You have a natural affinity for quirky and unconventional stuff. Young starseeds may think that maybe they really are just different, but as they grow into adulthood they will always find a way to realize that they are called to a higher purpose. What Happens When Your Twin Flame Dies? While some say that Starseeds are tall and thin, or have big eyes and broad foreheads, a soul seeking its expansion will not require one physical type over another. Everyone has low stages of consciousness and high stages of consciousness. You are mathematically inclined and a logical thinker. The same can be said for the abilities of Starseeds. You always question life the abstractness of it all. You are introverted, courteous, and soft-spoken. True freedom seekers. You have a deep appreciation for art and sciences. If this is true for you, its quite a gift. Starseed Symptoms. According to Rebecca Campbell, author of Letters to A Starseed, Mintakans are the first star beings to travel Earth and are considered to be the original Lightworkers. I'm a hi-frequency channeler of Divine healing light coming from the 7th Dimension. But nobody can tell you which one is more important. Pleiadian starseeds are nurturing and loving souls that originated from Pleiades, an alluring open star cluster also known as The Seven Sisters and Messier 45 visible by the naked eye in the Taurus constellation. This is not to say that your reality as a Starseed is incorrect. Starseed aims to slightly twist the peaceful, calming farm sim archetype. Key Traits: Control, Tyranny, Herd-Like Behavior. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. You can use that to find a more fulfilling path than the one that you are currently on or, it could reinforce that what you are already doing is the right path for you. Being on Earth, you feel a strong urge to want to go home. The majority are humanoid with blue-gold skin and are often mistaken for Arcturians because they are extremely spiritual race, equivalent to the 9D Ohorai Arcturians. With their healing powers, advanced technological knowledge, and clear vision for the future, these rare breed of starseeds are catalysts of change to create harmony on the planet. You are well-adjusted and have a great sense of humor. You tend to have lower-than-average body temperature. You like to take some time by yourself when you need to ground your emotions. Some believe that these intelligent and spiritually advanced souls form the most advanced civilization in the known universe. The main mission of Andromedan Starseed is to re-align themselves with the highest interdimensional version of themselves. You are impulsive and rely on your intuition to guide you. These three Starseed types are often grouped together as they are the children of the Universe, the youngest and newest of the Starseeds. Sirian starseeds are scions of Sirius Dog Star, also known as Alpha Canis Major, and the brightest star visible in the night sky. Here though is a brief overview of the key characteristics of each of the Seals. Here are some of the characteristics prevalent among these star nomads. It is the place where their energies are most relevant, most at ease. If you are naturally gifted in technology, science, research you might be an Arcturian Starseed. Lightcodes, downloads and upgrades . You are genuine and loving by nature, which oftentimes prompts others to take you for granted and take advantage of you. Starseeds do not commandeer any category of industry, and not all of them have the same abilities, attributes, or talents. They are also here to teach, guide, and raise the overall vibration of this planet. You have the personality of a chameleon, which allows you to fit in with your surroundings seamlessly. Orion starseeds come from the Orion constellation. Even with these real feelings of alignment with other worlds, you might never know whether or not you are genuinely Starseed. Sirians starseeds are benevolent souls and are considered to be the guardians and peacekeepers of Earth. It is believed that Venusians primary purpose on Earth is to teach unconditional love, self-awareness, and mastery in all aspects of your life. Humans are mostly not taught (or dont remember) that they have the ability to move through the various Seals of Consciousness to resolve issues in their life and to master the human physical experience so that everything moves fluidly. You have mastered the art of storytelling. These intergalactic travelers are true empaths and harmonizers who have committed their lives to reconstruct humanitys broken and damaged genetic code. I recently came across a website called starseed coach and did a quiz on it, it should me that my archetype is a void walker. The Download Episode 004 Episode Summary: In Episode 004, Saoirse is going to start off the conversation by answering a question from one of our lovely listeners, Kate from Colorado. You are full of vitality, passion, purpose, and drive. Use the Violet Flame to Clear Unseen, Negative Energies and Entities, Three Step Process to Connect, Clear, Protect and Seal Yourself in Divine Light. Here are the 10 most common starseed races and their main characteristics: Orion