Uzzah was struck dead for trying to keep the cart from falling when one of the oxen stumbled. The death of this slain Lamb qualifies Him to bring about all of Gods purposes and plans. Did Ruth seduce Boaz to get him to marry her? Son of Jotham (above). "Isaiah had seen the Lord of glory, who is none other than Jesus himself Jesus is God, yet he is also a distinct part of the mysterious Trinity, and he is also Jesus the Son." [3] I hope to demonstrate that the NIV and 'orthodox' commentary represents a serious mis-reading of this "proof text" for the doctrine of the Deity of Christ. So they are without excuse. A good king in Jerusalem. In moments of great uncertainty, we are to continue doing what God has called us to do faithfully. I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne. The Book of Isaiah uses "the year that king Uzziah died" as a reference point for describing the vision in which Isaiah sees his vision of the Lord of Hosts (Isaiah 6:1). Dr. Christopher R. Smith is an an ordained minister, a writer, and a biblical scholar. This was the mode of revelation peculiar to an ecstatic vision ( , Eng. God had received them unto Himself in glory. . We are meant to take notice of the contrast between the leprous king and the glorious King. yFor I am lost; zfor I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the aKing, the Lord of hosts!, 6Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. In the case of Isaiah, his call did not come until the death of Uzziah. In 2 Chron 26:1-5, we read of how his reign started well, for he sought the Lord did what was right (2 Chron 26:4). No one can see and approach Him. Isaiah is here carried up into heaven; for although in other instances it was undoubtedly the earthly temple which was presented to a prophet's view in an ecstatic vision (Amos 9:1; Ezekiel 8:3; Ezekiel 10:4-5; cf., Acts 22:17), yet here, as the description which follows clearly proves, the "high and exalted throne", (Note: It is to this, and not to Adonai, as the Targum and apparently the accents imply, that the words "high and exalted" refer.). Did Boaz already have another wife when he married Ruth? Here it is applied to Yahweh; see also Psalm 114:7, where it is also so applied; and see Isaiah 8:7, and Job 28:28, where Yahweh calls himself "Adonai." Cancel any time. We will have to know something about his reign and also what he meant for Israel, and his death also marks another section in the book of Isaiah. Its time for the church to rise up and take its place in the world. Largely, and so it includes the courts as well as the house, as that word is oft used; or, 2. 1:17). Obviously, Adonay was a title of the Messiah, the Son of David who was also his Lord.. 5And I said: Woe is me! It is impossible to behold the Lord's glory when we are filled with self-love and are pursuing our own will and way. The chronicler says of them, as it says of King Uzziah, that they did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but goes on to describe that after a time and for different reasons, all three of these kings made choices that resulted in calamity for them and for their legacies. When the 76 years of cleansing ended, Amaziah was assassinated on schedule (2 Chron. He was sixteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned 52 years in Jerusalem. Why didn't God give Esau back the blessing that Jacob stole? We thought no one could touch us. It was 740 BCE, the year King Uzziah died. 1 King Hezekiah of Judah was a righteous leader. Why were some books removed from the Bible and is it a sin to read them? Scriptures: He was sixteen years old when his father Amaziah died. In our moments of uncertainty and confusion. Where is God in their hearts? This vision occurred "in the year King Uzziah died" (Isaiah 6:1). Do we seek out teaching that causes us to fear the Lord or do we seek out teaching that speaks to our needs and affirms our sense of self? When self-exaltation and self-will die, then we shall see the Lord sitting on His thronehigh and lifted up. Send me. Kristyn Getty is an award-winning singer-songwriter. (4). Did Adam lie before sin entered the world? 754 B.C. Isaiah is outside, near the altar in front of the temple. Are you able to imagine that you are a success because you were marvelously helped? 12. Where was God when you got pregnant out of wedlock? Not everyone who was called was actually obedient to his calling. 15:27, 28. Isaiah 6 - Chapter 2: The Message of the Seraphim. 6In the year that sKing Uzziah died I tsaw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train1 of his robe filled the temple. The word "train" shulayv, properly signifies the skirt of a garment, or a robe; Exodus 28:33-34. This cleansing of Isaiah's mouth symbolically cleansed the source of iniquity. This is the Uzziahs life that also forms the context of Isa 1-5 that we have read in the previous weeks studies. Instead of having his eyes on God, Isaiah had been trusting in the king. They were not performing new forms of worship, but were doing the old forms with hearts that were far from him. Why was Uzzah struck down? Isaiah framed the relationship between God and Judah as a parent and a rebellious child who has turned his back against mercy and grace (Isa 1:2-4). It took place when King Uzziah (aka Azariah) died. He saw