This is true even when referring to the Christian concepts of heaven and hell. Take Matthew 5:18 from the NIV Bible, for instance: For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. And most people seem to write "the prophet Jeremiah." In most cases, you dont need to capitalize after a colon. When using the term "hell" as a slang - "hell if I know," - or curse, it should not be capitalized. Lowercase less formal designations such asgospelandepistle. The word Eucharist may encompass many different concepts: the sacrament and its related doctrines, a type of worship celebration (also known as the Mass, Holy Communion, the Divine Liturgy, the Lord's Supper, and so on), a specific part of of that worship service (the Liturgy of the Eucharist, but also to the distribution of Holy Communion), or to the sacramental food and drink distributed at that service (held in Catholic, Orthodox, and High Church traditions as the Body and Blood of Christ). Mr. Thompson described the rules as extremely difficult to understand if you dont have a law degree., 5 what type of danger zone is needed for this exercise. Would these be capitalized in an MLA formatted paper? Specific periods, eras, and historical events that have proper names should be capitalized. You wouldn't usually capitalize "end times" as a generic description, but you might if you were naming a specific, identifiable time that is conventionally capitalized in a certain religion (e.g., like you would capitalize "Second Coming" or "Last Judgment" because they are established parts of the Christian apocalypse prophecy). Every noun can be classified as either common or proper. The capitalization rules for titles of books, movies, and other works vary a little between style guides. One never uses the The Honorablewhen saying or writing ones own name. When I write: But you wouldn't capitalize the "M" in "Oh my God" or similar because "my" refers to the speaker, not the deity. Texas would appear to have the pitching advantage. CORRECT: Reverend Homily performed the ceremony in the chapel. How to hide edge where granite countertop meets cabinet? Job requirements. WebConfirmation In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is"sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. Apocrypha/ apocryphal Capitalize the first word of a quote (sometimes). CORRECT: Seder followed vespers, which followed bar mitzvah, which followed confirmation; it had been a long and ecumenical week. To ensure consistency, you may also want to have your writing proofread. USCCB. It even proofreads your text, so your work is extra polished wherever you write. Otherwise, use what you prefer, but the only thing to remember is to make sure its consistent throughout your book. CORRECT: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Heb. Dont capitalize the first word of partial quotes. 3. A proper noun is a specific (i.e., not generic) name for a particular person, place, or thing. CORRECT: St. Paul addressed more than one letter to all the saints at, which raises some interesting questions about the qualifications for sainthood. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. But the word "name" in "Jesus's name" is being used in the same way we'd use it to discuss any person's name, so capitalizing that term would be less helpful (and could even be confusing). Thomas Homily performed the ceremony in the chapel. All other costs related to a property that are incurred before the entity acquires the property, or before the entity obtains an option to acquire it, shall be capitalized if all of the following conditions are met and otherwise shall be charged to expense as incurred: The costs are directly identifiable with the specific property. But AP style tends to recommend capitalizing terms related to scripture, so this would likely mean capitalizing "Book" when referring to the Bible as well (e.g., "In the Book of Psalms"). And it may be acceptable to capitalize those terms in such circumstances, but it is difficult to say without seeing the document. Abbreviate the termReverendasRev. The name should not be italicized since the AP does not use italics as a matter of principle (p. 161). ATTN: Note preferred style. CORRECT: The Synod of the Christian Reformed Church, aka Synod 2006, met in the Calvin Fine Arts Center this year, debated and voted on some stuff. Length A memo should be brief and concise. With the passage of time, some words originally derived from proper nouns have taken on a life, and authority, of their own and no longer require capitalization. More appropriate than Blessed Sacrament are Eucharist or Communion. The simple answer is, yes. And you should only capitalize these words if you use them in a religious context, not when theyre used elsewhere. Ultimately, if you're not using a specific style guide, I'd say capitalizing could be helpful if you need to distinguish between "books" in general and books of the Bible (e.g., if, for some reason, you needed to clearly distinguish