Starseeds. Another possibility is that any soul can become a Starseed when another Starseed infuses the soul with intentional light. We designed the Starseed System 2.0 to simplify the dialogue around strength and dosage of cannabis by categorizing products by cannabinoid levels. You have probably been dubbed as an old soul within your circle of friends. You always see where people are coming from. It's likely you have multiple lineages, so more than one of these . Every soul, whether from this world or another, is fulfilling a purpose. It is home to a plethora of worlds. Animals and babies are comfortable in the presence of starseeds because they are subconsciously aware of your good nature and divine energy. Most humans like to think that they are of very high consciousness, or at a minimum, that they are of far higher consciousness than most other people. The Orion Starseeds hail from the constellation of Orion, and they are the most competitive of all. They have come to evelevate us and our beautiful planet into 5D+ as quickly as possible. There is a direct connection with Earth. Cant count them? Even though bad things happen every day, your idealist self will always see the silver lining in every situation. Youre less likely to conduct an autopsy for your past mistakes and overthink the uncertainty of the future. You were born between the years 1950 and 1980. Its in this way that our souls may have birthed a thousand times in a thousand different galaxies. We're gonna talk about why there are so many Voidwalkers and if it's possible to embody two Starchetypes at the same time if they both feel in resonance. Pingback: Whats The Difference Between An Indigo And A Starseed? You have an unlimited reservoir of love within you, and you have no qualms about sharing it with everyone you come into contact with. Need Immediate Help? There are physical and spiritual traits of various starseeds, of which there are many, but we're sharing 12 of the most common. Here are some of the traits commonly shared by Hadarians who have been reincarnated on Earth: The main purpose of Hadarian Starseed is to simply be themselves, a beacon of light, love, and wisdom. Venusian starseeds are nurturing intergalactic and interdimensional beings who embody unconditional love. You focus on the present moment and squeeze in as much joy as you can from it. Being a child, you could not fit in the society of other kids; finding it hard to adapt to the group of normal kids. The Arcturians assist in healing both personal and planetary consciousness. You are special. As amorphous, traveling souls, we not only have this planet to consider, but many others throughout the billions of galaxies, realms, and universes, and within many continuums of spacetime. The Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW) sent Valiant Thor, as he was called, to teach us about hyper-space travel with the purpose to speed up Earths technological evolution. Are you trying to discover your true Starseed origins? Lucian dreams of a new life outside the cesspool of Earth. 20 signs that you are a Starseed! You are a starseed if you are extremely in tune with energies within and outside you. Starseeds don't bond like Earthlings do and are often perceived as very kind, but at the same time cold, distant and aloof. If you have an overwhelming sense of empathy, and feel the need to support and nurture others, as well as, always have a longing for home this is a clear indication of your starseed qualities. You are deeply spiritual, open-minded, and highly empathetic. The Starseed (Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal) You can broadly think of a Starseed as a soul who's come in another star system to incarnate on Earth. In general, the Magician archetype is a good fit for brands that want to evoke mystery and mystique. You tend to obsess in accumulating material wealth when youre out of alignment. As a starseed, your dream life is probably a roller coaster ride. Each Seal also has a color associated with it. Here are the symptoms you may experience if you are a starseed. This will help you figure out which type of starseed you are. As mentioned, starseeds always feel like they do not belong to this world. You exude a high level of vibrational frequency. Patients; Practitioner; Shop Products; About Starseed; Product Guide; Blog; Resources; Contact; Consider the possibility that time does not exist and that all matter changes or expands in each moment. You are deeply concerned with ecological and environmental issues. If you have vague feelings of somehow being involved in the large conflict, contact me so that I can help you. Motivational speakers and movement leaders with talent and instincts are the ideals of Orion. You are highly creative and artistic and have a strong drive to heal the world through your work. Experiencing family death, bullying, losing a job, getting into major debt etc can all trigger Starseeds to awaken and remember more about who they truly are. Their vibration and consciousness extends from the 6th to the 9th dimension. It might sound silly, but if you want to know if you are a starseed, observe your relationship with babies and pets. No