the Lord, and what more he saw was the all-filling robe of the indescribable One. The thing that makes everything find its proper place is if we encounter God. He alone takes the plans of a holy God and makes it happen in the world. In Isa 1:12-15, we also see how Gods people werent all turning to foreign religions. conferencebased on her book by the same name. Things were not as great as it looked. I have listened to so many preachers and people leading prayers misuse this particular verse of the bible. She is particularly passionate about helping children and families learn their faith through song. must have been much in the prophets thoughts. As a result of this incident, Uzziah ends up being excluded and Jotham had to rule. 1 In the year of King Uzziahs death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple. But.When Uzziah died " He saw the Lord." Sometimes in order for us to get a proper view of who God is , somebody or something in our lives has to die. Isaiah said, "My eyes have seen the king, the Lord of Hosts." God is not merely a word or a concept or a symbol. It follows. Isaiah sees our Lord sitting upon a throne and the whole earth . He doesnt just want our religious life. Within a half a decade or so of the year when King Uzziah died, God's people were in the middle of a major war, gaining protection from the superpower but at . Now, God is going to speak to this man to call him to speak to the people! This means if you select "60 Copies" from the dropdown menu titled "Bundle Size" right next to Quantity, and increase the Quantity to 3, you will get 180 copies. So God called Isaiah, whose name is derived from yasha, to save, and is thus a type of Yeshua (salvation). What is the significance of in the year King Uzziah died? Americas confidence has been shaken. He had a vision of God. Will His purposes come true? He lived to see the fall of Israel and the deportation of the Israelites to Assyria, and he prophesied of their "return" to God (through repentance). Isaiah's vision was situated in real time. Even though the account in which Isaiah has a vision of the Lord in the temple does not come right at the beginning of the book of Isaiah, it actually relates the earliest event recorded in the book: Isaiahs call from God to be a prophet. 3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the There is enough mentioned to fill the mind with awe; there is enough concealed to impress as deeply with a sense of the divine majesty. (a) God does not show himself to man in his majesty but according as man's capacity to comprehend him, that is, by visible signs as John the Baptist saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. 3 And one cried to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of . This is the story of Isaiah as it unfolds. He But whilst He manifests His glory there, He is obliged also to veil it, because created beings are unable to bear it. My Uzziah may not be the same as your Uzziah. Because Isaiah's prophecies about Jesus Christ's life are true, we can know that his prophecies about the Second Coming will be fulfilled. The answer is that Isaiah saw Jesus enthroned in glory as the Savior from sin! In that year, says the prophet, "I saw the Lord of all sitting upon a high and exalted throne, and His borders filling the temple." 2 Chronicles 26) Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Muncie, Ind. Everyones calling was established long before they actually were called to minister in a practical manner. But one comes forward who is found worthy. They went to all they had to, but God said that their attendance was abominable. In the year that Uzziah died, Isaiah saw his vision of the temple and received his calling. is the heavenly antitype of the earthly throne which was formed by the ark of the covenant; and the "temple" (hecal: lit., a spacious hall, the name given to the temple as the palace of God the King) is the temple in heaven, as in Psalm 11:4; Psalm 18:7; Psalm 29:9, and many other passages. How was Jesus from the line of King David if his real father was not Joseph? 'In the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple.'--ISAIAH vi. by Bibianna Yeo. "When he was strong his heart was lifted up, to his destruction" (2 Chronicles 26:16). He had a glorious appearance, one of dazzling beauty and surrounded by 24 thrones with elders. Oh the spectacle! He is further identified as the son of Amoz (Isaiah 1:1). Obviously, Isaiah had prophesied for some time during the reign of Uzziah, but only when the king was dead did God move Isaiah into the fulness of his calling. Uzziah was king of Judah. The four kings prior to Uzziah were blotted out from the divine registry on account of the blasphemy of Joram. It is a good thing to be told that there are things you cannot do! He warned both Israel and Judah of impending doom as a . 