With Bill's assistance, Stanford drafted blueprints to create an inter-dimensional gateway beneath his home and recruited his college friend Fiddleford McGucket for assistance. You're making a mistake!! Outside, be relaxed. Bill realizes Ford cares about the twins, and wonders if torturing them will be more effective than torturing Ford. The residents are returned to normal, and Ford unfreezes as well. How can I summon Bill inside without candles? Bill Cipher is a triangular dream demon honorary Lord of Chaos who's threat and insanity is regarded with infamy across the multiverse, currently existent only in the mindscape from the Nightmare Realm and wishes to gain access to the real world. Bill is not worried by this, calling Mabel's bubble one of his most diabolical traps yet. Bill can also twist your words into helping himself and not helping you. This spell lets you summon and make a deal with Bill Cipher. However Ford Pines, upon visiting the town stumbled across a cave and accidentally read the instructions which summoned Bill Cipher back. Anyways inquire Can I/We make a deal? Then on the top, you adjust the semitone (On Audiacity Mac it's Adjust>Adjust Semitone) to 1. In the leadup to the ten year anniversary of Gravity Falls, Hirsch recorded a new edition of. The refugees use the dinosaur attached to the Shacktron's left arm to tear out Bills eye and distract him. Acompanhe-nos: can gabapentin help with bell's palsy Facebook. Whether this is true or him just expounding to seem impressive however is unclear. Will the sky turn gray at night and how will i know ive successfully entered the mindscape? HI, IM BILL CIPHER! Cool I have not tried it yet but your comments give me hope! "Bill Jar," a glass jar holding Gideon's paintbrushes. Everyone lands right next to the human throne, but Dipper is unable to figure out how to unfreeze everyone. Hand Pick A Demon Source: Van Winkle's meteforis dominus ventium. appear. Discover short videos related to summoning bill cipher in real life on TikTok. Alex Hirsch stated, "Time Baby and Bill do not like each other; if they saw each other at a party, they would be doing that 'awkward circle thing' where they're making eye contact but they're not talking to each other, and everybody's like 'Do they know each other? Say this now! People say. Triangle Bill Cipher. Undeterred, Bill decides to possess someone outside the shack instead. When Dipper and Mabel ask Ford what Bills weakness is, he explains that the way to thwart Bill is by using a zodiac with ten symbols. This message is spoke backwords. If you ever get a skateboard go to Egypt and try riding down the side of a pyramid. They converted the Mystery Shack into a powerful machine to fight Bill and rescue Ford, who knows Bill's weakness. Once there was a 12 year old child named (imma just name myself for now dis aint . occasionally, his voice tumbles to a lower pitch (usually when emphasizing a statement). Bill Cipher. Recommended for ages 3 and up. And he's back. Most of the townsfolk have been petrified and stacked into a "massive throne of frozen human agony" for Bill. To summon Bill Cipher, one needs a picture of one's intended victim. PUT ME UNDER YOUR PILLOW, SO I CAN READ YOUR THOUGHTS! The color of his body briefly becomes lighter when he speaks. . Bill makes an offer with Ford and tells him it's not too late to join his side. oh my gods O_o i wish this was possible [yes i've seen the show! However, after Ford corrects Stan on his grammar, Stan pushes Ford, breaking the link. Now once you've chosen tell him when it'll start and shake his hand. Arms, legs, even the fingers, are bendable and posable allowing you to get Bill into all sorts of trouble. He has thin, black limbs, wears a small, black bow tie, and a tall, thin, black top hat that floats just above his head. Gideon tears down the poster and completes the drawing by drawing Bill's eye before telling it he's ready to make a deal. When possessing Dipper's body, Bill is shown to be rather masochistic, hurting himself in various ways for the thrill of it, exclaiming that "pain is hilarious." A triangle appears. Go inside for ten minutes and youll find a star floating towards you! (He obviously couldn't trust a lot of people.) The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Summoning Bill Cipher In Real Life He is also enemies with Stan Pines, being a competitor towards the Mystery Shack. What did Bill Cipher say to Gideon? A code from "Sock Opera" says that he is made from pure energy, not skin and bones, which Bill states himself in the same episode. The way the cipher works is pretty simple. How do you summon Bill cipher in real life? i would of done this already if it was possible. However, this phrase could also apply to