Finally, the United States gets economic kickbacks from being a superpower. What about people who seem to be at a disproportionate number of supernatural events, even if witnesses say they were helping people? Institutionally, the United States is a mess, but Chinas system is worse. Love your country and the people in your country. While this is true, the exact response would be determined by where the government is currently on the political spectrum. Rich Lee The future of. Khrushchev called off the summit and withdrew his invitation to Eisenhower to visit the Soviet Union. Most of the fiction worlds are unrealistic, inconsistent or unrealistic and inconsistent: Harry Potter, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If the U.S.S.R. could be considered a superpower despite its rivals edge, it is because, in the words of John Mearsheimer, it could put up a real fight and pose a significant challenge to U.S. global dominance. 4. There are a couple witnesses, but the critter is killed and burned thanks to some quick thinking by average people. 10 Best Traditional Superhero Powers (That Have Staying Power) By Joel Scott / September 27, 2022 Over the last 75 years, there have literally been thousands of superheroes created. Geographically, the United States is a natural economic hub and military fortress. If the number of people with powers didn't reach into the thousands, then pretty much anyone with powers would be offered quite a lot of money to let scientists attempt to understand what is going on. How do you think police/fbi would react to the accusation of powers? That would have been helpful before I answered. Well, the government could surely find an excuse to arrest powered people. The government's response is going to depend a lot on how people are reacting to this. Not saying this is right but historically we freak out when we met things we can't comprehend. Disney was ahead of the game with 1975's Escape to Witch Mountain, which introduced the mysterious siblings' Tia and Tony, who had psionic powers like premonitions, telepathy, and telekinesis that made them targets of an occult-obsessed millionaire. Depending on the numbers of super powered people would also have a big impact on what would happen, say a 1/3 of the world or more develop them then nothing would happen because of the backlash and sheer numbers of people against anything that may hinder them. Reply. Skepticism will probably run rampant for a while, until something actually over the top happens, especially because of how easy it is to fake things digitally. (yes, it would take time it's a realistic, bureaucratic solution). If humans had superpowers in real life think there would be a huge moral debate in we would have to use these superpowers. But Michael Beckley, an associate professor of political science at Tufts, doesnt buy that. Nothing verifiable whatsoever. If you read the headlines on any given day, it seems like the United States is headed for a fall, as rivals China and Russia push their weight around. Now, what you need to consider is whether or not your world has any such people. Prevent pain. In democratic countries secret services would be sniffing, but not much above it. Your dealing with the beginnings of the cold war paranoia that would spill beyond just how a single government would regulate metaphysical humans appearing on the planet. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.". This is good news for everyone who has been disappointed by scientists saying that their favorite part of science fiction is impossible - there might be a way to make it happen now. In the 1990s, following the end of the Cold War and the diminished power of Russia, the United States gained a position of global dominance that it had not enjoyed since the beginning of World War II. When Kim Nicholas was planning her wedding, she dreaded having the same brief conversation with dozens of guests vying for her attention - something along the lines of "You look beautiful. She or he will best know the preferred format. But say that 1/100,000 are affected or fewer then things would be remarkably different. Only by restoring their soft power will they be able to assert dominance on the world stage. The Biden administration officials urged Congress on Tuesday to renew a surveillance program that the U.S. government has long seen as vital in countering overseas terrorism, cyberattacks and . Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. hydrogen bomb - the most destructive thermo-nuclear weapon that would have the force of 1 million tons of TNT, Eisenhower's anti-Communist Secretary of State, the willingness of the U.S., under President. Advertisement. The film followed Tia and Tony as they followed a map to Witch Mountain hoping to uncover the secrets of their mysterious origins. Scientists will be excited for more people to develop powers and hope that they'll be able to explore a brand new field. Anti Superhuman Hate act-The act of being biased and committing crime against superhumans is punished by law. This story is the foundation for an RPG. Without functioning political institutions, these problems could spiral out of control. I picked this examples because they both may have happened in the same incident. For example, I want to consciously exist, in real-time, up to 60 minutes in the future which means I can see whats . They began to carry out covert, or secret, operations to weaken or overthrow governments unfriendly to the U.S. An alliance between the Soviet Union and 7 other Eastern European Countries. How might the Cold War have progressed if the U-2 incident had never occurred? A small-scale reaction. Being realistic? Personally, I would side with there is no reason to register me and what I can do, so fuck that. Well, governments I guess have been around for a few thousand years, and I am not sure about super heroes. 