2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. God responded directly by inflicting him with leprosy. He was a prophet. c. Where was God when you stole that candy bar from the 7-11? Introduction: 1. Even in the time of war, as long as he is in the temple, he knows that he is secure. King Uzziah's death: After 52 years of reigning, leprosy caused the death of king Uzziah, and Isaiah began his prophetic ministry that year. What we had been trusting in has been revealed to be flawed. Try. 21For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they obecame futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. This also resolves the difficulty in the fact that no man has seen God at any time (John 1:18; 1 John 4:12). What will happen to Israel now, surrounded by many hostile nations? They didnt just abandon him, but also despised and disowned him. They lived lives of conflict and calculation and sought what was best for themselves only. 3And one called to another and said: 4And wthe foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called, and xthe house was filled with smoke. Each had u six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. View all posts by Christopher R Smith, Your email address will not be published. Do you want to be where God is? In just this one verse, Isa 6:1 recounts for us how a man of God sees the vision of a God who is high and lifted up but is also close by because His robe fills this place! King Uzziah did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. Learn how your comment data is processed. Lordhere Adonai, Jehovah in Isa 6:5; Jesus Christ is meant as speaking in Isa 6:10, according to Joh 12:41. Sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up. The title of this chapter, in the Arabic version, is remarkable; according to which, this chapter contains the vision which Isaiah, the son of Amos, saw three years, or, as others affirm, thirty years, after prophecy was taken from him. Uzziah, also known as Azariah, was a strong and wise king in Old Testament Judah who reigned for 52 years. 2Above him stood the seraphim. 4 At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. They were perhaps reaching out to turn their desktop computer on when a plane came crashing into the building. 2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. These phases serve as training grounds for the next phase as we grow and learn. The opening verse of the Book of Isaiah places the life of the prophet Isaiah in its historical setting, which is the particular focus of this article: "The vision of Isaiah son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah". What are the Lords plans for Isaiah and the rest of human history? Years later, John saw a vision of a throne in heaven, with One seated on the throne (c.f. In Isa 6:1, the Lord is referred to as Lord not LORD. The word does not itself denote essential divinity; but it is often applied to God. In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the lord high and exalted, seated on a throne, and the train of his robe filled the temple. All the people of Judah took Uzziah, who was 16 years old, and made him king. He lived in a separate house and was excluded from all people. Isaiah saw Him as He really is. The words in Isa 6:10 are attributed by Paul (Ac 28:25, 26) to the Holy Ghost. It was because Isaiah at one point in his life depended on king Uzziah. The Temple Desecrated and Cleansed The story of Uzziah is found in 2 Chronicles 26. (See Isa. I. The Book of Isaiah uses "the year that king Uzziah died" as a reference point for describing the vision in which Isaiah sees his vision of the Lord of Hosts (Isaiah 6:1). In Isaiahs vision, he uses the Lord to describe what he saw. In this there is great sublimity. His mother's name was Jecoliah of Jerusalem. Both in the Book of Isaiah, and in the life of the prophet Isaiah, Chapter Six represents a pivotal moment in time. Conquered the Ammonites. - Isaiah tells us that the vision and calling . Because he had more respect for Uzziah than he had for God. And Ahaz slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David: and Hezekiah his son reigned in his stead. Isaiah lived this name well, insisting that Judah's kings and people trust only in God, make no alliances with foreign nations, and refuse to fear anyone but God. 25:27), and his 16-year-old son, Uzziah was placed upon the throne. "In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Leprosy is a biblical type of mortality (slow death). In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. He reigned for 52 years in total (2 Chron 26:3). We can do what no one else can do. We do not know how long Uzziah lived as a leper, but 2 Kings 15:5 tells us that his son Jotham became the co-regent, essentially taking his fathers place in all practical matters. We, however, must live with the consequences. In this vision Isaiah saw the reality of the whole invisible, spiritual world. Pride led to his downfall. Uzziah started out knowing the fear of the Lord but as he grew older, though he didnt turn to other gods and idols, he approached God with carelessness and a lack of fear. What is the effect of Isaiah seeing what he saw? 2 Chron 26:16-21 tells us an event that took place privately in his life. Who saw the Lord when King Uzziah died? [1] Thanks, Post Reply It may be because the lips express, and thus make evident, a persons innermost thoughts and intentions. Remember that your work is in the hands of the Lamb who was slain. King Uzziah represents self-exaltation and self-will in the Christian. Each had u six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. Our God is a consuming fire. The first 5 chapters set the stage for the rest of the book and the Bible. It is remarkable that Isaiah attempts no representation of Yahweh himself. 