I believe we also tied him around the waist. uniform. So on the hour we would get a call. Craig Tailor is on the left and on the right is Carl Rice who came on board about the same time as the new Chief. The were riding shotgun on truck convoys to and from Danang to Quang Tri Province. There are other memories of my time working at the clinic. Coate would send dog food care packages to Judy. After the farmer passed out and the legs were cut off the nurse was able to stop holding the farmer down and assist the Doc by handing him the clamps and other tools as he needed them. There are over 500 chapters that provide fellowship, volunteer opportunities and community service. On Monday morning Bet returned the snorkeling gear to Special Service and noticed that they had two sets of double 70 scuba tanks with Mark-2 regulators. A very nice book. Camp Tien Sha Vietnam 1968 from Monkey Mountain. Clayton Beerworth and I were working on major repairs there by 0600 and the Mess hall was in operation more or less by that evening although it took a couple more days to get it up to 100% . Bruce Moore says he first returned from a 13-month stint in the Vietnam War to a "poor response." "We were at Norton Air Force Base. When we arrived at Red Beach the Seabee team shop was a mad house. I was finished with my concrete forms before noon on Wednesday . The villagers brought each one of us Seabees a Tiger Beer before we left for Camp Books. Around back there was a Jeep with a utility trailer on behind. It sure seemed longer then a month, to me it was more like a few months! "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. Issues related to race and race relations helped to define the African American experience in the United States, and these same issues defined the experiences of black soldiers in Vietnam.Race relations in combat were typified by cooperation, shared sacrifice, and a sense of brotherhood. In the future I The Doc told me to help tie the farmer down to the desk. I was going to start building my own hooch so I would have a place to sleep ! MOS. Despite these positive interactions with whites, African Americans did not view the armed forces as an institution free of racial prejudice. I was shocked when he told me she was only 15 years old! pilot said that was to avoid being shot at by the VC. Anyone who tried to open that door without giving our pass word would have been shot. In November 1965, Marines moved into Camp Tien-Sha, an old French Army camp situated on the Tien-Sha Peninsula and illustrated near the top . We also had a couple of American Philco Ford teachers. The doctor and nurse came out of the clinic. I was not prepared and he totally over powered me! When we got there the doc wanted to show us around. Then he could pick my guys up and pick up materials to build my hooch. At NSA Camp Tien Sha, an enlisted men's club was constructed. What was done was done! In 1960s and 1970s history, China Beach in Da Nang is where thousands of American soldiers spent a few brief days of their leave in what must have seemed like paradise in the midst of the Vietnam War. When I look back it sure seems stupid but at the time what else could I do? T are sections in the book about Camp Tien Sha, Cua Viet, Dong Ha, Tan My, Hue, Phu Bai, Chu Lai, and Sa Huynh. Sleeping in that bunker was not good.It had 2 opening which allowed the mosquitoes to get in and eat the shit out of me. A love affair. But that only happened once as from then on I was ready. Long , long ago, far, far away on the other side of the Unfortunately when we got there it was closed for one hour for lunch and Coate did not have the time to hang around. Well I never did hear from Barbee. Camp Tien Sha Vietnam 1968 from Monkey Mountain. Every month she would send a large box of candy, cookies and other goodies. Dearest Rita, I just finished a quick letter to my folks first one since I've been here. Some of the rocket attacks were on Camp Books (FLC) . Quite the contrary, African Americans frequently complained that they were disproportionately assigned menial duties, not promoted to the level they deserved, unfairly targeted for punishment, disproportionately drafted, assigned to combat units, and killed in Vietnam. The Doc first put surgical tourniquets on and took the belts off. There was only one hospital bed and a couple cots in the building at that time. The former Marine HQ (III MAF) which was located not too far away is now used by the Vietnamese army (it was built by the French) and is a no . We are the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1122, based in Collin County, Texas. I'm sorry my last letter to you was so abruptly ended, but I figured I'd best get it sent, otherwise you'd still be waiting. It became the headquarters for all U.S. He's shooting from a long way out and hasn't hit anyone yet. Here is the battalion report for May 1968. The engine suddenly stop and flames shot out the top of both side back door openings. Me, age 23, sitting on my bunk drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. I felt sorry for the other guys in the truck with me . During our night watch I would lock the office door ,lay my M-16, (locked and loaded) on the desk pointing at the door. It was the Spring 1967 and I had a choice to make, get drafted into the Army and go to Viet Nam or join the Navy Reserve. 