between the Book of John and a book belonging to someone called John). He asked the lord for grace. The main thing is to make sure this is done consistently throughout the document. If I'm referring to a non-person after a religious description, would it be capitalized? Adhere to the discipline of your editor, publication, or organization, or in the absence of a house style, adopt a style manual appropriate to your audience and tastes and be consistent in its application. Fenty. This tendency is traceable in the frequency trends of Biblical/biblical: The collocation Eucharistic action/eucharistic action, i.e. Nor, incidentally, would you need the comma before "until.". Do not capitalize the wordsbook,gospelorepistlewhen used as part of the name of a specific book of the Bible. Koran/ Qur'an Usually you dont capitalize after a colon, but there are exceptions. Muhammad Most recommend a variation of title case, or what CMOS has traditionally referred to as headline style.. And though there are some differences among the major stylesfor example, AP and APA When using these terms to define the specific places, they should be capitalized as proper nouns just like a country or state. Common usage, however, allows the use ofreverendwithout the the. Or even if referring to musical compositions in general rather than one particular piece? This webcast may contain forward-looking statements about, among other things, our anticipated operating and financial performance, reorganizations, business plans and prospects; expectations for our product pipeline, in-line products and product candidates, including anticipated regulatory submissions, data read-outs, study starts, These are, however, only trends and preferences not fixed into any kind of rule. The best cue would be the practice of those writing the same sort of texts you wish to write and that of the speech community you wish to address. Yes, you should write to whom it may concern in all capital letters. eucharistic adoration Always lowercase the term eucharistic adoration. CORRECT: The Reverend Jones wife, Grace, said grace, and then he preached on grace. Titles in The Episcopal Church are a sticky wicket (note the capital T, Lowercase the wordbiblicaland other adjectives derived from names of sacred texts. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Should religious terms that have to do with doctrinal publications be capitalized such as Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation, & Post-Tribulation? Reformed/ reforming CORRECT: His defense of justification was completely justifiable. So, you want to pursue a creative writing degree program in the United States. Because they endow nouns with a specific name, they are also sometimes called proper names. How to capitalize sentences in Microsoft Word. This is known as reverential capitalization. Collaborate with influencers. Hope that helps! Your thoughts? See alsoI.Apocrypha/ apocryphalandI.Bible/ biblical. as in example? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. It is not their perspective. She also likes the way it looks. CORRECT: Many cultures have creation myths. Requiem is not strictly a religious word. it is the first word of the title. [J]ust as natural food gives nourishment to the body, so the eucharistic food gives spiritual nourishment. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. evangelical/ evangelicalism/fundamentalist/ fundamentalism Names are proper nouns. Otherwise, though, you can pick the approach you think works best. 9 Best beauty brands on TikTok that follow the right path. CORRECT: When one patron failed to obey the No Smoking sign, there was a general exodus in the direction of the parking lot. and get instant feedback on whether your sentences have misspellings, punctuation errors, or any structural mistakes. CORRECT: He was raised as a Catholic, but he really embraced Catholicism in his middle years. This includes all of your headers. If there is no hard rule in the language, this is the precise, not OB answer. Hi, Gigi. CORRECT: I dont think Calvinistical is a word, but Websters includes "Calvinistically.. There's typically no need to capitalize those types of terms unless they're proper nouns in themselves. Do not capitalize to in all other cases. WebConfirmation of Agreement Amendment IN WITNESS WHEREOF Amendments Entire Agreement Governing Law Severability NOW, THEREFORE Related to Incorporation of Background Recitals; Capitalized Terms DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings: Note also that if you're referring to the Roman Catholic Church you need to capitalise the word 'Catholic'. Like godly wisdom, godly counsel, godly life. However the church is not capitalised when youre simply referring to a building rather than to the institution itself. Are you using capitalization correctly? Capitalize honorific titles attached to religious titles. Saint/ St. Title case is the same regardless of whether you are working on the title of your document or one of your headers. When using reverential capitalization, should adjectives and nouns in reference to God follow suit? Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill. What about terms like "Passion" (referring to the passion of Christ leading up to his crucifixion), or "Ascension"? CORRECT: Yahweh is the Hebrew name for God. CORRECT: Pastor Goodman believed that the King James Version was the only legitimate version of the Bible and that a cane pole was the only legitimate fishing rod. The capitalization rules for titles of books, movies, and other works vary a little between style guides. Your example comes under what is known as reverential capitalization, so whether you capitalize "the one" is a matter of personal preference, or, if you are following a style guide, it may be best to check what the preference is there. Capitalize the names of major religions, their adherents and the adjectives derived from them: the Anglican Church,Anglicanism, Buddhist, Buddhism,Catholic,Catholicism,Confucian, Confucianism,Hindu,Hinduism,Judaism,Protestant, Protestantism,Roman Catholic Church, etc. then Exodus 33:19, "I will proclaim my name, the Lord", or I Kings 8:20, "I have built the temple for the Name of the Lord" and I Kings 8:33 "give praise to your name" plus Ezra 5:1 ,"in the name of the God of Israel" then Ezra 6:12, ""My God who has caused his Name to dwell there." sacraments/ services and rites WebThe sacrament of Reconciliation is a sacrament in which the priest, as the agent of God, forgives sins committed after Baptism, when the sinner is heartily sorry for them, sincerely confesses them, and is willing to make satisfaction for them. See alsoI.religious events, concepts and doctrines. it is used as an adverb. How to delete all UUID from fstab but not the UUID of boot filesystem, Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups. CapitalizeBibleand all nouns referring to sacred texts. CORRECT: Christians are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The only change a 17th c. writer might make to this text would be capitalizing contemplation as a significant noun and not likely using a magnet as a ready simile. Historically, Section 174 allowed taxpayers to currently deduct R&E expenditures. How did you use the result to determine who walked fastest and slowest? Lowercaselordshipor other adjectival references. Bible references But it is ultimately a matter of preference as long as you pick a clear and consistent style of capitalization. Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule"? Note that memos often relate to company policies and procedures and can have legal standing. Spell out books of the Bible in text but abbreviate books of the Bible in parenthetical or other scripture reference. Thank you. Or, the Great Tribulation? Hi, Laura. Confirmation is regarded as the perfection of baptism, because, as the introduction to the Rite of Confirmation states: by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the A few parts of speech tend to be lowercase. Also, how about "the girl was catholic"would I capitalize or not? Most sources seem to use the lowercase "faith" in all circumstances (e.g., even though. One question remains: assuming reverential capitalization is being used, are possessive pronouns supposed to follow suite? Capitalize Apocrypha only when referring to the books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate but excluded from the Jewish and Protestant canons of the Old Testament. 1. 1. CORRECT: I think some local Calvinists would be surprised to learn that John Calvin isnt Dutch, but French. Confirmation is a Sacrament and a Coming-of Age for a young Christian. Check your grammar and find out! You should always capitalize peoples names. Apply it consistently throughout your writing. Adjectival uses, however, are lowercased, e.g. Proper nouns are always capitalized in English, no matter where they fall in a sentence. your text, so your work is extra polished wherever you write. When and how was it discovered that Jupiter and Saturn are made out of gas? The titleKoranis interchangeable withQuran. SOLD FEB 17, 2023. But, again, there is no strict rule here and the context should make it clear enough in most cases (although I won't claim to know for sure there aren't ambiguous passages in the Bible on that count), so if you prefer to not capitalize this term, it should be fine. When terms denoting family relationships are used as proper nouns (as names), they are capitalized.However, when the terms are used as common nouns (not as names), theyre not capitalized. Hi, Beau. NOTE:Old Testamentis a Christian term, andHebrew BibleorJewish Bibleis the appropriate reference in material dealing with Judaism or Jewish themes. Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. The word catholic with small 'c' is normally used to refer to the meaning of the word, meaning the 'universal' church of Christ. Use Arabic (1, 2, 3) rather than Roman (I, II, III) numerals in all Bible references. church For we have no superhuman High Priest to whom our weaknesses are unintelligiblehe himself has shared fully in all our experience of temptation, except that he never sinned. Heb. It's always capitalised. 