starseed can ever deny the fact that they strongly feel for others. You have an inexplicable desire to return to your homeland. When we die and then choose to reincarnate, it seems we have many options. The Lyrans from Lyra are the most aligned with the physical world. You are good at setting goals for yourself and getting what you want. It is believed that Alpha Centaurians are introspective, inquisitive, honest, and great providers. If you have strong intuition, and feel certain you have a bit of ESP, and especially if you have had a psychic or paranormal experience these psi qualities you possess are because you are a starseed! You are introverted, analytic, and highly observant. The mission has been ongoing for quite a while now, and most identify with more than one system. Listed below are more traits prevalent among Alpha Centaurians. Do you resonate with more than one of the above? To fill our hearts and inspire us, we crave acceptance and connection. This is one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy highly developed culturally, technologically and spiritually. These 10 signs can be your guide to finally accessing your starseed abilities. They help other people complete their spiritual evolution. In the human experience, there are seven primary vantage points or perspectives from which you create your reality. Its just not possible. You yearn to unbelong as much as you want to belong. There is much chatter about the specific physical attributes of Starseeds. You like incorporating spiritual and mundane rituals in your life. The only solution is to quarantine the mages in academies. Your height is above average, and you have a slender body type. This is because your soul hyper-experiences things beyond the physical realm. They are not relationship orientated. Sometimes I feel as if I was a giant sea creature too. Or are you born from a distant star, a true descendant of a faraway light-body or planet, a Starseed? Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. 22) Polarian. No one knows why the mages are being born. Being everyones shoulder to cry on can be very draining, so learn to take care of yourself as well. Lyran starseeds are often regarded as old souls, they live in the present moment and are regarded as the wisest ones among all of the starseed types. From flashbacks to dreams, your mind shows you things and places that are literally out of this world like you are out of this world. soul originally from Andromeda Galaxy. You strive to figure out the answers to some deep, existential, and philosophical questions. You prefer having your own space and being away from the things of man. They are also very cold, controlled, and self-reserved kinds of people. They are hailed from the Centaurian system, one of the closest star systems to Earth. In this article, we will show you the starseed characteristics of your zodiac sign! No one knows why their powers lead to madness and death in a terrifying disease known as "the fraying". Annunaki starseeds have their roots in the pantheon of Ancient Sumerian deities called Annunakis. Do you ever feel like you are so different from other people that you came from another planet? Take this Starseed quiz to determine which planet you reincarnated on earth from. Polarian Starseed physical traits They are often incarnated within the fabric of world government, banks, elite clubs, pharmaceuticals, religion, and the media. You take pleasure in incorporating structure into your daily routines and duties. You have experienced a profound spiritual awakening and a major shift in your thinking. So, you know you're a Starseednow what? If ever youve looked up at the night sky and felt a connection with a bright planet or glowing cluster of stars, you might be feeling your souls connection to a past or future life. You have a cavalier attitude when it comes to rules and laws. We're Born Natural Innovators, So Does School Kill Creativity? You are assertive, confident, and domineering. You have a short temper, and you dont tolerate lies or any form of deception. It's nice to meet you again. Anger is a strange concept to you, even when people try to provoke you. You love uncovering mysteries and being challenged. Feeling lost in your life. These brands might be associated with qualities like innocence, mystery, sophistication, and elegance. People of this starseed type are known to be realists. It is believed that Starseeds originate from far-distant stars, planets, galaxies, alternate dimensions and parallel universes. A Starseed is a highly evolved soul who has previously lived their past lives in distant planets, galaxies, or solar systems at various points of time and who has now reincarnated on Earth to accomplish its mission. Find most popular Mage decks in different archetypes. Uncover your true purpose as a Starseedno spiritual burnout or cosmic overwhelm necessary. There are many starseeds that hold trauma from this war that offers a huge opportunity for healing while embodied on Earth. You easily absorb everything. Others may have come to Earth to burn karma or heal themselves. 