2023 iStockphoto LP. So what did I do for work uniforms ? So off to Camp Tien Sha to get my gear and check out. Historian, US Navy Seabee Museum. Because I had to fend for myself I did help the newbies who moved into my hooch. ---- I spent the rest of the day until after dark alone in the shop building a foot locker. Vietnam veterans, age 60+, American. Probable a pissed of old farmer getting off a couple round while drinking his morning coffee. Later I built a wash building and cook shack just about where these cots and the officers are standing. Wittig, a seaman aboard the USS Pocono LCC 16 who . When I found out about that I went with Bet to talk to that officer. Yes that's puppy and our new steel worker (Calhoun). The Seabee team had 8 junior men in one hootch and 4 senior men in the second hootch. The official report was small arms fire on the perimeter. Let me tell you that wasn't fun at all. I was 19 years old when I got my orders to go to Vietnam. She smelled horrible! My barracks was an old French barracks at Camp Tien Sha near Da Nang. On the far end of the bridge right The fire was caused by a Air or artillery white phosphorus flare ( WP). U.S. (The Doc had a black medical bag that was exactly like the one Doc Holiday on Gunsmoke carried around. We went downtown in Long Beach, and we got harassed a lot. Over time that changed, I didn't want to know any newbies! [2] The camp was quickly expanded to include 25 new barracks able to accommodate an additional 1700 men, together with a barber shop, post exchange and milk plant. It was where the French first landed in the 19th Century in their quest to control the area and where . This was a real live human! Well I answered once about the FNGs. The weekend after the amputation I went to build a small operating room and install a examination light. a lot in Vietnam. Only 364 more days to go! If you served in Camp Tien Sha, Headquarters, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. We took good care of Judy and she ate very well, We would get stake and chicken from the mess hall and She also loved to drink beer. We assumed everyone around us had the same idealistic desire to strive to do our best all the time. Color home movie footage filmed by a serviceman at Camp Tien Sha and Da Nang during 1969, including footage of Freedom Hill, Dogpatch, the April 27th Da Nang ammo dump explosion & aftermath, and more. One night I was called out for some lights on the west perimeter. The new wood frame building that I did was behind the camera. 1968 - Harold Goldman's Cobra Gunship Hue 1970, submitted by Roger Carver Hue 1970, submitted by Roger Carver . Our generators were not even running yet so I heard the rocket coming in. The authorized stockage list for Vietnam was reduced from a high of 297,000 different items in July 1967 to 74,900 items in March 1971, without any loss of the high quality of support provided to the combat forces. So back around to the front of the hut and to work on the awning . Remember the talk we got about staying away from the prostitutes that I got my first day in Vietnam? My address is: Phillip K. Sampley. They were trying to fly that chopper to the safety of Camp Books. 40 reviews. A refugee family was living in a lean too in Dog Patch south . One of our guy went with Babyson to the local market and bought blankets, cooking supplies, sleeping mats and food. I was one of the unlucky ones who ended up shoveling a lot of shit! I slammed on the brakes and dove out the truck door head first catching my foot under the clutch peddle on the way out. This is our new Chief Builder. This is Judy and her puppy ( named Puppy) Judy was Coate s dog and was named after his girl friend. There was about a weeks over lap so the knew Chief could learn his job! That is the only time I had to get clothing issue. The 53rd had five (5) CO's from 1942 through 1946. . ( the rules for Camp Books were that to be off base you had to have a weapon). They were waiting for electricity and to get more beds from Catholic Charity . Style attributes. If there was any heavy weather and to many buffer pads were jumping out I would have to go back to the hooch and roust out a work crew. It was kind of a taste of what we would get when the monsoons came in September. The field had been filled with red dirt and rocks and had been compacted with heavy equipment. I got a letter from Annette Burrell ( Johns younger sister) sometime in May. The nurse in the center of the picture is the one who helped amputate the farmers legs. I never really realized the high level of tension we lived under until I left Vietnam ! 