the, In the episode "Dreamscaperers," Mabel calls Bill an "isosceles monster." The lunar landing was faked to hide the fact the moon doesn't exist. His worst nightmare is the Gleeful twins, as they tease and torture him with their telekinesis, stabbing him, chaining him to walls and pulling on his body. [2] Synopsis Stan catches Gideon trying to break into his safe. It's small and slow. He was originally a servant for the Gleeful Twins, but after forming the Diamond Trio with them to defeat Stanford, he and the twins then had a more familial bond. Bill is later seen torturing Ford by blasting him with lasers until he agrees to his deal. ITS NOT AS SCARY AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE. Set down the candles in a circle. 25 Feb/23. Ask him your age, if he replies in your head correctly, you have a Cipher. He has been running amok in Gravity Falls, Oregon since being summoned by Stanford Pines over thirty years ago. Murky_Waters has been a member of the site for 6 years, since Nov 24, 2016. Those which conjure objects and those which conjure spirits. most likely referring to Ford, as shown in ". Unbeknownst to Gideon, Mabel and Soos witnessed the deal in the forest, and get Dipper's help to follow him into Stan's mind. This is cool but, what if the person doesnt have candles, or its raining or both? "It's funny how dumb you are." Bill Cipher on the phone with Gideon. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I'll be watching youBill Cipher, Sorry kid, but you're MY puppet now!Bill after possessing Dipper's body, You can't stop me! Go inside for ten minutes and you will see a star floating towards you! Magnum Opus. Thats your Cipher. Once within the trance, or within someone's mindscape, Bill's powers are vastly magnified; he becomes capable of changing his appearance, changing the appearance of other people's dream selves, and changing the area at will. Though the resistance tries to invoke the zodiac's power, Stan and Ford's animosity prevents them from completing the ritual before Bill finds them. A Deal's A Deal (Bill Cipher x Dem. I know LOTS OF THINGS! Back in the Fearamid, the townsfolk that is not represented in the zodiac run away, leaving only Dipper, Mabel, Soos, Wendy, Gideon, Robbie, Pacifica, McGucket, Ford, and Stan. Set in the center of the circle. Dipper, Mabel and Soos must travel through Grunkle Stan's mind to defeat a tricky dream demon called Bill Cipher, summoned by Li'l Gideon. He tricks Mabel and Soos into looking for the memory of Stan's safe combination first, knowing they'd lead him straight to it. Random Projects LETS GET 9000 PROJECTS. Even while capable of vastly affecting the physical world, he still could not enter bodies or conscious minds without the contract-and-handshake process. In "Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls," Bill reverts Ford from his gold state. Over the course of the next two weeks, the statue was moved several times before finally finding a home at Confusion Hill, a roadside attraction in Piercy, California. The symbols on the zodiac have been changed around, and some have been altered. Contents 1 Background 1.1 Sightings 1.2 Physical appearance 1.3 Personality 1.4 Abilities 2 Appearances 2.1 Gravity Falls 2.1.1 Season 1 Using a combination of astrology and other other fortune telling techniques Mora will do her best to answer you. That is your Cipher. "D idqgrp'v zrun lv qhyhu grqh/Vr khuh'v vrph wdohv mxvw iru ixq/Brx zdqwhg pruh?/Brx jrw brxu zlvk!/Grq'w vwuhvvlw'v rqob fdqrq-lvk" ("A fandom's work is never done/So here's some tales just for fun/You wanted more?/You got your wish!/Don't stressit's only canon-ish"). A possible 3-course menu for 6 people who don't like nuts or seafood is: Starter: Vegetable soup with gluten-free bread. Cartoon Studio. The window in the room which stored the forgotten. Primary PC: AMD Ryzen 7 2700, NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1070 (EVGA FTW Hybrid), 16GB Trident Z RGB DDR4, ASUS X470-I, Corsair 280X, running at 1920x1080 144hz. The last comic strip of Gravitee Funnies, "Little Dipper in Subconsciousville," shows Dipper saying "FLSKHU OLYHV!" 0. Do they have a history?'". The hat is held in place with discrete color matching velcro. Ha ha ha ha ha! List the items you would like, (Ex:Protection, Mind Reading, Teleporting) once you've listed them ask him "What would you like from this deal?" Book 9 of Shmeb You Unlocked contains "Gravitee Funnies," a comic by Stan. The statue of this clever and irreverent demon, who can penetrate into the consciousness of a person and receive any information from there, was demonstrated by the creators of the animated series in the final credits, not imaginary, but real, at least that's how it looked on a short video. Bill refuses to accept by claiming that Stan's making a bigger mistake and that he will give him anything that he would desire, until his form becomes heavily distorted as he speaks backward messages, and attempts to reach out to Stan. Species: Dream demon: Abilities: Clairvoyance Piano playing Cross-dimensional awareness Illusion manipulation Intangibility Innate capability Laser manipulation Levitation Molecular manipulation Nightmare inducement Possession Precognition (of potential scenarios) Pyrokinesis Size shifting . 