Sometimes we feel particularly cheeky and switch it up to kindly advise. Ive already posted something like four comments in this thread, which is kind of amazing since I dont think Ive ever consciously considered my thoughts on please advise before. I also use it infrequently. This will save me on average X amount of time per day. Go make a brand new email for your thing and stop derailing others. But otherwise, I typically use something that apparently many other people find really irritating: Thoughts?. On that note, I also hate Thanks in advance. so if I suddenly decide Im not doing this for you, will you be sending another email revoking that thanks, then? I suspect itd be relatively easy to write a business email assist function that would help people compose nicer, clearer, more consistent emails. is far gentler and is a little more personal if you must put something at the end of the query. I often see Please advise abused to avoid doing either of the above! Because it's a special occasions. I also feel it may have something to do with the nature of the relationship you have with the sender it drove me up the wall to receive an email with please advise in it. (examples of why/how this will happen). There are certain people I email who arent in the office so I tend to use a combination of please advise and subject lines with Response Required to try and make them aware I need a response. Which option do you prefer? Is that better? Thanks a lot for editors. This happens quite frequently in my current job and its quite normal. single. Being English, I wish we would adopt wee because it is such a warm word. 3. EllieH Me too. If we choose "not applicable", it means we don't own a car which can be important information for the . The seller with an email address above tried to sell tv in UK but never wanted to meet up and show the goods. I can definitely think of specific people who only use please advise in the negative context. Payment will be expected in 48hours, if you wish to cancel your purchase, please let me know in this timeframe. I would like to give some of that advice to the current staff that I manage. But I genuinely DO hate pestering people. The following dates/times (EST) work for me: Monday, 1/24: 11am - 12pm EST; 2pm - 3pm EST. I was really helpful. If kids notice this stuff, its going to be even more obvious to adults. You can just say, I had other people read them and they never got angry from my emails, they said my emails read as clear and matter of fact. I mean sure, I could email her and ask what number she can be reached at- but if shes not at her desk chances are she cant take the call right then anyway. She did not last very long in that job anyway. When I get one from someone who is difficult or needy, I definitely do a bitch eating crackers face at the email. tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s, tag); That irritates me too. Cause Im in Scotland, I can occasionally get away with wee reminder instead.I usually go with this is your 2nd reminder or maybe this is a reminder that the deadline for x is _, Coming from some people gentle reminder is scowl-inducing but wee reminder is great :). This is so interestingI recently had a discussion about this very phrase with a coworker and we had completely different opinions on it. What did you get done?: Oh, just the needful.. ", This a great. I hate it when someone comes to me and just says here are three options, which do you want? without providing any of their thoughts on it. Satisfaction guaranteed! I always felt like my reaction was unreasonable, but its definitely a strong one! *taps foot*. If someone whos not approved to send emails to the list has a legitimate reason to send out an email to everyone, that person can contact the relevant admin, who will vet the request and then send it on to everyone if its deemed appropriate. Want to hear the craziest email pet peeve? Can you please answer one of the 4 emails or 2 voicemails on this topic? I will say that if I sign an email with please advise its really just my way of saying for the love of God answer my email! But I think I mean more did I explain that in a way that makes sense than are you smart enough to understand this. Id never say to another person, Please advise., I tend to write like I talk, and I really, really try to avoid any written phrases that dont scan like normal speech. My current manager is really fond of the smiley faces in outlook, so I have a rule button that replies to messages with just a smiley face. Its directly asking for exactly what the writer wants, so its by definition not passive aggressive. Please let me know. Sometimes Id be copied in as a courtesy, other times someone was expecting an answer from me, and sometimes I was supposed to understand that I should NOT reply even if I knew the answer (because of the political implications of the message, the people on the email chain, etc.). I use Please Advise constantly when I have no idea what the actual question would normally be. Otherwise, youd phrase it as a question or request, like, Id appreciate your input on this. In other contexts, obviously, the words are used more literally. I dont really like the gentle reminder phrasing, but I guess I dont necessarily see a way around sending reminders. Please advise. The servers youve asked me to scan dont exist. (I wont get into the aggravating colleague who copies the boss on EVERY (sorry for the shouty capitals) email exchange between us, which is another reason why my emails resemble business letters I look more professional than she. I use that one when I have a long list of requests for someone. Passive-aggressive or something. Hmm, please let me know how to proceed seemed more formal and curt to me. :) and yes, there are a lot of customary informal misspellings there. The recipient is dealing with a quality crisis related to last months collector teapot and all other work has been postponed until early next week. But if its just a heres a problem, what should I do? then my advice is that you should rewrite your email and come back to me when you have a plan of action. It has been an awesome way to improve my English skills. persons IM: Can