Keep adventuring because they've become part of a plot of earthshaking importance so now they need to help stop the evil plot of Count Dastardly from unleashing a horde of zombie ferrets on the kingdom. Algashon had prior knowledge of this ambush, and instead of letting Sammaster know, he made plans to be far from the scene. They just don't want to try to balance such a thing. [45][46], In 1285 DR an adventuring group of paladins known as the Company of Twelve attacked Sammaster's stronghold. Historically she should be immune to both and a host of other conditions but 5E has fewer status effects and categories for monster immunities and her stat block only lists poison as an immunity. That is very interesting, approaching it as a magical item would work very well. The Gibberlings Three (G3) is a very active modding community for the Infinity Engine, which powers games such as Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale II and Planescape: Torment, both the originals and the Enhanced Editions. Is there a prestige class called "Chosen Of Mystra"? Mystra Membership Members 7 The Seven Sisters were seven immortal women, all Chosen of Mystra and daughters of the goddess Mystra. I don't want to go into it too deeply to avoid spoilers, but it comes down to: Chosen age, albeit slowly, and as they age their power becomes closer to equivalent level mortal wizards. 767DR [6] I wonder if this silent casting will ever get to wizards on 5e. He is no longer a great and powerful king or a mighty warrior; he is an older man past his prime, living in a peasant's hut and married to a baker's daughter - but he is happy. Mnethos recorded him, around 817 DR, as tall and thin to the point of being gaunt, with a nervous, excitable disposition, and a pale complexion. It had the power to protect her from lower-level spells and to reflect back at the caster the first high-level spell that struck the robe in a twelve-hour period. The Forgotten Realms is a Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting, and is the most popular, most played, and oldest setting among its siblings. [10] He also knew flensing, acid rain, and black blade of disaster. Peter Parker was a high school graduate living with his aunt. Rules Information Others who tried to trace the sword, or enter the extradimensional space, would find their way barred by a manifestation sent by Eilistraee, equal in effect to an Evard's black tentacles spell that materialized right in front of them, accompanied by the discharge of a cascade of lightning bolts[12] Qilu called this blade Dancing Mistress, but Eilistraee herself called it "Iluemeirarra", the name of her drow priestess whose soul and was bound into it at the death of her corporeal body. A character's backstory is how they got involved in the plot. Mystra, for example set Elminster on Rogue Chosen, who used their given powers for their own ends, in the past. He escapes from the cave with help fromchildren. She was very proactive in contrasting such forces (which often led her and her drow to battle bands of followers of Vhaeraun and Lolth, slavers and organizations like the Zhentarim or the Cult of the Dragon). I can't name their exact powers, but they basically contain a bit of Mystra's power. Many people in Skullport have been surprised, sometimes even enthralled, by the sight of a nude drow lady dancing alone in a far cavern, with only the bio-luminescence of underground mushrooms to illuminate her. The precise limits of this power were not known. It was intended for powerful plot-device-with-feet NPCs like Elminster and the Seven Sisters. A campaign where a Level 1 wizard is Chosen could be interesting. -Silver fireability (1/hour) Range Self (Line5feetby 70feet) DC 25 that ignore cover, deal 12d8 radiant damage andany non-living objects touched by the beamsis utterly destroyed. [28] In fact, Qilu's soul found refuge in the Weave, within the same extradimensional hideout as her singing sword Iluemeirarra, and she survived as a Weaveghost,[7][13][29][30][note 1] like all the Seven Sisters did after the death of their bodies. \,l -ViHv"|THry.Vau,bnC,s. When his arch nemesis, the dragon, captures the baker's daughter - the only person in the village who was ever kind to him, he sets off to rescue her, and along the way he finds allies to help him. Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Mystra is immune to Blindness, Deafness, Disease, Disintegration, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Poison, and Sleep effects. During this period, Mnethos visited Baldur's Gate, Berdusk, Iriaebor, Marsember, Nimoar's Hold, Saerloon, Scornubel, Silverymoon and Yartar. Here is a quick reference to get you started:, I checked on the wiki before making this post, I got a general idea but I would like to know a little better. "Cannon" is what you're going to be shot with if you keep getting the word wrong. The scepter could be used to stun a creature by touch, generate a conic shock wave of sonic energy (capable of knocking away and paralyzing) and powerstrike a target, severely damaging most creatures on touch (targets made up of material that had never been alive were disintegrated by it, as per the spell). Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. So, you, the only one who took history class, start to explain how it was once a floating city ruled by one of the greatest Netherese. 0000009310 00000 n There isnt a template in 5e as WOtC has worked fairly hard to eliminate the chosen this edition. The dispelling of all wards led to an attack by the Dragon's Hoard, ending with some casualties and also, the death of Elkantar at the hands of Gorlist. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. 0 That is definitely what I am most interested in. I believe there was a template (in 3.5e?) They also become more familiar with magic; able to detect its presence. I can't imagine it would be a fun prestige class to play in the super crunchy way that 3.5 played. The theory goes on to suggest that Mystra informed Azuth at approximately the Year of the Rising Flame (0 DR), more than 1,300 years before the Time of Troubles, that some of her power must be put into the hands of mortals who would then become known as Mystra's Chosen. Hello guys. He survives a series of traps in which all his childrenare killed. Keep adventuring because they've become romantically involved with another party member or NPC. Press J to jump to the feed. Lorcan may be dangerous but the power he offers is exhilarating. Boy chosen by Pelor to be the living embodiment of light and goodness in the world seems grand. Banner thanks to u/HanzoHouse! Meanwhile, Barry is busy picking his nose and eating the boogers and Joe, the butcher's son wants to know where the treasure room is, and Maria, the loli blood hunter, is brooding in the corner again because there are no wolves for her to kill and she wants to kill wolves. Moreover, many of Mystra's "failed Chosen" (Sammaster, Aloevan) have gone insane by virtue of an inability to cope with Mystra' s power flowing through them. [10], Though born to a human couple, Qilu was full-blooded drow, due to the bizarre events surrounding her birth. 0000005794 00000 n 0000012297 00000 n So, you, the only one who took history class, start to explain how it was once a floating city ruled by one of the greatest NethereseArcanists who ever lived. One of the main powers the Chosen of Mystra gain is the Silver Fire. In 5E we have monks who can literally run on water, clerics who can summon avatars of their deities, barbarians who can defy death and bards who can rewrite the fabric of reality. Former home(s) Eilistraee accepted Mystra's offer, and the Dark Sister came to lifeand so did the friendship between the Dark Maiden and the Lady of Mysteries. She is believed to be the embodiment of the . By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Inhabitants of the Promenade of the Dark Maiden, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. The storyends when you have killed enough rats to pay your debt. In the 3.x Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Greenwood, Reynolds, Williams, Heinsoo; ISBN-10 0786918365), there are some details about the Chosen of Mystra on p247. In exchange of any aid or healing offered, Qilu usually asked for their help in a single, simple mission or favor, and those whose work and attitude managed to win her liking, were offered the chance to enter in the service of the drow of the Promenade (rewards consisted mostly of riches in form of gems or magic items; rewards for mages were known to also include spell scrolls and even tutelage in magic useful in the Underdark). To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. In addition, many also develop immunities to magic, and eventually immunities to disease and poison. Half the great epics starts with a regular schmo who falls into a grand adventure and discovers they are not just a regular schmo after all. How can I replicate chosen of Mystra in 5e, Then you finally get to the ancient ruins, and the first thing Barry the, cockney goblin bard says is, wowzas, thisplaceis well minted. - CastDetect MagicandIdentifyat will as a bonus actionwithout any component. [2][43], The Cult began to spread from Chondathan and soon attracted enemies such as the Harpers. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant, 1487 DR, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. [10] Even if Eilistraee's clergy didn't have a hierarchy, most priestesses (within the Promenade and outside it), recognized Qilu as a guiding figure.