1 However Uzziah's success made him prideful and that led to his downfall. On the relation of the call to the prophets previous life, see Introduction. In the past few weeks, weve seen the entire atmosphere of the whole world changed forever. 5 "Woe to me!" I cried. Isaiah was a prophet of God. God shifted the restoration ministry from the king to the prophet. 25because they exchanged the truth about God for ua lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, vwho is blessed forever! Isaiah or Yeshayhu ( "Salvation is the Lord) is one of the greatest prophets of the Hebrew Bible. 1. The question, What was to be the future of his people? High and lifted up - That is, the "throne;" an indication of state and majesty. Recall that Isaiahs ministry began in the reign of King Uzziah of Judah (Isaiah 1:1). In our moments of uncertainty and confusion. and the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land. King Uzziah had a wide range of achievements, and his fame spread far, for he was marvelously helped, till he was strong (2 Chron 2:15b). You can view the recordings by clicking this banner. King Uzziah was sixteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned for 52 years in Judah from approximately 790 to 739 BC. Is he worthy of worship, not just in religious life but in the day to day life? 2 Above him stood the seraphim. Sitting upon a throne - God is thus often represented as a king, sitting on a throne; 1 Kings 22:19; Ezekiel 43:7; Jeremiah 17:12. Jorams sin was thus visited upon the people to the third and fourth generation, according to the law in Exodus 20:5. You may want to look for further items of interest by using the resources below: the search bar; the lists of posts; and the list of categories. David was hindered from entering his call as king until Saul died. Why was only Miriam punished with leprosy when she and Aaron rebelled against Moses? John quotes the words in this chapter, Isaiah 6:10, as applicable to Jesus Christ, and then adds John 12:41, 'these things said Esaias when he saw his glory, and spake of him.'. "In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple." (Isaiah 6:1) Understanding the subject of holiness brings us to an understanding of who God is. The king who had profaned the holiness of the Temple had either just died or was dragging out the dregs of his leprous life in seclusion (2Chronicles 26:21). In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. It let me know who and what my king Uzziahs were. b. We may wonder whats the big deal or problem if we are still blessed. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. Hezekiah was one of Judah's good kings and reigned for 29 years . He recognises that God is the King who sits on the throne. King Uzziah had leprosy until the day he died. Isaiah 6:1. When Azariah, the chief priest, and all the other priests looked at him, they took him out of the temple because he was defiled (v. 20). He had walked in the ways of the kings of Israel (2 Chron. In our day, will we have 81 who can stand up against a leader and point out how he has disobeyed Gods word? Charismatic. In Isa 6:1, we see that Isaiah was doing his regular, weekly duty when he encountered God. 2 Kings 16:20. All divine hindrances, whether implemented directly by God or through men, merely delay things to the proper time. Isaiah prophesied during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings in Judah. Bow before Him! God also uses this tactic to bring us into our callings in phases as well, much like David, who was made king of Judah before becoming king of Israel. The heart is the source, but the iniquity comes out the mouth. In this year of Uzziah's death, Isaiah saw God. He mentions his robes; the throne; the seraphim; but mentions no form or appearance of God himself. He was right there with you, defending your right to have dominion in the earth and over your own life. You can read the guide online or download it at this link. It is a heart of rebellion at the heart and root of all things. The doors are supposed to open, and the veil hiding the Holy of Holies to be withdrawn, unfolding to his view a vision of God represented as an Eastern monarch, attended by seraphim as His ministers of state (1Ki 22:19), and with a robe and flowing train (a badge of dignity in the East), which filled the temple. 26:4 ). (Comp. The Rev. 1 The Lord [Yahweh] says to my Lord [Adonay], Sit at My right hand, until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet., Jesus quoted this verse in Matt. Heath worked in radio and theater for thirty-five years, including voicing characters for computer games and television, narrating a radio program for kids, and working as a senior member of the acting ensemble of the Lambs Players Theatre. "But He was pierced for our transgressions . Isaiah was a man of God. The Bible has been warning us for thousands of years. Thus, as we read in Isa 5:4, 8-23, Israel produced horrible fruit that was worthless. But this glimpse of Gods power and presence also leads Isaiah to an awful realization about himself. What will our life look like? He "ordered his ways before the Lord". Uzziah's reign was 52 years in the middle of the 8th century BC, and Isaiah must have begun his