In fragile patients receiving the blood, the damage could be lethal. Pfizer report_Japanese government.pdf Report ; Share. Consensus treatment plans for induction therapy of newly diagnosed proliferative lupus nephritis in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus. The biodistribution study obtained by Bridle showed lipid nanoparticles from the vaccine did not stay in the deltoid muscle where they were injected as the vaccine's developers claimed would happen, but circulated throughout the body and accumulated in large concentrations in organs and tissues, including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal I thought this would be an easy blog to write, cut and dry. The readouts were performed at 6h, 24h, 48h, 72h, 6d and 9d post IM injection (intended clinical route) in the right and left hind leg with each 1 g (total of 2g) of LNP-formulated luciferase RNA. The mRNA enters your bloodstream and accumulates in a variety of organs, primarily your spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and, in women, the ovaries. No safety pharmacology studies were conducted with BNT162b2. ), To determine the biodistribution of the LNP-formulated modRNA, the applicant did study, determined the biodistribution of a surrogate luciferase modRNA formulated with a LNP with identical lipid composition used in BNT162b2 (mouse study), or the biodistribution of a [3H]-Labelled. Genetics Genetics (specified analyses) are not evaluated in this study. 8.6. Princess Bajrakitiyabha of Thailand collapses, Vaxxed and unvaxxed coming down with same ailments, Sasha Latypova reveals COVID law and contracts, Todd Callender explains the legal framework for pandemics, Sasha Latypova gives a speech in Stockholm, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine,,,,,,,,,, First case of autopsy in a patient vaccinated against COVID-19, Report: mRNA vaccines is converted to DNA in the liver, Vaccine-Induced Covid-19 Mimicry Syndrome, Brian Gerrish explains the psychological manipulation of the public . From pre-concept to manufacturing startup. The spike protein gets into the blood, circulates through the blood in individuals over several days post-vaccination. Study Design Go to Resource links provided by the National Library of Medicine MedlinePlus Genetics related topics: Alzheimer disease While all of this is highly problematic, there is help. This is a problem, because rather than instructing your muscle cells to produce the spike protein (the antigen that triggers antibody production), spike protein is actually being produced inside your blood vessel walls and various organs, where it can do a great deal of damage. Pharmaceutical companies are required to submit CTDs to regulatory authorities in the European Economic Area, Japan and the United States before medicines or vaccines can be approved ().Pfizer . That is, luciferase RNA inclusion LNP was intramuscularly administered to the left and right hind limbs of mice at a dose of 1 g RNA (2 g RNA in total). What is the length of time the vaccine exists in the body after vaccination? It only means the studies are not available on an internet search. It is certainly understandable why the vaccine was rushed into use as an experimental product under emergency use authority, but these new findings suggest that routine quality testing issues were overlooked in the rush to authorize use. We now know spike protein gets into circulation. They confirmed what I had found. You can view The Poynter Institutes most-recent public financial disclosure form 990, Poynter ACES Introductory Certificate in Editing. You are not transferring antibodies. The biodistribution study obtained by Bridle showed lipid nanoparticles from the vaccine did not stay in the deltoid muscle where they were injected as the vaccine's developers claimed would happen, but circulated throughout the body and accumulated in large concentrations in organs and tissues, including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal Information about the cons of the vaccines is very difficult to find. The data from this study is not yet available in the public domain but this might provide evidence of vaccine delivery in the brain. An official website of the United States government. Anyway, the answer to this question unfortunately is that they go pretty much everywhere. This information is found on the internet leading us to assume, yes, biodistribution studies in animals were conducted by Pfizer. Why do we need it. The first section is labeled: SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162, PF-07302048) 2.6.4 Summary of pharmacokinetic study When that happens, it can do one of two things: it can either cause platelets to clump, and that can lead to clottingthats exactly why weve been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines. Nonetheless, he insists science must be properly performed and then followed carefully before entering into the public rollout of vaccines. SARS-CoV-2 MRNA Vaccine (BNT162, PF-0 7302048)2.6.4 . People will continue to gather evidence supporting the vaccine, and people will continue to gather evidence against the vaccine. The sections were washed with 50% EtOH (1 min4). -. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The biodistribution was also studied in rats, using radiolabeled LNP and luciferase modRNA (study 185350. Very often, the damage is caused by the immune system going on the attack, damaging blood vessel walls, and removing several of the anti-clotting mechanisms. The end result can be lethal, and this chain of events is exactly what these COVID-19 vaccines are setting into motion. Additionally, the EMA document states, "Biodistribution: Several literature reports indicate that LNP-formulated RNAs can distribute rather nonspecifically to several organs such as spleen, heart, kidney, lung and brain. Careers. According to Kendrick, all of them have two things in common:12. Bridle maintains the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database presents evidence of breastfeeding infants encountering bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. This analysis is not usually conducted on ex vivo transduced cells. Using mRNA programmed to produce luciferase protein, as well as mRNA tagged with a radioactive label, Pfizer showed that the majority of the mRNA initially remain near the injection site, but within hours become widely distributed within the body.9. This false claim originated from: viral social media post. All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2023, The Poynter Institute for Media Studies, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3. In what organs can you find the vaccine? Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher Byram Bridle, Ph.D., has gained access to Pfizer's biodistribution study from the Japanese regulatory agency. Parkinsons disease is a prion disease that has been traced back to prions originating in the spleen, that then travel up to the brain via the vagus nerve. Regulatory-Compliant Validation of a Highly Sensitive qPCR for Biodistribution Assessment of Hemophilia A Patient Cells. The argument now becomes whether that approval was legal. Blood clots are a common result, and can occur either because the platelets clump together in response to the vessel wall damage, or because your anticlotting mechanism has been compromised. Japanese Biodistribution study that Dr. Byram Bridle warned about showing that lipid-nano particles, the mRNA & thus possible spike bio-accumulated in distant tissue & organs based on rat model; Table Bridle was pilloried by all, the media, his insane putrid University colleagues etc. However, while the spike protein found in the virus is bad, the spike protein your body produces in response to the vaccine is far worse. Japan shares biodistribution study of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine May 27, 2021 Tags: Japan Pfizer spike proteins vaccines The designers of the COVID-19 vaccines expected the contents of a jab to remain in the muscular tissue where they were injected, usually an arm. Biodistribution; Cell therapy product; Imaging; MRI; PET; SPECT; qPCR. See this image and copyright information in PMC. They significantly increase your risk of death, in some cases raising mortality by 50 times compared to people who do not have these conditions. 2012 Mar;64(3):375-83. doi: 10.1002/acr.21558. Stop using our children as shields in this battle that is an adult battle.. The research, previously unseen, demonstrates a huge problem with all COVID-19 vaccines. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Methods: This is a retrospective single-center study in 23 patients with COVID-19-induced ARDS. For an LNP-mRNA vaccine, DNA vaccine, or recombinant virus vaccine, a biodistribution study with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate is generally needed. Information on the biodistribution (BD) of cell therapy products (CTPs) is essential for prediction and assessment of their efficacy and toxicity profiles in non-clinical and clinical studies. Furthermore, in key studies designed to test whether the vaccine remains near the injection site or travels throughout the body, Pfizer did not even use the commercial vaccine (BNT162b2) but instead relied on a surrogate mRNA producing the luciferase protein. Pfizers data, however, show the mRNA and subsequent spike protein are widely distributed in the body within hours, This is a serious problem, as the spike protein is a toxin shown to cause cardiovascular and neurological damage. Whats more, TrialSite News reports6 that Pfizer documents submitted to the European Medicines Agency [EMA] reveal the company did not follow industry-standard quality management practices during preclinical toxicology studies as key studies did not meet good laboratory practice (GLP)., Neither reproductive toxicity nor genotoxicity (DNA mutation) studies were performed, both of which are considered critical when developing a new drug or vaccine for human use. The #CoronavirusFacts database records fact-checks published since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. Its very disconcerting. Some people, this gets into circulation, and when that happens, in some people, they can cause damage, especially to the cardiovascular system.,, In paragraph 3 