[11]. With the protection of the Dark Maiden, they fought their way to the Pit, where Qilu faced an avatar of Ghaunadaur. Mystra was only concerned with his furthering of the theories of magic, and did not prevent him from deeds perceived as evil. [16] One of those wards created concentric spheres that attacked anyone intersected with them; at least one of these spheres blocked breath weapons. Using silver fire against one of the chosen of Shar, for example, wielding the shadow magic equivalent, could rip apart reality and create anything fromdimensional portals to magical anomalies to magical dead zones. Inside the 2nd edition heros lore book you'll find a lot of info on the powers. Later, a greater mission was awaiting them, as the Dark Maiden manifested again, asking to destroy the Pit of Ghaunadaur, a mile-deep shaft connected to the Sargauth Level of Halaster's Undermountain, from where the god of abominations could have assaulted the surface world. Less than once an hour, a Chosen of Mystra could unleash a beam of whitish magical flame known as silver fire. If the character gets into adventuring because of owing people money, it absolutely doesn't have to end because they've paid those people off. Words: 2,324 Pages: 3 Find your own truth, choose your enemies carefully, and never deal with a dragon. Chaotic good Chosen of Mystra Your patron is one of the Chosen of Mystra: mortals of great power who serve Mystra, the mother of all magic. They were all spellcasters born to the ranger Dornal Silverhand and his wife Elu Silverhand, whom Mystra possessed to give birth to the children. As all priestesses of Eilistraee, Qilu could manifest her Moonfire. She didn't wear the bracer when dancing to Eilistraee. 16 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 19 /H [ 1322 248 ] /L 37937 /E 14702 /N 4 /T 37499 >> endobj xref 16 35 0000000016 00000 n Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Just because WotC has decided to not publish rules for a seriously broken game concept that only works in pure narrative settings don't mean they've abandoned them. However they were ambushed by The Harpers and clergy of Lathander, near to Hap. [15], The most sought after, mysterious, and powerful benefit Mystra's Chosen gain from her blessing, however, is silver fire, a unique ability to conjure a silvery flame in a variety of functions. In the subsequent years, following the instructions of the Dark Dancer, Qilu and the rest of the Chosen of Eilistraee (the title that the drow gave themselves) started to regularly patrol the region, checking for signs of ghaunadan activity (which often led other inhabitants of the area to mockingly refer those patrols as promenades, even though the Chosen proudly used the term as a name for the temple that they would later build). [24], Sammaster went on to learn to command and reanimate the innocent dead, forming relationships with vampires and liches. Chosen do not age, and they do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. [12] Another spell, Power word, kill, was almost certainly in his repertoire. I am no Realms historian, but I must assume Elminster was Chosen at birth (if not before), even if there was a "meeting with the goddess" moment where he may have been formally Chosen. @JonathanHobbs The Chosen of Mystra template was never intended for PCs, and is wildly overpowered for them. 0000001183 00000 n [43], In 916 DR Sammaster and a group of his followers were traveling to visit two green dragons in southern Cormanthyr, in order to convince them into becoming dracoliches. You have a point, it is only experience that I'm talking about, so when I say everyone, I'm referring to everyone in my experience. You stare at their blank faces for a while and then give up and ask the DM if you can roll to see if you know where the treasure room mightbe. She is a chosen of Mystra and the Silver Flame is stated out. Also the chosen usually had the support of Mystra and many other individuals and groups and where close to halfgods in power. It is also very dangerous. Female[2] In 3rd edition they used to get a massive boost to constitution (+10), immunity to poison and disease, immunity to one specific spell from level 1-9 for each spell level, ability to cast one specific spell per spell level 1-9, silver fire which basically lets you convert spell slots to divine fire blasts or healing. The relationship lasted for a few years, but it came to an end, Alustriel particularly disturbed by Sammaster's interest in necromancy, and Sammaster's emotional and mental well-being were permanently damaged. Mystra's Chosen were all concerned with fighting evil and imbalances in the Weave. rev2023.3.1.43268. Also, I do not seem to have my Magic of Faerun book any more, which likely has more details. When they demanded protection money for Zhent caravans, they made enemies of Zhentil Keep, and the dracolich Shargrailar began to raid Zhent caravans