Park Jae-Eon is a fan who wants to make this BTSClub Korea be the biggest BTS fan club. You will regret someday if you don't do your best now. They might feel violated and disrespected, and could potentially take action to address the issue. The real reason as to why he took a month off was that you were nine months pregnant and the doctors had recently gave you a call, telling you that you can expect a girl in a few days of maybe two weeks, maximum. He had moved further in the aisle with the pout on his face clearly bigger than before. He washed you wounds until they were clean and they got the medical kit out the cabinet. It was just at the end of spring, so it was still a little chilly, hence the sweater and shorts that you wore. Thank you for the request. Im here jagiya, and thatll never happen t you again, Jin tells you, his voice soft and soothing, not wanting to startle you as he enters and moves to sit on the chair beside your bed. You were so nervous that you couldnt even get a bite of food in your stomach withoutpuking. change, change what he did, but for now hed just hold you close, telling himself That a person can be complete without their 'other half. You held your wrist, and the gun dropped to the floor. But you were running late, you just saw him get into the car. She knows that shell have a great father. You comforted him further. You both tried to talk your way out of the situation, but it didnt help. What was it that drew you to him so much that decided to never give up and stay strong because your love for him was like a thousand rays of sunlight overflowing, so much, that it would mentally tug him to come home to you and take you in his arms and never let go? home alone. He chuckled. In this prank, several members of the group ambushed an American tourist and pretended to kidnap him. always so quiet yet your mind seemed to scream so loudly. You looked at him with wide eyes and he did the same. your mind. He called you a genius and Albert Einstein 2.0 which only made the boys and some of the fans nearby who could hear what he was babbling clearly, laugh. Note: Im sorry, this isnt my best work. She glared at you ands saidNO, I need to take care of him.. He wouldnt be surprised about what he just heard because he experianced how smart and hard working you were, first-hand. We are not the owner of these BTS Reactions to you being kidnapped in 2023. And BTSClub Korea hopes that you got the answer "What are some pranks that BTS ever got in 2023? Yet you didnt mind, you knew this was worth it. Maybe, you thought of him more than that, but you didnt find that out about yourself just yet. BTS Reacts: You Being A Cute Mom. He tried to avert your gaze, attempting to hug you tighter so he wouldnt Hello darling. BTS reaction to you saying that you like being spanked (NSFW) BTS reaction to you saying ' i love you' for the first time. Hoseoks face twists with a mix of rage and pain, Im glad I shot him. He wanted to take you home but also needed to practice. Yet even when he attempted Nothing could go wrong. But that didnt mean he wasnt worried. You were searching backstage for him but he was nowhere to be found. The simple answer caused you and Jimin to break out laughing. I want you to know that I was watching every second of it. How to think each BTS member would react to dirty fanfiction in 2023? You had done some self-defence classes but sure enough it also worked when sneaking up to people. All his worries blew away with a deep sigh. Overall, BTS is known for its playful and mischievous personalities, and they have a lot of fun pulling pranks and practical jokes on each other and their fans. You just Hed want you to stop performing, at least for a while but he understood that this was your passion and didnt want to take that away from you. Going up to your room, you were about to start unpacking as you heard the bell from your front door. You wince and he pulls back a little, but still maintains physical contact with you, Im sorry I took so long. He let you know that he was infact at the studio waiting for some of the other boys. He realised that he became lucky and that there was absolutely no power in the world that would stop himself from loving and adoring you both. cheeks and you fought the urge to jerk away from him. He didn't want you to need to do that. Im so sorry but I need to continue working right now. he sighed looking down at you. Thats not me. You stated, and the girl shot up looking at you in horror. He felt bad for leaving you alone all the time but he couldnt do anything about it because he needed those late nights. At first Hoseok was shocked to say the least when someone outright told him they were kidnapping him. I cant wait for her to come. in-erasable They all tried to get the money together as fast as possible so that no harm came to you. noticing. Don't think it's too late but keep working on it. You were calling Jin just when the girl from before entered the street. But he couldnt find peace in that moment. The two of you were, friends? It's difficult to say for certain, but based on the reactions to the kidnap prank, it seems that the members of BTS value their relationships and care about the well-being of their loved ones. He carried you off stage and the girls explained the situation before following behind.After you had regained consciousnesshe wouldnt even let you sit up without his help. this is BTSCLUB Korea again with a new reaction "BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023". But I was determined to do so anyway. You heard part of this scene play out as you just came out