Los Angeles - 1985 - Janet Leigh Jamie Lee Curtis.mp4, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). The department is located in UNT's Willis Library in the fourth floor Reading Room. And here the relationship was reversed, in which Pioneer or Draper would contact these people and say, "Oh, I see you're doing things. He was in deep. Rigo:Exactly. It's kind of a misunderstanding, or a misuse of Darwin's theory of evolution, and it's actually interesting that it's Darwin's cousin, his half cousin, Sir Francis Galton, who really advocates for this idea of genetic determinism. And I really don't think that that was a winning strategy. Rigo:Yeah, and he got cover stories in the New York Times magazine, Newsweek, and The New Republic. He went to rallies and talked to white supremacists. First, on the idea front. The Phil Donahue Show with John Wayne (1976) John Wayne appears on a 1976 episode of Donahue in front of an audience largely populated by women, and he Uploaded by Bill:He went on then to become the editor of a publication called The New Patriot. This season we're going to talk about how racism and white supremacy have been baked into science , and how it's not about individual racists, or it's not about individual bad people, but in this story, there actually are individual bad people funding bad things. One is that they were enormously important to the racists because they legitimated their views, and especially after World War II, when the Nazis had been defeated, you had very little support for these kinds of ideas. Donahue discusses the many controversial topics and guests featured on the show over the years - including White Supremacist David Duke - and details his activities following the final taping of Donahue. James Moll conducted the interview on May 9, 2001 in New York, NY. the video in question is 14 minute long course introduction that he sent out to his students students earlier this month. Some are big name academics at big name universities. Hope it will be revived. And so, they always had first, a, a sense of assurity that they were right, and also a sense of urgency, the same sense of urgency that I felt. Rigo:Yeah. Lisa:I'm gonna pull my academic hat on for a second and say an impact score is basically something that measures the importance of a given journal, so the higher the impact score, the more influential it is, so you measure that by citations and references, who's used the journal and cited it in their work. This is Barry Mehler. Published through Distillations, the Science History Institutes highly acclaimed digital content platform, the project examines the scientific origins of support for racist theories, practices, and policies. Lisa:Ah, the classic he who smelt it, dealt it maneuver. Rigo:It's called The Pioneer Fund, and over the years, it has bankrolled dozens of race scientists and other academics who push these kind of views. Rigo:Of course, it had to be him. Unquote. Is it still around? It's from an interview he did in Playboy Magazine. Rigo:Yeah, and The Pioneer Fund steers their work too. Rigo:One of the things that I really appreciate is how he pivots from being funny to serious very quickly, like the humor gets people's attention, and then he sneaks in some truth. Barry:It was apparent to me that we were putting on a show, and that I was part of this show, and I was performing a- an important task for the racist platform because they couldn't do it without me. John Wayne appears on a 1976 episode of Donahue in front of an audience largely populated by women, and he discusses his life, his career, his stint as a singing cowboy, Ronald Reagan, impressionists, pornography, and much more. He had his own moment on the Phil Donahue Show in 1980. Rigo:Some of it was just completely bonkers. But unfortunately for Mehler, this was not the end of it. Rigo:Yes. on December 8, 2022, There are no reviews yet. Uploaded by It goes on so prominently that, uh, when this book arrives on the desk of members of Congress, Theodore, uh, Bilbo, infamous Mississippi senator known by his biographer as the arch angel of white supremacy, he praises the book, and he actually takes it to the floor of Congress and reads it while the filibuster is going on to prevent federal law against lynching being passed. There's a cost to negative publicity, and that maybe he's learned that, uh, there is a way of funding the kinds of, um, activities that he's, uh, in favor of without making them very prominent. Barry: The Pioneer was looking for scholars who were willing to take a stand, and that's what Jensen was willing to do. They wanted the ideas out but not their name. When you do research, funded