6 years ago. There was always something interesting to watch at Camp Books. It even included a week in Coronado, a week at Pendleton (weapons training), ands a week at Whidby Island (E&E, and SERE. I had just been recruited to help the Doc and nurse amputate this poor farmers legs. Camp Tien Sha, Vietnam. I asked about the little girl and the doc said she had died Thursday night. During the day of May 21 or May 22 Bettencourt took our flat bed truck to covered storage in Danang to pick up supplies while he was there a bunch of Navy trucks were lined up to load beds and lockers to furnish some barracks at Camp Tien Sha . there was a war going on. This is the near miss at our Post office. 30 on it. Do you have CAMP TIENSHA, DANANG,VIETNAM Reunion information you'd like to share. Closer and closer, the engine starting to whine! I even passed an enlisted sailor with a can of white paint and he was He was laying on his back and we had tied his arms (wrists) to the legs on one end of the desk and then had tide his upper thighs to the other legs of the desk. As such a small group we couldn't do the standard Navy 4 hour watch. Some part of it was always listening to what was going on . world in a land that nobody cared about , I was sitting in a Continental You will use the chain of command ,don't come to me. Those care packages and her letters help keep me going when ever times got really tough! I suppose we had a good conversation but don't have a clue of what. Lance Corporal James D Feucht (cause of death,misadventure). I am sure this little girl will be my last thought when I punch out from this world. 1968: US Naval Support Activity DaNang: Publisher: U.S . and to listen to music. What has stuck in my mind all these years is how much that bullet hole in the blond guys head looked like the bullet hole in the back of the head of a very large possum that I had shot in the back of the head when I was about 16 years old. While my guys were working I was talking to the Gunny in the hut. Every tree trunk was painted white, every rock was neatly lined up along the Shortly after 1000 hr the team expediter showed up and I was introduced to him . Then there were the incoming Rockets, we had three big generators and fuel tank and we were a bulls eye. The sound was very loud so at first we thought it was close but couldn't see it. There were at least 500 RVN Sailors, 6 American Sailors, and two Koreans who worked for Philco Ford. We started pouring concrete Wednesday June 5, 1968. An unrecorded whiteprint map of Da Nang, Vietnam with manuscript notations referencing attacks on American bases before and during the Tet Offensive. Re: Vietnam Nam vet wants to see war sites. [1] In November 1965 500 men moved into the old French Army camp, Camp Tien Sha at the foot of Monkey Mountain. We found the family and with the help of other refugees were proceeded to tear down their shelter and build them a house. Les nouveaux clients peuvent tlcharger cette image en profitant de notre offre dessai gratuit sans engagement. The next weekend I asked about the farmer ? that's one of our generators upper left. Ya, we continued our work and started building my hooch. Well it scared the crap out of me and probably took a few months off my life ! Memoir of my time served with the Navy at Camp Tien Sha, Da Nang, during the Vietnam war. Beddoe. Chief then showed me the mess hall and walked me down to the Seabee hooch's. It was She would pull out handfuls of her hair and pound herself with clenched fists! The year 1968 was the year of the Tet Offensive including Khe Sanh and Hue City. March 29, 1969. The Marines in that ambush had fired on me to scare me because they thought I was the duty officer making the rounds. This 800-page book provides a meticulous catalogue of American facilities during the Vietnam War -- bases large and small, BOQs, BEQs and memorials -- which were named for individuals who had fallen in battle in this war of our youth. Bruce Moore 06-Apr-2016 07:04: I was stationed at Camp Tien Sha from June 1968-July 1969.,I was a BU3 attached to the US Naval Support Activities Danang.I lived in barracks #35 which was on the backside of Camp Tien Sha.I was in barracks #35 when the Rocket and mortar attack began.we had a material storage yard directly behind the barracks that was hit with incoming rounds.I also, as a . Finally I interrupted and said I would sleep in the Korean bunker on the broken cot that was in there, end of argument ! Just keep on working in the rain. There were many places within NSA/NSF DaNang where personnel were assigned. T is a history of NSA in Vietnam, which by 1969 was the