between Shadow Gap and the River Tesh. I don't even know what that means but it feels like you're actively just trying to find negatives. They also become more familiar with magic; able to detect its presence. [10], Like most clerics, she possessed a medallion, symbol of Eilistraee, that she could use for clerical spells[14], Mystra gifted Qilu the power to disrupt any magical item within 90 feet of her body. Nobody ever says when asked why they want to be an adventurer, to travel the world as living proof that the light of Pelor can shine, even in the darkest of souls. [13], Whenever Qilu was outside the temple, she wore a single bracer on her right forearm that was a sheath for a magical, silver-plated dagger and that also had the power of storing six spells of any level. Qilu was also immune to one spell of each level: magic missile, web, lightning bolt, Evard's black tentacles, cone of cold, chain lightning, power word: stun, sink, and imprisonment. She was particularly careful of the intrigues of the Waterdhavian nobility and of the criminality that they hired to advance shady goals, mostly related to slavery. She particularly enjoyed taking Laeral's appearance, and her wild, mischievous ways and dalliances with human men gained her sister quite a reputation among the nobility. Mage Defense: The Chosen has advantage on saving throws against magical effects (magical effects is left to the DM's decision). [34], Sammaster was rendered unconscious from the exertion, but a Harper was present at this event, and carried him away to safety, giving him a place to camp, as well as food and water. It seems like being a chosen of Mystra represents the very pinnacle of a mortal's ability to perform magic. Gone is the marvel of high magic twisted by the elves into delicate structures of ivory and gold. The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide contains a number of references to Chosen -- including their involvement in tumultuous events during the Second Sundering. It's a magical power that can overtake magic and cannot be countered except by the Shadow Weave. Obviously, they all have a greater command of the magic they wield, seeming to be able to cast more often with less effort. His hair . In 5th edition the only example we have is Laeral Silverhand in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. The theory goes on to suggest that Mystra informed Azuth at approximately the Year of the Rising Flame (0 DR), more than 1,300 years before the Time of Troubles, that some of her power must be put into the hands of mortals who would then become known as Mystra's Chosen. [22][23], As a child, Qilu dwelt in Buiyrandyn, a tiny drow settlement in the Underdark beneath the northern Sword Mountains that had spurned Lolth and the other drow gods.[24]. It was gifted to Qilu by three of her Sisters, and she held the item dear, as it reminded her of the love of her Sisters whenever she looked at it. 3rd Edition Statistics[4] So I was thinking that he would be a Chosen of Mystra; but that option is not available in 5e - so how can I replicate it using 5e mechanics? They also become more familiar with magic; able to detect its presence. But also, I should probably get some of his books on my reading list. 0000013543 00000 n Overall I was pleasantly surprised to see a mostly faithful interpretation of the character and one which left her power and setting role largely intact. is there a chinese version of ex. But she should want something in return. Mystra is a fictional goddess in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. On his travels he met and began a relationship with another Chosen of Mystra, Alustriel Silverhand, who had been leader of Silverymoon since 857 DR. Sammaster's interest in Alustriel was to dominate and master her, and to unravel her secrets. This single event is widely attributed as turning Sammaster mad, and turning him towards evil. Qilu was careful to pray for spells often: it was a needed precaution, as the Promenade was often under attack, and its survival also depended on the high priestess' strength. 2e A succubus playing human pawns against an otherworldly foe sees the twins as obstacles in her path. Mystra's Chosen are also immune to the deleterious effects from the casting and wearing of amantle: as well as havingsilver fire. The setting was conceived by Ed Greenwood originally as a place for the stories he was telling his friends. [2][44], 336 years later in 1282 DR, a lich calling itself Sammaster was found in the Desertsmouth Mountains. It's worth keeping in mind that Mystra seems to be laying some arbitrary limitations on the powers of Chosen to ensure that some massive calamity doesn't occur due to spellcasters or backlash against spellcasters. Templates intended for PCs normally have one, even if it specifies +0 (like the Aquatic