you talk? Yeah, its annoying to me for that reason, too. No errors on these teapots. I also find that, when replying all, it helps to specifically address the people who need to take some sort of action or provide an answer. Please let me know when it is complete. It simply means, Hey, I would like your input on this. Otherwise, the recipient might just think its an FYI email. Or you are a better person to address the situation based on your experience/skills/expertise? Im pretty sure all 200,000 plus employees at my company use it regularly! I think in the emails in this discussion the term is almost used out of context due to the monkey see, monkey do concept. I dont see it as passive aggressive at all. Its *extremely* useful. You can use this phrase when speaking to houseguests or new coworkers. It doesnt seem mean to me at all. Copyright 2007 - 2023 Ask A Manager. Often, one person or department will need to make a decision that effects my clients. But if they are generally fine as coworkers, then youre better off not reading into how ever they phrase their emails. Juste tre sr de me faire savoir quels animaux vous prfrez la caisse. If you want something, just pick up the phone and call me. On that note, has anyone noticed the difference in these two phrases? I totally agree. It always translated as here is something that did not get done according to someone else, it was on your plate, please advise me on why you did not do it. I invariably had to respond with here is what I did last month, this is when I sent the information, this is when I tried to contact that person and got no response, gosh its oily under this bus. (okay, the last bit was merely implied). I supervise a manager who falsified an employee write-up but I dont think she should be fired, getting out of shared intern housing, why are so many executives condescending, and more, interviewer fake-rejected me to see if I would fight for the job. This is what I generally do. Body of email First line often says gives detail about the action the recipient should do. This means that you can drop the adverb "please" and simply use "let me know if you need any help" instead. me: yes I read it as deferential. ", Human who is reviewing my question not automated machine. The one that kills me is when someone calls or emails and says call me: Instead, we head to a conference room for almost all phone calls. The Guardian. Here you can set your new address email. I tell myself. Same here. She was ticked, but it did not stop her. I will assume its friendly if you say just a reminder. Labyrinthine One of my coworkers uses VR. These are some of my other pet peeves: If its just an FYI, and theres no action, I dont put that, or any other question. Ive received what are your thoughts? / please advise / do you have input/feedback? and all of them seemed appropriate to the situation. I thought, Maybe Im wrong? If you reply only to the sender, anyone else on the group email who is going to reply all to advance the discussion wont know to remove you. (Or would it? No one would ever say, Please advise in conversation. I want to know the context of the meeting so I can prepare for it. Neutral phrases "Yes, Thursday is fine." (also with friends and colleagues) "Thursday suits me." "Thursday would be perfect." Informal phrases Yes, Thursday's great for me. Quick is fine, its the gentle. Like Im reminding you in a gentle way, when you know its really not. See a translation 1 like Highly-rated answerer Yom 17 Jul 2017 Korean @OldGeezer Thank you for your help! I dont like please advise either, but there are so many other awful things people do either inadvertently or deliberately (passive aggression is the worst) I feel like I have to pick battles. Itd be a big category. And I never, ever, raised an issue or sent an email to that manager again. Ok, now that I think more about it, I dont usually just write, Please advise. I actually write Please advise on such and such or Please advise asap as my deadline is May 1. Its not the check-in; thats polite enough. and it drives me insane. Please advise doesnt annoy me and I use it myself much the same as Katie The Fed explained in her comment. Its quite amazing. This whole discussion is fascinating to me, because at my current job please advise is used a lot. If you wish to keep things light, you may also get rid of the formalities to make your addressee feel at ease. They tend to ping out emails on the hoof: Just heard that Wakeen has a problem with the Lid Committee. I dont think its such a terrible phrase until someone inevitably writes please advice. There are situations where someone under you (general you) genuinely does not have the information to make a plan of action. I think the phrase Please advise means Define my problem, then solve it for me. As such, I think its a pretty irritating/lazy way to ask for help. But from reading these comments and talking to people at my current workplace, apparently not everyone sees it that way. The same thing happened at my old job as well! Are they consulting you as an expert who has information they dont have? Sometimes Ive had people reply with Do I need to know more? or Is there more? and then we can have a conversation about that, rather than me give them a long monologue without checking in with them first to make sure they want to know more. On the scale of things that bother me about emails, this is way, way down the list (and honestly I hadnt even given it specific thought until I saw this post), but I dont really like it. Although Please advise can seem a bit blunt on its own, like most things it does depend on context and culture. Possibly in red Killer font. I wouldnt mind that at all. Oh, The Eyes! + Read the full interview, I sometimes wonder if my English expressions make sense clearly and TextRanch helps me a lot in such cases. What date/time is most suitable/convenient for you? Some physicians can get a bit touchy about being questioned by a pharmacist, so I use please advise because it can help sooth feelings and imply that they are still in charge. Its actually pretty nice, IMO I hate when someone calls me unexpectedly and wants me to look into some issue while Im in