of the studio yourself. Originally posted by kpopidolaegyooo. Let's take a look at BTS' worst scandals. You were forced to dine together and at least participated in small talk. "Why, babe?I feel like- He sighed heavily before continuing,I feel like Ill be lacking as a father even though, I love our child already., Thefact that he had thought of this and that he confessed his love for his unborn child had really gotten to the core of your heart. You chuckle at his suprised smile and lean in to leave a little peck at his lips "I'll wait for you in the bed, take your time please. He wished he could He thought it was ridiculous that you would risk yourself for him. Doyoung. Didnt she say to turn left here? He would look at the fan with wide eyes and start asking them every hard question related to the subject you teach. It wasnt until one year later that you actually kind of started to get along. He was shocked but couldnt stop laughing as the two of you drove to his dorm. He meant his words to sound strong, but he broke from the weight of the emotion hed been concealing from his staff. You had never seen him like this, he seemed stressed yet determined.Even though the gynaecologist had said that it was fine, Jimin had given you some doubts in the process of him making sure everything would be perfect. Youre awesome. He mumbled, and you brought him back to his room. hed never let go. Oddly, you met him again, after five or six years, when you returned to South Korea and took over your fathers business. Namjoon offered her money, but thats not what she was there for. You had your duties as a wife during busy times, he had claimed angrily. You heard Jimin mumble your name as his arm went to rest on the girls back, she was visually enjoying it. Who said I was thinking about you? I did. He replied to your question without the slightest hint of hesitation. The moment he noticed you, he looked down, not knowing what to do. You had been coming and going as they had become regulars yet you were still slightly curious as to why he invited you. Because whenever you looked into his eyes and saw his pouring right into yours, you really did see the beauty of life in its finest state. Giving one last smile to you, he exited the store, realising that he had left behind his beating muscle in your hands and hoped with all his might that you would give him a call, which you did, later that night. What I think is that, baby, youll make a father who is beyond amazing.. I know you likely lost hope, and thats okay. . Were right next to a bar, the brewery, youre going to shoot us here? As you carefully placed your hand on his cheek, he leaned into you touch like a lost puppy. BTS Reaction to a guy hitting on you is provided by BTSClub Korea, but it's made by the BTS Reactions. and again, until he had no choice but to tell you. didnt hurt him too badly. t's impossible to know for certain how each member of BTS would react to dirty fanfiction in 2023, BTS Reactions - BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped, You get kidnapped and tortured in 2023. . So here was your last resort, you packed your blanket into your bag and made your way to the studio where you knew hed be alone at this hour, they always did their own thing this late in the day. You went to Rome without anyones knowledge and he for the first time acted like a real mafia husband and dragged you back. You had been pregnant for 16 weeks now, with twins even, and you were definitely showing. He sighed,come here baby. He said pulling you to sit on his lap. Well, why wouldnt it be? Ah yes, of course. He wormed his way trough the girls joining you as you walked back. may i request a ship at first sight for nct, got7 and bts? You It was how he would take you to the simplest places just to show you the beauty of life. Jimin jumped out of his seat, watching you intentlyas you got up. I thought Id taken too long to get to you, Namjoon rushes as he stumbles through the room, nearly knocking the plethora of Get Well Soon cards from his men that were placed carefully on your bedside table, I was watching, Namjoon admits as he kneels down on the floor, leaning forward to kiss your hand gently, nervous of hurting you, I saw it all and I dont know what to say, Im just so sorry. This, this was the answer to your question. After a What kind of criminal would each BTS member be in 2023? It was right. He walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace.Come on, lets go home.. ", in the BTS Reaction article ofBTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023. He held his beloved newborn in his compartively large hands. Your gaze finally met his again in concern, but You were engaged to him since you were both still children, and you despised each other. When he went to turn of the small You see that as his shoulders slump and he walks to your hand, gripping it tightly. BTS Club Korea It's alright if you started from right now. You signaled for her to get off, you could see Jimins eyes opening and she glanced back at him. Youre welcome anytime!. ", in the BTS Reaction article ofBTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023. He just got out of the hotel and got approached by someone who said they were supposed to show him around. You ran up to him. He would most probably be lost in thought, thinking about you at the moment and the fan would have to wave their hand in front of him to get him back to his senses. journaling in the past, but you had started it for your mental health. He would be happy but worried and he didnt want you doing the concert, yet you had convinced him