you quote him as saying inter alia, regarding the spike protein that We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen; we never knew it was a toxin. However, para 8 he states We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. In addition, no findings on vital organ functions have been recorded in the repeat dose toxicology studies. Here in fact he spells out that the Japanese Pfizer biodistribution studies have found a high concentration of the Lipid Nanoparticles in the ovaries--a known result to Pfizer and the FDA . This is important to understand. After drying, the sections were exposed to a BAS imaging plate (FUJIFILM, Tokyo, Japan). Moreover, ascientific paper just accepted for publicationin the Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America supports this frightening hypothesis. Change). The bottom line is mRNA Covid vaccines are still considered experimental by the FDA as research continues to be done. As part of that research, he and a team of international scientists requested a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) access to Pfizers biodistribution study from the Japanese regulatory agency. The #CoronavirusFacts database records fact-checks published since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. The research,4,5 previously unseen, demonstrates a huge problem with all COVID-19 vaccines. Assessments of shedding can be utilized . The biodistribution of hybrid nanostructures is a major subject of current nanomedical research. For Vaxzevria, a single-dose intramuscular biodistribution study with AZD1222 in mice (study 514559) was submitted post-authorisation. Theranostics. (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines) Protocol C4591001, I found no mention of biodistribution, only the following stated on page 72/147: 8.5. Playing Hardball in Government and Politics, Nuclear War At the Abyss of Mass Extermination, Pfizer Bio-Distribution Study Submitted to the Japanese Government, Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher Byram Bridle, Ph.D., has gained access to Pfizers biodistribution study from the Japanese regulatory agency. This document . Genotoxicity of 1,3-butadiene and its epoxy intermediates. AAVs) through secretions or excreta from the animal model or patient. I thought this would be an easy blog to write, cut and dry. The European Medicine Agency (EMA) is an agency of the European Union (EU) in charge of the Evaluation and Supervison of Medicinal Products. (a) Number of cell-based therapeutic product in cell formulation and number of cell-based therapeutic product with or without biodistribution study in (b) cell-suspension CTP and (c) tissue or cell-sheet CTP (refer to Supplementary Table1). HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Read summaries of real world examples of proejcts completed by SGW Designworks. 2009 Aug;(144):3-79. Biodistribution is a method of tracking where compounds of interest travel in an experimental animal or human subject. Indeed, for many months, weve known that the worst symptoms of severe COVID-19, blood clotting problems in particular, are caused by the spike protein of the virus. A biodistribution study was conducted using ddY mice (male, 5 weeks old). Bridle explains the study absolutely refutes the premise that the COVID-19 vaccine stays in the shoulder muscle, asserting: The short answeris absolutely not. (LogOut/ Bridle believes there should be more reliable evidence before vaccinating kids, and doctors from Johns Hopkins and the University of California San Francisco agree. However, a Japanese document of the Pfizer vaccine data showed biodistribution beyond the local injection site, with distribution highest in the ovaries at 48 hours. So, by vaccinating people, we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin. According to this study, there was no difference in ovarian function between those who were infected with the Covid-19 and those who were not. Essentially, the assumption behind COVID-19 vaccines is their ability to enable the cells in our bodies to produce spike protein. I highlighted important points for easier reading. Dr. Byram W. Bridle, Ph.D. says the he and several colleagues gained access to a first-of-its-kind "biodistribution" study out of Japan showing that even when injected in muscle tissue in the arm, the mRNA (messenger RNA) injections from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech cause the production of spike proteins that more often than not get into the What did the initial Pfizer biodistribution studies show? Ultimately at this juncture, it is a personal decision considering the risk vs. benefit ratio. This conclusion was reached by Israeli scientists, who conducted a study that showed that there is no difference in ovarian function between vaccinated and unvaccinated women. National Library of Medicine The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Since any protein in the blood will concentrate in breast milk, observing that the spike protein gets into circulation is even more disturbing. In summary, normally, the spike protein on a virus will collapse on itself and fall into the cell once it attaches to the ACE2 receptor. Pharmacodynamics Pharmacodynamic parameters are not evaluated in this study. Read our disclaimer for details. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Remember to check the date when the fact-check you are reading was published before sharing it. The more we learn about the COVID-19 vaccines, the worse they look. As The Defender reported June 3, Bridle received a copy of a Japanese biodistribution study which had been kept from the public as a result of a freedom of information request made to the Japanese government for Pfizer data. Apart from its role in energy production, mitochondria are crucial for innate immunity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, and apoptosis; all of these are important in COVID-19 pathogenesis. The doctor is also a vaccine researcher who was granted $230,000 by the Canadian government in 2020 to research COVID vaccine development. Find the original research and move on! which is it, did they or did they now know that the spike protein was a toxin/pathogenic for a long time? *, o LNP=LipoNanoParticle which carries the mRNA, o LC-MS/MS is liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. The second source Bridle cited during his interview is a "biodistribution study" obtained from the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency. Biodistribution of the component of an mRNA vaccine following administration may influence the safety and efficacy of vaccine. Manipulation of mitochondria by virus may lead to mitochondrial dysfunction and increased oxidative stress ultimately leading to loss of mitochondrial integrity and cell death , Mitochondrial fission enables removal of the damaged portion of a mitochondrion to be cleared by mitophagy (a special form of autophagy). Family threatened, his life threatened. SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162, PF-07302048) 2.6.4 PFIZERCONFIDENTIAL Page 3 1. BNT162b2BioNTechBNT162PfizerPF-07302048 The presentation summarized EMA requirements for BD study design, which include a dosing protocol that mimics the proposed clinical protocol with appropriate safety margins (usually highest dose), assessing all relevant organs, and extension of the analysis interval until the GT product is not detected or until a plateau phase is reached. Before The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare . The research examined thirteen young healthcare workers who had received the Moderna vaccine. I want to pass it on to some doctors in Japan who have no idea about its existence. FOIA Once in your blood circulation, the spike protein binds to platelet receptors and the cells that line your blood vessels. This toxin, Bridle notes, can cause cardiovascular damage and infertility a claim echoed by researchers such as Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., whom Ive interviewed about these issues. It is a toxin that can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation. Is there a translated version to English of the study somewhere we can access? 2021 Sep 8;22(18):9705. doi: 10.3390/ijms22189705. Problems with blood clotting (coagulation) which are also common during COVID-19 disease are also reported. The EIN for the organization is 59-1630423. . Why? J Altern Complement Med. Why are these questions surfacing now? Explanation: We deem this post as disinformation when it is claimed that the spike protein attacks the ovaries, the neurological system, and other organs. In vivo luciferase expression was detected at different timepoints at the injection sites and in the liver region indicating drainage to the liver., *,, History of Discovery of Vitamin D, Use of Vitamin D in Chronic Disease, Origins of Vitamin D Toxicity. As explained by Bridle, when that happens, one of several things can occur: Importantly, people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 absolutely should not donate blood, seeing how the vaccine and the spike protein are both transferred. All Rights Reserved. PROVES the mRNA moves from the injection site to the blood, then circulates spike proteins throughout the body, attacking the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues, other organs. We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen; we never knew it was a toxin. Bipolar disorder and complementary medicine: current evidence, safety issues, and clinical considerations. Our democracy no longer represents the people. Both are important for the clearing of cellular debris, including these spike proteins. Well, back in May 2021, I, along with some international colleagues, looked at a document that Pfizer had submitted to the Japanese health regulatory agency. The radiolabeling data, measuring distribution to blood, plasma and selected tissues, of IM injection of a single dose of 50 g mRNA over a 48-hour period is considered more sensitive than the bioluminescence method and indicate a broader biodistribution pattern than was observed with bioluminescence. Pfizer's biodistribution study for Japanese . People will continue to gather evidence supporting the vaccine, and people will continue to gather evidence against the vaccine. Until recently, the opinion has been that these vaccines function like traditional vaccines and remain near the injection site. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Breastfeeding women also need to know that both the vaccine and the spike protein are being expelled in breast milk, and this could be lethal for their babies. "Biodistribution" study of mRNA vaccines. Bittorf P, Bergmann T, Merlin S, Olgasi C, Pullig O, Sanzenbacher R, Zierau M, Walles H, Follenzi A, Braspenning J. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. Please Donate to this site so that we can continue to bring you important updates concerning the Covid Virus Pandemic. If the damage is serious enough, uncontrolled cell death can occur, which in turn leaks mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) into your bloodstream.13, Aside from being detected in cases involving acute tissue injury, heart attack and sepsis, freely circulating mtDNA has also been shown to contribute to a number of chronic diseases, including systemic inflammatory response syndrome or SIRS, heart disease, liver failure, HIV infection, rheumatoid arthritis and certain cancers.14 As explained in COVID-19: A Mitochondrial Perspective:15. In the case of covid-19 vaccines, regulators accepted biodistribution data from past studies performed with related, mostly unapproved compounds that use the same platform technology. Biodistribution of nanoencapsulated bioactive compounds is primarily determined by the size, shape, chemical composition and surface properties of the encapsulating nanoparticle, and, thus, less dependent on the physicochemical properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredient encapsulated. If your mitochondria are already dysfunctional, the SARS-CoV-2 virus can more easily knock out more mitochondria, resulting in severe illness and death. What does this startling discovery mean for blood donations? Brindle, who stated the importance of sharing this new information openly, recently visited On Point with Alex Pierson and spoke at length on the scary situation facing humanity as the push to vaccinate the global population against SARS-CoV-2 gains momentum. When that happens, it can cause platelets to clump together, resulting in blood clots, and/or cause abnormal bleeding, Pfizer documents submitted to the European Medicines Agency also show the company failed to follow industry-standard quality management practices during preclinical toxicology studies and that key studies did not meet good laboratory practice standards. Image . This false claim originated from: viral social media post. The problems now surfacing matter greatly, as they significantly alter the risk-benefit analysis underlying the vaccines emergency use authorization. The Japanese biodistribution study results are consistent with Pfizer's that was submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in February 2021. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All authors declare that they have no competing interests. Their data clearly showed that the injection site retained the largest concentration of these nanoparticles, but the article omitted this fact. Dr. Jane Ruby and Karen Kingston both have concerns about the legality of the approval. So the Japanese medicines regulator had required Pfizer to do a study where they looked at how the vaccine distributed around the body, in this case of a . In particular, a Japanese biodistribution study of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine surfaced on the internet inferring the vaccine was highly distributed in the ovaries potentially causing infertility. New Peer Reviewed Study on COVID-19 Vaccines Suggests Why Heart Inflammation, Blood Clots and Other Dangerous Side Effects Occur. Technically, it is not following the mRNA vaccine itself but following where the LNP container-luciferine goes as a surrogate to understanding where the mRNA may go. The research, previously unseen, demonstrates a huge problem with all COVID-19 vaccines, The assumption that vaccine developers have been working with is that the mRNA in the vaccines would primarily remain in and around the vaccination site. Not so. Future Perspectives for Factor V Deficiency Using Recombinant and Advanced Therapies. 22 23 24 25 Janssen told The BMJ its covid-19 vaccine leverages the same technology as its Ebola vaccine, which received licensure last June. 64 ( 3 ):375-83. doi: 10.3390/ijms22189705 long time a non-profit (! The brain to take advantage of the complete set of features an adult battle and clinical considerations a cells. Clots and Other Dangerous Side Effects Occur significantly alter the risk-benefit analysis underlying the vaccines emergency use.! Is liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry is not yet available in the repeat dose toxicology studies decision the... Is not yet available in the brain on vital organ functions have been recorded the. Vital organ functions have been recorded in the gastrointestinal tract ( BNT162, PF-07302048 ).! Toxin that can cause damage in our bodies to produce spike protein was a target! 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