Navy's largest overseas command with the largest public works department in the world. The MPs left in a hurry. Naval Communication Facility. Well, the Camp Tein Sha barracks got me for Friday, and Saturday. I was driving on the perimeter road with the dry storage ASM wall on my right. Trouvez d'autres images libres de droits dans la collection d'iStock, qui contient des photos de Vietnam facilement tlchargeables. My day was done!! said hours 1700 to 2100. I am very grateful to Annette for the support she gave me while I was in Vietnam. While I was building the door the Doc and nurse moved in medical supplies to the shelf unit. Most of them would be dead by now as most of the men were in their mid forties then . Vietnam went on and I was done at the Clinic and never heard about it anymore until I went back to Vietnam in 1996 and tried to visit and the guard at the gate chased me away but I did find out that after the war in became a mental hospital for young people. line. The kids head had been stitched up and looked just like a soccer ball. I would like to help you with your content on your website. Donald F. Hovanec was born on December 10, 1949. loading the LSTs and loading onto trucks. Just kind of shut it off excepting that I had very little control over my situation and excepting that if shit happened ,shit happened !! Nice history lesson for me. They were pissed off at him because they were sent out there that night when they had already done a day patrol, and they wanted to scare the crap out of him. Coate was not there to know about Puppy. It took six and one half days to finish that hooch (later with a full crew it would usually take us four days to build a hooch). It is long gone. The bundle was given to the mother who would take the bundle out side and set it down in the dirt by the street. Some time before the end of the month we got three more guys in . Electrician CN (E-3) Pat Brown, Builder CN (E-3) Craig Taylor, Builder 3Rd Class Calabresi. Well Beerworth didn't show up until 1845 and he dragged me off to the mess hall that would close a 1900 hr. We could sleep but we had to report in every hour on the radio to our parent command at PWC China Beach. Detachment Hue - 1965 - 1970. When the Doc was finished he told me I could remove the stick. One of them used to take me to the MACV Club located by the USS Repose. There wasn't much blood ,just a small whelp where the bullet went in. So as May 1968 ended I had been in Vietnam for 1 month! I suppose that I needed that time alone to recover from the amputation! They were simply ghettos with poor sanitation , communal water supply, no roads or electricity. In these years, U.S. Army Vietnam alone retrograded over 671,000 short tons of supplies. building. I read of your arrival in China Beach with a bit of a chuckle remembering how green we all were at that time. Some of the materials for rebuilding came from my civic action salvage yard. This article incorporatespublic domain material from websites or documents of the Naval History and Heritage Command. 03/11/66 - Harvey L. Engel, QM1, Lincoln, NE. . I have never found any but I still have hope. Well we The number of rockets are probably plus or minus a couple rockets. I was then sent to Camp Carter while we were opening up an old ROK base that was being used by Philco Ford to teach Vietnamese Sailors how to maintain diesel motors that were used in the river boats. You FNGs get off the plane and fall in over there. He had a little Vietnamese kid with him about 8 years old. Back at the hootch the Seabees got in a major debate about where to put me. It was not exactly what you would call a state of the art mental hospital ! Drive out the back gate and about 2 miles to the Navy Seabee base. The after noon of May 14, I had a work order to make escape doors out of the back of FLC (Force Logistics Command) administration building. I got my NAUI Scuba diving cerification in July 1966. Da Nang East. I have 'issues' from that crap hole as well.I don't want to put my email address in here publicly so how can I get in touch with you?Ernie Hodge, is this the Ernie hodge that was with the fuel crew in 1966-1967. my name is larry Kirby and my twin brother is gary Kirby if this is the same Earnie Hoge please email me at lwk472000@yahoo.vom. These truck convoys would run from Danang to Quang Tri Marine base every few days and would spend nights or off time either at Quang Tri or Phu Bi or Danang. Camp Tien Sha. In my first week at Camp Books after we were finished building the office, shop we installed a short wave radio which was used for communication with the Navy. I was new in country and still in John Wayne mode. Some times she would get so drunk that she couldn't walk anymore, was really funny watch her four legs going in different directions! Later after they landed it became obvious that they were throwing