research, you're kind of beholden to your funder in certain ways, right? on September 9, 2018. He ran the Phil Donahue show for almost 3 decades with nearly 7000 one-hour daily shows. Television programsTelecommunications industry, MCI Communications CorporationLuce Press ClippingsAT & T (Firm), Manuscripts and Archives Department, Hagley Museum and Library, MCI Communications Corporation records (Accession 2225). Stuff. Rigo:That was Barry Mehler Lombardo, a legal historian who studied The Pioneer Fund. They weren't seeing the things that Barry was seeing, so Mehler goes down the rabbit hole of white supremacist literature, and what he finds shocks him even more. Lisa:Sorry, Rigo, we haven't gotten to the really crazy part yet? Rigo:They named it The Pioneer Fund, but sometimes people called it the Draper Fund because it was all of his money, and they funded whatever he wanted. Scientists pushed back against this hard, but Murray still gets tons of attention from the press, and it gets legitimized. Lisa:This is that method one you mentioned, right? Rigo:Yeah. And actually, they found ours a bit too strict. Ah, Barry Mehler. You know, for God's sakes, we're feeding them breakfast. The publication of the book put The Pioneer Fund and Barry Mehler on the spotlight. So where does all of this start? Boy, they must have hit it off right away. He doesn't actually stay to fight the war with the Nazis, but he brags about his military tourism. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, The Phil Donahue Show S1976E16 interviews John Wayne (1976).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1979E11 - Ayn Rand on Donahue 1979.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1980E11 Men in Love 4_14_1980.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1981E189 - 'Are Gays Born This Way' - WGN-TV (Complete Broadcast, 10_14_1981) .mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1982E220 - 'AIDS' - WBBM-TV (Complete Broadcast, 11_17_1982) .mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1984E69 - Boy George and Culture Club (1984).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1986E110 - May 26, 1986 (Guest - Bill Cosby).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1986E200 - October 23, 1986.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1987E119 (most), 9_29_1987.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1987E99- June 23, 1987 (most).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1990E17 - Tula - Show #1.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1991E07- (January 7, 1991).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1991E210 September 24, 1991.mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1992E111 - (December 31,1992).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1992E30 - (May 6,1992).mp4, The Phil Donahue Show S1976E16 interviews John Wayne (1976).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1979E11 - Ayn Rand on Donahue 1979.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1980E11 Men in Love 4_14_1980.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1981E189 - 'Are Gays Born This Way' - WGN-TV (Complete Broadcast, 10_14_1981) .mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1982E220 - 'AIDS' - WBBM-TV (Complete Broadcast, 11_17_1982) .mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1984E69 - Boy George and Culture Club (1984).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1986E110 - May 26, 1986 (Guest - Bill Cosby).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1986E200 - October 23, 1986.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1987E119 (most), 9_29_1987.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1987E99- June 23, 1987 (most).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1990E17 - Tula - Show #1.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1991E07- (January 7, 1991).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1991E210 September 24, 1991.mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1992E111 - (December 31,1992).mkv, The Phil Donahue Show S1992E30 - (May 6,1992).mkv, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). In Silicon Valleys renegade days, a hardheaded Texan chased dreams of a flying car. Barry's Jewish identity was visible to everyone all the time. And I couldn't give a flying any longer and to the administration and no limit of an administrator is going to tell me how to teach my classes because I'm a tenured professor. Especially of the southern, southern states in the United States had this one drop rule. Barry:I don't need to have credit. Barry:And he's endorsed by President Ronald Reagan, uh, right? The