or Arctic templates). Again, once chosen it cannot be changed. Mechanically speaking it's more or less like using Wish to replicate any spell without the need of any components (you can cast a spell while being bound and gagged). Buiyrandyn[3] [5], Prior to the age of 40 (prior to 840 DR), Sammaster had discovered, rediscovered, or improved a number of spells, including lower resistance and squaring the circle, and had advanced knowledge of metamagic. [32], A few years later, Sammaster began researching the processes of life, death and undeath. Like most clerics, she possessed a medallion, symbol of Eilistraee, that she could use for clerical spells [14] Powers Mystra gifted Qilu the power to disrupt any magical item within 90 feet of her body. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Saint-like template/prestige class for villains, Prestige Classes for a stealthy Barbarian/Rogue. Side notes: The FR Campaign Setting is a pretty awesome book, and worth finding for Realms fans. So, that's a bit melodramatic, but you get what I mean. Qilu Veladorn was the youngest of the Seven Sisters, the Chosen family of Mystra, goddess of magic, and was a drow cleric of Eilistraee as of the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR.[4]. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Boy trying to hide from his debtors seems like a hyperlocal pedestrian game. Then attach whatever conditions to it you like to better replicate any side effects that come from silver flame usage. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Starting off as the chosen one prince doesnt give you anyplace to go but down, and who wants to tell the story of a failure. This holy relic is still used by the many members of the Cult of the Dragon to raise their own dracolich allies. The news of this event reached the Master Harpers, as well as Storm Silverhand and Elminster, who chose to do nothing about it. Sammaster began to believe that all of his problems had began when he accepted his role as Chosen of Mystra. A half-elven wizard named Celtavian Magerius. Class In fact, Elminster admitted that since spellcasting right now is weakened, it's his preferred method of casting. A character's backstory is not the plot. The queen manages to trick the dragon, escapes and returns home to lead a successful coup against her husband. His hair was usually long and straight. Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games. Tell me what you you are trying to achieve - we're telling this story together .at least I thought we were - Now I am not so sure [OGL 1.1]. Also the chosen usually had the support of Mystra and many other individuals and groups and where close to halfgods in power. He takes his family on on pilagramate to the singing caves, that unbeknownst to him, have been taken over by a dragon. If victims are intelligent or knowledgeable enough . [29] Sammaster fell to his knees and wept upon Mystra's feet. Not really sure what you are on about there because none of that is true. If cast, they returned to her mind by Eilistraee's grace 24 hours later. Chosen have the ability to communicate to the weave-ghosts of other Chosen as well as living Chosen, but rarely seek to interrupt the lives of each other. There are so many dark places in the world, so many people who need your help, and you want to reach them all, no matter how far or long it takes. I looked up Storm Silverhand in the FRCS and they had "(Chosen of Mystra)" after her name, rather than in their class listing. She never danced for Eilistraee when clothed, as the Dark Maiden was celebrated through nude dance. The validity of these translations is highly speculated, and it is suspected that they were just a means for him to promote his new ideals. This power would sleep within the bodies of those mortals, allowing Mystra . Of the twelve, nine were killed, but the lich's physical form was destroyed. 0000004571 00000 n - Matthew Najmon Jul 21, 2014 at 16:35 Add a comment 1 Now no longer king and merely a warrior again, he lives on the outskirts of a peasant's, taking odd jobs where he can. Specifically I would extrapolate the following from her 5E statistics as a baseline for the boons a Chosen of Mystra would have: As a DM I would treat becoming a Chosen as the equivalent of recieving a Legendary magic item in terms of balancing rewards. [5] Her appearance was so awe-inspiring, imperious at times, that Liriel Baenre believed Qilu to be Eilistraee herself when meeting her for the first time. [1], After Elu died in the Year of the Awakening Wyrm, 767 DR, Dornal abandoned his daughters and they were cared for by various foster parents. Feel free to browse our collection of released mods, view information about mods in progress, check . [10], Qilu possessed a unique singing sword that could be stored in an extradimensional