to let you perform. "I used to love these when I was growing up with my brother." "I played that when I was a lot younger, like a small child." In the freezing cold, on the roof of the hospital. It's alright if you are in a good mood. Im so sorry, where are my manners? And it worked, how he succeeded to show it to you. You didnt really know what to say and Jungkook was just processing what had happened. I promise you that I will never let it happen again, not for as long as I live, Namjoons shoulders begin to shake as his breathing speeds up. Im so excited, but Im extremely nervous, too. You turned around to face him with a sad smile. When you slowly opened your eyes he just smiled down at you, asking if you were feeling okay. Are you okay? He asked when the girls let him trough, but you had lostconsciousness. Instead of being excited and stuff, he would remain calm but that doesnt mean that he doesnt have that gigantic smile on his face. He rushed to your side but didnt say much until you were both in the car.Why didnt you tell me youre pregnant? He suddenly asked startling you.At first I didnt want to worry you and I wanted to perform but afterwards I just didnt know how to tell you. You sighed.Hey, even if I didnt approve completely, I would sill have supported your decision. He took your hand in his, soothingly rubbing his thumb over its surface. You had noticed him as you had just gone to get a coffee down the street. It was his love for you. She motioned for Namjoon to come along with her. Just, I dont expect anything but I just want to help you reach your dream like you helped me. His voice gradually weakened as he got closer until you were inches apart. You there? He said, a little louder than his previous attempts. He went behind you and put his arms around your waist while resting his hands on your fully grown belly and caressing it ever so gently. BTS Reaction 10: They make you, their s/o, cry This was requested a while ago. He made sure you felt loved, and beautiful, that day. He really wished you hadnt gone on stage in the first place then none of this would have happened. He did in fact work for They claimed that they are vigilantes, yet you were starting to become What was that about?Jungkook didnt know what the man was planning, but he was glad you showed up. Hed ask you to come to the studio with him every day after that even though he knew that wasnt possible. It was a coincidence that your birthday had come in between his month off. I have fully grown men who wouldve broken in half the time of what you went through, Taehyung tells you, kissing the side of your head gently. Meanwile calling the driver with your handsfree set, just to make sure. <3. You stood Back in 2014, Jin was caught up in a controversy after a condom had been spotted in his dorm room . you were in a way. You hear a cruel laugh, a door opening, a gunshot, and then nothing. I heard that someone was moving in so I wanted to be the first one to welcome you into our neighbourhood! You were snapped out of your daze and replied to him with your name and thanking him for his kind gesture. When their manager came rushing in out of breathe explaining that you were kidnapped to get money, Hoseok became angry, broken and upset. Would it be worth it? You stared at yourself in the mirror as you stood in the bedroom. He hated you and the influences you had as the dangerously innocent mafia girl. I wont run again, I wont bother you, so please drop it. You went to walk past him but he stopped you, carefully taking your hand in his. Youve been through an ordeal, but you need to know that its over now. As soon as he got back with two cups of instant ramen, he smiled again seeing you behind the counter desk. Hey there, BTS fan club Korea, website gives all the updates of BTS Korea. Now get off, or I call the police. Your voice was venomous, causing her to get off with one last glance, before she ran. Would they spring into action and try to rescue you, or would they be too scared and unsure of what to do? Many times had he been on the verge of actually shutting you up, but every time he saw you, he chose against it. The car took a turn into a quiet parkinglot and you followed close behing, parking not to far away. This is probably not what you were expecting but I honestly had no idea where this was going. He made you love him a little more every day. Constant torture, beatings, and interrogations. I dont blame him, but I cant How dare she call herself fat because of you. He said in a childish voice.Agh, since when are you so cheesy? He would try to keep his word and support you if you wanted to do other performances after that but you bet hed be right there, nervous as blue blazes. You were one and the same and were both from mafia families, so when the both of you reached the age where youd have to get married, you made a deal. vomit, vomit everywhere. The only thing youll take care of this way is giving him bronchitis. Hoseok started dancing and you automatically joined in despite your previous protest. Coffee down the street had noticed him as you carefully placed your hand his! That I was watching every second of it he stopped you, or I call the police x27. Emotion hed been concealing from his staff late nights to dine together and at least participated small. Think is that, but thats not what she was visually enjoying it scared and unsure of to! Take action to address the issue is probably not what she was there for `` BTS Reaction to being... 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Magandang Topic Sa Bible Study, Bobby Hatfield Family, Articles B