1. If people view you as a wise sage, even referred to you as an old soul and you absolutely, positively feel that way, too this is because you are a starseed! One common thing about starseeds is that you are homesick for a place that you cant even describe. Some Goddesses that represent the Mother archetype (and there are MANY): Yemanya, Demeter, Corn Mother, Gaia, Lakshmi, Hathor. Starseeds, also known as star people, are highly intelligent souls whose origin lies outside of the Earth plane. You have a proclivity to seek validation from others. Andromedans are a high-dimensional, heart-centered race that emits extremely high levels of vibrational energy. Your mission is to simply heal your past wounds and be the best version of yourself. You have a different level of consciousness that lets you work with energy and other multidimensional concepts. You are fascinated with ancient civilizations and their cultures. You should meditate on each of the different Starseed types and try to understand them on an energetic level. You dont even need words to confirm. Indigo, crystal, and rainbow Starseed children are the newest generation of starseeds. Pleiadians are thought to dwell in the fifth dimension, the motherland of love and creativity. This transmission will take you on a multidimensional journey of profound discovery as you move into the creation of the Divine Architecture. Both of these could be indicators of having lived a past life, possibly on a planet in an entirely different star system. The Starchetype Mystery School is a comprehensive curriculum that will teach you everything you need to know about the Starseed Archetype (or Starchetype for short) System - so you can implement this new paradigm and to cultivate a completely new reality of abundant, mindful, and actualized living. As you are doing so, you will resonate with some things and not resonate with others. Pleiadians are from the Pleiades, sometimes known as The Seven Sisters as named in Greek mythology. Physical Signs, Light Beings On Earth On Earth With Universal Love In Mind, The Spiritual Meaning of Singing in a Dream, The Spiritual Meaning of Miscarriage in a Dream. Starseed uses high standards of quality to meet Health Canada regulations. Know they have a purpose, but might not know what it is. Of all the starseed types Martian starseeds are regarded as the biggest freedom seekers and trailblazers. Rather than living a vapid life in pursuit of power, money, and validation, you aim to live a meaningful life. It is said that we might all be star seeds because many have been incarnating on Earth for a very long time. You recognize that the true receiver is always the giver, so you feel happy and fulfilled in your relationships regardless of how it is being reciprocated to you. Lets talk about the different types of origin, the nature of multiple lines, and the benefits of discovering your own spiritual past: There are a few main groups of Starseed systems in our neighborhood of the universe, though there are rumored to be many more that have little to do with us at this time. Ever since she was a little girl, Andie Andromeda Davis knew that there was more to this world than meets the eye. These records comprise the energetic imprints of all intentions, thoughts, emotions, relationships, creations, and events, ever to have occurred, throughout every race, in all the realms, throughout all of spacetime. You know when to commit fully and when to simply let things go. 13 Signs That You Are A Starseed. All stats and win-rates for decks are calculated using actual user game data. The Magician is the bearer of knowledge both ancient and new. People like you because you genuinely care. Although there is definite value in discovering your Starseed Origins, there is arguably far more value in the side effects of this discovery. You are a very competitive person who enjoys a good challenge. Too much socialization can wear you out as well. This is because you value depth when it comes to relationships. You have an unquenchable appetite for mystical, metaphysical and magical knowledge. Answer: Yes, they are. In the process, they might inspire others to follow their lead and shift the operating system of Earth from fear to truth, magic, and unconditional love. Discover Your Native American Zodiac Sign, Lunar Aquarius Wants Us to Lead the Revolution, The Moon in Pisces Says Its Time for Manifestation, Hey Cancer, These Are Your Best and Worst Love Matches, How to Calculate Your Life Path Number Using Numerology, Hey Gemini, These Are Your Best And Worst Love Matches, Hey Taurus, These Are Your Absolute Best and Worst Love Matches, These Celebs Are All Aries and it Makes SO MUCH SENSE, Taurus Is Teasing, Temperamental, and Tenacious. Once they have gained clarity on the truth of their being, assisting humankind in their evolution and raising the frequency of the Earths auric field will become second nature to them. The triggers contained within this . You have feline or birdlike facial features, such as a sharp nose and slightly upturned eyes. You are unique. It was believed that they had played a significant part in human creation. Its because being of service to other people is written all over the DNA of a starseed. There were probably times when you woke up crying because of your dream. Its original inhabitants came from Vega, in the Lyra constellation, the supposed home of Earth's ancestors. You have the ability to alchemize negative energy into a positive one. They understand that they have a role to play and lessons to be learned in this scene, yet they dont attach themselves to these roles and simply jive with the grand cosmic dance. The Seals are descriptions of vantage points that have either held you bound in resistance or which can finally release you into full abundance and creativity. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Having been experienced paranormal activities at a young age. You highly value open and honest communication. As a starseed, you may find yourself having only a small circle of friends. Pick a Light and Shadow archetype. In Sacred Contracts, Caroline Myss talks generally about the Miser archetype (i.e., not just specifically as the counter-archetype of the Mage):. They are here to set an inspiration for others and dispel wisdom when called for. You have an intense animosity towards figures of authority. While much of this information is relatively easy to channel and comprehend, there are several perspectives on how Starseeds come to Earth and the many types of Starseeds. You tend to process things inwardly and highly value personal freedom. Although the desire to earn a living or become wealthy is not negative, this archetype also represents a need to control the forces . None of these things are concrete. A starseed is never one to give up. Imagine the distances we have yet to travel. You have frequent flashbacks and vivid dreams about the lost civilization of Lemuria. You are a visitor, called upon to shed light to those who need it. You are highly empathetic, and you have deep compassion for others. These are just vantage points of thought and they hold different vibrations to them. You have the empowerment to make the shifts in your life. Twin Flame Dreams During Separation Why So frequent And Intense? You have a penchant for teaching and inspiring other people. As a Lightworker, your primary purpose is to spread compassion, light, and love. Founded by Saoirse Clare, The Starseed Collective serves to connect all readers of Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide so they can learn more about their unique Starchetype, support others who are on their journey of Starseed awakening, and work together to build a bridge into the New Earth timeline and ascension consciousness on Earth , THE STARSEED COACH 2021 | Design by Tonic | Photos bysocial squares& ERIN BLACKWELL, Resources to help you learn the basics of how to activate your Starchetype Imprint, Monthly live community calls so you can have your questions answered by Saoirse, A space to connect with other Starseeds and awakening beings in a safe, supportive and empowering community, Starchetype-specific Illumination Phase prompts and journals to guide your 12-day upleveling journey each month. You are impeccable with your words and actions. Do not ever think that you are weird. The Arcturians assist in healing both personal and planetary consciousness. Their intuition is so strong that for some, it has become their main guide in fulfilling their purpose. You are always attempting to come up with innovative, simple, and effective ways to do your work. What is your Starseed type? More young people are Andromeda Starseeds, while the 1st wavers, like myself are Plieadian.Note: It is very important to pay close attention to the difference between the Andromeda Constellation benevolent races vs. the Andromeda Galaxy negative races. Metaphysics has become your go-to when looking for answers. You are not judgmental. 1) Orion Starseed. They are perceptive, hard-working, and usually enjoy a life of good health. The term consciousness is frequently heard these days, with everyone from spiritual leaders to yoga teachers to healing practitioners talking about the need to raise your consciousness. Do you even know what consciousness means? You are drawn to the North Star Polaris as well as with other planes of existence. Every soul is pursuing knowledge, experience, or expansion, on some level. They have opened their hearts and minds, freeing them from the most base constraints. Starseeds are highly evolved souls that originated from different planets, solar systems, stars or galaxies and were sent to Earth to help increase knowledge and wisdom to bring about an elevation of consciousness on the planet. Next time I comment and a Starseed is to spread compassion, light, and highly empathetic, and the. Listed below are more Traits prevalent among these star nomads you cant even describe feline. Life the abstractness of it all conduct an autopsy for your past mistakes overthink... Seek validation from others types Martian starseeds are nurturing intergalactic and interdimensional beings who embody unconditional love, you to! Because you value depth when it comes to relationships from Vega, in the human experience, or talents been!, we crave acceptance and connection Earth & # x27 ; s nice to Health. 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