collections and research newsletter brings you the latest on our acquisitions, library events, and programs. Barry:Jerry Hirsch sued Roger Pearson, so we were able to get a deposition under oath, and I prepared a list for Jerry's attorney to simply ask, uh, Pearson, "Have you published under this name, this name, this name, this name?" Rigo:Bill Tucket says that when Shockley came out as a racist in the 1960s, The Pioneer Fund must have felt like they won the lottery without even buying a ticket. I'm retiring at the end of this year. There are somebody who's at the top. Barry:At the time, we had been getting a lot of death threats, and so And by the way, I wouldn't go to the police. Barry:Most people had this view that we were making progress, that everything was getting better, and that World War II was just another move on the road towards progress, and I really didn't see it that way. Rigo:Yeah. [laughs] And, you know, and he's arguing that you can't boost their IQ by, uh, any kind of environmental changes, which is kind of an absurd argument anyway to make. Actually, this brings something up for me. Then the black population in the United States on the average. Family (2) Trade Mark (3) His deep, smooth, authoritative voice. Despite what most people would agree were really problematic endeavors, Pearson did not have trouble finding a job in academia. This is one of the most liberal institutions in the country, so when he suggested intelligence was inherited, people got a little ruffled, but that's not a firable offense in itself, right? Rigo: In 1935, before the Pioneer Fund is official, Laughlin sends Wycliffe Draper to a eugenics academic conference in Berlin. He had a much more prestigious position than, than I had. MOO32 Associate Producer: Padmini Ragunath Rigo:And this is perhaps the greatest achievement of The Pioneer Fund, is by keeping the race science flame alive, there is an intellectual continuity for people like Sam Harris, and they don't have to start from scratch. If there was one drop of quote, "negro blood" then you were automatically a negro. He accuses Mehler of character assassination, bias, and of being a left wing nut. Is there anything that can get you cut off? He recalled one instance when his grade school son, Isaac, wanted to go play in the woods with his friend, but his volunteer body guard stopped him from going. Wh- why is there all this hatred? WebFrom July 2002 to March 2003, Phil briefly hosted a talk show on MSNBC. Funding wasn't an issue for them, they had Wickliffe Draper. Angela:And the consensus was set in stone really by UNESCO, um, in the 1950s in a set of declarations in which they essentially stated that race is a social construct, it doesn't have any biological validity, and that was signed by a number of scientists, anthropologists, policymakers all over the world. He teaches at a college no one's heard of, and he's on a Donahue to debate Rushton. It's standard journalism practice to reach out to people if you're gonna talk about them. I think it's important to acknowledge that what they're gonna say is intellectually dishonest, and therefor it doesn't provide a better understanding of them or their ideas. on the Internet. Rigo:What's interesting about eugenics is that it's a dirty word now, but in the 1920s and the early 1930s, they were mainstream ideas, they were in vogue. And it's a label they pin on people and then you don't even attend to what the person said. Rigo:While some of The Pioneer Fund scientists like Shockley are public facing, the Pioneer itself liked to remain out of the spotlight. Hagley Library is engaged in ongoing efforts to address and responsibly present evidence of oppression and injustice in our collections. I have a position at Ferris State University. That is, until Barry Mehler starts connecting the dots. Rigo:Barry Mehler is 75 years old now, and he's retired from teaching. I had a subscription to all these, you know, Nazi newspapers. This We're not making progress here. Used with permission. 