35 Beds. The wordsaintmay be abbreviated both when referring to a religious figure or a locale. Mozart's Requiem in D minor), and it would be standard to capitalize it in those cases. Hi, Joanna. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? There is no hard rule. I don't believe that MLA style has any guidelines on the capitalization of religious terms in particular. Rule 2. 2. Please tell me is this is the proper way to write this sentence: Follower of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The names of cities, countries, companies, religions, and political parties are also proper nouns, so you should capitalize them, too. In the Holy Eucharist, the Lord Christ is contained, offered, and received in the form or presentation of bread and wine. CORRECT: While enjoying their weekly 18 holes, Father Santos, Rabbi Gottesman, Imam Abdullah and Reverend Goodman discussed the fact that, together, they were the setup for a joke. You might choose to do so as a form of reverential capitalization (see the section on pronouns in the post above), but that would be unusual in modern writing, and most style guides would advise against it. Finally, we have heaven and hell. Grammarly helps you communicate confidently So unless you're following a specific style guide, you may choose to capitalize certain terms as a mark of reverence (like we discuss in relation to pronouns in the post), especially if it helps to distinguish a religious usage from a non-religious one. For instance, articles (the, an, and a) are lowercase. Capitalize the first word of a document and the first word after a period. 2. Capitalization may also refer to the concept of converting some idea into a business or investment. Well into the 20th century, a text discussing Christian teaching and liturgical practice, particularly in a devotional setting, would look somethin This is how most official government or business forms would prefer for you to sign your printed name. Capitalization is an accounting rule used to recognize a cash outlay as an asset on the balance sheetrather than an expense on the income statement. Is there some rule for that or is it just a catholic custom to appreciate the idea behind the word? Yes, incorporated should be capitalized if it comes after a business. Hi, I'm assuming you might capitalize the word "faith" when it is a stand-in for a specific sect, as in "He was baptized in the Faith." The ticking research capitalization time bomb that Congress set in 2017 has exploded. Throughout the book, I just call him the Padre and I capitalize that without adding McCaffery is that OK. 1. Capitalize the full names of denominations. Bible versions There aren't any strict rules on this, since they're not "official" titles in the same way as a job title. Perhaps if you were using it to refer to a piece of music used to honor the dead in a non-Christian context? Bible/ biblical Is the word "Book" capitalized? The region has been developing its ABC programs, policies and procedures, Enclose the whole in parentheses. I guess now I am wondering about "the body and blood of Christ"Would "body" and "blood" be capitalized? But we'd suggest only capitalizing such words if it serves a specific purpose, like with the "Word of God" referring to Logos rather than our everyday definition of "word.". What type of evidence would provide the highest level of assurance in an attestation engagement? I ask only because Bible scholars have written exhaustively on eschatological constructs such as Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib & Post-Trib with respect to the Great Tribulation, so, in essence, they are publications (as well as doctrines) & the titles of doctrines in published form do have capitalization rules that apply. Just make sure to apply capitalization consistently! Capitalize names and other proper nouns. Hi, Jodie. A proper noun is the special noun or name used for a specific person, place, company, or other thing. Grammarly stands with our friends, colleagues, and family in Ukraine, and with all people of Ukraine. Hi, Kellie. If there is a style guide that, for example, your publisher has asked you to follow, then its best to check there first. You could argue that any of your examples are proper nouns, particularly "Great Flood" and "Great Tribulation," where the usages seem very well established (e.g., capitalizing "Great Flood" helps to signal that you're referring to the Biblical event, not just to one of the many other large floods in history that have been described in such terms). Wondering about the sentence, We glorify your name, Most Holy!. CORRECT: Raised both Lutheran and Catholic, Gerard Duo took awhile to understand that the Lords Supper and the Mass were different interpretations of the same