The first example gives no indication of personality, but the second one uses words like sunshine and lollipop to associate the character with lively, happy things. An early bird is someone who wakes up at the crack of dawn consistently. A cold smile can indicate a more sinister nature without you having to work very hard at making them seem that way. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog. For now, the eyes have it. It appears you entered an invalid email. Compare that to a description that varies how the information is provided: His hair was like a massive red bush surrounding two wide, green eyes. copper. Another way to distinguish the two is with the characters body language. Thanks, Jacqui. To some extent, it can be good to leave some parts of the characters appearance up to the readers imagination. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. I would knock it down a bit to 'hard to move, shes really dizzy, and she cant think quickly'. 'I'm making dinner tonight.'. Unlike all the others on the list, surprise is fleeting, and will typically be expressed in only a few seconds. A characters personality can have a large impact on how they are perceived, and therefore should alter the words you use to describe them. What is that! The man is fat. If you have established that a character is pretty relaxed in most situations, readers will instantly notice if they exhibit anxious body language even if you dont draw a lot of attention to it. These definitely inspire me when I get stuck. You need to be able to put the theory of expressions in practice, and observing real people is the best way to understand how to apply it. You shouldnt rely on the characters race or ethnic background alone to be the basis of your description. His expression was emptyjust like his head. How do you make superhuman strength "make sense" in a fantasy setting? Rather than being told how to feel, readers can pick up on the characters emotions on their own. Join Macmillan Dictionary on Twitter and Facebook for daily word facts, quizzes and language news. Whether its a waist thats impossibly thin or muscles like a bodybuilder on a teenager, people tend to push the boundaries of what the human body is even capable of. Lets consider an example: a character has just caught their partner cheating. An approach called "non-effort" might seem a bit nonsensical. 3 How to Describe a Character's Hair. Gazing in direction of perceived hazard. They are. Fear is another difficult emotion, because there are many different degrees and types of fear a character can feel. I need to go home and go to bed. Glad you like these. We usually use this to describe a part of someone's body, not the person as a whole. I have to rest (sleep) for hours but when I wake up Im still tired. Handsome. You can find even more stories on our Home page. Meaning of a quantum field given by an operator-valued distribution. Pingback: 10 Hits and Misses for 2018 | WordDreams Hi Jacqui, Thank you for liking my poem, I love writing poetryand playing around with words::my passion! Diverse descriptions are great, but it never hurts to make your main character a little more unique. Here are some examples: Remember that the choices you make when describing a characters expressions can also indicate personality traits, trustworthiness, and likeability. A side character who's a jock might wear sports attire. Im looking for some advice. Writing Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for the craft of professional writing, including fiction, non-fiction, technical, scholarly, and commercial writing. Good to point that out! Something to chew on. When writing about facial expressions, most writers are content to keep it simple. Really try to embody the character, and take note of the expression that comes naturally to you. Top 10 Commented-on Articles in 2018 | WordDreams 10 Hits and Misses for 2018 | WordDreams Psychic Spiritual Healer With Spiritual Rats, Do you focus on the eyes to see the character? All. An example being - If the female is a goddess of beauty and each person see's her in a manner that appeals to them. However, you should give them something to help them visualize the characters in the beginning. The man is tall. E.g. Youve given me so much great tips over the last couple of years, I wish I knew long time ago. Chewing on one's lip. Arun from over the pond. With that said, there are a few universal signs of the expression, such as: Another familiar telltale sign of sadness is crying. These are the ones came at a critical juncture of my [nonsensical?] Beginning writers will often use adjectives for specific emotions to describe faces: 'Her eyes were angry' or 'his mouth was mean'. Fabulous as always, Jacqui. The more complex and interesting the character, the more likely they are to stick in a readers mind for years after they finish reading the story. Being a spoonie can be hard. Justine R. Its like having lost several pints of blood. There is also a saying in English that goes: The early bird gets the worm. When she is angry or scared she can do pretty powerful things, but they leave her completely weak and worn-out. That crooked smile would win over many hearts in the blink of an eye, but not just yet.. You should alternate between those two, as well as general and more specific details, to make the description flow more naturally, and to make it more interesting to read. Ill try to give a brief example. To write about microexpressions, all you need to do is show little hints of one or more different features of the full expression, but make sure to note that it is only on the characters face for a brief moment in time. She is honored to be a part of the Mighty community! That is true. Isnt it amazing what us writers do with them. Imagine the setting, and read the dialogue out loud. Lifting one's chin. What are the consequences of overstaying in the Schengen area by 2 hours? For example, instead of Asian eyes, use almond-shaped or mono-lid. Not all Asian people have mono-lids, so simply using the word Asian to describe the characters eyes doesnt actually narrow down what they look like. lethargy. It could have been handed down from a relative, it could be a favorite shirt, or it could be meaningful in other ways. Best wishes. The Best Metaphors describing Eyes. When two or more emotions are fighting for dominance, and a character cannot decide how to feel, their expression can become confused. Gritting one's teeth. In fact, hell, I'm willing to go into the red. But more challenging to the creative impulse would be to catch in metaphor (or in similes"like") the experience, the accumulated wisdom, the understanding of human nature, etc. Thanks for your help. So what does this mean for you? Appearance. Im not lazy, or making my pain up, when I say something is too much its because Im already in more pain than you realize. Jenni J. Thank you, Jacqui, for your comments about the posts on my blog I am back home from the hospital but still not very well. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. However, the degree to which the emotion is expressed is going to depend on the character and the context. Rather than state the obvious wow, you look tired! Reblogged this on quirkywritingcorner and commented: (LogOut/ My goal with this website isn't to make you the greatest writer in the world. Adjectives for tired include tired, tireder, tiredest, tireless, tirelike, tireling, tiresome and tiring. The expression for surprise looks different, and although nervousness is often a precursor to fear, they are not the same. Of course, somebody can be sleepy tired as well as fatigued. So we asked our Mighty community to share a metaphor that explains what chronic fatigue feels like for them. Phrases like Eyes turned inwards, Looked him over, Blinks several times, Squinted into the crowd. quizzical adjective. You could describe one as looking like porcelain and describe the other one as pasty, depending on their other traits. Answer by Gayle Laakmann McDowell: Forget about the word offensive. Your protagonist probably isnt going to objectively evaluate the other persontheyre likely to rely on stereotypes, biases, and things they have heard from others about the character theyre looking at. Maybe you should go back to bed. Terms. Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? You are rightthose types of general phrasing is pretty much public domain. While its true that the wrinkled nose is a key characteristic of the expression, so much more goes into making it complete. You can go in-depth, sure, but dont put your readers through a word-avalanche just for them to figure out what the character looks like. Expand your medical vocabulary to explore other terms related to medical conditions or symptoms relevant to explaining what eyes look like. A smile can mean many things, and it can even foreshadow a characters hidden traits. These words can be categorized into words that describe a person's general appearance, eyes, ears, face, nose, arms, hair, height and build, etc. Writing what a character looks like isn't as simple as just summing up their appearance. Whether its biceps, legs, or a large chest, youll want to describe it in detail, as well as highlight what it is about them that has the protagonist so interested. Try to envision what they look like when they are waiting, actively engaged in a passionate conversation, and when they are uncomfortable. Sure, we know that, said Herrera, taking off his glasses to inspect the lenses. Gee, it gets hard sometimes. Other people staring at the character or nudging and whispering to each other about them would help your reader understand that the character is good-looking, and alter their mental image of them accordingly. You know, Im always scratching my head and pulling at my hair trying to think of others ways to say looked. However, it feels so much more authentic to a reader if they can figure out how a character is feeling based on the descriptions you give about their facial features. My old eyes cant see as much as your young ones and writing brain can Jacqui. I cannot think of a single word but probably aggressively intolerant/biggoted can work here.. She had no right to have such a disarming smile. Thanks for sharing! Adjective Having a pale or unhealthy skin tone wan pale ashen pallid pasty white bloodless colourless UK sickly anaemic UK bleached waxen grey UK sallow cadaverous chalky drawn faded ghastly jaundiced milky pasty-faced whey-faced ashy blanched deathly discoloured UK doughy drained ghostly livid lurid mealy paled peaked peaky sapped washed out Youre telling the story as they experience it, so their judgments are part of the narrative! A person's eyes can reveal a wide range of emotions. An altruistic firefighter risks his life to save another's life, while an altruistic mom gives up the last bite of pie so her kid will be happy. eyes felt scratchy and I was jittery with coffee and raw from sleeplessness. 2. Scared, frightened, afraid and terrified are probably the most common adjectives to describe feeling fear, but if you want to broaden your vocabulary, there are many other useful alternatives. If you want to show that a character is faking a smile, make sure their eyes dont match the rest of the expression. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Don't let repetition get in the way of beautifully describing someone's eyes. Pingback: 10 Hits and Misses for 2016 | WordDreams Pingback: 10 Hits and Misses for 2015 | WordDreams Pingback: 65 Ways to Describe Sight and Eyes in Your Writing Contin Illustrations. How to write a character who speaks with Russian mannerisms. How do I handle an unequal romantic pairing in a world with superpowers? Thank you, Joanna! / I was absolutely petrified. cinnamon. Exhausted without earning it. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Its my pet. I respond, making her wrinkle her nose. That would require a more thorough in-depth description of the item. Although I do want to help you write your next masterpiece, my real goal is to inspire you. Slim The dizzy part will mostly come before they pass out but it's still an after effect. 9. Its hard to think clearly and body and mind are moving in slow motion. also, a good reminder about copyright . I will massage your . If so, you can draw on that experience to see what would be realistic. And, Im sure the cute dog doesnt hurt its read-me value. Ill start out with a word of caution. Shoulders, feetthey can be ignored, but not whats communicated with eyes. This is perfect for when Im sitting there thinking, how should I say? which causes me to stop and think too long and uh-oh I wind up in the writers block zone! Good to point this out! rev2023.3.1.43266. Nice. I will look at this list when Im writing my eyes would read. Good-looking. Its being too tired to breathe, and worrying youre going to die in your sleep because your body is actually too tired to breathe. Jill A. Lips are stretched horizontally with the lower lip pushed up and the lip corners turned down. Thats me on a good day. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), 65 Ways to Describe Sight and Eyes in YourWriting, View Jacqui.Murray1s profile on Facebook, View JacquiMurrayWriters profile on Instagram, View AskaTechTeachers profile on Pinterest, Top 10 Posts, Most Commented, and Tips for 2022 |, Top 10 Posts and Most Commented for 2021 |. To Wear Someone Out Meaning: to exhaust; to make tired. Doing this only encourages your readers to stereotype your characters, even if that wasnt your intention. adjective: sluggish, groggy. They are likely to be surprised, angry, and sad all at the same time, but the dominant emotion will depend on the character. Like walking around all day at a hot, outdoor event and all you want to do is crash on your bed and sleep except that feeling never goes away. Bailey S. My fatigue is like waking up with only 10 percent battery on my phone and hoping it will somehow last till the end of the day. Aimie R. Its hard to describe chronic fatigue to someone who doesnt have it because its more than just being sleepy or worn out. However, Chinese love cats very much. I absolutely love this list. Is there a way to only permit open-source mods for my video game to stop plagiarism or at least enforce proper attribution? Yikes! Eyes meeting across a crowded room has been the start of many a wonderful romance.. Try . There are endless ways you can describe characters, and Im not going to walk you through how I would describe every single possible human feature (or humanoid, animal, alien, etc). Thank you. Thanks. If you establish a baseline for how the character stands and behaves when they are in a neutral mindset, this will help you keep them consistent over time by casually mentioning their body language throughout the story. Ive bookmarked it and will be using in the future , Pingback: 65 Ways to Describe Sight and Eyes in Your Writing | Smorgasbord Variety is the spice of life. I get plenty of sleep, but I wake up feeling sore and even more tired than I was when I went to sleep. Christina F. Its a tie between the chronic flu and a crazy workout that everything hurts and muscles you didnt know you had even hurt oh and dont do anything strenuous you might get hurt. Sarah Y. For another example, think about two characters who both have light skin. Someone who is bald has little or no hair on their head: He was bald by twenty-five. When you're introducing a character for the first time and want the reader to create an image in their mind, use figurative language to describe the character's face instead of just stating the obvious qualities. Look for her next prehistoric fiction,Savage Land,Winter 2024. 5 How to Describe a Character's Body. Get hand-picked resources and highlights from our Mighty community straight to your inbox. Ways to Describe Expressions Related to the Mouth she smiled he smirked she grinned he simpered she beamed her mouth curved into a smile the corners of his mouth turned up the corner of her mouth quirked up a corner of his mouth lifted his mouth twitched he gave a half-smile she gave a lopsided grin his mouth twisted Your rock star might wear a leather jacket. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. You could describe someone who goes running as athletic. But that doesnt even begin to discuss the brain fog that comes with it. Bay H. It makes you feel hungover all day every day. formal extremely thin and looking pale and ill. haggard adjective. Im perfectly happy paying for images rather than worrying theyre in the public domain. 10 Hits and Misses for 2016 | WordDreams 10 Hits and Misses for 2015 | WordDreams 65 Ways to Describe Sight and Eyes in Your Writing Contin Illustrations, Describe their eyes in detail. Petrified is a very strong word, and also has the corresponding word petrifying: Jumping out of the plane was petrifying. Magical are the eyes, small organs with great power. Overall, she should be up in 30 seconds, dizziness should clear up in 1-2 minutes, and once she takes a nap she should be all good. Her tennis-shoes were white and bulky, as was the belt bag she wore off to one side. Another way of saying 'becoming bald' is balding: He was about fifty and balding. 70 Collections to Infuse Your Writing | WordDreams 10 Hits and Misses for 2015WordDreams Jacqui Murray. Thanks for contributing an answer to Writing Stack Exchange! 19. Lots of ways to say, he saw, arent there? Thank you! And saw. Thanks so much. Life is striving, pushing to make things happen, trying to catch up, overcoming inertia, trying to stay on top of things. There is usually a dominant emotion that will define the majority of the expression, but elements of other expressions would creep in. If a character has an exaggerated feature, such as a large nose or bushy eyebrows, then thats important to mention too. Panic tends to be a sharp, concentrated form of anxiety. I see your eyes laughing! That word confuses a lot of people and causes silly debate over what qualifies as harm. Using shorter sentences (and varying their length) can make the piece more readable: Never had a brief span seem like an eternity. Copying a whole paragraph that a phrase is imbedded in is wrong, but using common phrases in your writing but putting it in your own context is not violating a copyright. 'Lay down. When someone gets angry, it usually triggers their body to produce adrenaline (the fight-or-flight hormone), which can come with a host of bodily side-effects that can give the anger away. It is associated with a sense of superiority and apathy. He was tall but very thin.. Ive got her as finding it hard to move, shes super dizzy, she can barely keep her eyes open and she cant think straight. Too many times, Ive seen unrealistic descriptions of characters bodies. People cant see the fatigue, so they dont understand. Have a lovely week . 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