out the ammo boxes so they wouldn't explode when they landed. I was able to remain calm and under control and do what ever he told me but inside I was on the edge of losing it! As tired as I was I never got much sleep. Battalion was deployed to Danang, Vietnam from January, 1968 through September, 1968 and again from March, 1969 through November, 1969. . Everyone was busy as hell and I didn't have any idea as to what was going on. As soon as they caught on they would take on that task and I would move on to the next. My body was always waiting to react. The shop doors were always open and a light on in the shop. I needed to know which of the sound meant danger! Any damage at FLC was my teams responsibility to asses , clean up and repair or replace so I had direct involvement in all rocket and mortar attacks at FLC. Then he pulled all that up to expose the bone where he wanted to cut the bone.The nurse held all the skin and muscle up while the Doc cut off the bones. They had to be manned 24 hours a day. My AR 15 slept on my left side right next to my body so I could always feel where it was. Camp Tien Sha Vietnam 1968. Coate gave me two sets of shorts and short sleeve shirts. The wounded are only those who were medivaced to a hospital. He asked the officer in charge about them and was told that they didn't have any use for them because they didn't have any Marines who were certified divers. The Brief. 11/03/70 - John D. Shewmake Sr., SFC, Adona, AR. What we finally did was a one man 12 hour watch. He got the point and let me through the gate, no more questions asked. Some time that day the Catholic Priest who was in charge of the clinic and also the Da Nang orphanage showed up . I wanted to go back and see that little girl before she died but all that next week I was to busy to get off early ( or maybe I was just to scared and heart broken). K-9 Security Unit-1 (Navy Sentry Dog Unit) Det Cua Viet 1st Naval LARC Division. I dropped the log book on the microphone button and yelled AWC#5 -INCOMING ROCKETS! On the back of the truck was his dog Judy and inside on the dashboard was an M-16 rifle. I do web work now and I want to help you fix your articles so people can read them easier.I'm not asking to get paid I just want to do something for you. Detachment Chu Lai - 1964 - 1971. November 3, 1968 camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968 left December 22, 1969 worked at the Deep Water Piers, working,! I think he may have had scrambled brains to go with his stitched up head . Also we took care of damage at Camp Reasoner and the small CAP out posts. In another incident, a black guard was shot to death when a black sailor went on a wild shooting spree at Camp Tien Sha near Danang. I do remember very clearly the event that happened that totally burned me out on working there. The memory of that little girl is as strong now as then and I can not think about her without getting choked up and teary eyed ! went by (so slowly! YFUs and LCUs such as the 62 were assigned to Lighterage Div of the Naval Support Activity, DaNang, and were based at Camp Tien Sha Annex. I slowly walked around the trailer checking them out. The hardest things for them to figure out was the batter boards, how to measure and cut rafters and how to measure and cut gable end studs. Very close now and it was clear that they weren't going to make it over the hurricane fence at the perimeter. Then I could triangulate my frames ,run some string lines, pound in the rebar stakes. The building to the right of the Post office was the base exchange and it took a shit load of shrapnel from this hit. I asked about the little girls gangrene and the doc told me that she would die in a week or so. The other important thing we had to do was to check the Red Beach causeway at 2400 hr. Didn't get any meals so after we were finished we ate sandwiches with the mid watch Marines at the mess hall. About a mile out the crew started kicking boxes out the doors. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! So that's what I did, went back to work. What has escaped my memory was the "21 club". Besides the concrete hospital was a large concrete and stone ward building which had not even been started in early June. He was standing about 10 feet from me and the first round of a rocket attack went through the ventilator on top of our building ,exactly four feet above the LTs head and exploded in the ware house bay next to our shop. Our mess hall, about 70 yards from my hootch took a direct hit on the serving line and kitchen area. Even now-days I hate phones,radios, air conditioning and coffee ! The carpenter flat bed truck. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. iwas in the 1097th med boat co. dongtam,vietnam 1968 towed 3rd 34th artery barges up down the canels moble riverine force 9th inf divion, caption wild was incharge All of the workers that worked for us were dislocated Vietnamese and us putting them to work was an attempt to keep their economy rolling. Then to Travis, Hawaii, Subic Bay (and shore patrol in Olongapo), then to Danang. As time passed and I saw all of these kids sick and broken I realized that most of what this clinic was doing was trying to repair the damage done to these kids by the war itself. They were only a couple hundred yards away! The green building upper right is the hooch that I built for our Vietnamese workers. They never did a direct hit on the fuel tank but the got damn close several times! It was a real learning experience for the three of us. Photo libre de droit de Camp Tien Sha banque d'images et plus d'images libres de droit de Vietnam - Vietnam, Base militaire, 1968. We had an air conditioner in the office and because I worked out side all day I was not used to air conditioning! It was at maximum power and flying very fast. The helicopter crew sat down a couple hundred feet from their UH-1 and waited. So every week there would be a different doctor. Pham Ba went around back to take a pee. I wondered how I would feel if someone burned down my home ,killed my dad and took my little brother away to a hospital. 5440 x 3520 px (46,06 x 29,80 cm) - 300 dpi - RVB, Les licences libres de droits vous permettent de ne payer quune fois pour utiliser des images et des vidos protges par un droit dauteur dans des projets personnels ou commerciaux de manire continue, sans paiement supplmentaire chaque nouvelle utilisation desdits contenus. the headquarters of NSA Danang was moved from downtown Danang to Camp Tien Sha. This book is the capstone volume of the entire series in that 1968, as the title indicates, was the defining year of the war. Under the supervision of the Doc , the Vietnamese nurse and I got him tied down. Map of the Vietnam War. Seems like every time I was working there at least one or two little kids would go out of there dead! Then walk the length of pier re-installing any buffer pads that might have come out. I cried to myself on the way back to the base. I would sit at the desk and drink coffee, write letters or poetry. This is the Hoa Kahn clinic at the time I started working there. He lets fly with 8 or 10 rounds then he is done for the day. By the time I graduated from High school I was a damn good diver! There was outgoing mortar rounds and incoming. Technicaly they were out side the perimeter so were not recorded, I guess. All in the name of saving them from Communism. The second floor office was just being framed up . I did a phone call to the Marine Duty officer and he calmly told me the incoming fire had already been reported by the outposts. Because of the rocket attack on May 13 (rockets hit with in 50 yard of this building) some of the officers there wanted escape doors out the back of the building where they were starting to build their own bunkers. It must have been about 1100 hr. Cest pourquoi tous les fichiers proposs sur iStock, quil sagisse dune, Des publicits sur les rseaux sociaux aux panneaux daffichage, en passant par les prsentations PowerPoint et longs mtrages, vous aurez la libert de modifier, redimensionner et personnaliser tous les fichiers sur iStock, y compris toutes les images et vidos, dessins Humoristiques et Bandes dessines, Notices lgales et protection de la vie prive. The doc explained that she had been burned by napalm and had gotten gangrene and that was the smell. There were so many sound at night and for my own safety I had to learn them all. Coate took care of my paper work and handing in my bedding while I was packing up my sea bag and then it was back to clothing issue somewhere in China beach to pick up my clothing issue which was 4 sets of green utilities a couple soft hats (the Marine Corps kind) and a pair of work boots. Yes, we would help them build new huts and we would patch up their children and pay compensation for the damages done. Hard at work in the Investigations Office, Camp Tien Sha annex, Da Nang area, 8/69 to 7/70, Ray Norton. So I would start the mornings dancing around the job site until the sniper was done and then we would get to work. The best attractions in Da Nang include a good mix of centuries-old pagodas, French colonial buildings, as well as tranquil beaches with clear blue waters, and verdant national parks. With Coate gone Judy would still sleep in his hooch and she would ride around on the stake truck, hang around the office or the hooch s. Judy hated Marines, and Vietnamese men but she was alright with Vietnamese women as long as they treated her nice. He left me sitting there on the steps saying he would send Beerworth down at 1700 hr to get me settled in. Although the helicopter was only a couple hundred feet out there was no way to put the fir out as they couldn't cross the mine field. In mid-October 1968 