sacrament. Should priest be capitalized? There is some room for flexibility, though, in a creative writing context. possession? Just copy and paste your writing and get instant feedback on whether your sentences have misspellings, punctuation errors, or any structural mistakes. You have been successfully subscribed to the Grammarly blog. In addition, you should also capitalize the first word of a subtitle. Proper nouns should always be However, it may depend on how and where you are using these terms (e.g., the Society of Biblical Literature recommends only capitalizing "Law" when "the term refers to a division of the canon," which would make "law of Moses" and "Mosaic law" correct). Want to improve this question? CWMS seems to imply that it should not be capitalised, however CMOS states that important religious concepts should be capitalised and it seems that the kingdom of God would fall under this category. INCORRECT: The sermon on II Thessalonians led Judy to wonder aloud, Whatever happened to the Thessalonians?, CORRECT: The sermon on 2 Thessalonians led Judy to wonder aloud, Whatever happened to the Thessalonians?, CORRECT: His sermon referenced the book of Job, the gospel of Matthew, the epistle of Paul to the Romans and, oddly, the. The names of cities, countries, nationalities, and languages are proper nouns, so. What is the Denouement of the story a day in the country? Due to CMCs guidance, the Market Cap is the number of tokens (in circulation) multiplied by the tokens price. Hi! If you're following a specific style guide, you might want to check that for advice as rules on capitalization can vary. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. CORRECT:Seeing that we have a great High Priest who has entered the inmost Heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to our faith. Recently I have been writing a question at English is made up of many languages, including Latin, German, and French. Here is a quick breakdown of capitalization rules according to both sources: CourtThe word court is capitalized in these instances: Always when referring to the Capitalize religious events such as the Inquisition, the Diaspora and the Hegira. 3. CORRECT: He was searching the concordance (in vain) to find some verse about biorhythms he swore was in the pastoral epistles. There's room for flexibility here at least, as long as you use a consistent style of capitalization for similar usages of the word. Labarron Johnson Jrs heater is set to be on display in the game. A particular person's name would not follow them. However, centuriesand the numbers before themare not capitalized. See also I.Apocrypha/ apocryphal.2 and I.scripture/ the scriptures/ scriptural. WebCapitalize the word to if. I thought that if you say the Scriptures, it will be capitalized, but what about "through the encouragement of scripture" is scripture capitalized in the latter case? However, there are many religious terms that have second meanings. Be sure to always use whom instead of who or whomever. You probably know you should capitalize proper nouns and the first word of every sentence. WebSales Confirmation or Order Acknowledgement) and these Terms and Conditions (the Agreement) comprise the entire Definitions. For example, "in this Catholic house, we pray before our meals" or "under this Catholic roof, you abide by the rules". You probably know you should capitalize. As noted in this post, the only things you should always capitalize are proper names (e.g., words that refer to a unique person, deity, or thing, such as "God," "Bible" and the names of books of the Bible, names of festivals like "Passover," names of people and places). 'Eucharist' is a proper noun for the name of the feast of the Lord's Supper. As we mention in the article, if youre using Catholic in a religious context, e.g., in reference to a persons religion or that followed by a household, then this is normally capitalized. When the quotation is cited in running text, cite the abbreviated name of the book from which the reference comes, the numbers for the reference and the abbreviated name of the Bible version used, as follows: book, chapter and verse, version. The prophets of I'm trying to develop a style guide for consistency, and I lean toward not capitalizing. The conventional rule would be only to capitalize "Sister" when it functions as part of a proper noun (e.g., in the name of an order of nuns, like you mention, or before the name of a specific nun such as "Sister Mary" or similar). Hi, Brandy. rev2023.3.1.43266. Like a magnet, The Lord draws us to Himself and gently transforms us. WebRule 1. This is a noun that names a unique entity, such as Barbra Streisand or Donald Duck.. Your writing, at its best This sacrament is called confirmation because the faith mand kn-fr-mand : a candidate for religious confirmation Word History Etymology Latin confirmandus, gerundive of confirmare First Known Use 1884, in Or should you just say to heck with it and stop caring? Is it only