6. Despite significant setbacks in its economy, military enterprises, and diplomatic influence in the first decade of the 21st century, the U.S. remained the sole state with a clear preeminence in all sources of power. After preliminary tests, we can confirm that at least 99% of scientists are very disappointed that they are not the ones who gained a superpower. In fact, your superpower may be . Judging from recent govs behavior? This movie is a cross between a "hard boiled" detective story and a horror story. How would the world governments react if the supernatural was discovered? It is impossible to overstate how lucky Americans are that none of the major battles in any of the wars of the past 150 years were fought in their cities and towns. * U.S. prevents Iranian-Soviet Alliance, * Eisenhower believed that their gov. Thanks. The US military are developing the means to give soldiers self-healing powers. Officials in the Democratic administration, bracing for a contentious debate on Capitol Hill about reauthorizing the program, sought on Tuesday to make a public case about the value of the . Also, dissecting someone is like killing the goose that laid the golden egg. * CIA-trained Army invades and dominates Guatemalan government, * Egypt tried to play the Soviets and the Americans against each other & there was a canal ownership issue Avoid being outside alone, and have a way to defend yourself when possible. With a secure homeland and a peerless economy, the United States can do stupid things over and over again without suffering severe punishment, said Michael Beckley. These can include, for example, setting up courts, levying taxes, and spending and borrowing money. While the term superpower is most often used to describe a state whose overall power is preeminent, it is sometimes used more restrictively to designate a state whose power is preeminent in one specific area (e.g., a military superpower, an economic superpower, etc.). The United States needs to worry about Russias nefarious activitiesespecially its election meddling and paramilitary encroachments in the Balticsbut it can do so without gearing up for another Cold War. Let's say you had support of about 75% of voters to do it." Americans are generally more aware of their own countrys problems than they are of Chinas. Eventually public opinion might turn once the utility of the super-humans is publicized, and a movement may start to end the government segregation and control of the super-humans, letting them integrate back into normal society, but there will always be people who resist that, and any that never complied with the government will still hold a grudge. The government and corporations would ultimately use bribes of millions, if not even billions of dollars to get you to use them for their favour. If you want to be cynical and nihilistic you can make it a gritty world where the government cracks down on people or you can go a different route and you can have the emergence of these powers be a foil to McCarthyism and the red scare and all of that and create a new era of prosperity. Biden announced last year a federal student loan forgiveness program that would forgive up to $20,000 in debt for . Is this a realistic response? Announcement: AI generated content banned on Worldbuilding. I would imagine it would depend on how powerful the power is and the motives of the person with the power. During the Cold War, scholars generally used this concept to refer exclusively to its two main protagonists, the United States and the U.S.S.R. These are set in a modern day Earth where the supernatural exists and is often used for dark purposes. Reduced majority of Republicans still say government is too powerful. That gap would take decades to close even if things go badly for the United States. The Supreme Court has noted that every law enacted by Congress must be based on one or more of its powers enumerated in the Constitution.These limited powers are set forth as what are termed enumerated powers in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. No history. It was a reflection of . Once this happens, it is rare for government to give back this power, so even long term positive interactions may still evolve into a government that tries to control such people. * U.S. refuses to involve themselves in Hungarian crisis while the Soviet Union deals with the revolt. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Some of us would smile at our own drivers. The United States is a flawed democracy, but China is an oligarchy ruled by a dictator for life.. Michael Beckley: First, the United States has a huge lead by the most important measures of national power. Could you provide an explanation as to the relevance of the movie in question, or instead make this answer a comment? Jobs /Hero Registration Act- To use powers as professional whether it is civilian work or hero work. The government would probably pick up on it before the general population does, because it would only take the FBI a few cases to realize there's a connection, then start pulling police records across the country. Eisenhower denied that U-2 planes had been spying on the Soviet Union. In his recent book Unrivaled: Why America Will Remain the Worlds Sole Superpower, Beckley documents the multitude of U.S. strengths and its rivals many weaknesses. The Powers act- If you are have superpower you are responsible for the proper control of your power and as such you are responsible to seek out training if you plan to active use your powers in public. If a situation that calls for another world war arises, I would be able to sort things out and restore peace and order with my powers. If there is an express provision in the legislation, or if there is an explicit conflict between the state law at issue and the federal law, the state law provision is immediately invalid. This is a common backstory; elements of what you've said can be found in The X-Files, X-Men, Heroes, Resurrection, and other serials and films. 4. All the people we had smiled at on the way home would feel like smiling at their husbands,wives or children. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science (Northwestern University) and has written numerous articles Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Second, things probably wont go badly for the United States, at least relatively speaking, because it has the best long-term economic growth prospects among the major powers. People love them anyway. Indeed the United States was more powerful than the U.S.S.R., according to most criteria (military, economic, etc.). Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. How would they treat people with no identity? We still don't know if these are some kind of mutation or something else. Most of the time, superpowers come so naturally to us, it's easy to take them for granted . Don't forget that if it's 1% than there will be quite a few criminals who abused such powers, and media will be constrantly showing those stories, so people will fear/hate metahumans a lot. These kinds of liabilities arent counted in the big headline indicators. With a secure homeland and a peerless economy, the United States can do stupid things over and over again without suffering severe punishment. At this point, the idea that magic and the supernatural are just myths are pretty well drilled into peoples' heads. He flew the last flight, but it was shot down and he landed in Soviet-controlled territory. They can, however, do their best to prevent people from panicking: By now, most of you have probably seen or heard about the Youtube video of the man with a superpower, as well as the news report that the video was not faked. It just depends on what got caught on camera. It started with Superman and has grown to include the likes of Batman, Wolverine, Deadpool, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and more. The official policy would likely be be to deny it publicly while trying to get ahead of the situation. People get them suddenly, but they're exceptionally rare. In X-Men sort of scenario, there will be regulations, something between how they watch over ex-convicts and how they regulate guns. Everyone from angsty teenagers to modern pagans, fraternities to secret societies perform rituals, for tradition, entertainment, and worship. Parent based Selectable Entries Condition. Superkid to the rescue!. This subreddit is about sharing your worlds, discovering the creations of others, and discussing the many aspects of creating new universes. I think other countries should be able to make suggestions, but since each Country is independent, they have the overall say about who is the head of their government. A low-ranking FBI agent observes something undeniably supernatural. When the lab reports that the remains are not from any known animal, the story is going to go viral quite quickly. If you're interested in applying, please send us a video at (some email address) demonstrating your new powers. Underline all words, letters, symbols, and numerals that should appear in italics. In actuality, they were brought from a similar earth, in another dimension. Superheroes that aren't duly deputized members of law enforcement are vigilantes by definition, and vigilantism is illegal. I also would suggest that hiding such information from the populi is resultant less from a desire to prevent a panic that's what the peonic bureaucrats are told than from the simple aphorism that Knowledge Is Power. The next time you get a bump or bruise, try coughing. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. We should make sentinels to kill the mutants. Some claim that, since "sovereign citizens" are not citizens of the federal corporation, they are not subject to their taxes. Realistically though based on how we operate as humans we would more than likely try to detain and or exterminate them as they would pose a direct threat to our species. I would've made each and every person's day filled with pleasure. We do have one report of an attack by a previously unknown creature, though fortunately the people attacked were able to kill the creature without anyone being seriously injured. Press J to jump to the feed. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? Your superpower is something you can't NOT do! Russia threatens many U.S. interestsit menaces U.S. allies, props up U.S. adversaries such as Iran and Syria, murders pro-democracy advocates, meddles in elections, and has recently seized foreign territory near its bordersbut Russia is not poised to become a rival superpower like the Soviet Union was. So, in conclusion, I would recommend that these people with magical powers very soon become very powerful or very visible, if you don't want them snatched up and absorbed in some Ministry of Magic or whathaveyou. B. Each branch had a unique delineation of authority and responsibility, commonly referred to as the separation of powers. "I was going to have the govt try an hold some of the new metahumans against their will for studying but the plan fails as they don't have proper containment facilities. rum_neat_plz 8 yr. ago. Militarily, the US remains the world's only superpower. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. Which of the two superpowers do you think was more successful in achieving its aims during the period 1945-1949? Would we use them to help society or would we use them for personal gain. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Americans often take for granted that they can travel and do business in many parts of the world using English and dollars and that many international trade and investment rulesand parts of the legal systems of some countriesare based on, if not directly copied from, U.S. law. A body is found, with human DNA. John Dinan, a Wake Forest University professor of politics and a leading national expert on federalism, state constitutions and state legislatures, can discuss the emergency power of state governments and . ". All these people would also feel like smiling and they would too. That's going to be super popular with the Holocaust survivors who develop powers. It's mankinds goto option with the unknown. The people getting powers are receiving them as payment for completing missions. An Alien spacecraft crash lands very publicly. With the transformation of China into an economic powerhouse, there have been continued debates on whether it can be expected not only to dominate Asia but also to compete with the United States as another global superpower. Honestly? 2 The government would try to find a way to either get rid of said superpowers from people or try to find a way to make super soldiers with said genetics from all the countries superpowered people. Being players, the aforementioned condition that non PC witnesses end up dead is true. For example, both countries have spent billions of dollars on media outlets, NGOs, and hackers aimed at reversing the spread of democracy and subverting U.S. political institutions. The possession of highly superior military capabilities is generally considered to be the most important element in distinguishing a superpower such as the United States from a major power such as France or the United Kingdom. I think that all of these events are going to quickly get a lot of attention, both from the government and from the public. That never made sense to me, because it seems like at least some of those people would want to use their powers publicly, even as heroes or villains. No history. For example, in the Asia-Pacific countries surveyed, a median of 46% say the U.S. is the top economy, while a 25% median say the same about China. The army and navy were trimmed and the Air Force was expanded. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday will release his book, "The Courage to be Free," to much anticipation ahead of his expected plunge into the 2024 presidential race. Demographically, America is the only nation that is simultaneously big, young, and highly educated. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Power Weapons Act- Superhumans are not to be used as weapons of War or militarized by government. What capacitance values do you recommend for decoupling capacitors in battery-powered circuits? Michael Beckley: First, the United States has a huge lead by the most important measures of national power. NSA would get traced big share of them through metadata. I always think about whether or not comics and movies portray that realistically. If all of metahumans are semi-indestructible and destructive, or if they have god level powers like the Flash, they may get such treatment because government don't have an upper hand in fight. These privileges all stem from the fact that the United States shapes international customs and institutions. That is the shaky part of the premise if you are trying to be realistic, Even with government abuse the safety of nation would probably mean privatize superheroes isn't that realistic. It was first used to describe the British Empire, which, at the end of the 19th century, extended Queen Victorias reign over nearly one-quarter of the worlds land surface and more than one-quarter of the worlds population. No - Every Country has the right to make their own decisions and decide whose in charge. What does a search warrant actually look like? Studies will likely be made obligatory too, but not everyone will be studied by government since there is too many of them. I could fly through the sky (raise arms as if flying) rescuing kittens and trouncing (jump up and down) the bad guys. Would they require those with superpowers to register, and punish people who try and hide their powers? However, it would still take a while to truly convince the higher-ups, because of the technology/faking possibilities. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. As such the govt is forced out of metahuman affairs leading to privatized superhero firms. Nothing verifiable whatsoever. Some people want to be the flash, batman, or superman. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Because they have the resources to gather info from everywhere, and also to squash social media posts when they happen. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. You need to be licensed 4. Do they think they've been living there (wherever they were found) for their entire lives? 1 Time Manipulation. China is the only country that comes close, and America still has three times China's wealth and five times its military capabilities. 99% of the population aren't metahumans, most of them will be too concerned with their own safety to care for metahuman rights that much, and your average Spider-man can easily be shot dead by police (or blown up by a drone, but not in the 60s). 15. I imagine people in real life would end up doing the same thing, to an extent. Second, because the United States is so powerful, it often tries to do ridiculously difficult thingsdemocratizing the Middle East, winning a war on drugs, convincing North Korea to give up its nuclear weaponsand thus fails more often and more spectacularly than do weaker countries with more modest aims. They'll also want to see what happens as the powers are used - what (if any) kinds of radiation are given off and see if there are any indications as to how it is happening. How can supernatural social beings avoid total extermination/enslavement when the human world has the Big Brother system? Even if this went nowhere, they would become renowned for their abilities in handling the situation efficiently. ", "This event would cause a rift between the govt an public because the government just kidnapped and held a bunch of american citizens against their will. You just watched the new xmen movie didnt you? Pretty much between X-Men and the Civil War story lines it explains what will happen. The biggest thing is going to be the people who can do magic. The powers in my world start off really basic with alot of people having bulletproof durability, super strength flight, lasers ect but get more complex to the modern day people have abilities like compression, trajectory manipulation, orb manipulation, "As such the govt is forced out of metahuman affairs leading to privatized superhero firms. But with certain power, the government could never manage to catch you. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. The government would be slow to believe that anything is happening but different portions of the huge bureaucratic beast that is the government would figure it out faster than others. Good luck being one of those people who is now labeled as a communist sleeper agent or alien. Sacramento, Calif. (AP) California's coronavirus emergency officially ends Tuesday, nearly three years after Gov. The movie addresses some of the elements of the story you outlined, including the investigation of a murder. Central Intelligence Agency Used spies to gather info abroad. The establishment of The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in 1949 aimed to counter the threat of communist expansion in Western Europe. Eisenhower stopped the flights, but did not apologize. Once the higher-ups realize that the supernatural is actually a thing, they would probably do whatever they could to keep it quiet -- there's not really a good way to say "Oh, by the way, magic is real and so are monsters," and it would probably cause panic. 2. With 5 percent of the worlds population, the United States accounts for 25 percent of global wealth, 35 percent of world innovation, and 40 percent of global military spending. All of a sudden, they are no longer a. A superpower is a state that cannot be ignored on the world stage and without whose cooperation no world problem can be solved. On the other hand, the U.S. caused the U-2 incident and involved themselves in the events in Iran and Guatemala. This act of forceful pressure activates your body's vagus nerve. The slide into this is often dictated by current geopolitical situations and how the initial news of the new powers are introduced to the people. There was a lot of civil rights movements happening in the 60s also that could play a huge role in how society would view super people. Combine them with the powers of other Super Hero . The closer to authoritarianism the more the government would move to crush/control the new population. Jokes aside, we've conferred with other world leaders and can confirm that this appears to be a widespread, if rare, occurrence. Superheroes that are n't duly deputized members of law enforcement are vigilantes by definition, and products. An extent United States gets economic kickbacks from being a superpower is a between! At our own drivers Tony as they followed a map to Witch Mountain hoping to the... Naturally to us, it would still take a while to truly the... Much above it big Brother what would the government do if you had superpowers commonly referred to as the separation of powers people in life. 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