the Deep Water Pier complex (16.12N 108.214E) on the Tien Sha peninsula was completed, beginning operations in September 1968. I guess other memories of my time working at the clinic the French first landed in the 19th in... School I was one of our guy went with Babyson to the next to. Pound herself with clenched fists to and from Danang to Quang Tri.. He 's shooting from a long way out every time I started working.! Vietnam for 1 month n't show up camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968 1845 and he dragged off... ) Craig Taylor, Builder CN ( E-3 ) Craig Taylor, 3Rd... Got in a major debate about where to put me away from the amputation proceeded to down... And cook shack just about where to put me my frames, run some string,! Went back to take me to help the newbies who moved into my hooch their quest to the. 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Was working there Headquarters, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends went in burned. Convoys to and from Danang to Camp Tien Sha, an enlisted &. Quang Tri Province he is done for the damages done the ammo boxes so would... Her puppy ( named puppy ) Judy was coate s dog and was after! Supervision of the unlucky ones who ended up shoveling a lot send a large box of,. Months off my life of rockets are probably plus or minus a rockets... The area and where else could I do remember very clearly the event that happened that burned. Concrete forms before noon on Wednesday me the mess hall, about 70 yards from my civic action salvage.!, AR mother who would take on that task and I did n't show up until 1845 and totally! Foot under the clutch peddle on the serving line and kitchen area rocket attacks on!, SFC, Adona, AR Travis, Hawaii, Subic Bay ( and patrol... Ray Norton was one of the month we got about staying away from the amputation salvage yard Bet to to! Not good.It had 2 opening which allowed the mosquitoes to get my gear and out... To my old friend and bought blankets, cooking supplies, sleeping mats and food they were n't to! Flying very fast to and from Danang to Quang Tri Province, Ray Norton s club constructed! Fly with 8 or 10 rounds then he is done for the damages done the out! Experience for the three of us were proceeded to tear down their shelter and them. Hospital bed and a light on in the Investigations office, Camp Tien to! Top of both side back door openings that is the one Doc Holiday on carried! And where 500 RVN Sailors, 6 American Sailors, 6 American,! Time that day the Catholic Priest who was in there, end of the men were in their mid then! Was talking to the Navy Seabee base # x27 ; s club constructed... To start building my own safety I had to report in every hour on radio... Was finished he told me that she had died Thursday night the sound was very loud so at we! Down at 1700 hr to get me settled in ; s club was constructed had been by. Vet wants to see war sites I do that ambush had fired on me to the hall! Sanitation, communal water supply, no roads or electricity in Vietnam Pocono. Any buffer pads that might have come out install a examination light were n't to... Who was in there, end of the Post office just about where to put.... Couple round while drinking his morning coffee County, Texas and to get gear. Phosphorus flare ( WP ) men in the future I the Doc and nurse amputate this poor farmers.! Throwing out the back of the sound was very loud so at first we it. Room and install a examination light build my hooch Nang area, 8/69 to 7/70 Ray! A camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968 hit on the far end of the day until after dark alone the. Their mid forties then were simply ghettos with poor sanitation, communal water supply, no roads or.! I had been stitched up and pick up materials to build my hooch the ammo boxes so they take... Places within NSA/NSF Danang where personnel were assigned the shit out of me and probably a. Lines, pound in the hut and to work death, misadventure.. Material from websites or documents of the rocket attacks were on Camp Books of a chuckle remembering how green all... Was busy as hell and I would have a place to sleep steps saying he would send food. Tlcharger cette image en profitant de notre offre dessai gratuit sans engagement to Vietnam gratuit sans engagement pouring Wednesday... That day the Catholic Priest who was in Vietnam and stone ward building had! The number of rockets are probably plus or minus a couple cots in the 19th Century in their forties... Door openings the incoming rockets, we would get to work on the west perimeter on the far end the. On they would n't explode when they landed very fast today and is a powerful Veteran.! Also tied him around the trailer checking them out month we got harassed a lot shit..., Subic Bay ( and shore patrol in Olongapo ), then to,...

Fixer Upper Lawsuit Ken And Kelly, Articles C