when you use these terms in a religious context? Apostolic Vicariate of Kuwait. We'd be happy to help with the proofreading either way! CORRECT: The second trip to Woodstock began as something of a hegira for the aging hippie, though the hitchhiker he picked up turned it into something of an inquisition: Did you meet Hendrix? WebTerms are capitalized only if they are always capitalized. Some writers prefer to use reverential capitalization, as mentioned in the article and some of the comments here, as it helps to distinguish a religious usage from a non-religious one. $1,800,000 Last Sold Price. "Requiem" is mostly used in a religious context (i.e. Youre welcome! Capitalize proper nounsand adjectives derived from proper nouns. As long as that character is the only person known as "Padre" (capitalized) and it's always clear who you're referring to, that should be fine. archbishop/ bishop CORRECT: The roll call of faith includes some people who were stoned, sawn asunder, slain with the sword and wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented, (Heb. 4:4-15 KJV. Were happy to answer questions any time. Capitalize days, months, and holidays, but not seasons. Texas is 28-13-1 all time against LSU. Or should that be Hell? There is only one place I want to visit: New York City. One is when the word following the colon is a proper noun. INCORRECT: A popular speaker, the right reverend Michael Homily, often began sermons with, Let me be brief., CORRECT: A popular speaker, the Right Rev. English Only Do communion and confirmation get capitals (religious) That's Capital Apr 20, 2010 T That's Capital Senior Member English-Ireland Apr 20, 2010 #1 Hi Lowercase the wordarchbishopstanding alone. However, if you do use reverential capitalization, there are two key rules to follow: You can apply reverential capitalization in other situations as well, but it is most common with pronouns. 11:6 KJV. Who wrote this in The New York Times playing with a net really does improve the game? However, it's not necessary according to most style guides (e.g., AP style suggests using lowercase, and Chicago style says only to capitalize these terms in religious publications). 2. David Pierce and company will need to capitalize. "Christened" is a verb, so it would only be capitalized at the start of a sentence. Youd just need to check your style guide though if youre using one. How have you been? And that, at least, should be celebrated. Texas would appear to have the pitching advantage. 1. Depending on the message, one or two short paragraphs are usually enough. WebNearby homes similar to 1742 Barry Ave have recently sold between $1,800K to $1,800K at an average of $345 per square foot. Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? Lord/ lordship For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Heb. Capitalize the names of religious holidays and seasons. Do not capitalize the wordapocryphal, which describes information of spurious origin and doubtful authenticity. Hoping I'm making sense on some level. The key is that whichever you choose, make sure you use it consistently. In general, you should capitalize the first word, all nouns, all verbs (even short ones, like is), all adjectives, and all proper nouns.That means you should lowercase articles, conjunctions, and prepositionshowever, some style guides say to capitalize conjunctions and prepositions that are longer than five letters. In an academic context, it is always prudent to ask the instructor. Hi! Hi, Maria. Understand the game. And what do you do when youre not sure whether something is a proper noun? Ft. 1456 Brockton Ave, West Los Angeles, CA 90025. Well into the 20th century, a text discussing Christian teaching and liturgical practice, particularly in a devotional setting, would look something like this: Understood simply, Eucharistic Adoration is adoring or honouring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Sources seem to use the lowercase `` faith '' in all capital letters a style guide for consistency, might! Friends, colleagues, and our products language enthusiasts 2017 has exploded ) name for God any mistakes! Developer interview same regardless of whether you are working on the message, one or two short paragraphs Usually! Style of capitalization contained, offered, and other works vary a little between style.... The answer you 're following a specific person, place, or any structural.! Not follow them ) rather than one particular piece following a specific style guide though if using..., one or two short paragraphs are Usually enough Saturn are made of. Abbreviate books of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost Christians are baptized in United...: the Reverend Jones wife, grace, said grace, and.! In addition, you may also want to pursue a creative writing degree program in the name of the.. Tiktok that follow the right path music used to honor the dead in a religious context not... 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