The attitudes and actions of German Catholics and Protestants during the Nazi era were shaped not only by their religious beliefs, but by other factors as well, including: Backlash against the Weimar Republicand the political, economic, and social changes in Germany that occurred during the 1920s Anti-Communism Nationalism I drink and enjoy both, but based on my experience(s) in Ireland lets just say watching you order a Bushmills in Dublin would be very entertaining. One good friend turned to me and chuckled. As for the Tullamore Dew, it actually is the perfect mingling of North & South, since the pot still & grain comes from Midleton in Cork and the single malt is distilled at Bushmills (then aged down at LDI). [4] At the time of his visit, the distillery was home to five pot stills, two of which with capacities of 25,000 gallons, were amongst the largest ever built. Michael Collins is a newcomer to the market place. The Protestant Reformation began in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517 . Yup, only the americans give a shit about this stuff anymore. I always love showing up with a gallon jug of pre-mixed margaritas for the party, so Ive. She didnt give a toss about anyones religion, let alone the whiskeys. When I lived in Providence, there was a lot of Powers drinking going on. I agree with Robert McHardy above. Nose William Riley, well said, man. Since the closure of the John's Lane distillery, many of the distillery buildings were demolished. Im an Irish barman and I am stunned by the ignorant waffle that some Irish Americans spew about the oul sod. The Holy Roman Empire best bang for your buck for a sipping whisky. Im trying one at a time to see what I prefer. and Rangers F.C., the two largest Scottish football clubs sometimes referred to as the Old Firm, whose support base is traditionally predominantly Catholic and Protestant respectively. And it was always welcomed as a special Balkan business bestowal, to grease whatever wheels needed turning. and IRELAND vs SCOTLAND!! But "this couldn't be any further from the truth," says McGarry. Well Kentucky used to be part of the state of Virginia, but that doesnt mean you blame the whiskey for something that happened in that state. For this reason, Bushmills has a bigger flavor, while Jameson has a much lighter flavor. Never once was I presented with a this is the north, or this is Ireland like many seem to believe in the States. [12] However, with many of the Irish distilleries having closed in the early 20th century in part due to their failure to embrace a change in consumer preference towards blended whiskey, Powers were instrumental in convincing the remaining Irish distilleries to reconsider their stance on blended whiskey.[8]. Whoever owns Paddys also owns one of these bigger brands and wont export to the US because they know they would cannibalize their own market share. Hi and i take my hat off to Rob Mchardy answer 34..more people should be like you and the world would be a nicer place,anyway there is only one kind of whisky,the answer is in the spelling. Theres not catholic or protestant whiskey. Corvallisbarman is half right. I was born in buncrana moved to Derry then to Belfast and am now living in the uk Im Catholic and I must say I prefer Bushmills to Jamesons although Ive been a life Long fan of Jamesons it doesnt matter whether your Hun or teag drink what you like dont bring sectarianism into it itll spoil the taste. ** Theyve also started work on a massive bottling plant on site to bring all areas of Dew production back to the town. Rabble Rouser, Bushmills is not total UFV (sic) territory in the slightest. Im sure there were dodgy discriminatory practices based on race or religion in most big corporations in many countries in the past. When asked to identify "the term commonly used to refer to the historical period in which Protestants broke away from the Catholic Church," two-thirds of the general public (65%) correctly chose the Reformation. I am not trying to be offensive here, but really, it is just so dumb. He said, no, Im Catholic, but I was born and raised in the town of Bushmills! Nevermind the fact that it would be illegal in UK law. According to everyone Ive spoken with on the subject, you only really find this debate in the States, where Irish-American support of the Republic can sometimes be blind and often fueled by the very product were speaking of. Im not sure that it says anything more than that it isnt a strictly American argument. I see. Enough said I thought, and bought the next round. Trust me on this. When I explained this myth to customers in Ireland they all had a good laugh. Ian Paisley MP, Euro MP and MLA; universally known Doctor No. Have heard that Jim Beam (the new owners of the Cooley distillery) may discontinue production on contracted whiskies such as this in order to focus squarely on putting Kilbeggan up against Jameson, Bushmills & Tullamore Dew. @Allen: Thats just my point. and my green on July 12th. Connemara Cask Strength is a real treat, and Greenore Single Grain is likewise enjoyable. And as you can check from the email address I come from Finland, a protestant country. It's been going on for thousands of years across the globe. Clean, fresh. These ideas still run deep and there are still a lot of untrue things people believe about Catholics. About 5 or 6 years ago they flooeded Irish bars with it just before St. Paddys Day,almost forcing bars to sell off a lot of free stock they received. You say What can one expect from people [Italians] who prefer grappa to the true Water of Life?, To continue the original theme of this thread religion IMO, grappa proves the existence of God. Usually King James Version. About one-in-five (18%) chose "the Great Crusade," while 6% said "the Great Schism" and 5% said "the French Revolution As the Protestants had pretty much a stranglehold over all shipping in the country, they refused to ship Dew in favor of the Protestant-produced Jameson. Some, like Jameson, are owned by Catholic companies. I am Catholic and Slovak and do not care what the British have done to the Irish. One of them said, My enemys enemy is my friend.. is that a catholic thing? It was fine w me, because the Jameson Distillery tour was fantastic. Comment Lived in Ireland my whole life and as an avid whiskey drinker, both scotch and Irish, Ive never encountered that conversation. Have an OHaras Red and a Jamison on me. Then I must be the luckiest Arab in all o Ireland!. I can guarantee no one here in Dublin or Ireland gives a crap either way. Redbreast is wonderful, but spendy. Sectarianism in Glasgow takes the form of long-standing religious and political sectarian rivalry between Catholics and Protestants.It is particularly reinforced by the fierce rivalry between Celtic F.C. In addition to Powers Gold label, a 12-year-old premium blend, and several single pot still whiskeys have been released under the Powers banner in recent years: In the 2012 edition of the Whisky Bible, whiskey writer Jim Murray named Power's John's Lane Release Irish Whiskey of the Year and described it as "certainly one of the top five world whiskies of the year". Anyway, both of your sources are wrong, but at least your father got the order right. Eamonn, I thought all that was in the past and your country moved on? Concept of Deity. [1] Irish Distillers owned the brand until its sale to Sazerac in 2016. And good whiskey. Your email address will not be published. Cant comment on the long term contract in Cork as I hadnt heard that, but I assume they have some sort of get out clause if there is a contract. The only option is to import a case in through the provincial liquor stores at about $35 CAD per bottle. If you want to support Ireland, go and visit and maybe read a few history books and hopefully realise that most normal people dont give a toss about religious leanings. For one, Jameson and Bushmills trade casks and some Jamesons bottles are bottled in the Bushmills distillery as well as knowing many a catholic who have worked there over the years. Bushmills I like, but I like Irish Whisky best of all the brown stuff. Click here to learn how to make this and other drinks for a slushie machine! Why not stop purchasing rum to protest Spanish aggression while you are at it. I hear that William Grant & Sons has a contract with LDI to have Tullamore Dew produced in Cork until 2025, so they will have to either be creative to release anything from the new distillery or have some mighty fine aged whiskey come the latter half of the next decade. In a TALL shot of Only if you are an idiot! Funny how these things work out, innit? Car bombs, kidnappings, murders, protests, etc. Your grandfather may have lost friends back in the early 20th century to the Black & Tans and im sorry to hear that, but guess what? Jameson was moved down to cork and is my distilled in Middleton, though I believe it is blended in Clondalkin, which is a Dublin suburb. @Darby OGill. Bushmills isnt produed deep in the heart of protestant country its produced on the north coast which is mixed catholic and protestant, sure the catholic stronghold Glens of Antrim are down the road. It is the same oppression that the Hungarians did to the Slovaks over the ages!!!!! 1996 in coal harbour Vancouver BC. Spose its kinda like Rangers (hoik-phew) and Celtic FC really. The fact that this blog has been going for so very long tells me the myth is true. Protestant whiskey is typically made in Northern Ireland, while Catholic whiskey is made in the Republic of Ireland. Should these facts come into the discussion when considering whether or not to indulge in a pint of the creamy delicious black stuff!? I will be at Ninkasis B, Thanks for having me this morning to talk about ou, Last night someone was like oh wow I didnt t, HAHAHAHA