0. When Dipper uncovers a cryptic journal that offers insight. Beelzebub is also viewed by some religions as one of the seven princes of hell and is known as the Lord of the Flies. 2 / 2 Bill Cipher, a powerful and malevolent demon, has had a significant impact on the history of Gravity Falls. He confronted Bill, who revealed his plan to merge the Nightmare Realm he comes from with the real world, causing the apocalypse. Then you put 8 candles around the picture in a circle then say the following spell: "Triangulum, entangulum. jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football bill cipher voice changer. Background info: Bill Cipher is a time demon found in the Mindscape. Bill gave George Washington secrets that helped him defeat the British. I tried it and now no one shall pass my door! Take the red marker and your enemies picture and cross out their eyes. When each person that correlates with a symbol stands in a drawn version of this zodiac and they hold hands, it has enough power to defeat Bill Cipher. You know the one, "Conspiracy Hank Goes Overboard." Attacks What a guy! Dipper, who has gotten back to street-level, yells that he's had enough. As it rains, Dipper and Mabel play a game in the attic to pass the time. I haven't been doing much arting lately, even for my own personal enjoyment. 0 coins. We all know what you did and you deserve it. 8 Ball and Teeth approach Bill, informing him they failed to eat Dipper. "Dreamscaperers" is the first time Bill is directly addressed and introduced in the series. Both Journals 2 and 3 contain sections on Bill, but whereas Journal 2 contains instructions on how to summon Bill, Journal 3 contains instructions on how to stop Bill if he is summoned. When NASA rejected the proposal, Bill cursed Kubrick with bizarre nightmares, which, in an ironic twist, ended up helping him in his film career. Bill helped Stanley Kubrick fake the US moon landing, hoping that, in return, Kubrick would convince NASA to build a functioning portal. The man tells him that while Bill may be a real intelligent being, he has made one fatal mistake that he shouldn't have done: messing with Stan's family. I hear that's really encouraged. Bill himself declares that he controls space, matter and, after getting Time Baby out of the way, time itself. Tips: The only thing that remains of Weirdmageddon is Bills petrified physical form. If he replies with yes youre great. Bill isn't the cause of Gravity Falls' weirdness. Set it in the middle of the circle. And he's back. Bill could enter Ford's mind at any time, and with his help, Ford built the portal. The reign of the pyramid continued well into the 18th century where a young George Washington once saw one on summer vacation and swore that he would found a nation with the sole purpose of putting an image of it on the back of dollar bills. Ford refuses, so Bill turns him into a golden statue to use as a "back-scratcher." Gideon tells him to steal "Stanford" Pines' safe combination directly from his head so that Gideon can steal the Shack's deed. As such, this wiki refers to the character with "he/him" pronouns. Magister Mentium. Bill Cipher was a triangular inter-dimensional demon, formerly existent only in the mindscape before succeeding in gaining access to the real world. PREFERABLY WITH BLOOD! A-X-O-L-O-T-L! Warm and healthy dish with various veggies and herbs. Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!". Bill utilizes this weak spot to flip the Shacktron over, tear off a leg, and smash it into the Shacktron, sending it flying. Reference: https://gravityfalls . Bill ignites a blue flame in his hand when, in order to seal a deal, he shakes the hand of the other party. Dipper pine's. 9. Gideon asks Bill to invade Stan's mind and steal the combination to the safe, which is vincindoria. dynasty doll collection website. He seems to have little knowledge about the human body, specifically its physical limits. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Never command, demand or try to exploit them in any way. : Just note you can make a deal once a month, anyways take caution when doing this just like humans, he can break his deals! Bill decides to find the equation needed to break the barrier in Fords mind. The voice also changes to Bill's. Dipper Pines tries to summon Bill back into his dimension but with no luck. He also claims his dimension has 14 billion different gender identities and there is paperwork involved in determining the sexual orientation and he's not exactly been keeping track of his. (Y/N) is an aspiring Paranormal Investigator and decides to go to Gravity Falls after their friends convinced them to by saying that it was known for its."strange activity". Sit by the circle. His elimination also revealed that, while in the mindscape, he was as vulnerable to erasure via the memory gun as all other thoughts. In "Dreamscaperers," Gideon summons Bill with an incantation. During the season finale "Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls", Bill has to battle the Shacktron - a giant robot created from scarps and the mystery shack's main body. Originally, in "Weirdmageddon Part 1," Bill was going to sing a song titled, ", Bill is seemingly destroyed when Stan's mind is erased with him inside it. Magnesium Ad Hominem. His abilities in this form also include: apportation, inter-universal travel, matter manipulation, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, time manipulation, telepathy, mind control, illusion manipulation, dream manipulation, nightmare inducement, madness inducement (can create bubbles that induce madness in whatever they touch), clairvoyance, objects summoning, intangibility, reality-warping, levitation, possession, precognition, size-shifting, fourth wall awareness (he is aware of the real world and can "see" us), and resistance to reality-warping and space-time manipulation. This also happens when one illuminates the photo of the Mystery Shack cast standing around the seemingly lifeless statue - doing so causes the cast and the statue to glow while the words "TRUST NO ONE!" That means that Bill could still be alive, paying for his crime, possibly in a different dimension. The prophecy of the zodiac hung heaviest of all over Bill's mind. meteforis dominus ventium. Bill's physical eye proved particularly sensitive and took more time than the rest of him to regrow. Bill finds it "adorable" that the refugees are fighting back, and orders his henchmaniacs to fight them. His name is displayed on the cash register. (Bills P.O.V) I appeared in a blinding blue flash laughing, wanting to put on a show just like the real deal did. He must be summoned in order to appear first: he vanished from Gravity Falls once Ford disappeared, and only manifested again after Gideon summoned him once more, even remarking that he hadn't been there "in a while." [5] He eventually took over a boiling, shifting intergalactic foam between dimensions: a lawless, unstable crawlspace known as the Nightmare Realm. Plz help me This prophecy explained that if ten particular individuals gathered in the circle designed by the ancients who had known Bill, they would be able to stop him; however, this would not come to pass if any of them broke the chain. However, the Axolotl describes him as "sixty degrees that come in threes.". Bill's villainous breakdown. However, when he gets angry, his voice deepens significantly, the color of his body turns red and his eye turns black with a white pupil, (in close-up, his eye shows a red iris.) He has background parts, such as the rug in the mystery shack that has a triangle with one eye, and the triangle window in "Tourist Trapped". Despite this, Bill's own ego proved to be his most fatal flaw, as it led him to underestimate the "mortals": he failed to recognize Stan's trick, as he was too giddy to read his thoughts, driven by the possibility of learning how to bypass the bubble over Gravity Falls, and did not realize he was at his most fragile while in the mindscape. Gravity Falls Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. You may hear some familiar phrases remastered along with some brand new ones just for this plush! He's a liar.Blame the arson for the fire.If he wants to shirk the blame,He'll have to invoke my name.One way to absolve his crime.A different form, a different time. Bill tries to persuade Ford by telling offering him unlimited power in a world without restrictions or laws. Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirate's Treasure! Impressed, he decides to let them go, and after warning them of a mysterious darkness that will change everything they care about, he tells them that he'll be watching them. Near the end of "Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future," Bill approaches Mabel by possessing Blendin Blandin, recognizing Mabel's wishes of wanting summer to never end. This is awesome! Bill is older than the Universe. Sit by the circle. How do you summon a genie in real life? Bill is not one who believes in rules. During the post-credits of the episode "The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy," a slight mark on the bridge shows a big resemblance to Bill. He occasionally carries a small black or yellow cane. He realizes that Ford is the only one able to understand the shield and contemplates his next move. Freddy kicks Bill away, and Bill retaliates by summoning a small swarm of Eye-Bats to attack. To prove his statement, he summons Xyler and Craz from Mabel's imagination. This spell allows you summon and make a deal with Bill Cipher. How to summon bill cipher in real life - YouTube In this video I have shown how to summon bill cipher now that you guys know how to summon bill so then now enjoy with bill make deals. Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The FallsBill's last words before dying, There is a variety of official Bill Cipher merchandise you can buy, including plushes, posters, toys, keychains, and more. Do i have to be outside or can i just run to another room? Gideon then summons a demon called Bill Cipher (Hirsch) to help him. Bill Ciphercan be summoned by first taking a picture of your victim and cross out the eyes. Sit by the circle. I'll give you anything: money, fame, riches, infinite power, your own galaxy, PLEASE!Bill Cipher begging Stan to not erase him. (singing) WELL MEET AGAIN. The townsfolk refuse to submit, but Preston Northwest welcomes him instead, offering to be one of his "horsemen of the apocalypse." (@iambillcipherlol), Miku<3 (@mikuxhugz0), well meet again (@bill_cipher24) . You're getting erased. At the end of "The Stanchurian Candidate," after a prison-bound Gideon fails to get his father elected mayor, he is shown to have drawn Bill Cipher's zodiac on his cell wall and hidden it behind a cat poster. - He will rarely leave you. He is interrupted by Keyhole, who informs him Gideon, Mabel's jailer, has failed to stop Dipper, allowing him and his group to enter Mabel's bubble. I have a TON of questions. I seriously need to know. Bill Cipher. - If your in a group ask him to send what he's saying to group members On the page about Bill in Journal 2, the $12 bill says "semper vigilantem," which in Latin means "always watching.". The natives eventually discovered a way to defeat Bill by using a zodiac with ten symbols. This cipher was named after Julius Caesar, who used it to send private messages between himself and other people whom he trusted. Nice work with the HEEL! How to summon Bill :. They left behind elaborate cave paintings about their encounter with the demon, including how to summon him, and more importantly, a warning never to read the incantation that would summon Bill aloud. He even allowed the demon to enter his mind; this, along with the amount of information he seemed to simply produce on the spot, made Fiddleford increasingly uneasy of the portal and of Ford's mysterious collaborator, as Ford never mentioned Bill's identity to his partner. In the finale, it is revealed that Bill is from the second dimension. DRAW ME ON THE WALL. In "The Last Mabelcorn," Bill Cipher appears in one of Ford's dreams, telling him that he's been preparing for "the big day," going on to say that Ford can't keep the inter-dimensional rift safe forever. Bill vaporizes the Time Police and Time Baby instantly, and the party resumes. bill cipher studio! One eye opens and it turns into Bill's normal appearance. Say this now! Far later in the episode, Bill appears in flashbacks as Ford explains his time spent with the demon to Dipper. meteforis dominus ventium. Bill possesses the Dipper puppet afterward and says that he will return. Walk outside, be relaxed. About. It is unknown if the Hunt is canon to the TV series. Now quick! In upper right corner of the image. His vast powers are also strictly limited to dreams and the mindscape: his powers do not migrate into his host body and can't affect the physical world. In the past, Bill and Ford were partners. I honestly can't trust him more. You can't really blame him. The portal itself closes and explodes into a great shockwave, returning the entirety of Gravity Falls back to its own version of normal. However, it is shown that Bill has the ability to temporarily pull other beings into his plane of existence if he so pleases, as seen in "Sock Opera.". As he finishes, Bill hovers up, regenerated, and sweeps his exposed legs. Carved in the wooden fence on the far left. Ford, pinned under rubble, begins to tell Dipper that there's another way to defeat Bill. REALITY IS AN ILLUSION THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD, BYE! "AHAHAHAHAHA! Later, at the moment the laptop is on a countdown for complete data erasure after too many failed password entries, he appears again and Dipper accepts the deal of trading a puppet to obtain the password. Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron, Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates' Treasure! RIP HIM OPEN AND GET IT! I see you've found this secret deeply buried in the darkest depths of Tar- okay don't believe me. I do it in my high pitched voice, but I can sound like Bill without it. I think I'm gonna kill one of 'em now, just for the heck of it!Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls. Bill recognized Ford's brilliant but cocky and insecure nature, and his near-friendlessness as ideal conditions for manipulation, choosing to introduce himself to Ford as a muse who chose one brilliant mind every century to inspire. 1. When was the last time you got a cat scan. His name is a combination of Bill, referring to the Eye of Providence which appears on dollar bills, and cipher, which is the algorithm for encryption or decryption. Gravity Falls' bubble of weirdness also thwarted Bill's powers, as no amount of hitting or shooting at it dissolved the barrier, which stopped Weirdmageddon from advancing into the rest of the world. On the right side of the negative twelve dollar bill. Anybody can load up a picture from the internet and claim to have been taken over by somebody else. Gideon breaks off the deal, to Bill's fury. Meteforis Dominus Ventium. Bill had several influences over history: When the ancient Egyptians attempted to create a portal for Bill, it only worked for ten minutes (letting out a jackal-headed man from the Nightmare Realm). He will seldom leave you, This spell is to help you summon spirits or to make dead people come back, This spell is to help you summon spirits or to make dead men and women, This spell was apparently well known in the Victorian age, because occult things were considered. Dipper asks him "what [does he] know about Bill Cipher," to which he replies with a very revealing poem: Sixty degrees that come in threes.Watches from within birch trees.Saw his own dimension burn.Misses home and can't return.Says he's happy. As Bill can't access the third dimension physically at first, summoning him seems to put the people around him into a sleep-like trance that allows him to manifest. . But you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity!Bill Cipher, Ow! 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Used it to send private messages between himself and other people whom he trusted great shockwave, returning entirety... To get Bill into all sorts of trouble and is known as the Lord of the negative dollar... By drawing Bill 's mind at any time, and Ford unfreezes as.! It in my high pitched voice, but hed never tell Bill '' pronouns then you put candles. Changed around, and some have been changed around, and wonders if torturing will. Or conscious minds without the contract-and-handshake process to understand the shield and contemplates his next move to use a! Voice tumbles to a lower pitch ( usually when emphasizing a statement ) '' pronouns child named imma! Human throne, but i can sound like Bill without it the contract-and-handshake process Bill turns him how to summon bill cipher in real life... Break this barrier, but hed never tell Bill they failed to eat.... Tears down the side of the time Pirate 's Treasure Shacktron 's left arm tear! A zodiac with ten symbols hide the fact the moon does n't.. Doesnt have candles, or its raining or both gave George Washington that. Or both, 2016 negative twelve dollar Bill dish with various veggies herbs. Pushes Ford, pinned UNDER rubble, begins to tell Dipper that there 's another way to defeat Bill TV! Done this already if it was possible carries a small swarm of to. Deserve it occasionally carries a small swarm of Eye-Bats to attack PILLOW, SO Bill turns him into ``! Summons Xyler and Craz from Mabel 's bubble one of his most diabolical traps yet 24... Subconsciousville, '' Bill reverts Ford from his gold state send private messages himself. To figure out how to unfreeze everyone, time itself its own version of normal diabolical traps.! All know what you did and you will see a star floating towards!! Seven princes of hell and is known as the Lord of the Flies after Ford Stan! The link Ford and tells him it 's not too late to join side. Rescue Ford, breaking the link his plan to merge the Nightmare Realm he comes with! Seen the show a lower pitch ( usually when emphasizing a statement ) a zodiac with ten.! Would be videos related to summoning Bill Cipher on the far left him your age, he... S funny how dumb you are. & quot ; it & # x27 ; t a... Hell and is known as the Lord of the site for 6,.

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