ministry a few years before Uzziah's death, probably in the 740s BC.He may have been contemporary for some years with Manasseh. Visions often occur in the other prophets: in Isaiah there is only this one, and it is marked by characteristic clearness and simplicity. He died in 740 BC and was credited with longevity in his reign due to his 'doing right in the sight of the LORD' ( 2 Chron. The Year That King Uzziah Died by Carter Conlon Watch The Video Below The Year That King Uzziah Died by Carter Conlon Watch on Victorious in war, he was also successful in the arts of peaceful industry. In the year Uzziah died, there was an empty throne, but even before that, the fire was already raging. That was on the mercy-seat, this was on a throne; that was a cloud, of this no form is mentioned; over that the cherubim stretched forth their wings, over this stood the seraphim; that had no clothing, this was clad in a full flowing robe. We have been working our way through Isaiah over the past 9 weeks, and today marks the start of a different section. It is significant that Isaiahs first work as a writer was to write the history of Uzziahs reign (2Chronicles 26:22). We seem to be living through an extended period of uncertainty now. Denomination: 21:7), but his sin did cause the priestly city of Libnah to revolt against him (2 Chron. Did David ever seek Gods guidance about marriage? 2 Chron. He was on board the four planes that were used as weapons of destruction. You can either continue shopping, or checkout now if you'd like. In this blog, the author of the Understanding the Books of the Bible study guide series, the Rev. There are many examples of such hindrances. Isaiah is the prophet of Salvation. Uzziah was made a king by the people at the age of sixteen after his father was murdered. A remnant shall be saved, Isaiah 6:13. Thus the Trinity in unity is implied; as also by the thrice "Holy" (Isa 6:3). Or Isaiah may be saying that he can tell he isn't pure because his lips, unlike those of the seraphs, aren't continually praising God for his holiness and glory. We dont know what is going to come around the corner. Please make sure you adjust the Bundle Size and Quantity correctly for the amount you want to order. Each had usix wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. The heavenly temple is that super-terrestrial place, which Jehovah transforms into heaven and a temple, by manifesting Himself there to angels and saints. In year Uzziah diedEither literal death, or civil when he ceased as a leper to exercise his functions as king [Chaldee], (2Ch 26:19-21). It seems that instead of Israelitizing Philistia, Uzziah's Judah became Philistinized: The conquered conquered the conqueror. The book is described in 2 Chronicles 26:22. He had a lot of respect on him, rather than the Lord. The book-to-blog version of the book I co-authored with Dr. Stephen J. Godfrey on creationism, paleontology, and biblical interpretation. The Book of Amos dates its words as being received when "Uzziah was king of Judah" (Amos 1.1). His reign was a good one because there were 80 good men as priests! 9And he said, Go, and say to this people: dKeep on hearing,3 but do not understand; 10 eMake the heart of this people fdull,5. He was also a consultant to Tyndale House for the Immerse Bible, an edition of the New Living Translation (NLT) that similarly presents the Scriptures in their natural literary forms, without chapters and verses or section headings. This is important because he was a young man when he took the throne (only 16) and Zechariah taught him to fear the LORD. The Book of Isaiah uses "the year that king Uzziah died" as a reference point for describing the vision in which Isaiah sees the Lord of Hosts . God is always reigning. But the glorious King is the immortal One, incorruptible, glorious, and the exalted Sovereign of the Universe. Under his leadership, Israel flourished and his fame spread, until he was strong (2 Chron 26:15b). In Isa 6:1, we see that Isaiah was doing his regular, weekly duty when he encountered God. America will never be the same way it was prior to September 11th. Isaiah 6:1-7 (cf. 18For kthe wrath of God lis revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. These verses help us to see the invisible hand of God at work in Uzziahs life and reign. The notion that we are untouchable, unhurtable, invincible has forever been proven a lie. But, instead of flipping the switch on the computer, they found their hand in the grasp of Jesus. (Isaiah 6:1 ESV) This was a big day for Judah, and the southern kingdom. Of dazzling beauty and surrounded by 24 thrones with elders describe what he saw men, merely delay things the! About himself Israel ( 2 Chron 26:15b ) a biblical scholar but the glorious king blog the. Uzziah represents self-exaltation and self-will in the year king Uzziah died & quot ; holy, is. And biblical interpretation from entering his call as king until Saul died book. Jotham had to, but his sin did cause the priestly why did isaiah see the lord when uzziah died Libnah. Lords plans for Isaiah and the rest of human history you adjust the Bundle Size Quantity. When he was pierced for our transgressions be the future of his people the immortal one, incorruptible glorious! 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