Thank you @makersmark and @whisky_in_mai_, Thank you @traveloregon for having us on the start, Over the years, people have come to associate us w, We feel like most of you who have visited our litt, Ive always been one of those people who thought,, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License, Another Figoli Quinn Website (Digital Ocean). I was playing golf in Ireland, and I asked my caddy what was his favorite whiskey. Cured beef appeared in many cultures and has no clear beginning. The northern Protestant states, angered by the violation of their rights to choose granted in the Peace of Augsburg, banded together to form the Protestant Union. Palate So by your logic it is fair to say that Every time you raise a glass of American Bourbon you are in essence raising a glass to an Native American losing his land (and in MOST cases his life) to British/American rule! Several years ago, I worked in Bulgaria and a couple of other Balkan republics; and found to my surprise that Irish Whiskey is somewhat popular there, though far outpaced by the ubiquitous Balkan hard liquors Rakija and Mastika. Big thank you to reader Jonathan for providing this informative link about this. Ferdinand II was a devout Roman Catholic and relatively intolerant when compared to his predecessor, Rudolf II. Plus, many of the whiskies can be sipped neat or on the rocks. Yep, this goes back to when Bushmills was still part of IDL (Irish Distillers Limited) and owned by Pernod. Love a pleanty As regards the Catholic v Protestant whiskey debate. Also, your giving Prince Harry more money to go on vacation, maybe Vegas again perhaps? Being RC from Ulster, Ive had Jameson (and other Cork products) in plenty of Prod pubs (whether in Belfast or elsewhere) and plenty of Bushmills in RC pubs (whether in Dublin or in staunch republican areas of Cork, Kerry, and elsewhere), and never been hassled over it. No matter where it is produced. Your email address will not be published. Starting with Bushmills which I am using as a warm up to my usual Wild Turkey 101. Im thankful for everyone who, New York City! mhermher 9 yr. ago I always remark "that's Protestant whiskey" at any mention of bushmills, but no one ever catches the reference. Bushmills didnt support the Black & Tans anymore than Jamesons supported the IRA! I still live there. Not what religion you think a whiskey holds. History matters which is why the Catholic/Protestant thing is relevant. First published on March 17, 2016 / 1:00 PM. Help! 1 pint of stout and a halfun of Jameson.. Memories. Seriously (though I actually was), I very much appreciated the original article, as I had had often wondered about that Jamesons = Catholic; Bushmills = Protestant thing. I no longer consider myself Catholic, btw. Oh and Bushmills was NOT licensed to distill in 1608Thats marketing Bullshit. I even have taken a liking to Bushmills Irish Honey when Im in a cocktail mood.Not being Irish and not wanting to get political. And to those who dont know, that hint of bourbon flavor comes from the fact that Jamesons is aged in used American bourbon barrels as are most Irish whiskeys. Methodist and Presbyterian. This is mildly off topic, but does anyone else find Jameson to be similar in many ways to Wild Turkey bourbon? Also, what in the heck does Virginia have to do with Kentucky Bourbon??? Not sure what Guinness has to do with this, but your claim goes against everything we were taught about him, but maybe history is just whitewashed for us Yanks. Tim, I made a great Manhattan variation last night with 2oz Powers Gold Label, 1oz Carpano Punt E Mes and a dash or two of Angostura (regular, not orange), stirred up with a cherry garnish and enjoyed it very much indeed. Powers is for shooting, some of the swill mentioned here is OK for mixing and when I want a little variety, I go for a double Connemara 12 never get tired of the peated smoothness and wonderful finish. Previous Post Elements Eight Rum There is a rivalry, to be sure, but it is all about business, and not about religion. Thanks, Mike. A friend of mine hooked me on Jerrys Drink which is 1 part Jameson 12, 1 part Irish Mist and a quick splash of 7-up or Sprite. Bushmills released a statement saying:Its just one of the outrageous statements put about in an attempt to blacken our name. linseed oil is used on its own or blended with other drying oils, resins and solvents as an impregnator and varnish in wood finishing, as a pigment binder in oil paints, as a plasticizer and hardener in putty and in the manufacture of linoleum. from wikipedia, Michael Jackson Nostrovia!! Not that it really matters. Thanks for the clarification. This is because Guinness is now seen as a world-wide iconic Irish brand and brings in lots of money to the southern Irish economy. I tasted the Jamesons before I poured in any ginger ale & so glad I did, Irish whiskey is sooooo much better IMHO than Scotch or bourbon IMHO. Also absolutely no one gave a rats ass what my religion is & Dublin is currently commemorating the Easter Rising centennial! It is Bushmills that supplies single malt (The Old Bushmills Distillery is the only one of the three in Ireland that distills only triple distilled single malt whiskey, while the Midleton Distillery produces grain & pure potstill spirit and Cooley produces double distilled single malt, grain & potstill), as well as doing the bottling for Jameson, Powers & Paddys (All from Midleton, along with Red Breast, Greenspot & Tullamore Dew). I will second the Powers recommendation to add some turf to the fire. Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy . It is a distinct and beautiful expression of the craft. Im an American Catholic raised in the bible belt, West Virginia to be exact. The company has been running since 1780 and has developed and perfected the art of producing the premium quality, top shelf, and smoothest Irish whiskey in the world today. This is coming from a protestant raised irish man from the local area. The big difference between the two whiskies has nothing to do with religion, which is silly and, in some respects, rather ignorant. Delicious. Then I spent another 20 minutes clicking around at random on your site, and then I ended up at this article, neatly explaining the first part of the joke. I just brought some Tyrconnell 10-year port cask aged home from duty free it is delicious. Also, show some class fellas (Burnsy calling me an idiot) my grandfather who is from Tipperary lost friends because of the Black and Tans (you know the English convicts the English government set upon the Irish), in some cases they were beaten to death!! Like seriously you hate us so much you wont drink our whiskey??? Youd probably get glassed if you asked the question in certain places in Ireland or Scotland. After all, thats what the Jacobites were all about. This kind of stupidity makes us look like clowns in the eyes of most real Irish. Redbreast was a recent taste and I liked that a lot. Prom_STar 9 yr. ago Is Jameson Protestant whiskey? Irish for the whiskey The answer is that it depends on the distillery. Jeffrey, isnt there an expiration date to such things? Back to Top. bushmills / black bush or a shirley bassey as we call it is by far thwe superior whisky in the lower price range. [1] In recent years, several single pot still variants have been relaunched under the Powers label. Bushmills on one end, Jamesons on the other. An Italian friend, when introduced to the term Uiske Beatha thought the word was bad water and now refers to it as Aqua Sporca or dirty water. Jameson is a blended potstill whiskey (malted + Unmalted grain blended with grain whiskey). I think the Middleton hurt my wallet the most. I even stayed in what was one of the hotbed cities during the troubles. To inject religion into the discussion demeans the very simple fact that whiskey has no religion despite the understandable biases of the past. Currently sipping on a Writers Tears neat & have two types of Teeling, The Irishman single malt, The Irishman Founders Reserve, a 12 y/o Redbreast, a GreenSpot single pot, a Powers John Lane Release, a Middleton Barry Crockett Legacy, a 12 y/o Jameson Special Reserve, & a Green Spot still to try. The waitress stared at me, and said in her thick brogue, This is an IRISH pub. I looked at her and said, okay, Ill have a Harp. Here in Montana, that conversation wouldnt have made any sense. I must have been misinformed. The episodes of violence associated with both Protestant and Catholic troops in the . In all the pubs in NYC, no one seemed to really care that I noticed from either side of the bar. Cocktail Kingdom Stainless Steel Julep Strainer, Kuhn Rikon 4-Inch Nonstick Colori Paring Knife, UPDATE: So much has been discovered since this post originally went up, about the dangers of quinine in people with quinine sensitivity. Though Jameson is currently distilled in lovely Cork, it was actually founded and first distilled in Dublin. I was wondering when someone would ask this question. Nevermind the fact that it would be illegal in UK law Strength is a treat... Since the closure of the hotbed cities during the troubles bassey as we call it is by far superior! Liking to Bushmills Irish Honey when im in a cocktail mood.Not being Irish and not wanting to get.... Attempt to blacken our name would be illegal in UK law this &! Its sale to Sazerac in 2016 was a recent taste and I asked caddy. When im in a pint of the outrageous statements put about in an attempt to blacken our name supported IRA. Is likewise enjoyable, Jamesons on the other the party, so Ive fine! Ferdinand II was a devout Roman Catholic and relatively intolerant when compared to his predecessor, Rudolf.. Of most real Irish on October 31, 1517 was born and raised in the heck does have. 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