the middle of something (and hence most of the time I dont answer the phone if Im not expecting a call). Ive actually built a macro into our corporate chat program where I type (512 and it expands into (512) 123-4567 or tell me your # and Ill call you. Annoyingly, Outlook will put the green squiggle under advise in the phrase Please advise and will suggest advice instead. If you didnt give a specific direction for how you want them to respond (Please advise if I have authority to do X, and let me know if you have any questions.) the only response you would get was, Thanks! That is less than helpful when you need authority to do something ASAP. I tend to think that sometimes when we become sensitive to these types of things there are more issues at play. if you would prefer. I am in change management and I ruffle enough feathers. Get your English checked! Yes, thats always how Ive used it. The opposite way is: knoweldgabley explain something factual and then use make sense? to see if the other person is following you. I dont use it all the time but will use it occasionally when she has dropped the ball again and pulled a Charlie Brown* on us. . I dont think I would even know what that meant. (I am a webmaster for many sites at my University, and a lot of times people from a department want me to do something to their site that is in conflict with ADA compliance/branding initiative/common sense, so if they dont take no for an answer when I explain why we cant do it that way, I bring in another person of influence, like my boss or someone in charge of university-level site compliance, or the persons own department chair, etc., and then explain the request, the problem with the request, and explain that Im trying to resolve the matter. I think the reason the qualifiers miff people is that they have the exact opposite of the intended effect. But people tend to not like such things. Please advise. The forms probably include them by default just like they do name or address or ZIP code . My boss has a thing for highlighting key words, e.g., I will NOT have contact with the printer or Please be sure to save ALL files to the shared drive. I understand shes trying to stress the importance of the message, but the caps feel distrustful to me. I said yes, we do have a parking procedure. But usually not, and you can always tell from the context whether the person is using it sarcastically or sincerely. Then the person I speak with asks why not just do C? Erm, your phone doesnt make outbound calls? To me, the worst is when I just get an email or text that says call me without any further context whatsoever. Because it makes perfect sense in Spanish . when i worked in a university advising office the front desk clerks would send out emails saying x people in queue please advise as a way to remind everyone they should be advising students or if it had suddenly gotten really busy. I usually say please advise when I am not sure what question I am asking. I lay out my problem and then say please advise meaning I am so lost can you please help me navigate this so I dont look like a complete idiot, I will admit, there was a time or two when please advise meant you and I have gone back and forth on this and you insisted on your way and it did not work, so what do you want to do now?. Nothing is worse than the evil Thanks in advance. To me it reads That was not a request! (Or, they just dont know better.). The second option sounds like the sender is fed up. That way, I hope, people know why theyre on the email and if they need to respond back. 2nd Option: Be the nerdy student who becomes the school dux, while getting a raw 50 in English . But I do thank them afterwards too. I hate please advise. Trite business-speak. I think we could write Please let me know which you prefer or What do you think? and offend nobody. Please let me know your thoughts is the only one I have left that appears to be a safe bet. sleeps is possibly an Aussie thing? w.onload = loader; Could this be confirmed either way to help my order progress please? As part of the ping-pong conversation, maybe you want to say YES. Editors on TextRanch are super helpful! Its sort of a crowd control thing. I use it fairly frequently, usually in a context like this: We have a situation with the chocolate teapots. But sometimes its meant as please advise not tell me what to do. They are rarely, if ever, able to clearly articulate their reason(s) and at that point, I ask them to please refrain from using it in communicating with me. Please click the link that we've sent to this address to post your question to our experts.Ok, I'll check my email. I feel like its very similar to replying to an email and saying Message received or acknowledged. Yes, technically those are fine, but in the places Ive worked, it would be a very odd tone to take. Ok, this is hilarious, because I used to this way today! OP, yes, you are definitely interpreting it differently than it is intended. ", Using it first time but seriously I have ever imagined that this type of sites is available. Yes, I have lots of thoughts about this. Sorry that came across as rude. })(window, document); 2023 TextRanch, LLC. Me too. That doesnt go away when its something that needs to be considered at a higher level. But if my boss asks me to remind another professor, Im going to be inclined to put on kid gloves. Some additional tips: The more time slots you suggest the better. I require has a very different feel to me from I need I require implies that dang it, I need this and you better give it to me. Please let us know your preferences 930,000 results on the web Some examples from the web: Please let us know your preferences Please let us know those concessions have been secured. Interesting. Please let me know when everything is ready. I really dont think sleeps is a Britishism. It feels like a power play. I like the sentiment; the phrase just seems so grammatically tortured that I wonder how and why its caught on. Usually just write, please advise is used a lot recently had a discussion about this very phrase a. Fine, but in the places Ive worked, it would be a very tone. 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