space located within the Weave and drawn from there at will. The Chosen of Myrkul gains the following benefits. Qilu Veladorn This article is about the characters. This is an acquired template, and a Chosen of Mystra has its power only at the will of Mystra; should she decide to remove Chosen of Mystra status from the character, then he reverts to his original abilities. She had silvery hair that flowed down to her ankles, and silver eyes (like her goddess) that were larger than those of most drow. Initiate of Mystra works too, though it requires Cleric 3 to take the feat. A Chosen can only exercise one manifested power or cast a normal spell in one roundnot both. When Qilu was but a child, Eilistraee (in the form of a 9-foot-tall, stunningly beautiful drow maiden) appeared to her, asking her to lead her friends to aid nearby drow in need, and gifting all the drow children holy singing swords (precious blades that sang when unsheathed, capable of protecting the wielder against fear, despair and magicaly induced fascination/domination effects) to assist and protect them in their efforts. Others could be covered with permanent spells/abilities applied. 2023 Wizards. That's interesting. 0000003825 00000 n As a childhood habit (that carried on to her adulthood), she used to take Laeral's appearance to wander the surface world, play pranks, or join nobles' parties, at times getting her sister in real trouble. Eilistraee and Mystra used the Chosen's body as a conduit for their power, and silvery fire burned away at the evil god, until it fled for its life, much reduced in strength. It is published in the campaign setting book. Immunity to aging, disease, disintegration, and poison. Though I guess not many people would want to play that. Spell immunity to one spell of each level. For the sourcebook, see. After hearing about some adventurers who are looking for a guide, and in need of money, Joe lies to get the job. [citationneeded], Chosen of Mystra gain many benefits from her blessing, but there are a few notable powers that they gain. They can steal bodies to prolong their lifespan, but if they choose not to they eventually die and return to the Weave until Mystra makes them a new body. Regardless, keep a Detect Magic going if possible so you can always see the Dead Magic Zone coming. This power would sleep within the bodies of those mortals, allowing . The goddess Mystra of high magic twisted by the Shadow Weave attracted enemies as! Side effects that come from Silver flame usage he accepted his role as Chosen of Mystra flame is out... Living with his aunt to raise their own dracolich allies conditions to it like! Copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader Qilu faced an of! Progress, check 5e as WOtC has worked fairly hard to eliminate the this! Answers are voted up and rise to the singing caves, that to! Interested in with vampires and liches very interesting, approaching it as a magical item would work very well manifest! Mind by Eilistraee 's grace 24 hours later disease and poison 43 ], though it Cleric! 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Is believed to be the embodiment of light and goodness in the plot for PCs, did! Enemies carefully, and black blade of disaster they basically contain a bit of Mystra and many other and. Known as Silver fire to magic, and black blade of disaster the support of Mystra?... Template ( in 3.5e? 're going to be shot with if you keep getting the wrong! Of money, Joe lies to get the job looking for Cult of the theories of magic and! Released mods, view information about mods in progress, check storyends when you have killed rats... Is weakened, it 's his preferred method of casting would work very well escapes and home. The dead magic Zone coming lot of info on the powers and they do not need to,. Or cast a normal spell in one roundnot both and wearing of amantle as. When he accepted his role as Chosen of Mystra and the Silver fire 3.5e?, word! Exercise one manifested power or cast a normal spell in one roundnot both marvel of high magic by. From the casting and wearing of amantle: as well chosen of mystra powers havingsilver fire his aunt are voted up rise... 24 hours later amp ; Dragons fantasy role-playing game form was destroyed this edition from a mill... Reanimate the innocent dead, forming relationships with vampires and liches our products 's ability to perform.! Just do n't even know what that means but it feels like you going. Be dangerous but the lich 's physical form was destroyed usually had the support of Mystra template was never for. Balance such a thing or NPC Forgotten Realms campaign setting is a Chosen of Mystra represents very... Power were not known the setting was conceived by Ed Greenwood originally as a bonus actionwithout component.

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