1 No. Rigo:Even though his work was only in left leaning publications, the TV appearances were a big platform for Mehler to refute their ideas, but he says that might have been for nothing. Rigo:That was Angela Saini, the author of the bookSuperior: The Return of Race Science. Barry:It's one thing to, you know You listen to, you hear some kind of quote from William Shockley, but then to see a full page, you know, layout in The Thunderbolt, I mean they were just overtly racist, and William Shockley was their hero. Bill:The Mankind Quarterly is a very interesting publication. As critics at the time put it, these were old racist ideas with a new coat of paint. He wrote the Funding of Scientific Racism. Rigo:Exactly, and they develop a playbook to ensure their survival. Lisa:Presumably he's not also a race scientist? He seems to delight in presenting guests who are anti-war, anti-Bush and skeptical of the administrations motives. Phil Donahue reminisces about the most nerve-racking episode of The Phil Donahue Show.New videos every afternoon at 3pm Monday-Friday!Subscribe To Marlo Lisa: Ah, charming. What was striking was the more extreme you were, the more successful you seemed to be in this whole world, and what I found interesting was that you could have, uh, a very mainstream sort of academic career, and then you could be on the editorial board of Roger Pearson's Mankind Quarterly, and nobody would notice that. So they could see it. Use science to shield the race science. So now my anti racism was, was visible, very visible. He knows there must be more there, and sure enough, he was right. I would send in a membership. Lisa:So they really do move underground. WebPhil Donahue Show interviews, 1984 - Archives & Manuscripts at Duke University Libraries Back to top John O'Toole papers, 1954-1990 and undated Correspondence, 1968-1990 and undated Phil Donahue Show interviews, 1984 Phil Donahue Show interviews, 1984 Containers: Box 21 Using These Materials Info for Visitors How to Request Ordering So I want to take you back to the 1990s with this video that I found on YouTube. Lisa:There's no resolution. TELEVISION ACADEMY and ACADEMY OF TELEVISION ARTS & SCIENCES are registered trademarks of ATAS. Barry:So I got a mailing from Canada from Ernst Zundel. The precursor to all the daytime talk shows that arose during the 1980's and 90's. Although it was widely dismissed, it is still cited today as evidence that white people are smarter than Black people, and it's all biological. Rigo:They were very entangled. So when things got hot, you wanted to make sure everything was locked down. Even though his show was running, Phil also appeared as a contributor In 1971, he became the chair of the Department of Anthropology and Comparative Religious Studies at the University of Southern Mississippi. Donahue - 1984 - Lena Horne Rita Moreno Susan Sullivan.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1984 - Lena Horne Rita Moreno Susan Sullivan.mp4, Donahue - 1986 - Joe Namath Bubba Smith Danny Sullivan.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1986 - Joe Namath Bubba Smith Danny Sullivan.mp4, Donahue - 1987 - Celebrity Couples.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1987 - Interracial Relationships.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1987 - Interracial Relationships.mp4, Donahue - 1989 - Alex Trebek Bert Convy Chuck Woolery.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1989 - Alex Trebek Bert Convy Chuck Woolery.mp4, Donahue - 1989 - Connie Chung Maury Povich.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1989 - Connie Chung Maury Povich.mp4, Donahue - 1989 - Newhart & Rickles.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1990 - Liz Smith - Trump Divorce.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1990 - Liz Smith - Trump Divorce.mp4, Donahue - 1991 - Gulf War Reporters.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1991 - Katherine Hepburn.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1993 - Reginald Denny - Pt1.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1993 - Reginald Denny - Pt1.mp4, Donahue - 1993 - Reginald Denny - Pt2.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1993 - Reginald Denny - Pt2.mp4, Donahue - 1994 - June Allyson Leslie Caron Connie Stevens Tippi Hedren.ia.mp4, Donahue - 1994 - June Allyson Leslie Caron Connie Stevens Tippi Hedren.mp4, Donahue 25 - 1992 - Child Geniuses.ia.mp4, Donahue From LA - 1991 - TV Couples.ia.mp4, Donahue Los Angeles - 1988 - Elizabeth Taylor.ia.mp4, Donahue Los Angeles - 1988 - Elizabeth Taylor.mp4, Donahue Then and Now - 1991 - Children.ia.mp4, Donahue Then and Now - 1991 - Children.mp4, Donahue from London - 1988 - Koo Stark.ia.mp4, Donahue from London - 1988 - Koo Stark.mp4, Donahue in LA - 1988 - Family Ties.ia.mp4, Donahue in LA - 1990 - Nelson & Larroquette.ia.mp4, Donahue in LA - 1990 - Nelson & Larroquette.mp4, Donahue in LA - 1991 - Dixie Carter Diana Muldaur Jackie Zeman Marcy Walker.ia.mp4, Donahue in LA - 1991 - Dixie Carter Diana Muldaur Jackie Zeman Marcy Walker.mp4, Donahue in Los Angeles - 1989 - Jacksons.ia.mp4, Donahue in Los Angeles - 1989 - Jacksons.mp4, Donahue in Los Angeles - 1990 - Kirstie Alley Clean Oceans.ia.mp4, Donahue in Los Angeles - 1990 - Kirstie Alley Clean Oceans.mp4, Donahue in New York - 1988 - Mary Martin Michael Feinstein Nancy Wilson.ia.mp4, Donahue in New York - 1988 - Mary Martin Michael Feinstein Nancy Wilson.mp4, Donahue in Seattle - 1987 - Relationships.ia.mp4, Donahue in Seattle - 1987 - Relationships.mp4, Donahue. And you're a Neo Nazi and he added you back. Lisa:Back up a second. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. additions to the collection, news, and events. Normally in my reporting process this is the part where I reach out to the Pioneer Fund or mankind Quarterly -which is also still around today -- But i didn't and theres a very specific reason why that is. The book has 57 pages of bibliography, many from mainstream scientific journals, but some of them are far from reputable. I, Issue 2 (May, 1991) Twenty Minutes (August, 1991) Laughlin gave them a kind of eugenics spin, giving them a kind of scientific veneer that they didn't have before the Eugenics Movement came along. The more citations, the more funding, the more chances to become tenured. However, Phil's life changed after meeting Marlo Thomas on his talk show. Here's $100. The pioneer fund has been the key source of funding for the last 20 years of scientists who have produced the material. Barry:I had to really refrain from, um, speculating on Phil Rushton's penis size, but here was a guy who, "They may have bigger penises, but I've got a bigger brain." Lisa:So real science as a shield for junk science, got it. Instead, they used various combinations. Americans were getting spooked by what they saw in Germany. Rigo:Exactly. So, a lot of really terrible people adopt eugenics because it allows them to do things like build fake racial hierarchies based on intelligence or aptitude, and then use that to argue against interracial marriage, or integrated schools, or to argue for the sterilization of so called undesirables. Rigo:So he thought of himself as being well bred, and of good stock. No one asked any embarrassing questions, you know-. Rigo:One of Barry Mehler's racist subscriptions was a newspaper called The Thunderbolt. Lisa:Welcome to Innate: How science invented the Myth of Race: This is episode three: Keepers of the Flame. So which is bigger, long or fat. 3 (September, 1985), Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Drag, Drag balls, Gender realignment surgery, HIV/AIDS, Self-acceptance, Talk shows, Transgender people, Transsexualism, Verbal abuse, American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), American Psychiatric Association (APA), Be All You Want to Be, Creative Design Services, Crystal Club, Dick Wolfsie, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Jerry Springer Show, JoAnn Roberts, John Felder, Merissa Sherrill Lynn, Murray Povich, Richard F. Docter, Tapestry Magazine, The Phil Donahue Show, The Thing Shop, Yvonne Cook, Battering of women, Charity, Crossdressers, Discrimination, Drag queens, Education, HIV/AIDS, Human rights, Media, Prejudices, Transgender people, Transsexual people, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Au Currant, Dr. Jeckyl & Sister Hyde, Dressed to Kill, Gay & Lesbian Health Service, Homicidal, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Pennsylvania Hospital Gender Clinic, Philadelphia Gay & Lesbian Clinic, Philadelphia Gay News, Philadelphia Inquirer, Psycho, Renaissance News, Tapestry Magazine, The Phil Donahue Show, The Renaissance Education Association, The Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Transvestian, Acceptance, Discrimination, Family members, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Art & Illusion, Fantasia Fair, The Phil Donahue Show, Hosts, Photography, Television, Transgender people, Phil Donahue, Phyllis Randolph Frye, The Phil Donahue Show, Acceptance, African-americans, Appearance, Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Discrimination, Families, Femininities, Gatherings, Gay community, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, Hormone therapy, Lesbian parents, Lesbians, LGBTQ+ sex workers, Marriage, MtFs, Night life, Passing (Gender), Self-acceptance, Sexual orientation, Support groups, Transgender community, Transgender parents, Transgender people, Transphobia, Caf Lambda, Helena Holiday, Lambda Community Center, Lavender Angels, Sacramento Gender Association (SGA), The Phil Donahue Show, Crossdressers, Divorce, Drag, Femininities, Gender dysphoria, Gender realignment surgery, Gender role, Health care, Letters to the editor, Masculinities, Television, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people, Paddy Aldridge, Phil Donahue, Standards of Care, The Phil Donahue Show, The Real Life Test, Veronica Jean Brown. 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