calvert really cares about the city, and the mission of cleaning it up. A Survivor Is Born by Heather Sinclair (SpaceBattles.com thread, Sufficient Velocity thread) is a Alternate Universe Worm/Tomb Raider (2013) crossover fic. When a group of five boys chase down and attempt to rape Taylor Hebert at Sophia Hess's prompting, she calls on her bugs to defend her. Thank you for the typo alerts. (Worm), Hope Comes to Brockton Bay, Wyvern and Another Way). TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. But without an enemy, without an opponent or problem, The Undersiders grow complacent in the peace victory provided them. Part One: Three Vials. I hope it finds its audience! From High Above has Simurgh!Taylor drive Sophia crazy. oh, and preferably either complete or currently on-going fics would be nice, because hiatus fic from 2014 is not something anyone who's also looking for one such fic wants. Why not both? Your comments and criticisms are welcome, flames and such will be routed to /dev/null. I like this, you had me at dragons, as long as its not a gamer fic I'm in. Taylor goes on a murder spree that includes Emma in Charity Begins At Home - beware though, it's not a power fantasy, it's very much a story about a serial killer who loses control of the situation they've put themselves in. The universe is never going to be the same again. I'm not aware of any fics where Taylor goes against Piggot specifically. As far as Piggot is concerned, she will look at this as a blessing in disguise. A quick call to 911, and a police squad and an ambulance were arriving at the Hebert's house. I'll be real with you there's more than 60 different stories and an array of snippets in here and if I were to start breaking them apart into their own fics it'd be just plain inconvenient for everyone. A few of her mental 'controls' now had labels in Englishenglish, with the draconic scribbled out. A Tale of Transmigration has Taylor take out Shadow Stalker, with Piggot's approval. At another table, A couple of friends sat at a window seat. It may not display this or other websites correctly. She'd been taken off the oxygen around mid-morning and was able to enjoy a non-high school cafeteria lunch. Arpeggio of Brockton Bay is short, but has Taylor go off on Sophia and Piggot. Shadow Stalker is this to the end, in her almost childishly naive belief in Commander Calvert's "orders" to infiltrate Brockton's criminal circles. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/PriceOfBlood. I loved the first snippet and somehow missed the others. When Taylor was revealed to be Skitter, Sophia was enraged and later tried to convince herself that . The words that were spoken then were not kind, and she had begun her descent into darkness and depravity. Was it too little, too late, or will the victims be able to claw their way back to normalcy? Mom had been a tenured professor of English literature at Brockton Bay University. There's Revenge, a 3 shot of Taylor getting even against the trio. In Master of Masks, Taylor uses her powers to prank Emma and Madison, but Sophia doesn't react well. Without anyone to fight, new problems arose, problems that none of them had the barest clue to solve. Those just get tiring on grinding up. I should have taken care of the issue that was causing them in LibreOffice on export to BBCode, and I think I've got it squished now. As a world constantly on the verge of being attacked, it would be a hotbed of negative emotions and imagination.Ripe, fertile grounds for an Angel to set up his own game, and maybe upset the table a little bit. "We're going to tell your father that you're conscious, , and we're going to admit you for observation and run a few tests. Shit. I'm not aware of any fics where Taylor goes against Piggot specifically. JavaScript is disabled. I understand you claim to have some evidence for us?". I'm looking forward to the wards finding out Sophie was involved with her Trigger and having a drastic attitude change towards the way Taylor's acting. Until I can find a freight scale, I only have a roughly guess, based on the math. Too often it is for worse, and hope is crushed beneath annihilation. Shadow Stalker is a member of the Brockton Bay Wards. Mind your own business, don't bother anyone else, and you won't be bothered. Cut Strings is a Worm fanfic by Slider, author of Mutant Deviations. If it wasn't for Amy and her father being there for her, she might have fallen over the. While it may have it's origins in gaming - I've been playing D&D for quite a long time (long than some people here have been alive, in fact) - Nope, no grinding. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. The police had also noted the abnormal trail leading to the door. and our The Endbringers have never really been defeated, only pushed back. Taylor kills a monster and inherits its power. [A/N 1: This chapter beta-read by Lady Columbine of Mystal.] Samantha "Sam" Hebert has had a difficult time balancing her two lives ever since her mother had died and she triggered. They proceeded to stagger up the steps to the door, and then an attempt to wipe the offal off on the doormat (which had been bagged for evidence) before entering the house. A collection of Worm-related one-shots. The day passed slowly, as Taylor fitfully rested. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! I should have been notified of this when it started, not after she's tried to kill someone. It was a dangerous thing, that spark. ? her voice cracked. ", Smith, be very sure to read her her rights. The story can also be read here on SpaceBattles.com, here on Sufficient Velocity.com, and here on Questionable Questing. Ultimately an excuse to explore the technology and crafting abilities of multiple sources of fiction. And were off in a new thread with a new story! Armsmaster brought his bike to a stop outside the doors of Winslow High School, which was now closed for the rest of the week as they determined the extent of the contamination and what it would take to clean it up. - 06 : That is the question. And that having capes near a trigger might lead to a wonky trigger. This will probably be a relatively short fic, I don't have any schedule in mind because I am writing this to amuse myself first and foremost. 08 - To Suffer the Slings and Arrows. Dunno. Sonngrad backed away from Tiamat, moving to his lords side, whispering his own observations to Bahamut. While Vista and Panacea get punished for violating orders (Taylor gets out because she isn't under the command of the PRT), the action saved several lives by getting Panacea to several people suffering from neurotoxins. Still atleast she got to meet a new 'friend.'. Hrm. : 05 - To be, or not to be A Midsummer Night's ??? Right, one one hand, It's an Ack fic, so it's going to be awesome. Fixed, and yes, the cracks are starting to show already. Early evening rolled around, and Brockton Bay's world-famous healer cape began making her rounds. Specifically Shadow Stalker X (Whatever i end up calling Taylor's Cape persona). Taylor is initially a shy and awkward teenage girl with a keen interest in capes. *edit 05 August 2020* : We have a FAQ, you can find it. Taylor shrugged. Specifically Shadow Stalker X (Whatever i end up calling Taylor's Cape persona) Unlike in canon, Jean-Paul Vasil (alias "Alec") never gave up being a Heartbroken, and continued being Hijack in Brockton Bay, Mastering both Skitter and Tattletale, his erstwhile team-mates. Taylor Anne Hebert (pronounced "Hee-bert"), known in her primary cape identity as Skitter, is the main protagonist of Worm. I'm not saying that it wasn't excusable, especially. Earning Her Stripes [Worm AU fanfic] . Anyway, this story has slowly taken over my snipit thread so is getting it's own place to stretch its wings and absorb all the pedantic legal arguments. Which one is right is not confirmed. Here, now, the light of hope shines bright. No "Sophia framed her for an attack", am looking fro actual attacks so I can read Taylor dealing with it. ) Ward Spoilers ( Parahumans ) this fic is brought to you by the title it... Wo n't be bothered so many ways for this world, but had! English literature at Brockton Bay Wards the first snippet and somehow missed the.! Simurgh! Taylor ) there, making light conversation on Earth Bet, the Undersiders grow complacent in immediate! Comments and criticisms are welcome, flames and such will be routed to /dev/null rounds. Looking fro actual attacks so i can read Taylor dealing with their very stubborn personalities Piggot. Was enraged and later tried to kill someone chapter beta-read by Lady of. 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